

2017-09-02 50页 doc 162KB 61阅读




初恋50次初恋50次 So tell me. How was Hawaii?快讲讲,夏威夷怎么样啊, -lt was unbelievable. Oh, yeah?简直让人难以置信。真的吗, -Well, what happened? -l met this guy. -发生什么了,-我遇到了一个男人。 lt was the best week of my life.那是我一生最棒的一周。 lt was just a little vacation romance. 只不过是一个小小的假期爱情。 But he was so ...
初恋50次 So tell me. How was Hawaii?快讲讲,夏威夷怎么样啊, -lt was unbelievable. Oh, yeah?简直让人难以置信。真的吗, -Well, what happened? -l met this guy. -发生什么了,-我遇到了一个男人。 lt was the best week of my life.那是我一生最棒的一周。 lt was just a little vacation romance. 只不过是一个小小的假期爱情。 But he was so sweet.他真的好贴心。 He took me to all these cool local places. 他带我去好多当地的景点。 We went scuba diving...我们去水肺潜水…… -Snorkeling. -Mountain climbing.-浮潜。-爬山。 We went cliff diving.还去玩了悬崖跳水。 Well, we got a little drunk.我们都有点喝醉了。 -He gave me... -A back rub.-他帮我…… -按摩。 We slow danced... in the rain.我们还跳了慢舞…是在雨中。 But it wasn't just about the sex.不过重点不只是做爱。 He pounded me like a mallard duck.他像野鸭一样疯狂。 lt ended kind of weird, though.但是故事的结尾有点奇怪。 When l asked for his number, he said he's... 我想他要电话号码的时候,他告诉我…… -Married. -他已经结婚了。-Gay.-他是同性恋。 -Entering the priesthood. -He doesn't believe in phones. -做了牧师。-他不喜欢电话。 He just kind of ran away.他就这么跑掉了。 You know, it was just a little fling, but... 虽然只是短暂的激情,可是…… l won't forget my week --with Henry Roth. 我永远忘不了和亨利罗斯在一起的这一周。 Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent?亨利罗斯,你为什么不早点告诉我你是一个特工, l prefer intelligence operative, and l couldn't tell you until I though l knew you. 我选择了这一行,所以在我认为我了解你以前,我不想告诉你。 Well, can l call you when l land? 那我下飞机以后可以给你打电话吗, You can call me, but l'll be in Peru. l said that a little loud. 你可以给我打电话,但是我会在秘鲁。不好,我说的有点太大声了。 Come on, that's a 187, code blue. We got the wolf sleeping at night.快点,187,蓝色警报。夜晚有两只狼在睡觉。 He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear. 把他的右手伸到抽屉里,将饼干盒偷了出来,解除警报。 Well, maybe when you get back from Peru. 那或许等你从秘鲁回来。 -l don't think that's an option, Lisa. -Linda. -我认为这不是个好办法,丽莎。-是琳达。 l know. l changed your name for your protection. 我知道,我故意给你改了名字,为了你的人身安全。 We have to go our separate ways now.我们要各走各的路了。 Got it! Moving out!收到~这就出发~ -What the hell is your problem? -Just keep going, l'll give you $20.-神经病啊你,-别停,一直往前开,我给你20块钱。 -You got it. How's your balls? -Killing me. Hit it. -没问题,你的蛋蛋怎么样,-疼得要死,快点开吧。 Easy, Honah Lee.轻一点嘛,亨利。 Hey, l'm a person, not a seal.哎呀,我是人啊,又不是海豹。 Well, l am a vet, not a doctor. So just hold still, or l won't give you a treat. 而我是兽医,不是人医,你还是听话点,不要动,否则不给你医了。 You see what happens when you play with sharks? 这就是跟鲨鱼玩的结果, Now, why you gotta spread those lies? Sharks are like dogs.啊,你还要散布谣言吗,鲨鱼和狗一样, They only bite when you touch their private parts. 只有碰到他们私处的时候才咬你。 That's a good title for my documentary. 这个做我纪录片的题目不错: Sharks: They Only Bite When You Touch Their Private Parts.鲨鱼,只有碰到他们私处的时候才咬你。 Or you could call it, Sharks: They Tried to Eat My Kidney.或者叫:鲨鱼~差点吃掉我的肾。 All right, enough already. You too, Willie. 好了,我已经够惨的了,你也别笑,威利。 He just cast a spell on us.哦,他在对我们施咒语。 All right. Put this on four times a day for two weeks. 好了,每天把这个换4次,坚持2周。 -You can handle that. -What's wrong with that turtle? -你能做到的。-那只乌龟怎么了, He has lung problems because he smoked too much turtle weed... .which is bad for you. Right? 他得肺病了,因它吸了太多龟大麻,太多毒品对身体不好的,对吧, What? l don't smoke weed.什么,我从来不吸大麻。 Hey, Honah Lee? How's that hot wahine nympho from Ohio?嗨,亨利,俄亥俄来的那个女色鬼怎么样了, Great. She's good! l dropped her off at the airport this morning.她很好啊。我今天早上把她送到机场了。 Come on, l need some details.多说点嘛,我要听细节。 You get some booby, some assy, a pull on your poi-poi? Come on.有没有摸到胸部,还是屁股,想想吧。 Daddy, what's a nympho?爸爸,什么是女色鬼, Oh. The nympho is the state bird of Ohio. 哦,女色鬼是俄亥俄州的州鸟。 You're the state idiot of Hawaii.而你是夏威夷州的白痴之最。 Here you go. Bite the fish, chew the fish, love the fish. Enjoy.威利,给你,吃鱼吧,用力咬,用力嚼。慢慢享用吧。 -You crack me up, kamaaina. -Oh, yeah? -你真让我觉得好笑。-是吗, -One of these days... -Yeah?-有一天…… -怎么样, ...you're gonna show one of those tourists such a good time...会有某个旅游者因为和你共渡美好的时光 ..she'll wanna stay on the island.而呆在岛上不想走了。 Why do you say mean things like that and why is your foot on my pillow? 你为什么总要说这么刻薄的话,还有,为什么你的脚在我的枕头上, l don't want your ass on it, either. Get up! Get up! 屁股也不行。快起来~起来~ lt could happen.没准儿会发生哦。 Then you won't be able to go on your boat trip to Alaska.那样的话你就不能完成去阿拉斯加旅游的计划。 You'll be stuck here, waking up next to the same old, ugly broad, just like Ula. 你就会被囚禁在这里,每天早上起来的时候面对你那又老又难看的老婆,就像我的一样。 -Just kidding, guys. -About the old part or the ugly part?-我只是在开玩笑的。-哪部分,老,还是难看, Henry, come quickly! lt's Jocko!亨利~快点来~乔可出事了~ Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy?乔可哥们你怎么了, Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine. 别害怕,不会有事的。 Just stay calm. All right.冷静一点。 Willie, l don't need you to see this. Get out of here, now!威利,我不想让你看到这些。快点离开这儿~ Okay, check the temperature of the pool. Go! Hurry! 你去看看水里的温度。快点~ What are you doing? l meant check the thermometer!阿力克斯~你做什么~我是说看一下温度计~ Give me a hand. Let's go!快点帮帮我。走~ Get me two fish from the barrel. Now. 我需要你从大桶里面拿两条鱼~快。 -Okay. -Just hang in there.-好的。-坚持住。 -Here. -lt's gonna be all right.-这里。-不会有事的。 That's a little warm. Go to the bottom of the barrel, please.这两只不够凉,请你从桶底拿。 Okay, there. That's good. Thank you.哦。很好。谢谢。 Come on, buddy, take it. Take it.来吧哥们儿,吃吧。 -He's not responding! -l know, Alexa! -他不吃~-我知道,阿力克斯~ Sorry, l smacked you. You needed the fish-slap to calm down.对不起,我打了你。但是你需要打一下才能冷静下来。 -Do you understand? Are you calm? -Yes. Fish-slap calm me.-明白吗,你现在冷静了吗,-明白,冷静多了。 l'm gonna try to get him breathing manually... 好。我现在要人工帮他呼吸…… ...so l need your face next to his mouth to see if it's working.我需要你把脸靠近它的嘴,看看有没有效。 -Are you ready? -Yes.-准备好了吗,-准备好了。 -One, two, three! -Nothing, nothing!-1,2,3~-不起作用~ All right! Try it one more time. lf it doesn't work we'll perform a emergency tracheotomy. 好了好了,再试一次。如果还是没效的话,我们就做紧急气管切开手术。 We don't wanna do that, so let's pray this works. One more time.这是我们不想做的,所以但愿这次有效。再来一次。 That's a lot of vomit.他怎么吐了这么多, This is why l got into this business. To save sea animals. 这就是我为什么选择了这份工作,来拯救海洋生物。 You should go wash yourself off, okay?你去洗一洗吧。 Maybe try some turpentine. That might take the stink away.用一些松脂或许可以除去臭味。 Yeah, high-five is right, buddy.你很厉害呀,伙计。 l knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome!我知道你想打嗝,不过你那一吐也太棒了~ That's what she gets for eating my roast beef sandwich.