
打开海尔网站 网上事务邮箱提交合作书

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打开海尔网站 网上事务邮箱提交合作书打开海尔网站 网上事务邮箱提交合作书 --海博 电子商务【2】 12008248417 P27. 海尔的网上事务邮箱提交合作书,或通过其客服电话询问沟通。 合同均由EMS快递递交,再通过相关的网上银行进行帐务转帐。 针对不同的客服部门,经常可通过MSN等在线通讯工具进行细节上的沟通 再看,名字的关联 H: Haier and Higher A: @网络家电 I: Internet and Intranet E: www.ehaier.com ( Haier e-business) R:haier 的世界名...
打开海尔网站  网上事务邮箱提交合作书
打开海尔网站 网上事务邮箱提交合作书 --海博 电子商务【2】 12008248417 P27. 海尔的网上事务邮箱提交合作书,或通过其客服电话询问沟通。 合同均由EMS快递递交,再通过相关的网上银行进行帐务转帐。 针对不同的客服部门,经常可通过MSN等在线通讯工具进行细节上的沟通 再看,名字的关联 H: Haier and Higher A: @网络家电 I: Internet and Intranet E: www.ehaier.com ( Haier e-business) R:haier 的世界名牌的注册商标? 三个月增长10倍速的海尔电子商务,做有鲜明个性和特点的垂直门户网站 以通过电子商务手段更进一步增强海尔在家电领域的竞争优势,不靠提高服务费来取得赢利,而是以提高在B2B的大量的交易额和B2C的个性化需求方面的创新 优化供应链取代本公司的(部分)制造业,变推动销售的模式为拉动销售模式。提高新经济的企业的核心竞争力。 海尔电子商务从两个重要的方面促进了新经济的模式运做的变化。一是B2B(企业对企业)的电子商务来说,他促使外部供应链取代自己的部分制造业务;通过B2B业务,仅给分供方的成本的降低就收益8-12%。从B2C的电子商务的角度,他促进了企业与消费者的继续深化的交流,这种交流全方位提升了企业的品牌价值。 把商家也变成师,“个性化”不会增加成本。 海尔电子商务最大的特点就是个性化。去年我们在内部就提出了与客户之间是零距离,而此前客户的选择余地是有限的,这对厂家有利,现在一上网,用户要定制他自己的产品,这并不是所有企业都能做到的。 要做到与客户之间零距离,不能忽视商家的作用。因为商家最了解客户需要什么样的商品,要与客户之间零距离,就要与商家之间零距离,让商家代替客户来定制产品。B2B2C的模式符合实际情况,也帮我们培养了一大批海尔产品用户的设计师。 利用网络放大海尔的优势,减低成本和培植新的经济增长点 海尔将利用系统,进一步优化分供方。如果上网,就可以加快这种优化的速度。一个小螺丝钉到底世界上谁生产最好,一上网马上就会知道。这不仅仅是简单的价格降低,关键是找到了最好的分供方。正是这种交流,我们在短时间内建立了两个国际工业园,引进了国际上最好的分供方到青岛建厂,为海尔配套。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms P52 网页打不开,我选了当当网 1( 当当的物流渠道非常好,网络建设到3线城市,4天内发到 2( 库存优势明显, 3( 信息灵通,新书上架快 4( 他的主页偏近中国人的习惯 5( 在学生群体中有广大客户 6( 本土优势明显 P102 查找商品 如何查找商品, , 两种方式: , , , of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 放入购物车 如何使用购物车, 在购物车中,您可以: , 放入多件不同的商品 , 删除或恢复购物车中的商品 , 修改商品的购买数量 , 查看相关商品推荐 提交订单 如何提交订单, , , , , P162 DHL与UPS是国际快递行业的佼佼者,经过本人多年的经验浅谈一下他们的优势: 首先、清关能力: UPS快递在北美,欧州,中东清关过程略胜dhl一筹,所以ups快递在这些区域 时效上更加有保障. 韩国等清关过程较UPS快,且价格也实惠些. DHL快递在东南亚,日本, of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 其次、服务比较: DHL采用黄色LOGO,UPS采用黑色背景,各有特色,都让人感觉舒服. 都有各自的800电话,但是都不是24小时服务.UPS需要打入电话之后选择中文或者英文服务,DHL直接人工服务. 