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80年代国产电影80年代国产电影 00116号病房(1983) 002405谋杀案(1980) 003508疑案(1981) 004R4之谜(1982) 005阿龙浴血记(1986) 006阿潭正传(1988) 007哎哟,哥哥(1987) 008爱情啊,你姓什么,(1980) 009爱情与遗产(1980) 010八百罗汉(1985) 011八卦莲花掌(1987年) 012八仙的传说(1985) 013巴河镇(1985) 014巴山夜雨(1980) 015白桦林中的哨所(1982) 016白莲花(1980) 017白蛇传(1981) ...
80年代国产电影 00116号病房(1983) 002405谋杀案(1980) 003508疑案(1981) 004R4之谜(1982) 005阿龙浴血记(1986) 006阿潭正传(1988) 007哎哟,哥哥(1987) 008爱情啊,你姓什么,(1980) 009爱情与遗产(1980) 010八百罗汉(1985) 011八卦莲花掌(1987年) 012八仙的传说(1985) 013巴河镇(1985) 014巴山夜雨(1980) 015白桦林中的哨所(1982) 016白莲花(1980) 017白蛇传(1981) 018白雾街凶杀案(1985) 019半张订婚照(1980) 020绑票(1987年) 021包氏父子(1983) 022北国红豆(1984) 023北京故事(1987) 024背叛师门(1980) 025被爱情遗忘的角落(1981) 026被跟踪的少女(1986) 027被控告的人(1983) 028笔中情(1982) 029边城(1984) 030镖王(1986) 031波斯猫在行动(1986) 032不该凋谢的玫瑰(1981) 033不该发生的故事(1983) 034不是为了爱情(1980) 035布谷催春(1982) 036彩色的夜(1982) 037残酷的情人(1986) 038残雪(1980) 039茶馆(1982) 040豺狼计划(1989) 041车水马龙(1981) 042陈奂生上城(1982) 043闯江湖(1984) 044城南旧事(1982) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 045城市假面舞会(1986) 046迟到的春天(1980) 047赤橙黄绿青蓝紫(1982) 048仇侣(1982) 049初恋时,我们不懂爱情(1987) 050垂帘听政(1983) 051春归红楼(1981) 052春眠不觉晓(1980) 053蹉跎岁月(1982) 054搭错车(1983) 055打工皇帝(1985) 056大刀王五(1985) 057大渡河(1980) 058大海在呼唤(1982年) 059大桥下面(1983) 060大雁北飞(1982) 061大侦探(1988年) 062代号213(1984年) 063戴手铐的旅客(1980) 064丹凤朝阳(1980) 065丹心谱(1980) 066当代人(1981) 067到青山那边去(1987年) 068道是无情胜有情(1983) 069等到满山红叶时(1980) 070第二次握手(1980) 071第三女神(1982) 072第十个弹孔(1980年) 073电梯上(1984) 074喋血黑谷(1984) 075东方剑(1982) 076东陵大盗(1987) 077都市里的村庄(1982) 078杜十娘(1981) 079端盘子的姑娘(1981) 080多彩的晨光(1984) 081峨眉飞盗(1985) 082恶梦醒来是早晨(1980) 083二子开店(1987) 084法庭内外(1980) 085烦恼的喜事(1982) 086飞虎(1983) 087飞来的女婿(1982) 088飞来的仙鹤(1982) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 089非法持枪者【1989】 090翡翠麻将(1987) 091愤怒的航空港(1989年) 092风尘女侠吕四娘(1988) 093风流女探(1988) 094风雨下钟山(1982) 095枫(1980) 096疯狂歌女(1988) 097拂晓前的爆炸(1984) 098福星高照(1985) 099父子关系(台湾)(1986) 100富贵逼人(1987) 101富贵再逼人(1988) 102富贵再三逼人(1989) 103戈壁恩仇录(1988) 104哥儿们折腾记(1983) 105哥们儿发财记(1988) 106鸽子迷的奇遇(1986) 107姑娘的心愿(1981) 108孤岛情报战(1985) 109古堡小夜曲(1987年) 110瓜棚女杰(1985) 111寡妇村(1987) 112怪侠(侯耀文主演)(1989) 113关东大侠(1987) 114关东女侠(1989) 115归宿(1981) 116锅碗瓢盆交响曲(1983年) 117孩子王(1989) 118海神(1981年) 119海市蜃楼(1986) 120海之恋(1980) 121寒夜(1984) 122好事多磨(1980) 123何处不风流(1983) 