

2017-10-20 14页 doc 103KB 34阅读




修复电瓶车电池修复电瓶车电池 [转] 教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶有一招 电瓶车电池一般用不了二年,这是内行人骗外行人的话语。用一个全封闭电池蒙骗了好多人。 一般的电池都可以加电池补充液修复,全封闭的电瓶车电池为何不行。报着死马当活马医的心态,我撬开了电池。 不看不知道,一看才知道原来所谓的全封闭,里面和普通的汽车铅蓄电池一样,完全可以加电池补充液修复。 电池补充液,2元钱一瓶,摩配城有卖的,450毫升左右。一瓶一般就可以修复一辆电瓶车,一组4个电池。 2元钱的成本,2百多元的收益,难怪现在偷电池的小偷那么多。若要富,走险路啊~ 现将我的...
修复电瓶车电池 [转] 教你怎么修复电瓶车电瓶有一招 电瓶车电池一般用不了二年,这是内行人骗外行人的话语。用一个全封闭电池蒙骗了好多人。 一般的电池都可以加电池补充液修复,全封闭的电瓶车电池为何不行。报着死马当活马医的心态,我撬开了电池。 不看不知道,一看才知道原来所谓的全封闭,里面和普通的汽车铅蓄电池一样,完全可以加电池补充液修复。 电池补充液,2元钱一瓶,摩配城有卖的,450毫升左右。一瓶一般就可以修复一辆电瓶车,一组4个电池。 2元钱的成本,2百多元的收益,难怪现在偷电池的小偷那么多。若要富,走险路啊~ 现将我的修复过程用照片演示给大家。 1。先撬开电池上的盖板,因内涂胶水一般撬开后盖板都破了,无妨。 2。内有6个小孔,用橡胶帽盖着,把它拿开连同周边白色的吸附棉。 3。用注射针筒,每个小孔加25毫升左右的补充液(视个人电瓶缺液情况而定,注意不能超过上面极板不然充电里面的液体会满出来,因为充电时液体会沸腾的,加多了就回抽)。注意小孔的透气,不然你加不进去。 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 4。擦干周边漏液,复原帽盖,吸附棉。用胶带缠包好电池。至此你的电池又可以用二年了。大家觉得有用就顶哈~~ 电动车电池修复方法 怎么修复电池 怎么修电瓶 铅酸电池 蓄电池修复 d, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs ebsite" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked secongovernment technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government w-national eNot long ago, China Inter ing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. ning the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharto achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthe up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first-making service system and through dial-cisione provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete deanagement as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between thdocument m organ construction general planning, demoli In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to ngtion hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planti2 蓄电池组容量减少,电动车行驶距离缩短,哪怕蓄电池组“坏死”,您都不要着急,按照我们提供的本方案,使用我们的产品:蓄电池延寿修复器—易行宝?易能王(以下简称修复器),自己动手,简单操作,您便可以获得意外的惊喜~ 蓄电池组是由2块以上的单体蓄电池串联组成(如36V的蓄电池是由3块12V的蓄电池串联组成,48V的蓄电池是由4块12V的蓄电池串联组成等),蓄电池容量减少的原因很复杂,但归结起来主要是: 1、电池极板因结晶而硫化,严重的硫化会腐蚀极板,使蓄电池完全坏死; 2、蓄电池极板因“过充电”或“过放电”而软化,有的还导致极板铅粉脱落、穿孔、外壳变形或电解液外漏等; 3、蓄电池“失水”(包括免维护蓄电池)而无法产生电解化学反应,严重的“失水”会使电解液变质发黑或成为硬块; 4、电动车启动、加速、过重负载产生的瞬间强电流拉伤电池极板,使极板涂层逐渐脱落而导致电池容量减少,往往连接蓄电池组负极的最后一节单体蓄电池最容易坏死,这就是因“过放电”而引起的; 5、电池短路、断隔等。 在蓄电池使用中真正感觉到蓄电池完全坏死的不多,而因为硫化和“失水”引起蓄电池容量下降的情况只是一般常见问题,根据我们最新研究发现,瞬间强电流损坏电池极板的更为严重,现在:电动车电机功率越大、电池使用寿命越短。 属于蓄电池或蓄电池组硫化的,使用《修复器》完全可以修复,但是蓄电池组出现“坏死”或“失水”就需要间接的经济式修复。这是因为蓄电池组是由几块蓄电池串联组成,只要有一块蓄电池极板“坏死”,就会形成回路,使《修复器》的电脉冲无法穿越每块蓄电池,达不到电池修复的效果;再就是蓄电池“失水”也会造成《修复器》粉碎的硫酸结晶因蓄电池内部缺少水分而无法溶解,在“坏死”和“失水”的情况下,用户使用《修复器》后的感觉就是效果不明显。对于“坏死”和“失水”的蓄电池组,用户往往听从电动车商和蓄电池商的解释,重新花几百元钱买一组新电池,须不知只因一块蓄电池坏死而丢掉其它还好的蓄电池,实在是太可惜、太浪费了~ 那么使用《修复器》修复蓄电池是不是有更好的方案,我们的回答肯定是:有的~下面就是我们根据多年实验给用户提供的蓄电池修复方案。 districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces ( government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best-Not long ago, China International e work resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. he netsite, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening tmission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's webup internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Com-making service system and through dial-) have complete decisionrmation between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districtsdocument management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government info are meters, planting00 squgeneral planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 27eted organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction In 2002 smooth compl 3 方法步骤 当使用《修复器》5-15天发现蓄电池修复没有明显的效果时,可以肯定的得出结论:蓄电池或蓄电池组内至少有一节蓄电池“坏死”或蓄电池存在严重的“失水”状态;这时就需要按照本方案来修复蓄电池。 