网上发件系统比较,DHL更加方便一些,发件之后2小时内就可以在网上查到包裹信息.UPS至少需要到第二天早晨才能查到. 再次、广告宣传: DHL的广告频频见诸媒体,特别是电视媒体。最近的一则广告比较有艺术,故事情节相当吸引人:送快递的DHL车遇到前面塞车,拼命按喇叭都不能过。这时候其工作人员下车,并骑上单车,穿街过巷,并及时把邮件交与公司前台签收。等他再走回邮送车时,塞车还没有解除。 这样的情节,自然是表达DHL在送递方面的专注和敬业的精神。对比起之前的广告,是几辆送邮递的车子遇到路口问题,不能前进。而DHL的车子则从荒郊草丛中穿过,另外找到路子,顺利把邮件送达。 现在见得DHL频频做广告,而另外一巨头UPS似乎稳坐中军帐,除了获得2008年北京奥运会的赞助商身份之外,其它广告则渐渐推进。近来见得UPS有一些公交车亭的户外广告,另外在天河体育中心旁边的外经贸大厦上也有巨幅广告牌。看得出来,UPS是想通过户外广告的形式,影响广告周围的潜在客户——大量的写字楼的单位。也许,UPS的这一招,能够更有效地获得它想要的客户群体。 其实,DHL进入中国更早,之前的市场份额与联邦快递一样,是中国最大的快递公司。但是,UPS借助了北京奥运会赞助商的这个身份,无论是品牌传播和市场开拓,都占据了很有利的地位,于是迅速崛起,市场迅速铺开。为此,DHL和联邦快递就不得不加强品牌宣传的投入和力度了。可以说,如果DHL要获得与UPS同样的宣传回报的话,也许,比UPS投入北京奥运的钱可能还要更多 且.UPS:他们的飞机和车是最多的,而且信誉也是最好的,不然人家怎么会是中国奥运指定赞助商呢。如果是到北美就属他们最便宜,可以做到今发明至,欧洲国家也不错。21KG起有大货价格 DHL:资格最老,因为他们进入中国市场的时间最早,东南亚地区是他们的优势,有些UPS到不了的地方他们能到。就是价格高了点,21KG起也有大货价格 所以我选UPS P188 易趣、淘宝现状比较 (一)基本功能 在eBay易趣平台上,所有的交易将通过eBay易趣,收取登录和交易服务费。淘宝则是免费的。在淘宝的店铺中,商家是可以留下自己的任何联系方式的,这也给网下见面交易等提供了可能,很多人在淘宝上开店,但并不实际完成交易。 eBay易趣的商品搜索中增加了热门搜索,选择余地更大,但是搜索页面因此打开的速度也比较慢。eBay易趣在“我的易趣”中设置了“纠纷处理平台”来解决买卖纠纷,而淘宝中也有纠纷举报平台可以使用。eBay易趣的商品搜索中增加了热门搜索,选择余地更大,但是搜索页面因此打开的速度也比较慢。易趣社of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 区给人的感觉是乱杂,就象一间毛胚房,没有什么装饰,淘宝的论坛则比较清晰明了,且运用了大量的主题色块,无论是查找帖子还是翻阅都较为轻松。 eBay易趣网和淘宝网上,均没有在B2C平台上很盛行的购物车功能,这就给选取多件商品的用户带来些许不便,不过在eBay易趣上有复选框可以在单页内选取多个商品。还有一点要提的是个人签名与图片,这个只在淘宝有,这也是淘宝论坛较为吸引人的特点之一, (二)交流工具 要提的重点是双方的附带产品,也就是说易趣提供给用户的附带品是“易趣助理”,而淘宝提供的则是“淘宝旺旺”。很显然这两款软件是截然不同的,“易趣助理”的功能是为卖家提供更方便的上货服务,而“淘宝旺旺”则将其功能放在了即时交流的平台上,这对买卖双方来说,都是互利的。或许有人会说,这样容易使买卖双方达成规避费用的协议,那对交易网站来说就是致命的武器。当时大家不要忘了淘宝尚在初期阶段,其麾下大多数卖家都是没几个心心的,卖家想冲心,必然不会逃避任何合理的费用,且淘宝现在处于优惠、免费的政策期间,如果有一天淘宝的高级卖家与易趣能相提并论了,那他BETA版本的淘宝旺旺就会有相应的更改了。 (三)安全性 从注册来看,无论易趣还是淘宝,都需要你有一个电子信箱,等注册完毕后,网站会发一封信到你的注册信箱中,按照上面的步骤,就可以轻松实现注册的全过程了。不过,注册完毕之后,还有一个认证的过程。这是决定你是否能获得网上交易权利的重要环节。 在易趣中,没有通过认证注册的会员只能享受部分买物品的权利。通过认证的过程为:在首页下部有选项“点击这里迅速成为星级用户”。在这里可以通过手机即时通过认证,而之后交易的费用也将从你的电话费中扣除。如果用身份证和信用卡等级,则需要在首页顶部“诚信与安全”链接里的“交易和安全”栏里找到“实名制认证申请”。填写身份证号码或者信用卡卡号。