125黑盗(1989) 126黑楼孤魂(1989) 127黑炮事件(1985) 128黑炮事件(1985) 129黑色诱惑(1988年) 130嘿,哥们儿(1987) 131红牡丹(1980年) 132红象(1982) 133红衣少女(1980) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 134红与白(1987) 135花开花落(1980) 136花园街五号(1984) 137哗变[1989] 138画中仙(1988) 139荒雪(1988) 140荒原杀手(1988) 141皇亲国戚(1983) 142黄河之滨(1984) 143黄山来的姑娘(1984) 144黄土地(1984) 145黄土坡的婆姨们(1988) 146黄英姑(1980) 147回头一笑(1981) 148家庭琐事录(1984) 149奸细(1980) 150间谍战与女色无关(1989) 151剑魂(1981) 152姣姣小姐(1986) 153街上流行红裙子(1980) 154今夜星光灿烂(1980) 155今夜有暴风雪(1984) 156金猴降妖(1985) 157京都球侠(1988) 158经理室的空座位(1984) 159精变(1983) 160井(1987) 161敬礼,我的教官(1987) 162飓风行动(1986) 163开枪,为他送行(1982) 164看见你就笑(1981) 165客从何来(1980) 166孔雀公主(1982) 167恐怖夜(1988) 168哭笑不得(1987) 169苦果(1981) 170快餐车(1984) 171快乐的单身汉(1983) 172蓝盾保险箱(1982) 173蓝鲸紧急出动(1985) 174蓝色档案(1980年) 175雷场相思树(1986) 176雷雨(1984) 177良家妇女(1985) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 178良宵血案(1988年) 179猎场札撒(1985) 180邻居(1981年) 181流泪的红蜡烛(1983) 182柳菲的遗书(1988) 183龙女(黄梅戏)(1984) 184庐山恋(1980) 185鹿鸣翠谷(1981年) 186路边吉它队(1985) 187路漫漫(1981) 188乱世英豪(1988年) 189妈妈,你在哪里(1982) 190妈妈再爱我一次(台湾)(1989) 191买买提外传(1987年) 192冒名顶替(1987年) 193没有航标的河流(1983) 194梅山奇案(1985) 195孟姜女(1986) 196梦想家(1987) 197梦中人(1986) 198迷人的乐队(1985) 199秘密采访(1989) 200秘密金库(1986) 201秘密战(1989) 202密令截击(1986) 203苗苗(1980) 204名剑(1980) 205明天回答你(1981) 206陌生的朋友(1982) 207母亲湖(1982) 208牡丹亭(1986) 209牧马人(1982) 210南北少林(1986) 211南拳王(1984年) 212难忘中学时光(1986) 213你在想什么(1983) 214逆光(1982) 215年轻的朋友(1981) 216牛棚(1989) 217女大学生宿舍(1983) 218女儿楼(1985) 219女驸马(1986) 220女局长的男朋友(1986) 221女模特的风波(1989) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 222女模特之死(1987) 223女人街(1989年) 224女子别动队(1989) 225排球之花(1980) 226佩剑将军(1982) 227碰海人(1984) 228霹雳贝贝(1986) 229漂流瓶(1986) 230破袭战(1981) 231祁连山的回声(1984) 232奇谋妙计五福星(1983) 233奇异的婚配(1981) 234骑士的荣誉(1984) 235棋王(1988) 236潜网(1981) 237潜影(1981年) 238枪从背后打来(1987) 239强盗与黑天鹅(1988) 240鞘中之剑(1986) 241琴思(1982) 242青春祭(1985) 243青春万岁(1983) 244清清溪流(1984) 245清水湾、淡水湾(1984) 246秋瑾(1983) 247泉水叮咚(1982) 248热恋(1989年) 249人到中年(1982) 250人生(1984) 251萨里玛珂(1982) 252三宝闹深圳(1988) 253三闯少林(1983) 254三对半情侣和一个小偷(1989) 255三家巷(1982) 256沙鸥(1981) 257山城雪(1980) 258山菊花(1982) 259山重水复(1980) 260珊瑚岛上的死光(1980) 261闪电行动(1987) 262闪光的箭(1980) 263伤逝(1981) 264少林十八铜女(1983) 265少林寺弟子(1983) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 266少年犯(1985) 267少爷的磨难(1987) 