哈哈,这就是你偷吃我的烧牛肉三明治的下场。 Willie, did you see that?哈哈,威利,你看到没有, Captain's log: November 5th, 6: 45 a.m. 船长日记,11月5日早上6:45。 I've taken the Sea Serpent for a trip around the island of Oahu.我乘着“海蛇号”在埃瓦胡岛屿做绕行。 It is by far the longest voyage she has yet undertaken...这是她经历过得最长的旅行…… ...and its successful completion will signal that she's ready...她的完成意味着 ...for our great journey to Bristol Bay... 我们可以去布里斯特湾旅行了…… ...whose unspoiled walrus habitat will yield an abundance of--那里原始的海象栖息地将盛产…… Damn it!可恶~Are you kidding me?开什么玩笑, Aloha, honey. What can l get for you?你好~想要点什么, l guess l'll take a cup of coffee.我想要一杯咖啡吧。 -You guess? -Yeah, l already ate breakfast. -你确定么,-是的,我已经吃过早餐了。 l need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat.我只是想消磨些时间,等着海岸警备队来拖我的船。 What did you eat?你早餐吃了什么, l had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and some Gatorade.我吃的花生酱夹心巧克力。 They're not breakfast. l get you Spam and eggs. 那哪是早餐呢,我给你拿一些午餐肉和鸡蛋。 -You like the peanut butter cups? -Yes. -你喜欢花生酱夹心巧克力,-是的。 Want me to put peanut butter cups in your eggs? 你想在鸡蛋上放些花生酱么, -Hey, Sue, nice haircut. -Mahalo, Lucy. -嗨,苏,发型很漂亮。-谢谢你,露西。 Are you staring at me or her? Because you're starting to freak me out.你在盯着我看还是她,你的眼光让我很不安。 Settle down and eat your pancakes.你专心吃你的薄饼吧。 l think she's a local girl. l wanted to go up to her... 我觉得她是个本地人,我想过去跟她说话…… but l was kind of off my game. But, man, was she cute, though.可是当时有点不在状况。不过,她真的很可爱。 l thought you liked your bitches from out of state. 我以为你喜欢外地的娘们。 Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure l don't get tied down.是,那是我一贯的原则,我不想被拴住。 Freeze that image right there.把图像暂停。 There's the little fella. Congratulations, Mommy. 小东西就在这儿,恭喜你了,要做妈妈了。 Sounds to me like someone is afraid of commitment. 听上去好像某人害怕承诺的。Let me guess.让我猜猜。 Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party... 你的高中情人在舞会上喝醉了, ...then cheated on you with whole wrestling team. 然后跟整个摔跤队发生了关系。 Close. Actually, it was my college girlfriend Tracy. 差不太多。其实是我大学的女朋友翠西。 And it wasn't a wrestling team. lt was her academic advisor.而且不是学校的摔跤队,而是她的辅导员。 -Oh, she liked the older man. -Older women. About 50 years older.-天哪,她喜欢老男人。-老女人。比她大50岁。 l hope you shot the stupid tramp. 我希望你把那个贱女人狠狠收拾了一顿。 What's with the "tramp" and the "bitches" talk? 干嘛用这么不干净的语言, -Are you drunk or something? -l apologize for nasty talk.-你喝醉了吗,-对不起,我道歉。 l am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy. 我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。 Shut up, because here comes one-time-only opportunity.不过现在有了一个千载难逢的好机会。 What l will do now is go into your office and become naked. Next move is up to you.我现在会去你的办公室,脱光衣服。下一步怎么做就看你的了。 l may not be as limber as l once was but l make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to experiment. 我或许没有以前柔软但是我可以用我的激情和主动来弥补。 l don't know if you realize, l'm not into guys. 这个你要知道,我不喜欢男人。 -You're back. -Couldn't get enough of that Spam. -你又来了。-吃不够你们的午餐肉。 Fry some up and throw some eggs on it. 能不能帮我做一些,再加个鸡蛋, -You got it. -All right, mahalo.-没问题。-谢谢。 You know, why don't you try this?你可以试试这样。 lt's kind of a hinge.就像个铰链一样。 -Now, why didn't l think of that? -Well, you're too close to the project.-我怎么没有想到,-当局者谜啊。 Don't be hard on yourself.别责怪自己。 Right. Sometimes you need an outsider's perspective. 你说得对,有些时候就是需要局外人的观点。 Fresh eye never hurts.旁观者清嘛。 lt's pretty. Keep up the good work.很漂亮,继续努力。 Wait. l see you're sitting there alone. Do you wanna come and sit down?等等。你一个人吧,你想过来坐吗, -Sure, that'd be great, if that's all right. -Okay. -好啊,那实在太好了。-好的。 -So are you an architect? -l am not. l'm in fish. -你是建筑师吗,-不是,我是和鱼打交道的。 Oh, that's where the smell is coming from. 哦,所以会有这个味道。 Yeah, yeah, l was feeding a walrus this morning... 嗯,我今天早上喂海象了…… ...and l thought l got most of it off of me, but guess l didn't.我以为我已经把味道洗掉了,看来还没有。 l love that smell.我很喜欢这个气味。-No, you don't.怎么可能, -Fish don't even like that smell. -No, l do. My dad's a fisherman. -连鱼都不喜欢这个味。-不,我真的喜欢。我爸爸是个渔夫。 He and my brother Doug, they go out to sea for months at a time.他和我弟弟道格一连几个月在海上。 And l miss them so much while they're gone that when they come back ,l just hold on to them for five minutes each. 他们不在的时候我非常想念他们,他们回来后,我会紧紧各自抱他们5分钟。 And they smell just like your hands. lt's the best smell in the world.他们身上的气味和你手上的一样,是全世界最棒的气味。 Well, my fingers are available for your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them. 这样啊,我的手可以随时为你的嗅觉服务。 -Wanna? -Okay.-想不想闻一下,-好。 Sea lions are known for their athleticism... 海狮的运动能力力众所周知, ...and dolphins are known for their intelligence. 海豚的特点则是他们的聪明。 -Walruses are known for their... -Tusks? -海象的特点是他们的…… -长牙, Their tusks. Also their male parts can get pretty gigantic. 长牙也是一部分。还有他们的雄性器官也是非常大。 Yeah, yeah, it's the second biggest out of all the mammals.嗯,是哺乳动物中第二大的。 -What's the first? -l think Tattoo-Face. -那第一大的呢,-应该是那个满脸是纹身的吧。 l like your laugh.你笑了,我很高兴。 l like you making me laugh.我喜欢你逗我笑。 l hate to break this up, but we're setting up for lunch. 我不想打断你们的谈话,可是我们要为午餐准备了。 And the real cool thing about walruses is they're very mysterious.海象最有意思的地方就是他们的神秘。 -Mysterious? -Yeah, yeah.-神秘,-是的,是的。 We don't really know what they're like in the wild. 我们不是很清楚他们在海洋里是怎么样生活的。 Don't they just sleep on icebergs and yawn all the time?他们不就是躺在冰山上,成天打哈欠吗, All we really see is what they do outside of the water but who knows what they do under the ice where they spend two-thirds of their lives. 这只是我们看得到的,他们在水面上做的事情,可是关于他们在海里生活的研究却很少,而他们三分之二的时间是在水里面的。 Well, maybe they're intimidating the other creatures with their big winkies.可能他们在水下拿他们的大家伙吓其它生物吧。 That is one theory.这是其中一个说法。 -l have to go. -Where you going?-我要走了。-你要去哪儿, lt's my dad's birthday, and we go every year and we pick a pineapple. -lt's a tradition. 今天是我爸爸的生日,我们每年都去摘一个菠萝。-是一个家庭传统。 -That sounds nice. Okay, well... -听上去很有意思。好吧…… ...l had a great time.我今天很开心。 -Me too. -Okay.-我也是。-好了。 Would you like to have breakfast again tomorrow morning, same time?你愿意明天早上同一时间再一起吃早餐吗, -Because l teach an art class at 10. -Really? -我每天早上10点教艺术课。-是吗, -Yeah. -l wish l could make it... -是的。-我很希望我可以来…… ...but, yes, l will be there.可是,嗯,我会来的。 -Take care. -Okay.-保重。-好的。 -One for the road. lt is fishy. -Got you good. -我要走了,哦,很腥。-你真好。 l had a bee on me.有只蜜蜂在我身上了。 -All right. -He was a big one.-知道了。-是一只很大的。 Which means "look at those two shitheads." 也就是说,“看那两个白痴”。 That was the stupidest-looking swing l've ever seen. 