

2017-10-27 4页 doc 17KB 25阅读




制作grub启动光盘镜像制作grub启动光盘镜像 ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方 制作GRUB启动光盘镜像 GRUB文档里的原文: GRUB supports the no emulation mode in the El Torito specification2. This means that you can use the whole CD-ROM from GRUB and you don't have to make a floppy or har...
制作grub启动光盘镜像 ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方 制作GRUB启动光盘镜像 GRUB文档里的原文: GRUB supports the no emulation mode in the El Torito specification2. This means that you can use the whole CD-ROM from GRUB and you don't have to make a floppy or hard disk image file, which can cause compatibility problems. For booting from a CD-ROM, GRUB uses a special Stage 2 called 'stage2_eltorito'. The only GRUB files you need to have in your bootable CD-ROM are this 'stage2_eltorito' and optionally a config file 'menu.lst'. You don't need to use 'stage1' or 'stage2', because El Torito is quite different from the standard boot process. Here is an example of procedures to make a bootable CD-ROM image. First, make a top directory for the bootable image, say, 'iso': $ mkdir iso Make a directory for GRUB: $ mkdir -p iso/boot/grub Copy the file 'stage2_eltorito': $ cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito iso/boot/grub If desired, make the config file 'menu.lst' under 'iso/boot/grub' (see Chapter 5 [Configuration], page 17), and copy any files and directories for the disc to the directory 'iso/'. Finally, make a ISO9660 image file like this: $ mkisofs -R -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o grub.iso iso This produces a file named 'grub.iso', which then can be burned into a CD (or a DVD). mkisofs has already set up the disc to boot from the boot/grub/stage2_eltorito file, so there is no need to setup GRUB on the disc. (Note that the -boot-load-size 4 bit is required for compatibility with the BIOS on many older machines.) You can use the device '(cd)' to access a CD-ROM in your config file. This is not required; GRUB automatically sets the root device to '(cd)' when booted from a CD-ROM. It is only necessary to refer to '(cd)' if you want to access other drives as well. 要注意的: 1.stage2_eltorito这个文件在GRUB0.97里并没有,而用iso9660_stage1_5这个文件替代; 2.目录的设定一定要正确,一定要是xxx/boot/grub形式,iso9660_stage1_5与menu.lst 文件必须放在xxx/boot/grub/中;xxx目录下的所有都将装入镜像; 3.mkisofs中指定启动文件的目录是相对于镜像目录的。 ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方 ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方 关于GRUB4DOS GRUB4DOS相比于GRUB增加了许多功能,如支持虚拟设备映射等。 In GRUB for DOS, you can use grldr to create bootable CDROM: mkisofs -R -b grldr -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 0x1000 -o bootable.iso iso_root or mkisofs -R -b grldr -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -o grldr.iso iso_root grldr and menu.lst should be placed at the root directory of CDROM image. The above two commands can both create a bootable CDROM, but they are not totally the same. The first one tells BIOS to load the whole grldr. However, some buggy BIOS might ignore it and load only a portion of the file typically one sector (2048 bytes). This will cause the program to fail. The second one tells BIOS to load only the first sector (2048 bytes), and the program loads the rest from CDROM. This method is safer, it should work for most BIOS. Note: you can optionally use the -boot-info-table option, but the info table will be ignored by the program. 一般来说使用如下方式创建GRUB4DOS启动光盘: mkisofs -V "CDNAME" -r -J -b grldr -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -o grldr.iso 使用-r和-J选项可以使DOS格式和UNIX格式兼容 iso_root ----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需------------- 文档下载最佳的地方
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