268蛇案(1983) 269蛇谷奇兵(1989) 270深谷尸变(1985) 271神鞭(1986) 272神龙剑侠吕四娘(1989年) 273神秘的大佛(1980) 274神秘的女人(1984) 275神秘驼队(1985) 276神女峰的迷雾(1980) 277生财有道(1984) 278生死决(1982) 279失业生(香港)(1980) 280十天(1980) 281石榴花(1982) 282世界奇案的最后线索(1985) 283双头鹰之迷(1987) 284水鸟行动(1986年) 285丝路花雨(1982) 286死期临近(1989) 287死亡客栈(1988) 288四渡赤水(1983年) 289四个小伙伴(1981) 290苏醒(1981) 291索伦河谷的枪声(1985) 292他,我们见过(1985) 293他爱谁(1980) 294他们在相爱(1980年) 295逃港者(1981) 296淘金王(1985) 297特高课在行动(1981) 298特急警报333(1983) 299天国恩仇(1985) 300天湖女侠(1988) 301天凉好个秋(台湾)(1980年) 302天使与魔鬼(1987) 303天堂之门(1986) 304天云山传奇(1980) 305田野又是青纱帐(1986) 306通缉令(1984) 307土裁缝与洋小姐(1987年) 308望日莲(1986) 309为什么生我(1984) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 310我们的田野(1983) 311无敌鸳鸯腿[1988] 312无枪枪手(1988) 313五女拜寿(1984) 314五台山奇情(1989年) 315五张照片(1984年) 316武当(1983年) 317舞恋(1981) 318勿忘我(1982) 319雾都茫茫(1980) 320夕照街(1980) 321西子姑娘(1983) 322喜鹊岭茶歌(1982) 323喜盈门(1981) 324峡江疑影(1985) 325险恶江湖逍遥剑(1989) 326乡情(1981) 327乡音(1983年) 328相思女子客店(1985) 329相约在凤尾竹下(1984) 330翔(1982年) 331小毕的故事(1983年) 332小街(1981) 333小巷名流(1985) 334小小得月楼(1983年) 335笑比哭好(1982) 336笑出来的眼泪——阿满的喜剧(1988) 337笑破情网(1987)3 38心灵的搏斗(1983) 339心灵深处(1982) 340辛亥双十(台湾)(1981) 341新兵马强(1981) 342凶手与懦夫(1987) 343凶宅美人头(1989) 344熊猫的故事(中日)(1988) 345许茂和他的女儿们(1981) 346漩涡里的歌(1981) 347雪花和栗子球(1980) 348雪狼(1989) 349血案疑踪(1986) 350血战生死情(1989) 351血总是热的(1983) 352雅马哈鱼档(1984) 353胭脂(1980) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction 354扬帆(1981年) 355洋妞寻师(1987) 356业余警察(1987) 357一半是火焰一半是海水(1989) 358一个和八个(1984) 359一个女演员的梦(1985年) 360异想天开(1986) 361银蛇谋杀案(1988) 362邮缘(1984) 363诱捕之后[1982] 364与魔鬼打交道的人(1980) 365雨后(1982) 366玉色蝴蝶(1980) 367御马外传(1981) 368冤家路宽(1981) 369元帅与士兵(1981) 370原乡人(1980) 371原野(1988) 372袁氏遗产案(1989) 373月光下的小屋(1985) 374月亮湾的笑声(1981) 375在暗杀者名单上(1988) 376咱们的牛百岁(1982) 377贼王之王(1982) 378斩尽杀绝(1987) 379战地之星(1983) 380战争,让女人走开(1987) 381张铁匠的罗曼史(1982) 382赵钱孙李(1982) 383知音(1981) 384直奉大战(1986年) 385智斗美女蛇(1984年) 386智截玉香笼(1981) 387中华英雄(1986) 388钟声(1981) 389子夜(1981) 390自古英雄出少年(1983) 391自豪吧母亲(1980) 392总统行动(1986) 393最后八个人(1980) 394最后一个皇妃(1988) center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management. Rehabilitation Centre for industry, for rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) alarm system design for construction
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