这个认证过程需要1,7个工作日。 而在淘宝中,认证机制只有通过身份证认证一种。注册用户可以通过扫描身份证后上传副件,也可以通过以邮寄身份证复印件至淘宝公司的通过认证。另外还有一种简单的方法就是用传真。不过这样的方式必须要先和工作人员取得联系后才方便进行,淘宝的交易成功仅凭买卖双方说了算,整个交易流程中大部分物品的交付处于不可控的状态,允许一些交易在线下支付货款,为部分用户不实际成交互换好评开了方便之门;其次由于对交易双方没有完全采用实名认证,也没有和银行系统的征信机构连接,不能排除自卖自买的情况发生;加之国内没有建立网上、网下的失信惩戒机制,淘宝的信用评价机制还不能发挥全部作用。 经营模式比较 只要是会上网,一二元钱就可以在网上开个店。在交易中充当路由器的网站,将买家和卖家聚集起来,提供交易的平台。买家通过竞拍,出价最高者得到商品网站通常会从交易收入中提取一部分佣金。如果少了卖家和买家,网站也就运作不起来,所以庞大的用户基础是网站经营的关键。目前,在中国,最具影响力的拍of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 卖模式网站恐怕非易趣网(www.eachnet.com)和淘宝网(www.taobao.com)莫属。2003年6月美国网上销售巨头EABY以1.8亿美元收购易趣美国公司的全部股权进入中国市场。淘宝是由阿里巴巴投资1亿元,于2003年7月正式创办的个人网上交易平台。这些事件都说明众多国际互联网从业者都看好中国这个市场。 (1)各自经营方式的特点比较 易趣:收取商品登陆费,目前易趣向卖家收取商品登录费、登录费1元至8元不等,以商品最低成交价为计费基数。并在每次交易成功之后,收取相应佣金也就是交易服务费,价格按每件商品在网上成交金额的0.25%到2%收取,如果未实际成交则不收取。一件商品在易趣网上以3000元人民币的价格网上成交,交易服务费约为30元。实名注册,易趣用户必须要实名注册,通过实名认证后,不但有“奖状”作为标记,还能得到一颗星;交易后双方互做信用评价,信用评价由评价类型(好,中,差)和评论内容组成。用户得到的所有评价构成用户的信用记录。认真如实的评价可以为其他用户提供参照,当然,评价方同样可以从他人提供的评价里获益。目前此方法被广泛使用在电子商务领域。 淘宝:实行免费政策,“[2]淘宝认为,中国互联网用户正在经历从网民到网友再到网商的历史转折时期,互联网用户已经表现出通过网上交易为自己创造真实的价值的强烈趋势。只有让用户真正在网上交易中获得利益,才能培养更多更忠实的网络交易者。目前国内个人网上交易的成交额仅仅为十几亿,尚处于刚刚开始的萌芽状态,在这一点上,建设和推动这个市场才是至关重要。免费,降低了中国网民网友网商上网进行个人间交易的门槛,是保护当前网上交易双方利益的 支付宝”,最有措施,也是体现公平竞争规则的现实选择。”“淘宝旺旺”,“特色应该是“淘宝旺旺”这一即时通讯软件,联系或留言给买卖家都十分方便。除此之外“支付宝”为买家提供支付保障,使买家在购买时更没有后顾之忧。创立之初即被誉为当年国内最成功网络投资项目,除创造性地推出“支付宝”产品,将网络交易的危险性降到最小以外,还与工行、招行等进行全方位的合作,积极完善个人网上交易支付平台。 (2)取得的成绩[3] 易趣方面称,衡量电子商务的重要指标主要有两个:一个是交易额,另一个是成交率。据透露,2003年易趣的交易额达到了10亿元人民币,成交率达到了55%。 2004年4月,互联网实验室发布的个人交易网站增长幅度,淘宝网以768,的高增长率领先国内网站;2004年5月,上海艾瑞公司发布的网民覆盖率市场调查报告中,淘宝网首次超越国内外同行,跃居第一的位置。目前,淘宝网在线商品数量达到近200万件。 (3)存在问题[4] 安全、诚信依然是亟需解决的问题。只要是涉及到金钱的交易就必然会存在风险,网络这一新兴的交易平台在创造许多财富的同时,也正在暴露出一些存在的问of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 题。首先是诚信的问题,它对电子商务的健康发展起着生死攸关的作用。因为网上交易的主要瓶颈是信用,很多人比较担心的问题是产品质量、售后服务及厂商信用、安全性得不到保障,所以网上平台必须建立一套信用体系,保证商品质量、交易安全和市场秩序。 网上购物人群仍占很小份额,在网民上网目的中,直接进行网上购物的比例仍然是少的可怜,很多人还停留在有兴趣的阶段,爱好和购物是两回事。个人成规模做起来还很不容易。 缺乏触摸感,要追上传统零售道路仍很漫长。这是网络零售最大的劣势所在。