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教你一眼看出山寨卡手机储存卡教你一眼看出山寨卡手机储存卡 真假辨别教程 前两天在坛子里溜达时,无意中发现了一位网友的悲催经历:“他在某网店看到了金士顿TF内存卡的促销信息,16GB的35元,32GB的100元,与市场均价相比确实便宜很多,而后他就各买了一张。不过,对于如此便宜的内存卡他也产生了疑问,所以购买后第一时间就通过金士顿官网查询了内存卡包装上的防伪码,经验证确实是正品。但在使用了一段时间后就发现自己的内存卡读写速度比别人的要慢很多,而且在复制比较大的文件时会提示错误,随后他从网上下载了一个内存卡检测工具,最终测试结果表明这两张内存卡的实际容量...
教你一眼看出山寨卡手机储存卡 真假辨别教程 前两天在坛子里溜达时,无意中发现了一位网友的悲催经历:“他在某网店看到了金士顿TF内存卡的促销信息,16GB的35元,32GB的100元,与市场均价相比确实便宜很多,而后他就各买了一张。不过,对于如此便宜的内存卡他也产生了疑问,所以购买后第一时间就通过金士顿官网查询了内存卡包装上的防伪码,证确实是正品。但在使用了一段时间后就发现自己的内存卡读写速度比别人的要慢很多,而且在复制比较大的文件时会提示错误,随后他从网上下载了一个内存卡检测工具,最终测试结果明这两张内存卡的实际容量都只有 2GB。” 或许大家会感到疑惑,2GB的内存卡怎么能变成16GB和32GB呢?其实,他买的这种内存卡被称为“扩容卡”,在行业内部早已不是什么秘密,这也是山寨厂家和奸商最常用的牟利手段。一般来说,用一张十几二十元的2GB内存卡扩容成16GB或32GB,然后以低价吸引消费者购买,其中的利润翻了好几倍。针对这个情况,今天小宇就为各位普及一下内存卡的基础知识,同时再教大家几个简单的鉴别方法,以避免购买时上当受骗。 内存卡的前世今生 回想当年,大家都还在用着非智能机,由于功能单一,需要存储的数据也就是通讯录和短信。虽然那时也有手机游戏,但大多都是几十KB,并不需要太大的存储空间。但随着手机功能的多样化,尤其是音乐、拍照、视频元素的加入,原本充裕的内存也变得紧张起来,有一部分手机选择了扩大机身内存,但大多数手机厂商还是选择内存卡扩展空间的方式。 MMC内存卡 虽然大家每天都在使用,但早期的手机内存卡并不是现在这样“娇小”的造型,而且容量也没有那么大。其中MMC内存卡算是比较早的一种,它是在1997年由西门子及SanDisk共同开发而成,基于东芝的NAND快闪记忆技术,比采用IntelNOR快闪记忆技术的CF卡更细小。当初MMC卡应用较为广泛,数码相机、PDA、手机都可以使用,其中诺基亚采用MMC内存卡的机型相对较多。 SD内存卡 之后,SD内存卡开始兴起,它是由日本松下、东芝及美国SanDisk公司于1999年8月共同开发研制。SD内存卡是一种基于半导体快闪记忆器的新一代存储设备,它被广泛地用于便携式装置上,并且拥有高记忆容量、快速数据传输率、极大的移动灵活性以及很好的安全性。虽说SD内存卡很快的取代了MMC内存卡的位置,并且一直沿用至今,但实际上它也是基于MMC格式发展而来,两者在一些设备上还具有一定的兼容性。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com TF内存卡 上图就是现在最为常见的TF内存卡,它是由SanDisk公司研制,主要用于手机设备,相比早期的MMC内存卡它的体积更小,容量更大,而且兼容性强。通过卡托就可以转换为SD卡,扩展性极强,在2004年它被SD协会正式更名为Micro SD。 2GB变32GB 扩容卡内幕大曝光 在文章开始的时候小宇已经提到过,现在市场销售的不少TF内存卡的实际存储空间与标称并不相符,像2GB变32GB、4GB变32GB的情况比比皆是。而所谓扩容卡就是扩展电子设备容量的存储介质,例如手机、MP3、MP4、数码相机、U盘、CF内存卡、SD内存卡、TF内存卡等等,这些都可以被扩容。尤其是现在最常用的TF内存卡,扩容现象最为严重,主要集中在金士顿、SanDisk这两个品牌。 www.28az.com 主控芯片检测工具 上图是一个用于检测存储设备主控芯片的工具,在将一张32GB扩容卡放在读卡器上,然后再连接到电脑,通过这个检测工具就可以测出其主控芯片的真伪。从图中不难看出,最下方的参考产品一览显示的结果是:此U盘可能是山寨黑盘(由于通过读卡器连接,所以检测工具会将其识别为U盘)。因为如果不使用工具的话,简单地查看属性或者格式化内存卡都无法检测出问,在电脑上显示的依旧是扩容后的数值。当然,这只是一个初步的检测,假如有所怀疑就可以先用这个方法查一下,而具体是否扩容、实际容量是多少就需要别的软件来鉴定。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com 32GB扩容卡恢复后的实际容量 其实,对于购买扩容卡的消费者来说,损失点钱倒是小事,毕竟内存卡顶多也就200多元,而它最大的危害则是在数据安全方面。