

2017-10-12 17页 doc 52KB 20阅读




世界上还没有什么眼镜品牌用文化来定义世界上还没有什么眼镜品牌用文化来定义 早上9点半的早会结束后,蒋友柏双手背在身后,在方正通透的办公室里走了一圈,不时停在某位员工旁边指点沟通,那场面看起来,就像是在监督课堂作业。我问他为什么会有这样一种紧张的气氛,他说只是在看看他们出来的东西是不是够好。至于为什么要这么细致地去观察员工的工作状况,“因为这关系到客户的利益,还是要看一下。这倒不是工作的紧张,因为这么多年,工作的这种状态都已变成了一种习惯。” 问他的下属会不会感到紧张,回答一律是:“没有啊”,“老板很好啊”„„ 采访那天,蒋友柏穿着一件深色条纹T 恤,包住一...
世界上还没有什么眼镜品牌用文化来定义 早上9点半的早会结束后,蒋友柏双手背在身后,在方正通透的办公室里走了一圈,不时停在某位员工旁边指点沟通,那场面看起来,就像是在监督课堂作业。我问他为什么会有这样一种紧张的气氛,他说只是在看看他们出来的东西是不是够好。至于为什么要这么细致地去观察员工的工作状况,“因为这关系到客户的利益,还是要看一下。这倒不是工作的紧张,因为这么多年,工作的这种状态都已变成了一种习惯。” 问他的下属会不会感到紧张,回答一律是:“没有啊”,“老板很好啊”„„ 采访那天,蒋友柏穿着一件深色条纹T 恤,包住一身已经练得非常到位的肌肉。蒋友柏每天去健身房3个小时,用短短3个月时间练出了一身别人需要1年才能练成的体型,并且坚信“胸肌连到肩膀才好看”。与媒体打惯了交道,面对摄影师的镜头时,他不用人指导,也能摆出非常酷的姿势。 蒋友柏戴的眼镜是自己公司的设计,也是橙果设计最新的产品。在这个名叫“KDX 看东西”的眼镜产品中,蒋友柏第一次将眼镜和中family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 国传统文化结合起来,“世界上还没有什么眼镜品牌用文化来定义。”他说。 对记者来说,蒋友柏并非一个好的采访对象。他特殊的逻辑思维和说话方式,让记者自信满满地抛出去的问题像撞到一块海绵上,落地无声。他讲话很快,而且是碎片式的、跳跃的,你必须半听半猜才能领会他的意思。那些生意人应该具有的圆滑、世故,所谓的说话技巧,在他身上一点也没有体现。正是这个习惯了以硬碰硬、不喜欢拐弯抹角的蒋友柏,带着橙果设计从一个名不见经传的小公司,变成了最赚钱的设计公司之一。 咬牙度过艰难时期 每个公司都会用某种特别的形式庆祝自己的10周年,在橙果设计的第10个年头,自认为“从来没有好好地写过一本”的蒋友柏写了第一本他自己真正想写的书—《第十九层地狱》。 虽然在这之前,他为大众所熟知的著述也有好几本,但都是迫于别人的面子发的。《悬崖边的贵族》、《悬崖下的小道》、《蒋道设计》,这些在某种程度上让蒋友柏为大众知晓的出版物,在他看来,都没有他所认可的阅读价值。 《第十九层地狱》是蒋友柏对创业10年的回顾与经验思考,以及个人对于创意设计的观察、理解与经营哲学。这10年的历练过程,family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 毫无疑问是炼狱式的。除了事业方面,《第十九层地狱》还有蒋友柏对自己少年时代家道中落之后的那段日子的“忏悔式”陈述。 12岁之前,蒋友柏生活在天堂中—住大房子,吃饭穿衣都有佣人服侍,出行都是配有司机的轿车。但12岁祖父去世,家道中落,他一下子从天堂跌落到地狱,不仅再没有之前富裕的生活,就连过去所有的价值观都轻易被推翻。但因为年轻,因为幼稚,他依旧和其他富家子混在一起,泡吧、泡妞、追求奢侈品,挥霍了大把光阴。“但当自己屈着身体躺在离天堂19层远的地狱时,我反而看到了天堂的全貌”。从美国留学回到台湾的蒋友柏,像突然开化了一样,变成了一个有担当的男子汉。他没有服从家族的期待和安排,没有从事银行、投资、律师等等首选行业,而是出于对任何与贵族相关的行业的鄙视,选择了设计。 然而,2003年时的设计在台湾是一个没有地位的产业,“设计在政与商的眼里,就只是台面下的戏子,没有实质的正视理由,却有着弃之可惜的娱乐价值”。橙果的使命,就是了解并破除这种错误认识,这也是橙果崛起的第一步棋。然而,橙果的最初几年充满了艰辛,蒋家第四代的身份对他的事业并没有什么帮助,而他也因为缺少经验一度受挫。他第一次与设计大师 Michael Young 合作,是承接一家银行预算 600 万台币的赠品设计和生产案,本以为大师的设计客户一定满意,但结果图很美,却没有人能生产出来;勉强生产出来以后,大师对材料又不满意,制作出了一批不堪回首的失败品。 