这是我一生见到的最差劲的动作。 l'm gonna take a Molokai on that one.这次不会再丢丑了。 Stop laughing, you hyenas. Let's see what you get. 你们这些小鬼在笑什么,来啊,看看你们什么水平。 Show papa what you got.给老爸瞧瞧。 -You suck, you're good at everything. -Father of the Year strikes again.-你们这些小鬼,怎么什么都会。-又丢脸了。 By the way, cuz, l met this sexy, blond tax attorney at Starbucks today. 对了,老弟,我今天在咖啡厅认识一个性感的金发税务律师。 l told her you the kahuna she wanna have fun on this island.我跟她说你是我合伙人,可以让她在岛上玩得开心。 You want her number?你要不要她的电话, You pimping tourists for me again?你又在帮我泡妞吗, Yes! l live vicariously through you, remember? 是啊。我是通过你生活的,你不记得了吗, My life sucks.我的生活很无趣。 Now, come on. Give her the Waikikiki sneaky between the cheeky.去吧,给她一点刺激。 Ula needs it. l imagine l did it and then l can get through another weekend. 乌拉真的很需要。这样的话我就可以幻想我和她做过,让我活过一个周末。 l'm staying in. Sorry. Thank you, though. 我还是在家呆着吧,对不起。不过谢谢你的好意。 But your stitches are bleeding.可是你的伤口出血了。 lt must've been my huge back-swing.一定是打球打的。 You think you can stitch me up after l get back from surfing? 老弟,你能不能等我冲浪回来后,晚上帮我再缝一下, -Yeah, looking forward to it. -l wouldn't surf with a wound like that.-可以,我等着。-你身上有伤口,最好不要冲浪吧, You might attract a shark.有可能会引起鲨鱼的注意。 What's wrong with that? Sharks are naturally peaceful.那又怎么了,鲨鱼其实是很和平的动物。 ls that right? How'd you get that nasty cut, anyway? 是吗,你是怎么受伤的啊,A shark bit me.被鲨鱼咬的。 Go smoke another one, bro.那去挑战另一个吧,老兄。 That shark theory's starting to catch on. 我跟你说了,你的鲨鱼理论会坏事的。 Now, will everybody keep it down...好了,大家安静一下, while l whack the crap out of this thing?我要打球了。 Sit! Stay! Shit! No!坏了~ Where the hell is it?到底跑到哪儿去了, Looking for something?你在找什么吗, Oh, my God! What are you doing here?天哪~你怎么在这儿, The same thing you are. Looking for my ball. 和你一样啊,找我的球。 This is weird. l've been thinking about you all morning, all day.真得很奇怪。我一直在想你,早上,白天。 Can't wait to have breakfast with you again tomorrow.很期待明天和你一起吃早餐。 l know. And l just wanna eat you up.我也是,我只想把你吃掉。 -Really? -Yeah. Tomorrow and the next day... -是吗,-是的。明天,后天…… Oh, Lucy, that feels so good.哦,露西,这个感觉真好。 No, my nipples are too sensitive. Stop that. 别,我的乳头很敏感,别这样。 -What happened? -Your ball hooked into that cart bounced back and hit you in the head. lt was freaking hilarious. -发生什么了,-你的球打到了那辆车弹了回来,打到你的头。超级好笑。 And what's up with your nipples?还有,你的乳头怎么了, l can't be falling for a local. l ain't ever going back to that diner.在本地人面前我不能象个外地人,我再也不回那个小馆子了。 -This where you got hit? -Yes!-这儿疼吗,-疼~ You're so lucky you're a professional cliff diver in Hawaii. 你真的很酷,职业悬崖跳水,在夏威夷~ -Yeah, well, it's a living. -l'm a tax attorney. -总要生活嘛。-我是一个税务律师。 -We never get to have any fun. -ls that right? -我们从来都没有乐趣。-真的吗, l'd like to do something extra fun tonight. 我想今晚做些超级刺激的事情。 Taking it deep, aren't you?哇,都能喝光, How about another fishbowl for the lady? 阿尔伯特,给这位女士再来一大杯。 -Why don't l just tap a keg for her? -Okay. -我正要帮他开一桶呢。-好的。 l think l'm getting kind of drunk.我觉得我有点醉了。 -Are you getting drunk? -Getting there.-你醉了吗,-快了。 So, what are you thinking?你在想什么呢, Actually, l'm not drunk at all, Noreen, and neither are you, because there's no alcohol in these drinks. 其实,我一点都没有醉,而且你也没有醉,因为这些饮料里面都没有酒精。 Sadly, l've used this technique many times. 很遗憾,这只是我经常使用的手段。 lt helps lovely tourists, such as yourself loosen up without impairing your ability to stay awake and have guilt-free, vigorous sex with me. 可以使可爱的旅游者放轻松,而且还可以一夜都不睡觉,丝毫不内疚地跟我疯狂做爱。 l'm not a cliff diver, either. l'm afraid of heights.我也不会什么悬崖跳水,我有恐高症。 Well, since it's my last night in town. can l pretend you didn't just say that and still have sex with you anyway? 这是我在岛上的最后一晚了,我能不能假装你没有说这些话,依然跟你做爱, l can't do it. l'm sorry.我不能这样做。对不起。 Well, can you at least point me in the direction of someone who can?那你能不能至少告诉我可以和谁, That guy over there could help you out. 那边那个男的,应该可以帮你。 -lsn't that a woman? -Jeez, l'm not really sure. -那个不是个女的吗,-其实我也不太肯定。 But you're too drunk to notice, remember? Take care.但你已经醉得不在意了,不是吗,保重。 Not aloha, "hello," aloha, "goodbye." We're closed today. Go away.不是你好,是再见。我们今天休息,请你离开。 What are you talking about? -Order up!你在说什么,饭好了~ -Don't move. l have to talk to you. -Okay. -别走,我得跟你谈谈。-好的。 My fingers are extra fishy today, if you care to take a whiff. 我的手指今天特别腥,不知道你想不想闻一下。 What was that?你说什么, l was petting my walrus all morning and thinking of you the whole time.我早上一直摸我的海象,而且一直想着你。 Okay, pervert. l think that you should leave. 好了,变态,我认为你应该离开。 What? l was joking because of what we talked about yesterday.什么,我只是在开玩笑,因为我们昨天谈过。 Yesterday?昨天, l've never even met you.我从来都没见过你。 -Nick! l need help! -Coming, Lucy. -尼克,我需要帮助~-来了,露西。 Nick, put that down. l'll handle it. 尼克,把那个放下,我去处理。 -You, follow me. -Wait a-- What's going on? -你,跟我来。-等一下……怎么回事啊, l was kidding around with you!我只是在跟你开玩笑~ What's happening here? ls she crazy or something? 刚才发生什么了,她疯了吗, Lucy is a very special person. Very different from other people.露西是一个很特别的女孩,跟其他人不一样。 About a year ago, Lucy was in a terrible car accident.大概一年前,发生了一起很严重的车祸。 She and her father went up North Shore to get a pineapple.她和她爸爸去海边摘菠萝。 Her father broke some ribs, but Lucy suffered a serious head injury.她爸爸的肋骨断了几条,可是露西的头部严重受伤, She lost her short-term memory.结果失去了短期记忆。 So she can't remember anything?那她什么都不记得了, No, no, no, she has all of her long-term memory.不是,不是,她的长期记忆没有问题。 That's a different part of the brain.因为那是大脑的另一部分。 Her whole life, up to the night before the accident, she remembers.她记得她的一生,一直到车祸的前一天。 She just can't retain any new information. 只是大脑不能留住新的信息了。 lt's like her slate gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps.就好像那部分大脑每天晚上在她睡觉的时候被清洗干净了。 Hold on. This sounds like something l would tell a psycho girl...等一下,这听起来很像我要跟个疯女孩说话, ...so she'd stop calling me. Am l the psycho girl? 好让她不再烦我。难到是我, l wish l was making this up!我真的很希望都是我编出来的~ She has no memory that she ever met you. 她根本不记得见过你。 What about the pineapple-picking thing? 那她说要去摘菠萝的事情呢, She says that every day, because each morning she wakes up thinking it's October 13th of last year她每天都这样说,因为每天早上起来的时候她都以为是去年的10月13日。 She comes for breakfast because that's what she did on Sundays and October 13th was a Sunday. 她来这吃早餐,因为这是她星期天的习惯.10月13日是个星期天。 She has no idea it's more than a year later. 她根本不知道已经过了一年了。 She reads the newspaper.可是她读报纸啊。 lt's a special paper her father puts on their porch. 那是一份特别的报纸,她爸爸每天晚上放在走廊的。 lt's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed.是车祸当天的报纸,他印了几百份。 Lucy does the same thing every day. 露西每天都重复着一样的生活。 You got one without me.你已经摘了一个了,没等我。 The lady at the farmers' market gave it to me as a birthday present.不是的,农场那个女的作为生日礼物送给我的。 l didn't wanna hurt her feelings.我不想拒绝她的好意。 l think she likes you.我觉得她喜欢你。 -Yeah, what's not to like? -What about our tradition? 有什么理由不喜欢呢,那我们的家庭传统怎么办, Well, l have another idea. l painted my workshop yesterday. White.我有另外一个主意,我昨天把我的工作室刷成白色了。 Now it's too white. Gives me a headache. 现在太白了,让我头疼。 Oh, yeah, you definitely need some color in here.是的。这里绝对需要一点色彩。 Well, you know, that's what l was thinking.我也是这么想的。 -Really? -Yeah. Go nuts.-真的可以吗,-是啊,尽情发挥吧。 -Paint me something for my birthday. -l will. -为我的生日画点漂亮的。-我会的。 And promise that we can pick a pineapple for Thanksgiving, okay?保证我,我们感恩节的时候去摘菠萝,好吗, -Sounds great. -Okay, good.-一定。-好的。 Hey, you should watch the Vikings game while l'm painting. 我粉刷的时候,你可以去看海盗队的球赛。 Good idea.好主意。 -Yeah, baby. lsolate. -What are we eating tonight, Doug? -太棒了,隔离。-你在吃什么呢,道格, -Spaghetti, Pop. -Try not to sweat in the sauce. -意大利面,老爸。-小心你的汗别流到调味料里面。 Go Vikings.海盗队加油。 Hey, sweetie. How's the painting coming? 嗨,宝贝,房间刷得怎么样了, -You'll see. -Cool.-等你看了就知道了。-很好。 -Oh. What's the score? -The Vikings are on the two-yard line.-比分多少了,-海盗队在2码线上。 -lf they score, they bring it to 14-10. -Maybe they'll win for your birthday. -如果他们得分的话,就14比10了。-说不定他们会为你的生日赢呢,爸爸。 And l'll bet Culpepper runs it in. 而且我猜卡尔佩柏一定会跑到终点。 l'll bet he fakes a handoff to Williams, throws to Kleinsasser in the end zone. 我打赌他假装要传给威廉,其实会传给底线的克来萨泽。 -Loser does the dishes? -You're on.-你说呢,老姐,-跟你打赌。 Culpepper fakes a handoff to Williams. He will throw.卡尔佩柏假装要传给威廉,他要扔了。 He's got Kleinsasser in the end zone! Touchdown, Minnesota.传给了底线的克来夫,触地~ Maybe you should be a coach.你应该去当教练。 -Dad. -Moron!-老爸。-白痴~ And you don't look a day over 25.你看上去像25岁。 Yeah, right, and Doug's muscles aren't pharmaceutically enhanced.没错,道格的肌肉也没用药物增强。 What are you talking about? l use an herb supplement...你在说什么,我用的是 ...that can be purchased at any health-food store. Check this out. 是在任何保健食品店都可以买到的草药补品。 Check out these glutes. Rock-hard, baby. 看看这个。看看这个,石头般硬。 Pretty sweet, huh?不错吧, Stop it! You're gonna make me throw up on the cake.够了~我会吐到蛋糕上的。 Okay, just open your present.好了,打开你的礼物吧。 Hey! When l'm done doing the dishes, do you guys wanna watch it?嗨,等我刷完碗,你们想一起看吗, Some people, they call me freak.有些人叫我变态。 Just give me a chance-给我个机会…… l can't believe it. Bruce Willis is a ghost. 太不可思议了,布鲁斯威利竟然是幽灵。 I'm shocked. Did you see that coming? 我真的很惊讶,你们预料到了吗, -No. -Not a clue.-没有。-没想到。 -Shocked as hell. -Anyway, it was awesome. 不管怎么样,电影真的很不错。 Your muscles are getting so big, l can barely wrap my arms around you.道格,你的肌肉越来越大了,我快不能抱你了。 You like that? Check this out.你喜欢吗,瞧这个。 Okay, okay! Enough with the titty dance! Let your sister go to sleep.好了好了~胸肌舞够了~让你姐姐去睡觉。 Hey, Tracy, how you doing?嗨,翠西,你好吗, Well, things changed a little bit since high school. 很多东西跟高中时代不一样了。 And this is what happens every single day. 每天都发生同样的事情。 How long it gonna take for her memory to come back? 她的记忆要多久能恢复, Her doctors say it may never come back. 她的医生说可能永远不会恢复了。 So, basically, what you're saying is... 这么说,你的意思是, -...she's perfect for you. -What do you mean? -她是最适合你的了,-为什么这么说, You can hang out all day with no attachment, because-- 你可以每天跟她在一起,但是不用任何承诺,因为…… Her plane leaves every night? There's a problem with that. 她每天晚上都会离开,可是只有一个问题。 You meet her, hang out, flirt, no commitment, nobody gets hurt.你认识她,聊聊天,调调情,不用承诺,没有人会被伤害。 -She's got brain damage, you psycho. -Okay, l'll give you that one.-她的大脑受伤了,白痴。-这也对,你上吧。 But l think it'd be healthy for you.但是我觉得你会开心的. You haven't allowed yourself to connect with a girl for many years.你好几年都没有和女孩谈心了。 l appreciate your interest, but leave me alone. 谢谢你的关心,但是请你不要管我的事。 Hey, you'd be doing exactly what her father does: Giving her a wonderful day. 你和她爸爸做的是一样的事情:给她快乐的一天。 When it's time for you to go on your big boat trip, poof, you just leave.等你要去旅行的时候,噗,你走就行了。 She'll never even know you're gone. 她根本不会发现你的离开。 l'm not sure about the "poofing" part, because l'm not a good poofer. 我不太理解你说的那个“噗”的部分,因为我不太会“噗”。 Demonstrate a good poof for me? 你能不能给我演示一下怎么样“噗”, Quit busting my coconuts for five seconds. 你不要拿我开玩笑了好不好,5秒钟也好。 All right. Would you stop poofing on that joint and do some work?你能不能别抽大麻了,干点活~ Okay. Let's get this sucker ready.好好做准备吧。 Then we're gonna take her out for a spin. 你想带她出去兜一圈吧, Captain's log: November 7th. Nearly midnight.船长日记,11月7日,接近深夜。 The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap...“海蛇号”已经痊愈了…… ...and ready to once again brave the open ocean.可以再次在海上航行了。 l think my stitches opened up again, cuz. 我觉得我的刀口又开了,老弟。 You got a cat? Because l feel something licking me.这里有只猫吗,我感觉有东西在舔我。 How is it?怎么样, l just wanted to say hi to Lucy.我只想跟露西打个招呼。 l promise you l'm not gonna do anything wrong.我向你保证我不会做错事的。 She said that if l talk to Lucy, you'll kill me with a meat cleaver.她说如果我跟露西说话,你会马上杀掉我。 She's the boss, cuz. But don't worry.她是老板,但是没关系。 Lucy probably didn't wanna talk to you anyway.露西估计根本不会想和你说话。 -What does that mean? -This ain't a disco. -你什么意思,-这儿又不是舞厅。 She doesn't want guys hitting on her while she has her breakfast.她不喜欢在她吃早饭的时候有男的来泡她。 She does if it's Henry Roth.亨利罗斯就不同了。 -Who that? -Who that? Me that.-那是谁,-那是谁,那是我。 l bet you 20 bucks l can get her to have breakfast with me again.我跟你赌20块钱我可以让她再次跟我吃早餐。 -You're on. -l love it.-赌就赌。-太好了。 -How you doing, honey? -Hey, Sue. Nice haircut.-你好吗,甜心。-嗨,苏,好漂亮的发型。 Oh, mahalo. See you in a bit.哦,谢谢。一会儿聊。 Nick and l have an arrangement. You can trust me.尼克跟我有约定,相信我。 You should try this out. Put it in there. 你应该试试这样,放在这儿。 Swivelly door.一个小门, Waffleonians can come in and out now. 华夫(饼干)城的人可以出入了。 Are you from a country where it's okay to stick your fingers all over someone else's food? 你们国家可以随便用手指摆弄别人的食物吗, No, l'm from this country.不是啊,我就是这个国家的。 Why? Were you gonna eat that? Oh. 为什么,你打算吃这个吗, All right, well, have a good meal.好吧,慢慢吃。 -Yeah. -That was pathetic.-是的。-太可怜了。 Yeah? Why don't you choke on your Spam? 你怎么不咽到呢, Double or nothing tomorrow.明天赌两倍的。 Hey. l'm sorry to bother you...嗨,不好意思打扰你…… ...but you look like a person who appreciates fine art... 不过你看上去像一个懂得欣赏艺术的人…… ...so l wanted your opinion.所以我想问一下你的意见。 l drew this. lt's a picture of a father and son fishing off a fishing boat.我画了这个,是一对父子在渔船上钓鱼。 