首页 > 小孩宝宝满月酒百天寿宴过寿一周岁十周岁生日主持词


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小孩宝宝满月酒百天寿宴过寿一周岁十周岁生日主持词小孩宝宝满月酒百天寿宴过寿一周岁十周岁生日主持词 南京小孩/宝宝/满月酒/百天/寿宴/过寿/周岁/生日/庆典/年会/开业/鲜花/开业庆典/布置/小孩百天主持词 众位来宾请安静,谢谢大家来助兴。 今天日子真吉祥,感谢各位来捧场。 今天日子真吉利,各位来宾都喜气。 衷心感谢加祝愿,幸福如意把你伴。 今天是公元2011年9月20日,在这吉祥如意的大好日子,金盛元大酒店歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,高朋满座。在这幸福甜蜜的时刻,我们欢聚一堂,共同庆贺英俊潇洒的康金龙先生和温柔贤惠的张金莲女士的小千金喜过百天。首先,我代表他们全家对各...
小孩宝宝满月酒百天寿宴过寿一周岁十周岁生日主持词 南京小孩/宝宝/满月酒/百天/寿宴/过寿/周岁/生日/庆典/年会/开业/鲜花/开业庆典/布置/小孩百天主持词 众位来宾请安静,谢谢大家来助兴。 今天日子真吉祥,感谢各位来捧场。 今天日子真吉利,各位来宾都喜气。 衷心感谢加祝愿,幸福如意把你伴。 今天是公元2011年9月20日,在这吉祥如意的大好日子,金盛元大酒店歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,高朋满座。在这幸福甜蜜的时刻,我们欢聚一堂,共同庆贺英俊潇洒的康金龙先生和温柔贤惠的张金莲女士的小千金喜过百天。首先,我代他们全家对各位来宾的光临,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢~ 下面有请我们的小寿星隆重登场~ 小寿星出生于 2011年8月20日,名叫康美女,其意是将要升起的太阳,各位来宾请看我们的小寿星: 浓浓的眉毛大大的眼,新的美女已出现; 粉粉的皮肤圆圆的脸,全取爸妈的优点; 头发黑亮有光泽,智慧火花在闪烁; 樱桃小嘴在发笑,现在将来你都俏; 一双可爱的小手,今生幸福伴你走; 乖巧有力小脚丫,走遍天下都不怕; 智勇双全小脑袋,爸妈永远把你爱~ 去年的五.一我为他们两位主持了婚礼,今天又再次为他们的小千金主持百日庆典,这正是喜事喜日喜心情,好人好梦好家庭。良辰得千金,喜上加喜;吉日逢吉祥,吉祥无边~ 小千金,,,是,,,先生、,,,女士幸福甜蜜的爱情结晶,也是他们两个用全身心血,日夜奋战、精工细作、巧磨妙雕加工、生产出来的优质“产品”~ 下面有请小千金的姥姥、姥爷为小寿星送上最厚重的礼物:喜洋一万元,感谢姥姥、姥爷的深情厚意,祝福二老福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。 祝愿你们全家一帆风顺、二月春风、三生有幸、四季平安、五福临门、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九天揽月、十全十美、百炼成钢、千娇百媚、万事如意~ 让我们共同祈祷五湖四海、三山五岳保佑小,,平安健康为国家栋梁,快乐成长做一代英才。 s: masonry preparation ith Pu casting method, the process i–meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer.by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ?approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredien 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction pets of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravriod, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.el is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggrega2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to te water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonrcement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local sy. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) acmall artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious matecording to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from trials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table he mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry w 最后让我代表全体来宾,祝愿小,,: 健康成长身体好,永是爸妈掌中宝; 开心快乐生活好,各种荣誉少不了; 品德学习都不差,将来一定上北大; 工作做人数一流,整个地球你最牛~ 尊敬的各位亲朋好友,百天庆典仪式到此结束,愿各位来宾开心吃好美味佳肴,满意畅饮幸福美酒。 再次感谢全体来宾,感谢南京淘淘爱婚庆公司的优质服务。祝愿各位亲朋好友身体健康、家庭幸福,万事如意~ 请各位共进喜宴~ 谢谢大家~ 南京淘淘爱婚庆公司 北方人开的店 淘宝店铺网址: 新浪微博:欢迎关注 西祠域名:(可刷银联卡消费) QQ:80757024 342228633 电 话: 传真: 喜线: 小孩百天视频拍摄 南京婚庆公司 淘淘爱婚庆 北方人开的店 淘淘爱印象出品_南京花嫁论坛_西祠胡同 小孩/宝宝满月/百天个性布置 南京婚庆公司 淘淘爱婚庆 北方人开的店出品_南京花嫁论坛_西祠胡同 小孩百天MV 小孩百天视频及拍照花絮_南京花嫁论坛_西祠胡同 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry
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