family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 为了度过最初的艰难,这个在员工眼里“强硬不可一世的霸气”老板,“原来是咬牙和血吞过来的”。他跑到捷安特公司,跟管事的人说:“我真的很想做你们的案子,但我不懂设计,也不会画 3D 模拟图,但我真的很想做你们家的生意,你们给我一个案子做做看好不好,”于是捷安特给了他一个30万的单子。 公司唯一一次周转不灵发生在 2008 年的农历新年前,蒋友柏必须面对辛苦了一年却无法领到年终奖的 40 位员工。当时,他能凑到的只有 8 万新台币,所以把员工们聚在会议室里,一个一个地道歉,用内疚的态度,发出每人 2000 元的红包,希望心意可以弥补金钱的不足。但是,依旧有员工指责他,身为一个老板,哪怕是去贷款、负债都要筹到足够的钱来发年终奖金,要不然,就不配以老板的身份创业与领导。 如今的橙果设计已发展成为“橙果设计”和“白木顾问”两个公司并行发展,服务五六十个客户;从当初磕磕绊绊地成长,到今天进入不太担心钱的时期;从低三下四求客户,到现在有了“不对牌的客户,再大也不要”的牛气。但正因为有过以往的低谷,如今的蒋友柏一点也没有放松警惕,而是时刻将自己置身于“第十九层地狱” 中。“其实,每一个人,都应该有着相同的‘地狱进行式’。随着心智的成熟,背着越来越重的十字架过活会成为习惯。当不能享受时,就承受;到不能承受时,就忍受;而不能忍受时,就接受。一旦学会平和地接受人生十字架,就会找到在地狱进行式中享受的方法。”所以,family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 在外人看来不可思议或者说难以置信的寡淡生活,对于蒋友柏而言,都是常态。 不知累为何物的蒋老板 作为蒋家的第四代,他说,“蒋”这个姓于他是一种原罪。橙果设计创办初期,蒋友柏和橙果设计更多的是出现在娱乐版而非财经版。蒋友柏记得,他曾经用两个星期时间认真准备一家财经杂志的访问提纲,并且在访问中不厌其烦地向记者介绍他的设计理念,但两周后刊登出来的杂志封面,却是他与其他名模的合成照,并被定义为“美力”的成功。 直到今天,橙果设计还是会被一些人认为是一家自以为是的假设计公司,靠的是行销手法与知名度,而不是专业与执行力。 就连很多刚进公司的新员工,也常常会以为蒋友柏只是一个隔三差五跑来露个面、但其实不干半点实事的挂名老板,来了以后才发现,在早晨 7 点半给他们开门的不是熬夜未归的某同事,而是这位老板。蒋友柏给自己设计了一种堪称苦行僧的生活习惯,过去的 5 年,他每天 5 点半至 6 点间起床,起床后清理狗大便,叫小孩起床,7 点准时出门,8 点前出现在公司楼上的咖啡厅。 下午 2 点钟是蒋友柏的下班时间。3 点前,每一天自动进入第二阶段的生活时间。直到 9 点半小孩上床之前,他的时间都属于孩family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 子和 9 条狗。晚上 10 点钟,他进入第二段工作时间。睡觉时间视工作情况而定,一般在 11 点至凌晨 2 点之间。 在员工眼里,蒋友柏是一台永动机。10 年来,他每年要写 300 份报告,相当于每天写一份。无论是晚上 11 点还是早晨 7 点,收到的工作邮件,他一定会在半小时内给予回复。每天开会、谈案子、聊创意、找员工谈话„„永远就没有停歇的时候。一位在橙果工作5 年的下属说:“我在橙果 5 年以来,似乎未曾看到老板因为生病而请假,人总难免会有病痛的时候,但我的老板从来不轻易表现出不舒服,或说真的让我们看出来了,他也会轻描淡写地说他很好„„”员工之间,关于老板“独裁”的议论从来就没有停止过。这个老板,发火的时候、想到好点子的时候,都会口无遮拦地爆出三字国骂。难怪一个女员工这样评价他:“他骨子里就是个绅士:满嘴脏话的绅士。” 蒋友柏承认,自己的个性实在不适合与人相处,“一个同时拥有那么多自负、自卑、自信、自惑和自利的贵族后代,绝对会让周遭的人感到无比无奈与无言的压力。”他的朋友数量,两只手数得完,可以相信的人,一只手还嫌多。那些与他一起经历了公司的种种生死起落依然留在身边的伙伴,都成了他交心的好友,成了公司的顶梁柱。“这些柱子,才是我在设计的过程中所得到的最骄傲、最有自信的回礼。” “台北最好玩的一点就是什么都没有” family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but Q:《第十九层地狱》是一本怎样的书, A:这是一本很怪的书,不管是内容还是包装、设计。这也是第一次自己为了出书而写的书,以前的不是,以前是别人要我写的,或者是我的讲稿整理而成的。