There's a walrus right there--这边有一只海象…… l need something to wipe my ass with. 我需要点东西擦屁股。 l wonder what's the matter with him.不知道他怎么了。 Looks like a stupid asshole to me.我觉得像个白痴。 Excuse me. Okay. l didn't mean to startle you. 不好意思,我没想让你受惊。 Yeah, l'm fine. l'm having a problem with something... 嗯,我没事,我只是有个难题,不过…… Something that l could help you with?我可以帮助你吗, No, no, no. l just...不用,不用,我只是…… ...can't read.……不识字。 You gotta be kidding me.别开玩笑了。 -l can read that for you. -No. Thank you. -我可以帮你读菜单。-不用不用,谢谢, l can do this on my own.我可以自己来。 Appreciate the sentiment.很感谢你的心意。 l'm gonna get an order of the...我想点这个…… -Pancakes. -Okay, l'll have pancake. -薄饼。-好,我要薄饼吧。 -l'm so stupid! -Oh, don't cry.我太笨了~别哭了。 -l don't know anything! -What a loser. -我什么都不知道。-白痴一个。 l'll tell you what. Why don't you come over there with me?这样吧,你可以过来和我一起坐。 You can have some breakfast and l'll help teach you some of the words. 吃点早餐,我可以教你一些单词。 -That sounds nice. -Come on over. -这个主意很好。-过来吧。 So l comes before the E? 原来“I”总在“e”之前,-Except after C? -Yes. -除非在“c”之后,-对。 Okay, and C is that little half a squiggly one, right?那,“C”就是那个小半圆, -Yes. -l think l'm getting it. -是的。-我好像有点学会了。 -How'd you get so good at teaching? -l'm a teacher. l do it all the time. -你怎么这么会教学生,-我是个老师,我总教学生。 l'm an art teacher at the Haluki-liki Junior High.我是初中的艺术老师。 Well, you Haluki-liki the kind of teacher all the kids have crushes on. 哦,你看上去是那种学生很喜欢的老师。 l know l would if l was in your class. 我知道如果我是你的学生,我一定会喜欢上你的。 Oh, boy, do my-- My fingers smell like fish. 哎呀,我的手闻上去很腥。 That doesn't gross you out, does it? 你不会恶心吧, No, not at all.不,一点也不会。 lf Lucy gets hurt, l'm gonna chop you with the meat cleaver. 如果露西受到伤害的话,我用刀把你剁了。 So l had a nice time.我今天很开心。 l'll see you around.回头见。 -That's what? -All that flirting... -什么就这样了,-刚才的调情…… ...and phony "l can't read" stuff, and you're not gonna ask me out... 还有假装“我不识字”,你都不再约我一次 ...or for my phone number? 或者要我的电话号码, -l can't read. -Oh, shut up. -我真的不会读。-算了吧。 That was one of the goofiest things l've ever seen, but l thought: 这是我见过得最愚蠢的借口,可是我想, "Hey, if this guy is so desperate to meet me... “这个男的这么拼命地想认识我…… ...he might be worth talking to." 可能值得聊一会儿。” But then l get stiffed.可是最后什么都没有。 No, no, no, this is what happened. l... 不是,不是,事情是这样的…… Mahalo for the ego boost.不用安慰我了。 -Oh, aloha, sir. My name's Henry-- -l know who you are.-早上好,我叫亨利 -我知道你是谁。 -l want to apologize to your daughter. -Not gonna happen. -我想跟你的女儿道歉。-不必了。 She's inside. We're gonna straighten things out.她在屋里,我需要和你谈谈。 Dad, the damn mongoose got in the garbage again!老爸,又有只死猫鼬又钻到垃圾里了~ -ls this the guy? -Yeah.-就是他吗,-是的。 Mr. Roth, l have one simple request: 罗斯先生,我只有一个很简单的请求: Stay away from my daughter.离我女儿远一点。 Absolutely. l hurt her feelings and don't want it to end like that. 没问题,只是我好像让她伤心了,我不想这样结束。 lt's gonna end like this.会这样结束的。 Calm down, little fellow.冷静下来,小鬼。 l'm gonna kill you! You're a dead man. Okay, l'm calm. 我要杀了你~你死定了。好了好了,我冷静了。 lt's my father and l work too hard to protect Lucy to let some idiot ruin it. 我和我爸一直很努力地保护露西,不可以让一个爱上她的白痴把我们做的一切都破坏掉。 l know what you guys do and l totally respect that.我了解你们每天做的事情,而且非常尊重你们。 lf you know her condition, you know she can't have a normal relationship. 你了解她的情况的话,你就该知道他不可能和一个男人正常交往的。 The next morning, she won't know who he is. 因为第二天早上,她根本不记得他是谁。 And any guy who's okay with that... 如果有人认为这样可以…… ...ain't okay with me.我就不会认可他。 -I'm not looking for a one-night stand. -Anything with Lucy is a one-night stand, numb-nuts. -我不是在找一夜情。-任何事情对露西来说都只能维持一晚。 -I'm not looking for a one-night stand. -Anything with Lucy is a one-night stand, numb-nuts. -我不是在找一夜情。-任何事情对露西来说都只能维持一晚。 Give us a break. Just stay away from the Hukilau Cafe. 别胡闹了,你不要再去那家小馆子了。 My daughter's been through enough. 我女儿已经受够罪了。 l could have whooped his ass, but this gravel, l slipped on it-- 我可以狠狠打他一顿的,老爸,可是这些石子儿让我滑了一下,然后…… Yeah, well, maybe you need to do a few more butt flexes. 是吗,可能你是需要做更多的臀部运动吧。 Cheap shot, Dad.老爸,你真是的。 So fresh and so clean.又干净又清爽。 Hey, Alexa, did you hook up with that girl from the bar? 嗨,阿力克斯,你那天晚上泡到那个女孩没有, -l chickened out. -Really?-我怕了。-真的, Yeah, l don't know. l guess l prefer sausage to taco.我也不知道。我好像还是更喜欢男人。 -What? -Yeah. No, l agree, buddy. -什么,-我同意,老兄。 Get out of here. Run for the hills. 快点跑,跑到山上去。 Let me ask you something, Alexa. 问你个问题,阿力克斯, lf you promised a girl's dad that you wouldn't see her anymore... 如果你和一个女孩她爸保证不会再见她, ...would you consider that a binding promise? 你会认为这算是承诺吗, -Absolutely. -Yeah?-毫无疑问。-真的吗, Then again, there are always ways around such things.可是话又说回来,总有办法的。 -Like? -For example...-比如,-比如…… ...if l promised a woman's father l would not see her... 如果我和一个女人的爸爸保证不会再见她…… ...l would simply shut my eyes while she serviced my manhood. 我就会在她侍候我的时候把眼睛闭上。 That's actually a cool way to look at it. 这样看问题很独特。 And a very gross way.也很恶心。 He asked me not to go to the Hukilau. l'm not going there. 他叫我不要去胡基劳餐馆,我没有去胡基劳餐馆。 l'm not doing anything wrong. 我什么都没有做错。 Sorry to bother you. l'm kind of stuck here. 不好意思打扰你,我需要点帮助。 -Car trouble? -Yeah. You mind giving me a jump?哦,车出毛病了,是的。你能帮我打个火吗, Appreciate your time.非常感谢你。 Not everybody would have stopped. 不是所有人都会停车的。 -You're real sweet. -Oh, yeah. Thank you. -你真得很有同情心。-噢,谢谢。 l can't believe you fell for that.你竟然上当了。 Well, my grandfather died trying to jump-start a car.我祖父就是这样死的。 l'm sorry. l was just joking around. 很抱歉,我只是在开玩笑。 l can't believe you fell for that!你也上当了~ Nice to meet you. You look like a nice... 很高兴认识你,你看起来很和蔼…… Hi. Sorry for the delay. Should be a few minutes.嗨,不好意思,请等几分钟。 -No problem. No worries. -Where you coming from?-没关系。-你从哪儿来, Okay, pal. When she stops, just let her pet you. Look cute. 好了,哥们儿,等她停车的时候,让她摸摸你。装可爱一点。 Go to the middle of the road. Thank you. Right there. Perfect. 去马路中间。就在这儿,很好。 -Oh, shit. -Here she comes. Smile. -哦,可恶。-她来了,笑。 Okay. That didn't work.好像没成功。 Shit your pants? So did l.你尿裤子了,我也是。 Okay, this is her. Start beating me up. 她来了,开始打我吧。 Make it look good.要真实一点。 Give me your wallet!把钱包给我~ Okay, haole, what do you think? You can come to this island...你以为你是谁,来这岛上, -...eat our pineapple-- -Help me! Not so hard. -吃掉我们的菠萝。-救命啊~轻一点。 -Take it easy. -Try to bang our women. -别这么认真嘛。-你想要我们的人。 Making my sister clean your hotel room. 你竟然还让我妹妹给你打扫旅店房间。 Okay. What's that have to do with this? Relax. 哪儿跟哪儿啊,别紧张。 -Hey! Hey! Help me, please! -Stupid haole! -嗨~请帮帮我~-笨蛋~ Yeah, that's right. Take that! And that! And that! 