一、 分步检查蓄电池的好坏 检查蓄电池是否“坏死”或“失水”只需要肉眼和一部万能表、一把金属的扁口螺丝刀就可以了。 第一步、检查蓄电池外表状态: ?检查蓄电池外形是否完好。检查蓄电池外壳是否凸出、漏夜、断隔,如果有这种现象,说明 电池已经坏死; ?对蓄电池充电3-6个小时后,用手触摸电池外壳侧面,看是否发烫、发热等,如果电池烫手,这节电池已经坏死;如果电池发热,温度在40度左右,说明电池严重“失水”。 第二步、检查蓄电池电压是否正常: ?在充电进行时,分别三次检测每节电池的电压,每次间隔20分钟,如果有单体电池的电压超过15V的或单块蓄电池电压始终达不到13V以上的,说明这节电池有些问题; ?放电进行中检测蓄电池电压:骑电动车把电放光,停下车后,打开车载的所有车灯或打开电门让车空转,使蓄电池处在放电(负载)进行中,此时用万用表分别测量每节电池(12V一节)的电压,如果某单块电池的电压下降较快,并且低于10V,那么这节电池因极板软化或损坏,导致电池储电功能丧失,此电池就是坏电池。 蓄电池检测实例如下: d, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs ebsite" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked secongovernment technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government w-national eNot long ago, China Inter ing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. ning the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharto achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthe up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first-making service system and through dial-cisione provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete deanagement as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between thdocument m ngtion hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, plantiorgan construction general planning, demoli In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to 4 从以上充放电进行时检测蓄电池电压的情况,第四节蓄电池因放电时电压下降较快(8V),因此可以判定为坏死的问题电池;同时也可以看到,第三节蓄电池也出现了一些问题;只有一、二节蓄电池是好电池。 第三步、检查蓄电池是否“失水”: 检查电解液是否变质或“失水”。打开电池盒密封盖,你会发现单体电池有六个内隔孔,用10公分长的竹签插入孔底,如果感觉里面很干燥,说明电解液水分完全丧失,这节电池没有修复价值;如果感觉里面的电解液是软绵绵的,这只是“失水”,补充一定量的蒸馏水就可以了;如果补充水后电解液颜色发黑,说明这节电池已经“坏死”。 二、蓄电池修复的方法: (一)、对“坏死”的单体蓄电池先修后换。 对坏死的蓄电池最好采取“强充”的方法先进行修复(参照下面的“强充修复”),强充修复也不行的只有更换这节坏死的蓄电池。更换坏死的单块蓄电池不需要买新的,直接找蓄电池商家“以旧换旧”,就是换一块物理性能尚好(外形和放电时的电压正常)、电池容量在80%以上的12V旧蓄电池即可,10AH-22AH“以旧换旧”的旧单块电池售价一般就在人民币20-30元之间; (二)、对蓄电池进行“补水”修复。 充电时电池发热、或充电器充电时红灯不灭才需要加水(一般情况下不要轻易给电池加水),补水一般采用蒸馏水(超市有“屈臣氏”牌蒸馏水销售,见下图),在补充水前需要打开免维护蓄电池的密封盖,开盖按以下办法操作: 免维护蓄电池盒上有一块密封起来的盖子,盖子边上可以看见左右或上下有两处2-3mm的凹槽(见图一),用金属扁口小起子插进凹槽慢慢撬起密封盖,然后顺着密封盖边沿拨开并取下密封盖,密封盖打开后你会发现里面有六个圆槽,挑起圆槽边的石棉密封圈,取下上面的橡皮圈,你就能看到六个圆孔(见右图),根据电池容量的多少再使用注射器向蓄电池六个圆孔内(内隔)注射蒸馏水5-20毫升(10AH的电瓶注射5-8毫升水、20AH的电瓶注射10毫升水,以此类推,见图二),将蓄电池放置24小时,待蒸馏水充分浸入胶体电解液后,在充电进行时用竹签缠上棉布条或卫生纸伸入瓶体内吸出每个内隔中流动的蒸馏水(见图三),补充水完毕,但先不要封盖; (三)、使用《修复器》进行修复。 districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces ( government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best-Not long ago, China International e work resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. he netsite, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening tmission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's webup internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Com-making service system and through dial-) have complete decisionrmation between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districtsdocument management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government info general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 27eted organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction In 2002 smooth compl are meters, planting00 squ5 1、将单块蓄电池串联起来为所需要的电池组,再正确连接相匹配的《修复器》,插上充电器电源进行充电,待充电器绿灯亮起时继续让《修复器》维护和整理蓄电池6个小时以上,最后拔掉充电器电源进行放电,首次应该是深度放电,深度放电的简易方法是:骑车至电跑完,再取出蓄电池,用12V100W的低压汽车灯泡对每节电池放电至灯变暗为止,或直接用12V100W的汽车低压灯泡放电也可; 2、首次充放电和第二次充电后没有发现异常,就应该照原样给蓄电池罩上密封盖; 3、如此反复充放电2-3次,蓄电池的充电时间就可以延长至6个小时以上,这时的蓄电池或蓄电池组已经被完全激活,容量得到有效的恢复(85%以上); (四)、对“坏死”的蓄电池采取“强充”修复。 