《第十九层地狱》的写作我从头到尾没有停过,事实上我要做的就是一本可以从头到尾不停顿地读完、一读到底的那种书,这本书是没有断页的。现在的出版已经很久没有改变了,我试图去改变出版的定义。我们还为这本书开发了一个 app,只针对苹果用户,没有针对 Android 系统,因为我觉得 Android 跟我的个性不符。 这本书比较好玩的是,所有的东西都是以我的个性定义出来,所以它并不是以卖为出发点,而是以我们能带来什么样的新意为出发点。所以这本书里面还会有歌,我自己写词,请刘轩做的一首歌,而且这个歌是你可以自己去重新mix 它、变成是你自己的一首歌。这里面也有图,有我所有的刺青,你也可以把它刺在你身上。你可以发现很多好玩的东西,所以我不把它定义为一本书。 虽然我写的方法只是很平静地叙述了一个我看到的事情,我并不是想要去说服任何人。很多出版社的意图是写书是为了赚钱,所以要写大家看的东西。但我用这个去赚钱,不是很没有道理的一件事情吗,另外,为什么我写的东西要大家喜欢,或者说符合大众的品位,这好像跟书的观点不一样。 family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 出版业从来没有改变过形态,作家为了版税,流行什么就写什么,但以前作家不是这样。大陆现在把作家当什么,当作明星炒作。作家本来就不是明星,作家是文字工作者,所以这次我不打算做书的宣传。我想,这本书是颠覆了很多东西,有倒回到原点的感觉。 Q:你追求自由创作、不受市场干扰的个性,会否让你在做公司的时候受到很多挫折, A:会。所以这个时候你要证明自己的价值。基本上过去五六年,即便是经济不景气的时候,我也没有让客户赔过钱,这些就是你的经验值,有了这些,你才会有选择权。现在不是说客户来选择我,而是如果客户不对牌,管你有多大,我就是不要—因为我不缺钱。说真的,没有案子我也可以活得很好,公司已经累积了足够的资本,都是这些年用吃苦拼出来的。所以你自己有选择权的情况之下,就可以更多地做自己,而且做得更精。 Q:选择客户有洁癖,那生活中你会不会也有消费洁癖, A:付得起就买,付不起就不买,这就是我的消费观。所有东西对我来说没有新鲜不新鲜,只有记忆深不深刻。记忆深刻的东西,我刚好也需要,为什么不买,就算贵,我认同啊,就会买。我在台北很少买东西,出境倒会经常消费,觉得已经全家出境了,就要带一个记忆回来。 family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 我对物质要求没有那么高,买东西是看到喜欢的、觉得真的是需要才会买。我负责这么多客户,随便看一个东西,就会知道它的成本多少,怎么卖。没有办法,做了那么多年,很自然就会把它解构开来。 Q:你觉得现代设计总体来说,是过多还是不足, A:我觉得不是过多或不足的问题。以哲学来讲,产品最大的功能就是做到中和,是一个物体和周遭的关系。你只要抓到这个,产品不会过多或者过少。你觉得过多是因为很多产品都很突兀,不知道要不要有;你觉得过少,是因为你觉得自己需要的东西,好像就那几样。设计的美感是见仁见智的事情,对我来说,设计的重点不在于美感,而在于策略和商业。 Q:你不在台北消费,但台北对你来说有什么有趣的地方吗, A:没有。我都快疯了,台北最好玩的一点就是什么都没有。 Q:那你所欣赏的城市是哪里, A:我其实还好,去哪里都是一样,是新鲜的感觉。夏威夷我们常去,很喜欢那里的感觉,日本也常去,喜欢他们的态度。新加坡还好,四年去一次就好了。迈阿密也不错。小孩子澳洲还没去过,想去看看动物。其实我没有你想象的那么有目标,基本上是哪里适合小孩family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 子和家人去放松的,我就去哪里。我去的任何城市,都能找到一些新的不错的东西。对我来说,好玩的地方一定是要适合家人。 Q:你是家庭感很重的人,是如何做到把工作和生活分开的, A:我分得蛮开的。当然,脑袋基本上一直会在想工作的事情,但只要我离开办公室,还是尽量回到生活中来,这是经过很多年的锻炼才能做到的。我真的不喜欢把生活和工作混淆。我的客户就知道,只要我离开办公室,电话打过来我一定是不接的。等小孩子睡了,我才开始一个一个回电话。 本文出自: www.0167.com 转载请注明出处~ family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but
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