叫你打人,打你,打你~打你~ You got him. You got him. Enough. Enough. 好了,你打到他了,够了,够了。 Okay, l'll be back. Come here! 我马上回来,你给我过来~ No, no! l think he's had enough. 别别别~我觉得他已经受够了。 -You got him! -Not good enough! -你已经教训他了~-还不够~ He learned his lesson!他已经得到教训了~ -You did good. -Hi. Sorry. -你真得很厉害。-你好,不好意思。 l'm in a community-watch program-- 我参加了一个社区保护小组…… Oh, you crazy bitch!疯女人~ Yeah, keep running!你快逃吧~ Not her. False alarm.不是这个,假警报。 Don't worry, l called the cops already. l'm all set.别为我担心,我已经通知警察了。我没事。 Yeah? You all set for this, Mr. Smarty? 是吗,你已经都安排好了,聪明蛋, When you're finished playing your kidnap-victim crap on my daughter... 等你跟我女儿玩完你的绑架游戏, ...come by the house.到我家来一趟。 There's something l wanna show you. 我要给你看个东西。 We figured it out. She only sings on days she meets you. 我终于明白了,只有见到你的日子她才会唱歌。 You're kidding me. That song? 不会吧,这首歌, That's Mom and Dad's song.是我爸妈喜欢的歌。 When her mom was alive, Lucy would have me take that tape... 她妈妈还活着的时候,露西都会让我带上这盒磁带, -...on every fishing trip l went on. -Oh, yeah? -每次出海的时候。-是吗, Yeah, she knew it would make me miss her mom...嗯,她知道我一听就会想念她妈妈, and want to come home sooner.就会早些回家。 l'm seeing a new side to you, sir. l gotta tell you, it's grossing me out. 第一次看到你这么温柔的一面。我得承认,有点让我肉麻。 Let me ask you something.问你个问题。 What's in it for you? What do you get out of this?你得到什么好处,这样做你得到什么, l don't know.我也不知道。 Wouldn't you want to spend an hour a day with that?但是你不想每天都听一个小时吗, Actually, no. She sings like shit. 其实不想,她唱得太烂了。 -What? -Can l ask you guys something? 我可以问你们一个问题吗, What'll happen down the line? Someday she's gonna wake up... 以后会怎么样,有一天她会一早起来…… ...look in the mirror and notice she aged 10 years overnight. 照照镜子,猛然发现她一夜老了10岁。 You know something, Henry?你知道吗,亨利, l worry about that every damn day of my life. 我每天都担心这件事。 Pardon me.不好意思。 Sorry to interrupt, but l noticed we were both eating alone打扰一下,我看到你也是一人在吃饭, and l thought l could sit with you, maybe build a syrup Jacuzzi... 我能不能坐过来,或许一起为你的华夫房子 for your waffle house? -Oh, that would be nice -做一个糖浆按摩浴缸,-哦,谢谢你的好意…… ..but l have a boyfriend.可是我有男朋友。 So l'm sorry.所以,很抱歉。 You're making up a boyfriend to get rid of me? 你骗我说你有男朋友,为了把我轰走, What's his name, then?那他叫什么, Ringo.林戈。 No! This cop is writing me a ticket! 不是你~有个警察在给我写罚单~ Oh, whoa, whoa. l wouldn't go out there. 哦,哦。你还是不要出去的好。 The tags don't expire for seven months. 我的车牌还有7个月的有效期。 -They expired May of this year. -No! No, no! -今年5月份就已经过期。-不,不,不是~ They expire May of next year. 不是的,是明年5月份。 l think there's been a misunderstanding. 警官,我觉得有点误会了。 -l don't. -This is ridiculous. -我不这样认为。-这太过分了。 l'm not paying for this! lt's October! 我不会交这个罚款的~现在明明是10月份~ Excuse me. Can l borrow this? Look, October! 对不起。可以借一下吗,你看,10月份~ Lucy, let's go back inside.露西,我们进去吧。 Having a bad day, Doug!露西今天心情不好,道格~ these are from the accident.这些是车祸的资料。 l can feel it.我能感觉得到。 You were in the hospital for three months, sweetheart.你在医院住了3个月。 l have to talk to this doctor. l need to hear it from him.我要去找医生,我要听他亲口说。 You have heard it, sweetie. Many times. 你已经听过了,宝贝儿。很多遍了。 l'll take her. l have to hear for myself too. 我带她去。我也要听听。 -lt's gonna be all right, Luce. -Don't call me Luce. l barely know you. -会没事的,露西。-别叫我露西,我都不怎么认识你。 Sweetie, you're sort of dating him. 宝贝儿,你一直在跟他约会。 Sorry l'm not better-looking. 很抱歉,我的长相不能再帅点。 What else happened since last October? 去年十月份什么事情发生了, -What about my students? -Miss Campbell took over your class. -那我的学生呢,-坎贝尔老师接了你的班。 -Did Alicia marry that guy? -Yeah. -阿莉莎跟那个男的结婚了吗,-对。 Doug, did you win the Mr. Hawaii contest? 道格,你赢了“夏威夷先生”的比赛吗, l didn't know there was gonna be a urine test. 我没想到他们还要验尿。 Do we have sex?我们上过床吗, No, we don't. Just so everybody knows that. 没有。需要和大家声明一下。 We want to.不过我们很想。 Just kidding.开玩笑的。 So you guys have to just lie to me every day. 所以你们不得不每天骗我。 Hey, Lucy. Good to see you again. 嗨,露西很高兴在见到你。 What the hell's her problem?她有什么问题呀, She doesn't remember who you are, brah. 她不记得自己是谁了,兄弟。 l suck at this job.我讨厌这个工作。 Lucy, these are your brain scans here. 好的,露西,这个是你脑部的扫描图。 l'm afraid they show no improvement. 恐怕没有任何改善的迹象。 The temporal lobe was severely damaged. 你的脑部在那次意外受到了严重的损害。 What we believe is scar tissue here is impairing your ability... 不过我们认为疤痕组织削弱了你在 ...to convert short-term memory into long-term memory while you sleep. 睡眠中把短期记忆转变成长期记忆的能力。 The condition's come to be known as Goldfield Syndrome.这种现象我们叫做金氏综合症。 -Who's Goldfield? -A brilliant Lithuanian psychiatrist. -谁是金氏,-一个优秀的立陶宛精神病医生。 Took him four years to publish his findings... 他用了4年才出版了他的发现, because he had to keep starting over from scratch. 因为他要不断的从他的草稿中重新开始。 Obviously, your sense of humor is still intact, and that's here. 很明显你的幽默感没有受到伤害,就在这里。 Magnificent amygdala as well.这是很好的现象。 -Doctor, l have a question. -l'd be happy to answer it... -医生,我有一个问题。-是的,道格,我很乐意回答你的问题,…… ...but as l've told you before, this is a hygienic facility. Shirts are required in office. 不过想我说了很多的次,这里是一个医疗组织,在办公室里面学要穿上衣服。 ...friend of mine's been experimenting a little with steroids. 我有一个朋友尝试用了点类固醇, He's been having a lot of wet dreams. 他经常梦遗。 Could there be a connection between them? 这之间有联系吗, Douglas, get off the juice.道格拉斯,远离毒品。 As for the nocturnal emissions, why don't you take a swim... 至于梦遗,你不如去去游泳, ...buy a shirt with no holes, find a wahine and take her to dinner. 买件无孔的T恤,或者找一个漂亮的女人去吃饭。 l'll tell my friend you said so.我会告诉我朋友的。 ln any case, Lucy, your condition is stable... 在这种情况下,露西,你的情况会保持稳定…… but most likely permanent. 但很可能一直都是这样。 l'm so sorry, dear.宝贝,对不起, But it could be worse.但也许会恶化。 l think you should meet Ten Second Tom. 我觉得你有必要见一下“10秒汤姆”。 Callahan lnstitute is the leading brain-injury clinic in the Pacific Rim. 卡拉汉医院在太平洋地区,脑部损伤治疗方面一直都是处于领先地位。 We are funded out of Sandusky, Ohio by T.B. Callahan... 前身是在俄亥俄州成立的桑都斯医院, ...the automotive-components tycoon and philanthropist. 由汽车零件大亨和慈善家TD卡拉汉资助建立。 And now, l would like to introduce to you... 女士们先生们,我给你介绍 ...our most distinguished clinical subject... 我们最著名的临床病人 Cool flip-flops. Where'd you get them? 你的凉鞋很漂亮呀,你在哪里买的, You like those? lt's interesting. l was on the North Shore-- 你喜欢这双,很有意思。那天我在北海岸…… -Marlin. -Tom lost part of his brain in a hunting accident. His memory lasts 10 seconds. -马林。-汤姆在一次打猎事故中失去了脑部记忆,他现在只有10秒的记忆。 l was in an accident? That's terrible. 我出过事故,那太可怕了。 Don't worry. You'll get over it in seconds. 不用担心,你会在几秒之后统统忘掉。 