由于只可眼观而不能手动,消费者往往无法得到商品更多的内在信息,例如一件衣服的质感、一台音响的效果等等,这使得消费者很难对商品质量产生信赖感,传统商店在这方面却占尽优势。 总结 从功能上,服务上,管理上,会员积极性上,还有淘宝的文化氛围使用户不断的涌向淘宝,我认为淘宝相对易趣的成功,几个关键因素是: 第一,淘宝的人性化和中国化。淘宝的人性化体现其中之一就是淘宝旺旺 功能和友善的界面是一个很大的因素,淘宝的功能是最完善的,是最人性化。易趣的网站界面是英文翻版,极不符合中国人的习惯。一进站就头晕晕的,淘宝中国化符全中国人的习惯,亲和友好,赏心悦目,用起来得心应手 第二,淘宝是免费的。所以吸引无数买卖家来尝试新鲜事物,为淘宝吸引了无数的买卖家。许多人都注意到,在淘宝的免费攻势下,易趣在节节败退无论是流量还是交易额都已经为淘宝赶超。而易趣就是要收费的,很大的程度限制会员的及时交流和沟通的,针对这样的情况,淘宝开发的交易及时交流聊天工具就很符合网上购物和网上交易,所以这个功能深的大家喜欢。 第三,在支付功能上,淘宝打造了最诚信和最安全的网上交易市场。淘宝开发了支付宝功能,这个功能的出现,最大程度的符合会员的强烈要求,就是共同建造网上交易诚信环境,让买家敢于尝试网上购物,让卖家能取信于客户,在网上购物不必抱着敢于第一个吃螃蟹的心态。 总的来说在大多的C2C的网站里,淘宝是做的比较出色的。因为是学电子商务专业的,在专业实习上模拟过c2c操作平台,所以对网上拍卖的基本流程,有一定的了解和认识,虽然两个网站相比我喜欢淘宝多一些,但是,淘宝和易趣都是中国C TO C电子商务网站的巨头,他们身上有很多的优点和缺点,我们一篇论文是说不尽的,只有用心体会和细心观察,一定可以找到更多的优点和缺点,不论是优点和缺点,都是我们宝贵的经验,免费也好,收费也罢,不同的网站当然有权利选择自己的经营模式。但c2c电子商务的发展壮大是必然趋势,未来不可估量。 P215 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 斯坦福大学的供应链专家李效良(HauLee)在过去15年中对60多家注重供应链管理的领先公司包括戴尔进行了研究,结果发现一流的供应链都具备了三大特点:反应敏捷(Agile)、能让各方利益协调一致(Aligned)、适应性强(Adaptable)。他认为,只要具备了这三个特点的供应链就能为公司创造可持续的竞争优势,他将其称为“3A”供应链。 当我们仔细考察戴尔的供应链之后,我们发现,“3A”恰恰是戴尔供应链的精髓所在。 李效良认为,反应敏捷的供应链,能针对原料供应和市场需求所发生的突变情况迅速采取应对措施。如何培养这种能力呢,李效良给出的第一条建议就是:加强与供应商的信息沟通。 戴尔的李元均也认为加强和供应商的信息沟通是戴尔供应链最重要的地方。这是戴尔为什么这样注重“虚拟整合”这个概念的原因。实际上迈克尔•戴尔也说戴尔是“用信息代替库存”。 供应链管理中有一个最令人头疼的“牛鞭效应”——下游实际需求信息从最终客户端沿着零售商、批发商、分销商、制造商逆行而上传递,在达到最终源头原供应商时,被人为逐级放大,乃至严重扭曲失真。而企业和供应商之间充分的信息共享是减小“牛鞭效应”的有效途径。 戴尔和供应商信息共享的工具就是“交易引擎”。李元均说,戴尔希望利用自己的技术让中国中小企业也能够受惠,把信息化平台延伸到上游的供应商。戴尔现在正在和中国一个公共部门合作,希望建立一个公共的交易引擎,使得中小企业也能够在这个平台上和供应商交易,并且相互之间不会受到干扰。 李效良指出,成功的公司总是力图使供应链上其他各方与自己保持利益一致。这非常关键,因为供应链上的每家公司——无论是原料供应商、产品装配厂、经销商,还是零售商——都在努力使自身利益最大化;而在供应链的实际运行中,若有任何一方与其他各方的利益产生分歧,其行为将对整个供应链的效用产生破坏作用。戴尔对供应商的管理哲学很明显地体现了这一点。 很多公司曾经也拥有竞争力很强的供应链,可是随着市场情况的变化,它们的供应链逐渐不能适应新环境。公司若想长久地保持竞争力,除了使供应链适应环境变化之外,别无选择。 而戴尔的供应链其实永远处在变化当中——BPI不就是要使得供应链时刻响应市场的变化吗,而“学习的文化”也使得戴尔的供应链在不断的进步,对市场环境有着很强的适应性。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms
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