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和爸爸妈妈交朋友和爸爸妈妈交朋友 《和爸爸妈妈交朋友》说课 尊敬的各位评委老师: 您们好~今天,我说课是山东鲁美版品德与社会三年级上册第9课的题目《和爸爸妈妈交朋友》。 一、说教材 本节课内容设置的依据是第三单元课标“使学生知道在自己的生活与成长道理上,爸爸妈妈既是自己的第一任老师,也可以成为自己最亲密的朋友,要想和爸爸妈妈交朋友,就要从相互理解开始,引导学生学会与爸爸妈妈交流沟通。”在此基础上深化学生在家庭中要懂得讲道德,学会与家庭成员平等相处,为家庭生活增添欢乐。 二、说教法、学法 1、教法:三年级学生不善于与父母交流、沟通...
和爸爸妈妈交朋友 《和爸爸妈妈交朋友》说课 尊敬的各位评委老师: 您们好~今天,我说课是山东鲁美版品德与社会三年级上册第9课的题目《和爸爸妈妈交朋友》。 一、说教材 本节课内容设置的依据是第三单元课标“使学生知道在自己的生活与成长道理上,爸爸妈妈既是自己的第一任老师,也可以成为自己最亲密的朋友,要想和爸爸妈妈交朋友,就要从相互理解开始,引导学生学会与爸爸妈妈交流沟通。”在此基础上深化学生在家庭中要懂得讲道德,学会与家庭成员平等相处,为家庭生活增添欢乐。 二、说教法、学法 1、教法:三年级学生不善于与父母交流、沟通,在生活中容易与父母为一些事情产生矛盾,有的学生自认为是家里的“小皇帝”,只想得到大人的关爱,不会去关心、体谅父母、长辈。为了更好地完成教学目标,突出重点、突破难点,我以学生的社会生活为主线,引导学生通过与自己生活密切相关的事,丰富和发展学生与人沟通的知识、情感、经验、能力。根据三年级学生注意力不能持久的特点我采用了情境体验法、实践感悟法。 2、学法:学生通过自己的亲身体验、自主实践感受到良好的沟通方式能够更好的解决问题,初步形成良好的沟通方式。 三、说教学目标 (一)认知性目标:懂得家庭成员之间要平等相待,互相关心,互相理解,让家庭生活增添快乐。 r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be (二)技能性目标:掌握一些有效地和父母的沟通方式、方法,通过这些方法的运用达到良好的沟通效果,能够和谐地解决生活中发生事情。 (三)体验性目标:重温和父母一起成长的日子,感恩父母的养育之恩。 四、说教学重、难点 教学重点:懂得家庭成员之间要平等相待,互相关心,互相理解,让家庭生活增添快乐。 教学难点:掌握一些有效地和父母的沟通方式、方法,通过这些方法的运用达到良好的沟通效果,能够和谐地解决生活中发生事情。 五、说教具准备 为了使课堂更直观、生动,我采用了白板这一辅助教学手段,以此激发学生兴趣,拉进师生之间的距离,更好地开展教学活动。 六、说教学过程 (一)激趣导入,揭示课题。 品德课标中明确指出“小学生的学习动机主要取决于对学习内容感兴趣的程度以及对老师的偏爱”,所以在上课的第一环节中,运用学生已有的资源——全家福照片让学生们一起感受家庭的幸福,分享和父母一起快乐的往事,来激发起学生的学习兴趣。 (本环节在潜移默化中让学生快乐地感受父母的养育之恩,实现了重温和父母一起成长的日子的教学目的。) (二)联系生活,探究问题 三年级学生对如何建立良好、有效的沟通方式、方法还在摸索之中,为了引导学生建立自己良好的沟通方式,我设计了观看《我爱我爱家》中的刘星和爸爸交流的视频影段环节,并提出“认真看一看,刘星是如何和爸爸说自己遇到的困难呢,”他们俩是怎样交流的,让学生来谈一谈,(板书:谈心)。“在生r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 活中你有过这样相同的经历吗,和大家分享一下,”教师随机提问。学生分享自己在生活和父母的沟通方式,懂得家庭成员之间要平等相待,互相关心,互相理解,让家庭生活增添快乐。 (目的在于引导学生通过欣赏并结合自己的生活经验来感悟,谈出内心的体会,感受与父母交友的快乐。同时也突出了本课的重点。) (三)演体验,深化认识 三年级学生对单一的学习模式没有持久性,所以要采用多种多样的教学方法同时为了突破教学难点,我采用用生动形象的语言,形象化的直观教学。 为此,我设计了以下三个环节。 1(现场调查 师:同学们,你们是在什么情况下与爸爸妈妈交流的呢,是怎样交流的,谁能举一个自己的例子,给大家讲一讲。 (此环节让学生分享自己成功的沟通案例,通过分享学习提升自己原有的沟通方式) 2(讨论(出示四幅书上的图片) A 昨天晚上爸爸错怪了我,今天…… B 妈妈下班后愁眉苦脸,我…… C 国庆节快到了,我想对父母说…… D 爸爸想让我学小提琴,但我想学…… 小组讨论谈一谈自己的感受、解决问题的方式、方法,通过四幅图的讨论出与父母沟通的有效方法。 板书:平等相待、相互关心、相互理解 (在学生案例分享的基础上,为了深化学生的认知,设计了讨论环节。通r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 过讨论总结出行之有效的沟通方法,培养了学生积极动口、动脑、整理经验的能力,从而成功的突破了本课的难点“掌握一些有效地和父母的沟通方式、方法”。) 3(情景模拟和角色扮演 为充分展示学生的乐于自我展现的特点,设计了演一演环节,让学生在演的过程中,运用刚刚学习到的沟通好方法,这也是当堂教学的检测环节,看看哪些学生掌握了方法,哪些学生能够灵活运用并创新出好方法。 出示四种情境: • A 家里的花瓶打碎了,但是爸爸偏说是我打碎的,可是我没有打碎花瓶。 • B 我每天回家不仅要写完学校布置的作业,还要写完爸爸妈妈布置的作业, 真累啊~ • C 我想学书法,可是爸爸妈妈不同意。 • D 每天自己一个人在家,多希望爸爸妈妈多陪陪我啊。 要求:请同学们根据自己生活中发生过的事情,任选一个内容,在小组内演一演,让其他小伙伴来评价沟通方式是否正确合理,小组内选出表演最好的一组进行全班展示。 谁来谈一谈,你认为哪一组交流沟通的好,好在哪里,突破教学难点“通过这些方法的运用达到良好的沟通效果,能够和谐地解决生活中发生事情。” 这一环节,教师重在鼓励学生联系自己的生活实际,大胆地真实地表演,说出自己的真心话,同时教师及时表扬学生中的闪光点。这样做更好地落实了课标中“能够清楚地表达自己的感受和见解,能够倾听他人的意见,能够与他人平等地交流与合作,学习民主地参与集体活动”的目标要求。(板书:商量) (四)拓展延伸,融入生活 r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be 在最后这个环节中我设计了“爱心留言”。 (此环节的设计在于引导学生把想对父母说的话写在纸上给父母看,并养成和父母经常交流的习惯;同时也让父母看到孩子丰富的内心情感世界,为家长与孩子之间建立起一架沟通的桥梁。) (五)课下延伸 让孩子把写的话带回家中,让父母留言。