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中学教师正高级职称评审条件中学教师正高级职称评审条件 2012-04-10 08:13:54| 分类: 视点|字号 订阅 中学教师正高级职称评审条件 中学正高级教师资格条件(试行) 第一章 评审标准 第一条 中学正高级教师必须达到本章第二、三、四、五条评审标准的综合要求。 第二条 思想品德标准 拥护中国共产党的领导,遵守国家法律、法规和本单位的规章制度,忠诚于人民教育事业,模范遵守师德规范,敬业爱岗,教书育人,勤于进取。 第三条 知识水平标准 系统掌握教育教学的基础理论知识,准确把握现代教育教学的理念,具有深厚的任教学科课程的基础理论...
中学教师正高级职称评审条件 2012-04-10 08:13:54| 分类: 视点|字号 订阅 中学教师正高级职称评审条件 中学正高级教师资格条件(试行) 第一章 评审 第一条 中学正高级教师必须达到本章第二、三、四、五条评审标准的综合要求。 第二条 思想品德标准 拥护中国共产党的领导,遵守国家法律、法规和本单位的规章,忠诚于人民教育事业,模范遵守师德,敬业爱岗,教书育人,勤于进取。 第三条 知识水平标准 系统掌握教育教学的基础理论知识,准确把握现代教育教学的理念,具有深厚的任教学科课程的基础理论和专业知识,掌握国内外本学科教育教学改革与发展的最新动态和最前沿的学术成果,善于吸收最新教育教学研究成果并应用于教育教学实践。 第四条 专业能力标准 具有很强的教育教学能力,对本学科课程的教育教学方法有创新性的改革;具有较强的创新意识和教学科研能力,在本学科领域起到带头示范作用;具有较强的信息技术与课程整合能力及其他现代教育技术应用能力;具有很强的促进学生综合素质发展的教学拓展能力和育人能力。 第五条 业绩成果标准 具有丰富的教育教学经验,胜任中学各年级循环教学,教学业绩显著, 教育艺术精湛,形成富有个性的教育教学风格;积极发挥推动本地区教育教学改革发展的作用,在本地区教师队伍中有很高的威信;主持并承担完成本专业高层次的科研项目,在教育思想、课程改革、教学方法等方面取得创造性成果;德育工作有明显成效,为促进学生健康成长和综合素质发展等方面起到指导者和引路人的作用,在学生中有较高的威望和感召力;指导青年教师、培养骨干教师、促进教师专业化发展工作有较明显的成绩;公开发或出版本专业的论文、论著,并具有较高的学术水平和应用价值。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 第二章 评审范围与申报条件 第六条 申报评审广东省中学正高级教师资格的专业技术人员,应属于本章第七条规定的评审范围,并按规定的申报评审程序,提交真实可靠、经公示无异议的、可供评委会考核评价的、符合本章第八、九、十、十一、十二、十三、十四条申报条件要求的申报材料,方可申报评审本资格。 凡不属于本资格的评审范围、未达到本资格评审标准和申报条件规定的要求,或不符合申报评审程序,以及未如实申报的,评委会日常工作部门不予受理、评委会不予评审,已评审通过的,其评审结果一律无效。 第七条 评审范围 凡在我省普通中学、特殊教育学校中学部、电化教育机构和基础教育教研机构中,从事中学教育教学工作,且具有中学教师资格证书和中学高级教师专业技术资格证书的在职在岗中学教师和教研员,均属本资格的评审范围。 第八条 思想品德条件 一、申报人应拥护中国共产党的领导,遵守国家法律、法规和本单位的规章制度,认真贯彻党和国家的教育方针,忠诚于人民教育事业;教育思想端正,模范遵守师德规范,具有良好的职业道德;牢固树立爱与责任的意识,敬业爱岗,关爱学生,为人师表,教书育人;勤于进取,具有良好的服务意识和合作发展意识,服从组织安排,认真履行。取得中学高级教师资格后,各年度考核或绩效考核称职(合格)以上。 二、申报人取得中学高级教师资格后,出现下列情况之一者,按下列规定执行: (一)涉嫌违法违纪,在调查期间不得申报。 (二)年度考核或绩效考核基本称职(基本合格)及以下,或受单位书面通报批评者,该考核年度不计算资历,当年及下一年度不得申报。 (三)受行政警告处分者,受处分当年不得申报;受行政记过处分者,取消当年申报资格,并从下年度起1年内不得申报;受行政记大过以上处分者,取消当年申报资格,并从下年度起2年内不得申报。 (四)已定性为人为教育教学事故的直接责任人,该年度不计算资历且取消当年申报资格,并从下年度起2年内不得申报。 (五)发现并查证属实有伪造身份、学历、资历、业绩,剽窃他人成果等弄虚作假行为,以及有意隐瞒事实未如实申报者,取消当年申报资格,并从下年度起3年内不得申报。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (六)因违法受刑事处罚的,在执行期间不计算资历且取消申报资格,执行结束后3年内不得申报。 第九条 学历(学位)、资历条件 具备下列条件之一: 一、获得博士学位,取得中学高级教师资格后,从事本专业中学教育教学工作3年以上(资历计算至申报当年8月31日止,下同)。 二、获得硕士学位,取得中学高级教师资格后,从事本专业中学教育教学工作5年以上。 三、获得大学本科学历(或学士学位),取得中学高级教师资格后,从事本专业中学教育教学工作8年以上。 四、获得大学专科学历,取得中学高级教师资格后,从事本专业中学教育教学工作10年以上(此款仅适用初级中学、完全中学初中部及教研机构的教师)。 第十条 计算机应用能力条件 一、申报人(符合免试条件除外)必须参加全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试,并取得符合规定要求(地级以上市单位的人员应取得5个模块,县及县以下基层单位的人员应取得4个模块)的合格证书。 二、具备下列条件之一可免试: (一)获得博士学位或取得计算机专业(不含相关专业)大专以上学历。 (二)参加全国计算机软件资格(水平)考试获得程序员以上证书,或在计算机室(中心)直接从事计算机工作3年以上者。 (三)在农村学校或省扶贫开发重点县的学校的专业技术人员。 (四)1956年(含)以前出生者。 三、转换系列评审的人员(符合免试条件除外),凡未取得全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试合格证书的,应参加全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试,并按规定提交合格证书。 第十一条 继续教育条件 一、申报人取得中学高级教师资格后,应按国家和省有关专业技术人员继续教育的法规、政策的要求,结合本学科教学、科研工作的实际需要,主动参加以本学科新知识、新理论、新技术、新方法等为主要内容的继续教育学习,更(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 新、拓宽专业知识,进一步提高专业水平和自主创新能力,并提交完成继续教育任务的有效证明材料。 二、继续教育内容分公共必修科目和专业必修科目。公共必修科目的完成情况以县以上政府人事部门确认为准,专业必修科目的完成情况以县以上教育行政部门确认为准。 第十二条 专业技术工作经历(能力)条件 申报人从教以来担任班主任工作8年以上(德育教师10年以上,教研员在基层学校工作或挂职8年以上),取得中学高级教师资格后,具备下列条件: 一、每周课时:专任教师10节以上,班主任6节以上,学校专职团委书记4节以上,学校中层干部4节以上,校级领导至少担任一个教学班的学科教学;心理健康教育专职教师每年接受学生咨询时间不少于180小时或180人次,心理健康教育活动课(团体心理辅导)周课时量6节以上;教研员、电教教师有计划地深入学校调查研究、指导教学每年不少于:县级80天、市级60天、省级40天,每年听课、评课不少于:县级80节、市级60节、省级40节,组织区域性的教师培训、经验交流、教学研讨、课堂示范、学术年会等活动每年4次以上。 二、能运用普通话进行教学,进行过循环教学2次以上或担任初三(高三)把关教师4年以上。