

2017-10-18 10页 doc 34KB 17阅读




环保局实习报告环保局实习报告 关于在梧州市环境监测站的暑假实习报告 在这个告别大三的暑假中,我在梧州市环境保护监测站度过了一段有意义的时光。我利用暑假中四个星期的时间,在监测站的分析科进行了实习。实习内容主要是在实验室中独立或辅助完成环境监测样本的分析实验。在这次实习中,我收获了很多,包括动手能力、执行能力的提高,工作经验的积累,课本知识的巩固,人际交往技巧的提升等等。现将此次实习的有关情况报告如下: 分析科一天的工作需要等采样科的同事到实地采样后才开展。所以,几乎每天上午的工作是为下午的分析实验做好准备工作。比如,检验水体悬浮物含量...
环保局实习报告 关于在梧州市环境监测站的暑假实习报告 在这个告别大三的暑假中,我在梧州市环境保护监测站度过了一段有意义的时光。我利用暑假中四个星期的时间,在监测站的分析科进行了实习。实习内容主要是在实验室中独立或辅助完成环境监测样本的分析实验。在这次实习中,我收获了很多,包括动手能力、执行能力的提高,工作经验的积累,课本知识的巩固,人际交往技巧的提升等等。现将此次实习的有关情况报告如下: 分析科一天的工作需要等采样科的同事到实地采样后才开展。所以,几乎每天上午的工作是为下午的分析实验做好准备工作。比如,检验水体悬浮物含量的实验要事先干燥并称量滤纸供实验使用;细菌检测的实验所用的试管要在上午做好高压蒸汽灭菌处理。我在协助同事们做好这些工作的同时还阅读了监测站样本分析的指导书本《空气和废气监测分析方法》、《水和废水监测分析方法》,了解分析实验原理、步骤及注意事项。 经过一个上午的准备,下午的各项分析工作就可以有条不紊地展开。开始的几天,我在实验室观察前辈做实验,帮忙打打下手,听前辈讲解操作原理和注意事项并认真做好笔记,下班后对照笔记再重新阅读专业书本,以便自己能吃透实验,保证操作时少出错。 经过几天的观摩,我终于能在前辈的指导下进行实验操作了。在实验中,前辈指出了我很多操作不规范的地方,例如分光光度仪的比色皿每次放置都应顺着统一方向以保持光路的方向性,减小误差。他们还帮助我纠正了滴定时的错误手势等。前辈们不仅指导具体工作,还无私地介绍自己的工作与社会经验,使我受益匪浅。真的很感谢他们。因为前辈们的信任,我得到了一些独立操作实验分析项目的机会。在实习期间,我独立进行了测定水体pH值、电导率、CODposition, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and (化学耗氧量)、总氮(TN)含量项目的测定,并辅助操作了溶解氧、BOD(生物耗氧量)、总磷、氨氮、挥发酚含量的测定。我还观摩学习了离子色谱仪测定降水中硫酸根、硝酸根、亚硝酸根、氟离子等无机阴离子含量,原子吸收分光光度法测定铅、锌、锰、铬、镉、汞等金属离子含量,原子荧光光度法测定汞、硒离子含量这三个项目。 以下是关于我独立操作过的项目的具体描述: A(pH值的测定 利用320pH酸度计是测定pH应用较为广泛且简便准确的方法。操作时,首先要利用校正液校正仪器,直至校正直线斜率大于0.95才可测量使用。之后分别测定各个样品。电极使用后要放置在饱和氯化钾溶液中浸泡。 注意事项:测量期间,溶液应被充分摇匀。读数至少读两次,直至前后两次读数差值小于0.01。测量不同的溶液前应用蒸馏水将电极冲洗干净、擦干,以免污染下一瓶溶液。 B(电导率的测定 利用CM-30S电导仪是测定pH应用较为广泛且简便准确的方法。操作时,直接将电极浸泡于溶液中测量,直至读数稳定。 注意事项:同pH值的测定。且在冰箱贮藏的溶液应使其恢复到室温在进行测量,以免引起误差。 C(COD(化学耗氧量)的测定 最常见的COD(化学耗氧量)的测定方法是重铬酸钾法。环保监测站使用的正是这种方法。该方法原理是:以重铬酸钾在强酸条件下氧化水样时的耗量反应受还原性物质如部分有机物、亚硝酸盐、亚铁盐、硫化物的含量。 