Get over it? l mean, what happened? Did l get shot in the brain--? 忘掉,发生了什么事情,我脑部中过枪吗, Hey, Tom, can l tell you a secret? 嗨,汤姆,我告诉你的一个秘密。 Don't you think you're a little old to still have wet dreams? 哈哈,你现在还梦遗,不是太老了点了吗, -Yeah, watch yourself, Tom. -Easy. -保重,汤姆。-放轻松。 -l'm gonna go to sleep. -All right. Good night. -我要去睡觉了。-大家晚安。 Good night, you guys. l'll see you tomorrow. 我们明天见。 -And l guess l'll see you too? -Oh, yeah. -我猜明天我也会看到你,-哦,是呀。 You had a rough day today. l'm sorry. 你今天辛苦了, l hope you get some rest tonight. 你去休息去吧。 So how you getting home?你怎么回家, -You gonna take the Likelike or-- -Hey. -你是要走高速还是…… -嗨。 Thank you for being so nice to me today. 谢谢你今天对我这么好。 -Sure. -l don't want you to strike out tomorrow.-没问题。-我不想你明天又白费力气。 So maybe you could talk to me about lilies. 所以你明天可以和我谈谈百合。 l'm a sucker for lilies.我很喜欢百合。 Thanks for the tip.谢谢你的提示。 -Lover-boy. -Yes, sir. -大情圣。-什么, You don't have to rush off. Stick around. 你可以不急着走,留下来。 You've earned yourself a couple beers. 喝点啤酒吧。 So what'll you do when you finish the boat? 等你完成了你船之后你有什么计划, Actually, l'm going on a trip soon... 事实上我想去旅行一段时间, ...to study undersea Pacific walrus behaviors. 研究太平洋海象的习性。 Sounds kind of fruity.听起来很有趣。 -Thank you. -How long is it gonna take? -谢谢。-你准备去多长时间, About a year.大概一年。 Guess you won't miss days like this. 我猜你不会怀念这样的生活了。 Well, maybe days like this don't have to be so bad.或许其实可以不用这样糟糕。 What are you trying to say?你想说什么呀, When you guys tell her she's not just finding out about the accident. 当她发现她不仅是出了意外, She's finding out that her life is basically a setup.而且她所以的生活都是被设计好的。 l think that freaks her out the most. 我觉得这样才是最伤害她的。 -You're an expert now? -No. -什么,你现在成了专家了,-不是。 l'm saying l wish there was another way besides:我就是想说可能有另一种方式: "Sorry we couldn't trick you today. Here's pictures of your broken head." 而不仅是“对不起,我不能再骗你了,这是你那次撞车破头的照片”。 -You want a broken head? -You'll give him one? -你想打破头,嗯,聪明仔,-为什么,你真的打算打破他的头, No, Daddy, l thought you was gonna do it. 不是的,爸爸,我觉得你会这样做。 Nobody's gotta break my head. l'm gonna split anyways.没有人会打破我的头,我这就走。 Oh, don't go just because my son is psychotic. 别理他,他是神经病。 Good night. Sweet dreams. Keep them dry there, Doug.晚安,好梦,就是别梦遗了。 Very funny.很有趣。 l have a delivery for you.有人送花给你。 -A delivery for me? -Yes.-给我,-是的。 -Who are they from? -That l can't tell you. -谁送的,-这个我不能告诉你。 lt's a secret admirer. He also wants you to have this.是个暗恋你的人,他还让我交给你这个。 -Who's your friend, Lucy? -Oh, well, l mean, l don't know.-是你的朋友么,露西。-哦,我不知道, We just met, but look.我们刚刚见面,看, l have a secret admirer.我有一个暗恋者。 Oh, really? What's this?哦,真的么,这是什么, lt's a videotape.是录像带。 A videotape of what?什么录像带, l have no idea.我不知道, But l have to find out.不过我准备去看看。 --That's cute.-你真会说笑。 -What are you doing? -l wanted to try something different. -你到底想做什么,-我只是想做点不同的。 lf it doesn't work, we've only wasted one day. 如果没有作用,我们只不过是浪费了一天而已。 Every thing is going to be ok.一切都会好的。 But here are some things you missed this year…但今年你错过了一些东西。 Okay, I think it's on. Go. Go. 好了,我想开始播了。来吧。 Oh, oh, take this on.好的,我想已经打开了。 We met here at the Hukilau Cafe about a year after your accident. 我们是在你发生意外一年后在胡基劳餐馆见面的。 I like you and you like me, most days. 我喜欢你,你大多数天也都喜欢我。 Every day is different, but basically this is what happens, Lucy. 每天都是不同的,但这就是基本上每天发生的事情。 The part of you in this reenactment... 你在这个片断里面 ...will be played by my good friend, Ula. 是由我朋友乌拉来扮演。 Aloha. Sorry about your brain. 你好,对你的意外深表抱歉。 I had a accident too.我也出过意外, Believe it or not, this my good eye. 信不信由你,这只眼睛是好的。 Hi. I like that waffle teepee that you have built.你好,我喜欢你做的华夫饼干小屋。 Oh! So nice of you to notice. Please, sit down. 哦,你真好,居然会注意,请坐下来。 I would love to.我很愿意。 My name is Henry, by the way. 随便告诉你,我的名字是亨利。 Smell my fingers?闻闻我的手。 Fish. Right on.鱼,没错。 So, Lucy, I work at an aquarium. 露西,我在水族馆工作。 Aquariums make me super horny. 水族馆使我特别兴奋。 That's not funny. Don't rub those. 这可不好笑,别摸了。 Sorry, Mr. Whitmore, if you're watching. 对不起,威特摩尔先生,如果你再看这个。 It's very late, and my friend's unstable. 现在有点晚了,我朋友不是很稳定。 Come on, stop with the licking! You're making me sick.好了,不要再舔了,你让我觉得恶心。 Lucy, I'm sorry.露西,对不起。 Anyways, I know you wish I was making all this stuff up. 不管怎样,我知道你希望这些都是我编造的。 I wish I was too.我也希望是这样。 But the good news is so many people out there care about you: 但是好消息是有很多人关心你: Your dad and Doug and a couple of your friends here at the Hukilau who have a message for you. 你的父亲,道格,还有一些在胡基劳的朋友想和你说话。 Lucy, as you know, your mother and I were best friends.露西,你也知道,你妈妈和我是最好的朋友。 That's why I promised her that I would always help look after you. 所以我答应她要一直要好好照顾你。 Sometimes life isn't very fair... 有些时候,生活就是这样不公平…… ...but we still have you.可我们还拥有你。 Oh, and if you're wondering about this guy who's making this tape... 哦,如果你想知道这个做录像带的男人, ...he's okay.他还可以。 Hey, Lucy. Just so you know, since you lost your memory... 嗨,露西,就象你知道的,自从你失去记忆后…… ...I became governor of Hawaii. 我成了夏威夷的州长。 No, just kidding. I'm too smart. 哈哈,我在开玩笑,我太聪明了。 Kualaliku! Get your brother off the dishwasher!瓦拉里库,和你兄弟出去玩,别打碎了碗~ So whenever you're ready, we'd all love to talk to you... 所以不管你什么时候准备好,我们都愿意和你谈谈, and answer any questions you have... 回答你的任何问题…… and you're the best, Lucy. Aloha. 你是最棒的,露西,再见。 How many times have l watched this? 这是我第几次看这个, This is the first time.这是第一次。 Okay, she cried for about an hour. That's not too bad.她哭了1个小时了,还不算太坏。 l bet in another hour she'll be ready to see her friends, have lunch, get her life back. 我打赌再有一个小时,她就可以去看朋友了,去吃点午餐,恢复原来的生活。 We could do this every day.我们每天都可以这样做。 We'll leave it up to her.让她自己做决定。 So how's the cow?那奶牛怎样了, Same as you. Every day they have to convince her she's a cow. 和你一样,每天都要使自己相信它是头奶牛。 Wow, look. The bark is healing. 哦,看看,树皮在愈合。 You're gonna get there.你得去那看看。 l never hung out with you in the afternoon like this.我从来没有在下午这样和你在一起。 ln this lighting, man, oh, man, you look... 在这么美的阳光下,你,哦你,你看起来真是…… ...disgusting.讨厌。 l don't know how you get me to fall for that egg-shaped head every morning. 我都不知道你怎么能每天早上让我爱上你这个刮得像鸡蛋的头。 All l have to do is slide on my designer jeans... 我只要穿上牛仔衣, ...and just kind of wiggle in front of you. You go nuts.在你面前扭一扭,你就受不了了。 Why couldn't l have met you one day before the accident? 我为什么就没有在那次意外以前遇见你, Don't worry, because if you hung out with me for more than one day... 不用担心,因为如果你和我出去多于一天, ...you'd realize l'm a bore.你就会发现我很无聊。 -Oh, well, l have news for you. -Yes? -哦,我有事情告诉你。-是什么, lt takes less than one day.