一般来说,扩容卡在复制一些文件的时候会出现错误提示,因为扩展出来的空间并不算真正意义上的内存。当然,出现报错也需要一定条件,这也是很多朋友在购买到扩容卡后长时间没有发现问题的原因。 www.28az.com 文件传输过程 例如,一张2GB内存卡扩容到了32GB,当我们将它连接到电脑上,通过属性是不会发现有问题的。如果我们复制总容量为3GB的1000首歌曲,这时内存卡一般不会有什么异样,报错的几率比较小,因为每首歌曲的大小仅为几MB。但是,当我们复制一部容量为3GB的高清电影时,这张扩容卡就会出现报错提示,因为这时单个文件的大小已经超过了内存卡的实际容量,这种情况是无法传输数据的。虽说复制1000首歌曲很少出现报错,但由于扩容的部分并不稳定,很容易出现数据丢失的问题。同时,扩容会导致内存卡使用寿命减少,甚至直接烧坏,最后连格式化都无法进行,容量只显示为8MB或者16MB,而且还无法打开。还有一种情况就是,将文件复制进去,当时打开一般没问题,但只要更换电脑或者重启的话就会出现数据丢失或者报错,这是因为系统会优先读取本地磁盘的缓存文件。由此可以看出扩容卡的危害之严重,如果卡内文件十分重要的话,一旦丢失将很难找回 SanDisk官方也生产扩容卡? 看到题目大家肯定会疑惑,SanDisk官方怎么可能生产扩容卡?其实此“扩容卡”非彼扩容卡,这其中又涉及到一个存储单元芯片的问题。一般来说,Nand闪存主要分为MLC多层存储单元、SLC单层存储单元和TLC三种类别,这三种类别也分别适用于不同的使用环境,最常见的就是MLC和SLC,SanDisk使用的就是MLC。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com MLC多层存储单元 MLC是Multi-Level Cell多层存储单元的缩写,它的最大特点就是容量大成本低,但是速度却很慢。MLC的每个单元为2bit,相对SLC来说整整多了一倍。也就是说,同样100个单元,MLC就要比SLC的容量大很多,通常制造128MB的内存卡需要用1024个单位的晶圆颗粒,而SanDisk来制造同样的内存卡只需要用512个单位的晶圆颗粒,这其实就相当于变相的“扩容”。虽然这样可以降低成本,但却牺牲了速度,由于每个MLC存储单元中存放的数据过多,结构相对复杂,出错的几率也相对增加,必须进行错误修正,同时MLC的擦写寿命仅为5000-10000次。而很多消费者却不知道这一点,SanDisk超高的知名度掩盖了其产品上的“瑕疵”。 www.28az.com SLC单层存储单元 SLC是Single Layer Cell单层存储单元的缩写,它的最大特点就是稳定、速度快、功 耗低,但相比MLC容量要小一半,成本也相对较高。SLC的每个单元为1bit,其存储单元中 存放的数据较少,结构相对简单,出错的几率也大大降低。而且,SLC闪存的复写次数高达 100000次,是MLC的10-20倍,它经常被用在企业级SSD上,但同样SLC的成本也较MLC高 出三倍有余。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com PNY-必恩威 在了解了MLC和SLC的区别及优缺点之后,相信有不少朋友会问,现在有哪个品牌的内存卡在使用SLC呢?其实这个品牌的国际知名度丝毫不亚于SanDisk,它就是--PNY(必恩威)。它是美国第二大内存卡厂商,也是美国通路市场第一大品牌,而且它在欧洲的市场占有率极高,国内也有销售,只不过很多消费者不了解罢了。其内存卡产品采用SLC制成,也是市场上为数不多的高速卡。 从外观初识真假 一般来说,购买内存卡之后,我们首先要做的就是辨别这张内存卡的真假,也就是说先要确定它是不是你买的那个厂商生产的。虽说扩容卡在将容量扩展后会更改内存卡上相应的容量标识,但至少要保证这张卡是原厂生产,因为如果遇到了无法退换的情况,我们至少还可以将内存卡还原为实际容量,这样的话大品牌内存卡总要比杂牌或者山寨的要好。 www.28az.com 金士顿TF内存卡正面图片 网上也有不少关于内存卡的鉴别文章,但大多都是通过包装、防伪码来进行分辨。其实,这种方法现在看来已经不是很靠谱,因为市场中有不少商家在回收包装。除此之外,现在的高仿包装已经可以做到以假乱真的地步,就连背后的防伪码都可以制作,这些假编码同样可以在官网查询到,足见奸商们的手段之高。所以相对保险的方法就是对内存卡本身进行鉴别,下面我们就拿时下热销的金士顿TF卡来做一下鉴别。先来看一下正面,主要关注两个点,一是中间的激光码,二是底部的凹槽。一般假卡的激光码刻字会出现模糊、字号不统一、编码间隔不均匀的问题,而真卡则不会出现这种情况。另外,真的金士顿TF卡正面左下方会有一个圆形凹槽,假卡一般则没有。 金士顿TF内存卡背面图片 然后我们再来看背面,这也是较容易的方法。