(板书:留言)。 (学习在于实践,让学生敢于把自己的想法告诉父母,学会在生活中运用学习到的沟通方式) 八、说板书设计 板书是学生有效学习的必要途径,学生通过板书,能够清楚地领会教学内容的思路和结构,掌握教学内容的重点和难点,板书的这七个词语是学生能够理解和运用的词语,也是能够让学生更清晰地看到、铭记和爸爸妈妈交流的方式、方法,以此更好地落实本课的教学目标。 9(和爸爸妈妈交朋友 经常交流 平等相待、相互关心、相互理解 谈心 商量 留言 r V-6/1.5M3 1 2012.12 15 160 good shop air spray gun (zinc) ZQP-2 2 Shanghai 2009 2012.12 16 113 good workshop rust sandblasting machine 1 set 2008 2012.12 17 123 good workshop manual hoist, Shanghai Zhejiang Wuling 2011 3T/5T 12 13 6 good workshop 2012.12 18 high pressure Airless spraying machine King56:1 1 Shanghai 2005 2012.12 19 25 good workshop angle grinder P125 4 Germany 2011 60 good shop top 0.5T~10T 12 2012.12 20,000 pounds China's 2009 50 good shop 2012.12 21 magnetic drill/hand ... Center height installation for base, each installed segment both up and down, left and right dimension. Height deviation control within 2mm. Such as steel, reinforcing Tian Ding, concrete-reinforced concrete. Ming following half of the starting unit, from the plant to the reverse direction of flow section on installation. 4) installation erected on site design cable crane 3 ton machine, using a cable machine hoisting steel pipe. Cable selection ? 24mm* main cable, with ? 15mm steel wire rope for lifting and towing ropes, hauling, lifting machines of 5 tons *2. 5) installation installation process as follows: lifting ? ? connection ? adjust ? fixed touch up ? ? ? welding ? cleaning polishing completed. According to the construction units to provide the town Pier and vertical control points, after it has been checked, survey release tube installation required by the buttress of the town center and vertical, steel pipe is in place, with strings, hammer line, horizontal pipe and steel tape measure pipe and elevation. Preliminary fixing of seams, taking into account the pipe Center not to shift, steel pipe seam, fixed with angle (angle iron against the base at one end and temporary welding of welding and steel tubes), guaranteed by section steel pipe joints not to shift. Pipe joints with wedge plates, z font code and screw TURNBUCKLE tie, also by shearing tools check and clearance, hammer, level and line pipe and steel tape repeated orifice and pipe straightness. Fixed pipe after the deviation of the DL5017 specification. (4) steel pipe installation step 1) in submitting construction plans, should detail pipe installation and use of equipment, installation, temporary works, quality inspection procedures and security measures, and so on. Pipe installation work shall comply with the provisions of chapter DL/T5017-2007 5th. 2) is used to measure height, distance and install the axis reference points for installation of control points should be clear, strong and easy to use, and should be preserved to the installation acceptance before they can be
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