对行驶距离只能跑几公里的电动车蓄电池、完全不能充进电的蓄电池、使用时间达到二年左右的蓄电池等,只要外壳没有变形和极板没有坏死,经过以上修复效果不是很理想的,可以直接采取以下 “强充” 办法进一步激活蓄电池。 1、 36V的蓄电池使用48V的电动车充电器直接(不加修复器)充电二个小时,再换成36V的充电器加《修复器》补充充 电至满即可,充满电的蓄电池一定要进行深度放电; 2、 对单体坏损的蓄电池,可以使用24V的电动车充电器充电1.5-2个小时,然后进行深度放电,同时对电池组的另外没 有强充的几节电池也进行深度放电,然后再并入蓄电池组(串联)内、连接《修复器》,并按正常方法进行充电。 3、 48V的蓄电池拆开为4块单体电池。将三块单体电池串联后用48V的电动车充电器加上修复器充电2-3个小时;将这 三块蓄电池放电后,将剩下的另一块蓄电池放电后再次串联,用48V的充电器继续充电2-3个小时即可。也可以直接使 用60V的充电器(I>3A)对48V的蓄电池组进行二个小时的充电。 4、 单独或成组“强充”蓄电池后,一定要对电池组内的每节电池进行深度放电,包括没有进行“强充”的蓄电池。如对 36V蓄电池组其中一节12V的电池“强充”完成后,不仅仅是要对这节12V的电池深度放电,而且也要对另两节12V的 电池进行深度放电,以达到每节电池容量基本相等时,再串联成36V电池组,使用36V充电器进行充电。 5、 采取“强充”的办法一定要有人在现场操作,电池发烫时要及时断开电源,以免发生意外。 6、 第一次强充后蓄电池恢复不够理想的,可以采取第二次强充,最多可采取三次强充的方法激活蓄电池,但每次强充后 必要把每节单体蓄电池的电全部放光。 注意事项: 1、 修复后的蓄电池仍然要长期使用《修复器》,这样才能保证其延寿等多功能的发挥; 2、 充电器一定要使用于之匹配的充电器,因充电器质量的原因,修复效果也会受到影响; d, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs ebsite" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked secongovernment technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government w-national eNot long ago, China Inter ing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. ning the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharto achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthe up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first-making service system and through dial-cisione provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete deanagement as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between thdocument m ngtion hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, plantiorgan construction general planning, demoli In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to 6 3、 劣质的、不合格的、不符合修复条件的蓄电池在修复时不能保证其功效; 4、 修复蓄电池的环境工作温度最好在:??15?。 5、 电摩用户最好购买“易能王”,因“易能王”直接装在蓄电池上使用,修复效果体现的较快,而“易行宝”是插在蓄 电池插座上的,需要通过插座才能作用与蓄电池,这样就增加了内阻,修复效果就会慢点;36V及以下电压的蓄电池用 户,可根据自己的意向随意选择,因这类电压的电池是由三块以下蓄电池组成的,《修复器》强劲的电脉冲足以起到作 用。 districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces ( government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best-Not long ago, China International e work resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. he netsite, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening tmission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's webup internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Com-making service system and through dial-) have complete decisionrmation between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districtsdocument management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government info 00 squgeneral planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 27eted organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction In 2002 smooth compl are meters, planting7
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