在消解罐内依次加入5毫升酸性重铬酸钾溶液、5毫升水样、5毫升硫酸-position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 硫酸银溶液,放入消解炉内消解一定时间,待完全冷却后将溶液洗进锥形瓶内,加适量亚铁灵指示剂后,用标定过的硫酸亚铁铵溶液滴定。滴定终点为溶液由黄色变为蓝绿色再变为红褐色。因硫酸亚铁铵溶液不稳定,每次滴定前均要用酸性重铬酸钾溶液标定。 注意事项:实验涉及到的试剂均含有浓硫酸,所以操作时必须小心谨慎,以免试剂沾到皮肤,如不慎接触到皮肤,要立即用水冲洗。如水样中氯离子浓度高于1000毫克每升,则要稀释水样后在进行测定。如消解前,发现有沉淀,可加入硫酸汞固体取出氯离子干扰。 D(总氮(TN)的测定 监测站使用的是过硫酸钾氧化法测定水样总氮的含量。用过硫酸钾将水样中的有机氮和无机氮氧化成硝酸盐后,用紫外分光光度法,在220与275纳米的波长下测定吸光值,再根据曲线查出总氮浓度。 在消解罐加入5毫升水样和5毫升碱性过硫酸钾溶液,放入消解炉内消解一定时间。冷却至室温后,将溶液洗进25毫升比色管内,加入1毫升(1+9)盐酸后定容至25毫升,之后用紫外分光光度仪在220与275纳米的波长下测定吸光值。 注意事项:试验中要用同一桶无氮水,以避免误差。 以下是我辅助或学习过的项目的简单概括: A(溶解氧的测定:碘量法 B(BOD(生物耗氧量)的测定:稀释接种法 C(总磷的测定:钼锑抗分光光度法 D(氨氮的测定:纳氏试剂光度法 E(挥发酚的测定:4-氨基安替比林萃取光度法 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and F(离子色谱仪测定降水中硫酸根、硝酸根、亚硝酸根、氟离子等无机阴离子含量 G(原子吸收分光光度法测定铅、锌、锰、铬、镉、汞等金属离子含量 H(原子荧光光度法测定汞、硒离子含量 这次实习真的让我有很多的收获及启发。首先是通过这次实习,我能将书本、课堂知识运用到实践当中,动手能力得到很大提高,特别是检验分析类的实际操作经验得到丰富和充实。能较熟练操作721分光光度计、紫外分光光度计等仪器设备,掌握pH值、电导率、COD(化学耗氧量)、总氮(TN)等项目的测定,对重金属的测定、离子色谱仪的使用也有了一定认识。比起平时只在课堂上听听老师讲理论,自己动手操作的学习效果真的好很多,亲自动手能将课堂对知识的感性认识上升到对事物的理性认识,这是在课本和普通课堂上收获不到的。再者,我体会到了看懂他人操作与自己能动手独立操作有很大差别。因为亲身操作时会遇到很多在观察他人操作时不被察觉的细节问。要自己亲身操作才能意识到自己问题的存在。所以要多动手实践,并且凡事要仔细观察。还有,在化学实验或化工生产中有很多潜在危险,所以要遵守操作规程制度,注意安全。要做到胆大心细,举一反三。最后,通过这次实习,我走出了校园,接触了社会。在实践中熟悉了环保监测站的工作环境,锻炼了自己的人际交往能力和执行力。学会了在工作前将能预见的问题思考清楚,积极请教,寻求解决,学会了怎样有效地跟领导沟通,及时汇报工作,懂得了我们要将自己培养成综合素质更强的复合型人才,这样才能受到更多用人单位的青睐。分析科大多是环境工程专业的本科生甚至是研究生,但有一位工业造价大专毕业的学姐也做得顺心如意,她的动手能力和思维能力都很出色。这了就算工作与专业不对口,只要我们善于学习,认真对待,也可以在工作中有不俗的表现。position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 这为我调整入职心态,迈入社会打下了基础。 最后是这次实习我发现的问题和改进建议。在四周的实习时间里,我主要都在分析科工作学习,没有主动地利用空闲时间去认识熟悉其他的科室和部门,没有更多地了解到其它部门科室的运作,这是一个需要在以后实习与工作中应多加注意的地方,需要积极地抓住学习机会,吸取更多的东西。 撰写人: 2011年8月15日 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and
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