

2017-10-21 12页 doc 70KB 18阅读




健康有效的清理宿便方法健康有效的清理宿便方法 教你如何在早晨輕鬆的排除宿便 腸道知識,人的腸道有8-10米長,並且千褶百皺,平均每隔3.5厘米就有一個彎折,人們即使每天都排泄,也總會有一些食物殘渣滯留在腸道的褶皺內,它們在細菌的作用下乾結、腐敗、發酵,日積月累,這些食物殘渣最終形成厚達5-7毫米,重達5-6公斤的黑色、惡臭、有毒的物質,並像銹一樣牢牢地粘連在腸壁上,其堅硬程度與輪胎相似,它們慢慢侵蝕著我們的身體,人們習慣稱之為宿便。宿便堆積在腸道內發酵、腐敗,並不斷產生各種毒素、毒氣,造成腸內環境惡化、腸胃功能紊亂,既而引發內分泌失調、新陳代謝...
健康有效的清理宿便方法 教你如何在早晨輕鬆的排除宿便 腸道知識,人的腸道有8-10米長,並且千褶百皺,平均每隔3.5厘米就有一個彎折,人們即使每天都排泄,也總會有一些食物殘渣滯留在腸道的褶皺內,它們在細菌的作用下乾結、腐敗、發酵,日積月累,這些食物殘渣最終形成厚達5-7毫米,重達5-6公斤的黑色、惡臭、有毒的物質,並像銹一樣牢牢地粘連在腸壁上,其堅硬程度與輪胎相似,它們慢慢侵蝕著我們的身體,人們習慣稱之為宿便。宿便堆積在腸道內發酵、腐敗,並不斷產生各種毒素、毒氣,造成腸內環境惡化、腸胃功能紊亂,既而引發內分泌失調、新陳代謝紊亂,還有可能引發各種病症。可以毫不誇張地說,腸道問題是萬病之源。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 宿便的危害, 科學研究結果顯示,人體的免疫系統逾50%是位於結腸。結腸一旦無法正常運作,體內的毒素就會經由其它管道,例如腎臟、皮膚及呼吸,而被排出體外,造成體臭、口臭、皮膚暗晦、皮膚過敏、發疹及色素斑等等問題。有些人以為肚腩的贅肉是由於發胖所致,其實,那是結腸內的毒素大量積結,因而造成腹部贅肉顯視及體重增加。體內毒素過量累積也會加重腎臟和肝臟的負擔,進而損及其它重要器官。長期體內不間斷的惡性循環,久而久之就會導致致癌物在體內累積,引發各種癌症。 “死亡結局始於結腸”- Dr. Bernard in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep Jensen 的這句名言,正好說明了結腸清潔對人體健康的重要性。 宿便的典型表現, 天天排便仍有殘便感, 或長期一周內持續3天以上不排便、毒素蓄積的後果,皮膚粗糙,腹脹,腹痛,大腸癌。 食物解決方案, 富含食物纖維的雜糧、水、穀物、豆類、海藻類、蘋果、酸奶、富含寡糖的食物 清除宿便的方法, 1、首先是清腸。 清腸的方法目前主要有三種, ?機械療法, ?藥物療法, ?食物療法。 這三種方法,機械療法比較痛苦,藥物療法雖然能清除體內宿便,但凡藥三分毒,所以最科學的清腸方法就是食物療法, 而食物療法除了飲食外及清腸保健食品外,最經濟、最有效的就是自我清腸。 2、其次是堅持適度的運動鍛煉。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 選擇喜愛的運動項目,並持之以恆地參加鍛煉,還可常做俯臥撑、揉腹等,有利於增強腹肌,促進腸道蠕動,加速排出糞便,使腸道內菌群保持平衡,防止腸道老化。 3、三是要有愉悅的情緒。 腸道是人的“第二大腦”,情緒的好壞關乎到腸子的安危和消化功能的健全。 如何清除宿便, 最近新訪到一種簡便、經濟又有效的清除方法,發給大家,感興趣的朋友可以一試。 準備, 清腸前一天要吃清淡一點,不要大魚大肉,不吃不易消化的纖維,心情愉悅。準備好一壺開水,大概有六瓶礦泉水的量,放入兩勺鹽,湯勺平平的為一勺,,攪拌均勻。十點左右睡覺,上好鬧鐘,定在五點五十,保證第二天早上能起得來。 過程, 早上五點五十起床,喝一杯溫開水,活動一下,另外燒一壺開水用來兌鹽水。記得衣服穿寬鬆,冬季要注意保暖。準備就諸,在凌晨六點,身體排毒的最佳時間開始喝第一杯鹽水,用昨晚準備好的鹽水兌早上燒in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 開的白水,600ML,相當於一瓶礦泉水的量,,溫熱,鹽味和稍微鹹一點的菜湯差不多。因此,喝水應該講究技巧,如果小口小口地喝水,水流速度慢,水很容易在胃裡被吸收,產生小便。所以最好是大口大口地喝(即喝滿口),吞嚥動作快一些,這樣,水能夠盡快地到達結腸,同時刺激腸蠕動。 說明, 這種濃度不需要很精確,但是一定要保證有鹽味。因為有一定的濃度,腸道會當作血在流動,不會吸收喝下去的水,所以鹽水才有足夠的分量沖洗腸道,最後由大腸排出。為了加速水的流動,防止它在胃裡堆積,這時候一定要加上運動。最有效的是瑜伽三式,每式十次。 第一式, 向上拉伸。雙手手指交叉相握,掌心向上,踮起腳尖,全身盡力往上拉升,瑜伽式的腹式呼吸十次,即吸氣時肚子外鼓,呼氣時收腹,這樣腹肌也能很好地參與運動。 第二式, 雙手手指還是交叉相握,掌心向上,深吸一口氣,然後一邊呼氣一邊盡力往左伸展,直到氣呼完,再吸氣in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 回來手向上,算一次,再一邊呼氣一邊盡力往右伸展。第三式, 雙手平舉,手心相對,深吸一口氣,左手彎曲向頸,然後一邊呼氣一邊把右臂盡力往右伸展,眼睛平視右手尖,直到氣呼完,再吸氣回來右手彎曲向頸,左手打開,然後一邊呼氣一邊把左臂盡力往左伸展,眼睛平視左手尖三式做完可以繼續喝下一杯。我做了幾次,第一次是喝第二杯水開始排宿便,直喝到十二杯水開排出清便,很清很透明,,第二次是從第四杯開始排便,喝完十杯,第三次只喝了八杯就清了,所以說清得越多,宿便越少,你的腸胃越健康。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep
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