其中心理健康教育专职教师还须具有省教育厅认可的中小学心理健康教育A级岗位资格证书并从事心理健康教育6年以上。 三、主持市级以上或参与省级以上教育教学科研课题1项,并通过结题验收或成果鉴定。教研员、电教教师主持省级以上教育教学科研课题1项,并通过结题验收或成果鉴定。 四、按照课程改革要求,为学生开设相应的校本课程,能独立指导学生开展研究性学习(综合实践活动),能开设专题知识讲座,组织指导课外、艺术、科技活动。每年开设校本选修课1门,或知识讲座2次,或组织指导系列科技、艺术、体育以及其他课外活动1项。心理健康教育专职教师每年组织全校性心理健康教育系列活动2次,专职团委书记每年组织全校性共青团活动4次。 五、每年承担校级以上公开课1次,累计承担县级以上公开课或教学交流专题发言3次,并获得好评。心理健康教育专职教师每年承担校级以上公开课1次,累计承担县级以上公开课或心理健康教育工作经验交流专题发言3次,并获得好评。教研员、电教教师每年承担县级以上教学专题讲座或培训课、公开课2次,累计承担市级以上专题教学指导报告或培训课、公开课3次,并获得好评。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 六、培养具有中级以上职称教师2名以上并有明显成效,其中至少有1人成长为县级以上骨干教师或优秀教师。教研员培养具有中级以上职称教师10名以上并有明显成效,其中至少有5人成长为县级以上骨干教师或优秀教师。 第十三条 业绩成果条件 申报人取得中学高级教师资格后,具备下列条件之一: 一、中学教师应具备下列条件: (一)积极实施素质教育。在教育教学过程中,教书育人,以高尚的师德、严谨的教风教育影响学生,在本学科教学中面向全体学生,重视培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,在促进学生本学科基本素质全面发展方面取得明显成绩。 (二)教育效果显著。所教班级形成良好的班风、学风,思想道德教育成绩显著,培养优秀生转化后进生成绩显著。所教班级被评为市级以上的先进班级,或者本人被评为市级以上优秀教师、优秀班主任或优秀共青团干部。 (三)教学效果显著。课堂教学得到学生广泛欢迎,同行普遍评价高,教学方式有利于学生终身发展,所教班级学生课业负担轻,成绩领先于同类学校或多次超过同类学校的平均水平,学生成绩合格率、进步率提高明显或保持在较高水平。 (四)承担市级以上教研活动任务,为同行作出示范、指导作用,获得好评。 二、特殊教育教师应具备下列条件: (一)善于针对身体残疾学生或严重不良行为学生的思想实际、年龄特征等情况开展优质教育教学工作,培养学生遵纪守法和防范违法犯罪的意识,注重塑造学生健康向上的人格,培养学生较强的生活自理能力和动手能力。 (二)任教班级学生的学习成绩不断提高,集体荣誉感强,合作精神好,具有一定的自我管理和自我约束能力。转化行为偏常学生5人以上或教育转化严重不良行为学生的成功个案10个以上。 三、德育教师应具备下列条件: (一)具有先进的教育理念,丰富的班级管理或学校德育管理工作经验,并能将丰富经验提炼上升到理论高度。主持市级以上德育科研1项,并通过结题验收或成果鉴定。德育论文在市级以上会议交流或在公开刊物上发表。 (二)班级管理或学校德育管理严谨、规范、科学。以身示范,在学生中有较高威望和感召力,成为学生成长的导师。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (三)关心爱护学生,善于针对学生的年龄特征和思想实际,做深入细致的思想工作,成功转化后进生10人以上。学生无重大伤害事故和安全事故,学生违法犯罪率为零。 (四)培养的学生有良好的思想道德素质和行为习惯,有较强的自我管理能力,创新精神和实践能力。培养的学生获得市级以上优秀学生或三好学生称号。学校校级领导所管理学校被评为市级以上德育先进单位或德育示范学校;班主任任教班级被评为市级以上先进班级,或者本人被评为市级以上优秀教师、优秀班主任或德育先进工作者,或者本人获省级德育创新成果二等奖以上或省级班主任专业能力大赛综合二等奖以上奖项。 