从上图可以发现,原装金士顿TF卡背面每个铜片下方都会有一个明显的铜点,而高仿金士顿TF卡则没有这个铜点。出现这种差别的原因就是山寨厂商的技术和工艺还无法达到如此高的水平,所以再次提醒大家,在购买时一定不要忽略这些细节。 扩容卡及坏块检测 当然,通过内存卡的外观我们只能简单的判断它是否为正品,但却不能鉴定它是不是扩based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com 容卡。要想知道你买的内存卡是否被扩容,那么就需要用特定的测试工具--MyDiskTest。它是一款集5大功能于一身的移动存储产品扩容识别工具,通过它可以方便的检测出存储设备是否经过扩充容量。同时也能查出存储设备是否有坏块,是否采用黑片,它不会破坏磁盘原有数据,并可以测试读取和写入速度。 MyDiskTest扩容检测工具 从上图可以看出,这款软件界面还是比较简单的,当用户将内存卡连接到电脑上之后,通过最顶部的下拉菜单就可以选择要检测的设备。确定设备后,下面就可以选择测试方法,默认是坏块检测和快速扩容测试,这相当于是一个组合选项,不能单独测试其中某一项,两项检测是同时进行的。一般来说,想检测自己的内存卡是否被扩容就可以直接采用默认设置,然后点击立即开始测试此驱动器,下面我们就用一张16GB容量的SanDisk内存卡来做一下演示。 www.28az.com MyDiskTest扩容检测工具 既然名为快速扩容测试,那整个检测过程用时就不会太久,也就5分钟左右。通过上图 可以看出,坏块检测与快速扩容测试主要会测试三个方面:读写、覆写、快速诊断。检 测完成过后就会有一个结果,可以看出,这张内存卡已经通过了默认测试,基本可以断定它 不是扩容卡。当然,如果不放心的话可以按照提示进行数据完整性校验,只需点击快速扩容 测试下的选项,然后按开始就可以了。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com MyDiskTest扩容检测工具 从上图来看,经过数据完整性校验,最终这张内存卡通过了测试,也就是说它是真正的16GB容量,并非扩容卡。 www.28az.com MyDiskTest扩容检测工具 如果没有通过测试的话,就这张内存卡为扩容卡。如上图,这是一张标称为32GB的内存卡,经过快速扩容测试后发现它是一张扩容卡。图中进度条的绿色部分为实际容量,而红色部分则是扩展容量,从数据来看,这张内存卡的实际容量仅为4GB,也就是说它扩展了28GB,扩容量达到7倍之多,其成本也不过十几元,而奸商一般都会卖200元,可想而知里面的利润有多高。 读写速度检测 进行完上面的检测后,我们就可以断定自己买的内存卡是否被扩容,如果是扩容卡的话就需要将其恢复到实际容量,以免在使用时丢失数据。如果不是的话,那么我们还需要回到第一个问题,即内存卡是否为正品。虽说过了外观和扩容检测这两关,但还不足以证明内存卡的真假,最后,我们还要对卡速进行一下测试,使用的依旧是MyDiskTest检测工具。 MyDiskTest读写速度测试 相比扩容检测,内存卡的读写速度测试就更为容易,只需在软件主界面点击速度测试,然后按开始就可以了。这时会跳转到上图中的界面,点击右上角的开始测试就会进行检测,时间也是5分钟左右。其中最上面两大块分别为测试项目和平均读写速度。而下方的纵轴表示读写速度,横轴表示容量大小。中间的数个绿色数轴为读取速度,红色为写入速度,待上图界面完全出现后就可以点击关闭了。 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed www.28az.com MyDiskTest读写速度测试 关闭后就会跳转到MyDiskTest的主界面,上图红框圈住的部分就是最终测试结果,其中包括物理操作速度、创建文件速度、删除文件速度、随机读写速度、文件复制速度。得到这些数值后,就可以去该内存卡的官网查找资料,一般品牌内存卡官网都会提供产品的读写速度,当然大多都是平均值和最低值,两相对比后,只要差距不是太大就可以确定为原装无扩容内存卡。 结束语: 文至于此,相信大家对于手机内存卡的一些基础知识和鉴别方法已经有了一个大致的了解。从文中不难看出,扩容卡的危害还是比较严重的,如果将重要数据放在这种内存卡中就很容易出现丢失的情况,那时候损失的就不仅仅是一两百块钱了,文件很有可能因此无法找回。其实想避免类似情况发生也并不困难:首先,不能贪图小便宜,本来一张内存卡就没有多少钱,所以尽量从正规商家或者网站购买;其次,购买时要先对外观进行辨别,仅仅知道方法还不够,最重要的依旧是细心和耐心;第三,购买之后一定要先用软件对内存卡进行测试,确认无误后再行使用。最后,希望本文能给大家购买内存卡提供一些参考和帮助。 本文来源于:www.28az.com www.28az.com
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