

2018-01-13 10页 doc 33KB 70阅读




煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-1 第一章 总则 第一条 为加强煤矿矿用产品(以下简称矿用产品)安全管理~保障煤矿安全生产和职工人身安全与健康~根据《煤炭法》、《矿山安全法》和《煤矿安全监察条例》~制定本办法。 第二条 对可能危及煤矿职工人身安全和健康的矿用产品实行安全标志管理,实行安全标志管理的矿用产品目录由国家煤矿安全监察局确定与公布。 实行安全标志管理的矿用产品~必须依照本办法的规定取得矿用产品安全标志。 任何单位和个人...
煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-1 第一章 总则 第一条 为加强煤矿矿用产品(以下简称矿用产品)安全管理~保障煤矿安全生产和职工人身安全与健康~根据《煤炭法》、《矿山安全法》和《煤矿安全监察条例》~制定本办法。 第二条 对可能危及煤矿职工人身安全和健康的矿用产品实行安全标志管理,实行安全标志管理的矿用产品目录由国家煤矿安全监察局确定与公布。 实行安全标志管理的矿用产品~必须依照本办法的规定取得矿用产品安全标志。 任何单位和个人不得出售、采购和使用纳入安全标志管理目录但未取得安全标志的矿用产品( 第三条 国家煤矿安全监察局负责全国矿用产品安全标志监督管理工作。 国家煤矿安全监察局认定的矿用产品安全标志认证机构(以下简称认证机构)负责矿用产品安全标志的审核和颁发工作。 第四条 矿用产品安全标志是确认矿用产品符合国家安全、行业安全标准~准许生产单位出售和使用单位使用的凭证。 矿用产品安全标志由安全标志证书和安全标志标识两部分组成。 安全标志由国家煤矿安全监察局统一监制。禁止伪造、转让、买卖或者非法使用安全标志。 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-2 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 第二章 取得安全标志的条件与程序 第五条 申请安全标志的生产单位必须具备下列条件: (一)有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照, (二)有与生产矿用产品相适应的注册资金、生产规模、生产经营场所和技术力量, (三)有保证产品质量合格的生产设备, (四)有满足产品安全性能要求的检验与测试手段, (五)生产工艺先进、合理、可靠, (六)有完善、有效的质量保证体系, (七)具备成品生产(组装)与出厂检验条件, (八)其他有关条件。 第六条 申请安全标志的矿用产品必须具备下列条件: (一)满足煤矿安全生产要求~符合国家安全标准、行业安全标准和《煤矿安全》, (二)有正确、完整的技术文件, (三)采用新材料、新技术、新工艺生产的新产品~应当有省级安全生产监督(监察)机构认可的鉴定或评审意见, (四)其他有关条件。 第七条 申请安全标志的矿用产品生产单位~应按规定填写安全标志申请书一式两份~并向认证机构提交下列材料: (一)营业执照复印件~并加盖申请单位公章, 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-3 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project (二)产品生产标准(技术条件)、产品图纸和工艺流程图等技术文件, (三)产品照片, (四)其他有关材料。 第八条 认证机构自接到申请材料之日起10日内完成初审,符合要求的~向申请单位发出受理书。 第九条 认证机构对通过初审的矿用产品进行技术审查、现场评审及产品抽样与检验工作, (一)技术审查:组织安全标志评审人员对申请安全标志的矿用产品的标准、图纸等技术文件进行审查~提出技术审查报告, (二)现场评审:组织安全标志评审人员对申请单位的资质、技术力量、生产设备和检测手段等生产条件进行现场评审~提出现场评审报告, (三)产品的抽样与检验:委托经国家煤矿安全监察局授权的检验机构~对矿用产品进行抽样检验~提出检验报告。 技术审查、现场评审和产品抽样与检验工作~在发出受理通知书后45个工作日内完成。 第十条 认证机构在初审、技术审查、现场评审和产品检验的基础上~对申请安全标的矿用产品作出综合评审。 第十一条 认证机构对经审查符合本办法规定条件的矿用产品~发给安全标志证书~准许在该产品和包装上使用安全标志标识,向生产单位所在地的省级煤矿安全监察机构(未设省级煤矿安 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-4 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 全监察机构的~向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府指定的部门)和国家煤矿安全监察局分别备案~由国家煤矿安全监察局予以公告。 第十二条 申请矿用产品安全标志的单位~按国家规定缴纳评审费用。 第十三条 矿用产品安全标志的有效期~根据矿用产品标准和管理要求~一般为2年,5年。 第十四条 承担矿用产品检验工作的检验机构~应当严格按国家规定检验~依法保守被检矿用产品的技术秘密~对检验结果负责。 第十五条 安全标志评审人员~应当按规定开展技术审查、生产单位的现场评审工作~依法保守矿用产品和生产单位的技术秘密~对审查、评审工作负责。 第十六条 认证机构对安全标志管理产品的评审结果负责。 第三章 安全标志的监督管理 第十七条 矿用产品安全标志有效期届满需要延长的~生产单位应于有效期届满前90日内~按申请程序申请更换安全标志。 第十八条 安全标志有效期内~生产单位或矿用产品变更名称、搬迁或被兼并及生产条件发生变化的~应按申请程序申请更换安全标志。 第十九条 安全标志有效期内~有下列情形之一的~暂停使 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-5 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 用安全标志: (一)未能保持矿用产品质量稳定合格的, (二)矿用产品性能及生产现状不符合要求的, (三)在煤炭生产与建设中发现矿用产品存在隐患的, (四)安全标志使用不符合规定要求的。 第二十条 被暂停使用安全标志的生产单位~应限期整改。经整改复查合格的~可以恢复使用安全标志。 第二十一条 有下列情形之一的~撤销安全标志并予以公告: (一)安全标志有效期届满时~生产单位未在有效期届满前90日内提出申请更换安全标志的, (二)矿用产品不符合安全标志要求的, (三)整改期满未经复查或者经复查不合格的, (四)被吊销或注销营业执照的, (五)擅自降低矿用产品技术标准的, (六)矿用产品已经国家决定淘汰或停止生产、使用的, (七)拒绝安全标志监督检查的, (八)伪造、转让、买卖或者非法使用安全标志的, (九)因产品质量原因引起事故的。 第二十二条 被撤销安全标志的矿用产品~再次申请安全标志的时间间隔不少于180日。 第二十三条 各级煤矿安全监察机构负责对辖区内的煤矿使用安全标志管理产品的情况进行监察。末设煤矿安全监察机构的~ 文件名 煤矿矿用产品安全标志管理暂行办法 电子文件编码 AQGL-D-005 页码 6-6 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 由省、自治区,直辖市人民政府指定的部门负责。 第二十四条 生产安全标志管理产品的单位违反本办法的~视情节轻重~分别予以通报批评、暂停使用安全标志、撤销安全标志。 第二十五条 矿用产品安全标志认证机构对应予审核发放而不予审核发放安全标志~或者对不符合安全标志条件予以发放安全标志的~或者其评审人员在审核、发放安全标志过程中滥用职权、徇私舞弊的~按国家有关规定予以处理。 第二十六条 国家煤矿安全监察局负责受理对矿用产品安全标志认证机构的申诉。 第四章 附则 第二十七条 本办法自2002年1月1日起施行。 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project
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