

2017-10-15 4页 doc 17KB 55阅读




儿童英语二年级下册儿童英语二年级下册 《儿童英语》二年级下册 Lesson 12 In the pond 高步镇西联小学 何伟林 一、Teaching materials 《儿童英语》Unit 12 In the pond A rhyme A song A story 二、Teaching aims 1、知识与技能目标: A: 能听懂、会说:Can the „ swim? B: 能模仿录音,有节奏地朗诵 读Rhyme。 2、情感目标: 把语言融于情景之中,让学生通过体验、参与各种活动学会与他人合作,共同完成任务,从而体验成...
儿童英语二年级 《儿童英语》二年级下册 Lesson 12 In the pond 高步镇西联 何伟林 一、Teaching materials 《儿童英语》Unit 12 In the pond A rhyme A song A story 二、Teaching aims 1、知识与技能目标: A: 能听懂、会说:Can the „ swim? B: 能模仿录音,有节奏地朗诵 读Rhyme。 2、情感目标: 把语言融于情景之中,让学生通过体验、参与各种活动学会与他人合作,共同完成任务,从而体验成功,培养对语言学习的兴趣。 三、Teaching key and difficult point 1、 Teaching key point: 本课时重点:掌握的句型“Can the „ swim?” 2、Teaching difficult point: 本课时难点:rhyme中句子 Heads are in the water 和Tails are in the air的理解和读音。 四、Teaching aids 动物图片、小鸭子贴纸、道具池塘、10只小鸭子头饰 五、Teaching proceduce Step 1. Warm-up: 1、Greeting. T: Good morning boys and girs! How are you today? Ss: I'm fine, thank you! T: Today Hello is going to Old Macdonal's farm. Let's go with him and sing the song "Old Macdonal's farm", OK? Ss: OK! 2、Sing the song"Old Macdonal's farm". 3、Introduce the competition. T: Look, what are these on Old Macdonal's farm? Ss: They are ducks. T: See, group 1、group 2、group 3 and group 4. Let's see which group can get more and more ducks, OK? Do you want to know what's happening on Old Macdonal's farm, let's watch! Step 2. Presentation: 1、Watch the story--引出duckling T: The baby ducks are finding their mom and dad. The baby ducks we can call duckling. (拿出一只duck的图片)Look, this is a duck. This is the head, this is the eye, this is the tail(教读几次). The mother duck can swim, the father duck can swim, too. Can the duckling swim?(提问3 Ss) T: 刚出生的鸭子也会游泳吗, Let's look(板书), here is a pond(T 重复读pond几次)。Let's count how many ducklings OK? Ss: 1、2、3„„ 10. T: Yes, ten little ducklings(带读3次).Let's see, ten little ducklings are swimming. Step 3. Practice the rhyme. 1、Watch "rhyme". a、T一边看一边引导学生做动作.(twice) 2、T say out the rhyme, Ss do the action. 3、Game:木头人. T: Wow, you're great. Let's play a game, 木头人,OK? When I say the rhyme, you can move; if I stop, you can't move. Do you understand? 4、Ask some student to act out the ducklie, the whole student say out the rhyme.(T需要用语言加以引导,鼓励他们大胆开口) Step 4、 Production 1、教学句型“Can the „ swim?” A、T: (指着板书)See, there are ten little duckling in the pond, the duckling can swim,(拿出tiger)what's this? Can the tiger swim?(提 问一行学生,开火车) S1: No. T: The tiger can't swim. So where we should put the tiger, in the pond or near the pond? T:(做rabbit的动作)Who am I? Ss: Rabbit. T: Can the rabbit swim?(提问几个学生) B、Dog由全班问,S2回答。 C、Monkey and pig由组与组互问互答。 D、其他动物由个别学生选后问全班同学。 E、。T: You're excellent! The tiger can't swim. The monkey can't swim„„ 2、Game:招聘救生员。 全班分为五个小组,小组长是招聘人员。如果回答正确招聘人员的问, 例如“Can you swim?”,组员就可以得到得到一张救生员证,成为救生员。 3、Pair work:四人小组对话并贴动物。 四人小组互相对话,运用句型“Can the ... swim?”,贴动物,会游泳的 动物贴在池塘里,不会的贴在池塘旁边。 4、展示结果。 Ss: The duckling can swim, the pig can swim,„„ Step 5. Summary. T: You're great, let's sing a song, OK? One little, two little, three little ducklings,„„ten little ducklings swim. OK? T: You're smart. Let's see which group will be the winner. Congratulations! Step 6. Homework. 1、听rhyme录音5次,边听边做动作。
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