四、心理健康教育专职教师应具备下列条件: (一)面向全体学生,在培养青少年学生良好心理素质的实践中有比较显著的成效,为有需要的学生提供咨询和辅导,成功工作个案10个以上。积极干预学生心理危机有成效,无出现学生由于心理失衡而引发的责任事故。 (二)所在学校学生有较强的调控自我、承受挫折、适应环境的能力,有乐观向上的心理品质。 (三)编写有较高质量的心理健康教育校本教材。主持或参与省级心理健康教育科研课题1项,并通过结题验收或成果鉴定。心理健康教育论文在市级以上会议交流或在公开刊物上发表。 (四)本人被评为市级以上优秀教师或心理健康教育先进工作者,所在学校被评为市级以上心理健康教育示范学校。 五、专职团委书记应具备下列条件: (一)所在团委基础建设扎实、规范,共青团活动丰富多彩,成效显著,共青团工作特色鲜明。 (二)所任职的团委被评为市级以上优秀团委,或者本人被评为市级以上优秀教师或优秀共青团干部。 六、教研员应具备下列条件: (一)在本地区的学科教学领域的教学指导中,大力推进素质教育,通过创新性的实践,在学科素质教育方面有独立的见解、系统的措施、成功的经验和比较明显的成果。承担并完成省级以上课题或教学、教研成果获省级三等奖以上奖项的前3名完成人。 (二)在总结和推广教学改革经验,组织区域教研活动,指导学校开展校本教研等方面成绩显著,对提高本地区的学科教学质量做出重要贡献。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (三)在指导本地区本学科开展教学科研、推广本学科教学改革有独创性成果,获县级以上奖项的具有实效的教研成果1项的前3名完成人,并取得明显效果。 (四)教学指导、教育科研成绩突出,成为当地学科带头人,并获得市级以上荣誉称号。 七、电教教师应具备下列条件: (一)发挥现代教育信息技术与课程整合的先进功能,大力推动促进学生综合素质发展的活动,取得显著效果。指导学生参加竞赛获省级三等奖以上奖励。 (二)创新和总结现代教育信息技术与课程资源整合经验,推广市级以上现代信息技术教学改革成果1项,并取得较明显的效果。 (三)编制多媒体教学软件,成果获省级三等奖以上奖项的前3名完成人。 (四)按照现代信息技术教育教学应用与研究的需要,自编培训教材,培训现代信息技术人员或教师效果显著。 八、校级领导在具备本条第一至第七款之一外,办学思想端正,在学校教学管理能力水平和办学业绩方面有突出表现,并初步形成理论;所在学校因教育教学成绩突出获得市级以上奖励,在社会上有良好口碑;本人因办学成绩突出获得市级以上荣誉称号,并在管理能力水平、工作业绩(政绩)方面、经上级主管部门考核评估成绩优秀以上(附县级以上教育人事部门评估意见)。 第十四条 论文、著作条件 (需要各学科论文,且在正规教育类期刊发表的请联系我 QQ383211327 声明:第一本人不是骗子,工作很忙,不要随便加这个号;二是有需求,自己又不愿或者不能写的想好了再做决定) 申报人取得中学高级教师资格后,在国家新闻出版总署认可的、具有CN刊号(国内统一连续出版物号)、ISSN刊号(国际标准连续出版物号)的专业刊物上公开发表与申报专业岗位工作相一致的,具有科学性、先进性、指导性、实用性的论文、或出版具有ISBN书号(国内、国际标准书号)的学术专著或教材,并具备下列条件之一: 一、合作完成本学科教育教学著作或教材(不含习题集、教辅资料)1部(第一作者或主编),并独立撰写本学科专业论文2篇以上。 二、独立撰写本学科专业论文4篇以上。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 三、从事教育教学工作10年以上的农村学校现任教师和特殊教育学校教师, 独立撰写本学科专业论文2篇以上。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94).
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