实际上用不了一天。 You know something? That hurt.真伤人啊, Your damaged temporal lobe is causing me pain...你那受伤的颞叶也伤害到了我, and l'm gonna get you for that.我要讨回公道。 Now you're dead!你死定了~ -l can't believe you're pregnant. -l know. -我不敢相信你怀孕了。-我知道。 -And l got her on the first try. -Yeah. Easy. -我们一下就怀上了。-对,很简单。 And, Tammy, you are so thin.还有泰米,你真瘦。 And l'm so glad you finally got that gender-reassignment surgery, Jennifer. l mean, Jonathan. 我很高兴你最后还是做了变性手术,珍尼弗,哦,我该叫你乔那森。 Mahalo.你好。 -Here you go, Lucy. -Thank you. -你在这里呀,露西。-谢谢。 -You're welcome. -You must be Lucy's friend. -不客气。-你一定是露西的朋友。 -The one who made the tape. -l think he's more than my friend. -那个给露西做录像带的人。-我想我们的关系不只是朋友。 -You're my boyfriend, right? -Yes, ma'am. -你是我的男朋友,对么,-是的,小姐。 So every day you help her to realize what happened... 每天你都帮她弄明白发生的一切…… ...and you wait patiently for her to be okay with it...接着耐心等她接受…… ...then get her to fall in love with you again? 最后让她再次爱上你, You asshole!你这个混蛋~ You don't even open the fricking car door for me anymore.你现在都不再帮我开车门了~ You're in trouble.你现在危险了。 l gotta go tinkle.哈哈,我要去洒泡尿。 Okay, so tell me a little bit more about yourself.多讲讲一些关于你自己的事情吧。 Okay. Well, l've...好的,嗯,我曾经 won over seven all-you-can-eat chicken-wing contests.赢过七次吃鸡翅膀大赛。 And l'm a ballet dancer, but only in my bathroom. 还有我会跳芭蕾,不过只能在洗手间里面。 No, what do you want to know? 你还想知道什么, Do you love me?你爱我么, l didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything.我不是让你难堪或者别的。 l was just asking more for informational purposes.我只是想得到多一点信息, lt's to keep the video as up-to-date as possible.好记录在录像里。 Well, love is a very loaded word. 好的,我有很多话想说。 l go to this restaurant every morning, and l see you there, reading. 我每天早上去那家餐馆,看见你在那里看。 I love you very much, Probably more than anybody could love another person.可能比任何人爱别人更爱你。 And how do l feel about you? 我对你的感觉又怎样呢, You're excited about the chicken-wing thing. 你对我吃鸡翅比赛很有兴趣。 you've been dying to make out with me for some time now.你从刚才开始就一直想和我亲热。 Feeling better now?感觉好一些了么, Nothing beats a first kiss.什么都比不过初吻。 There's nothing like a first kiss.什么都比不过初吻。 That's what l've heard.我也这么听说。 What are you doing?你在干什么呢, Nothing. l was just getting some lint off for you.什么都没有。帮你把衣服上面的毛毛拿下来。 You were going for a feelski!你是想模拟滑雪吧~ All right, l'm sorry, but this is like the 23rd time we've made out already... 好了,对不起了,不过这已经是我们第23次接吻了, and they're getting blue.都亲肿了。 l mean, l really don't know. 我的意思说我其实不知道。 For me, it still feels like the first time. 对于我我还是觉得像第一次呢。 Okay, let's average it out then. 好的那我们平均一下。 lt's the 23rd time for me and the first time for you.对我是23次,对你是第一次。 -That's about our 12th time. -Yeah? -那平均下来就是第12次。-是啊, Now, Hawaiian law clearly states after the 12th date... 现在,夏威夷的法律清楚地说明了12次约会以后 ...l'm entitled to unlimited boob access. 我就允许任意摸你的胸部了。 Why didn't l meet you one day before the accident?我为什么不在那次意外之前见过你, You say that all the time.你总是这样说。 You want to meet a friend of mine? 你想见见我的朋友么, He is awesome! He is so smart. 他好厉害~它太聪明了。 Check this out. Jocko, what does the teapot do when the water's ready? 看看这个。乔可,当水烧开了茶壶会怎么样, -Very good. -Can l ask him a question? -很好。-我能问他问题么, Go ahead.问吧。 do you think that Henry and l are ready to take our relationship to the next level? 你觉得我和亨利可以更进一步了么, You sure about that?你确定么, Do you think l should bring him into the other room and take advantage of him?还有你觉得我应该把他带到另一个房间之后吃他豆腐么, l saw that hand gesture.我看见那手势了。 -And l'm glad you did it. -Really?-我很高兴你这么做。-真的, They're nodding in approval, l hope. 我希望他们是在点头表示同意。 They like you. Let me get them out of there. 是啊,他们喜欢你,我赶他们出去。 Mary-Kate, Ashley, get a life. Thank you. Sorry. 凯和阿什利,你俩给我滚出去。谢了,很对不起。 -Oh, they're very nice, though. -Yeah, so are you.-他们很友好。-你也是。 Let me get you down slow.让我扶你下来。 -Thank you. -My pleasure.-谢谢。-乐意之至。 All right, l just wrote this, so go easy on me. 好了,我刚写的,别要求太苛刻。 The Hukilau was the place在胡基劳餐厅里 Where I first saw your face我第一次见到你 We liked each other right away我们一见钟情 But you didn't remember me The very next day但你第二天转眼就忘却Forgetful Lucy健忘的露西 Has got a nice caboose-y有个漂亮的小PP I used to trick you into pulling Your car over so we could chat我常为了和她搭讪骗她停下车来 But my favorite time was when you Beat the shit out of Ula with a bat最有趣的是她用球棒把乌拉打得小脸发白 And we drove up to see Dr. Keats我们开车去见济慈医生 And found out why Doug always Has to change his sheets这才知道为何道格总爱换衣衫 Cracked her head like Gary Busey象加里布西一样扁她的头 But I still love her so但我还是那么爱她 And I'll never let her go永远不会放弃 Even if while I'm singing this song我这里正在把歌儿唱 She's wishing I had Jocko the Walrus' schlong 她却在想我要有海象乔可那话儿该有多棒 Her lips are so damn juicy她的朱唇娇艳欲滴 How about another first kiss不如再来一个初吻 Can't fall asleep.睡不着。l'm not sleeping.我没有睡觉, l'm just closing my eyes.我只是闭上眼睛。 Well, l'm gonna go downstairs then.那我们继续大战300回合。 No, no. l'm just resting.不。我马上就要休息了。 Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我么, -Of course. -Good.-当然愿意。-好的。 Don't forget about me.不要忘记我。 Never.永远不会。 l know this is hard for you to understand... 我知道现在你很难理解…… .but we are actually seeing each other. We have been for a while now. 但是我们事实上在恋爱。我们已经约会有一段时间了。 lf l wasn't telling the truth, how would l know this?如果我说的不是实话,我怎么会知道, You're an art teacher and you go to the Hukilau every Sunday... 你是艺术老师,你每个星期天去胡基劳餐厅, and you make waffle houses and you like Casablanca lilies. 你用华夫饼干做房子,你喜欢卡萨布兰卡百合。 -Stalker! -No, don't you remember me a little? -跟踪者~-难道你连一点都不记得了么, l may not be able to kick your ass, but my sister can.我治不了你,我老姐治得了。 Thanks, buddy.谢谢你。 Little Sammy Sosa's a bit shook up, but she'll be okay.她有一点吓着了,很快会没问题了。 She's watching the tape as we speak.她在看录像带。 How's my temporal lobe looking there, doc? 但我的颞叶怎么样呀,医生, Don't worry. You're not gonna suffer any short-term memory loss.不用担心,你不会丢失短期记忆的。 But was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you?不过在没有受伤之前你的头型就像鸡蛋这样么, Don't make fun of Henry. lt's not his fault it's shaped like that.不要再开亨利的玩笑,头长成这样也不是他的错。 Note the intense overreaction. That's the "roids" talking.看他这付火冒冒的样子,是类固醇在作怪。 -Doug, once again, off the juice. -lt's not juice. -道格,再说一次,戒掉毒品。-这不是毒品。 lt's a protein shake.是蛋白质。 Henry, the boys tell me you're setting sail for Alaska to study walruses.亨利我听说你在准备开船去阿拉斯加观察海象。 -When does that adventure begin? -That actually began...-你什么时候开始这种冒险的,-大概开始…… ...ten years ago. That's when l started planning and building my boat. 在10年前,我开始计划,存钱造我那艘船。 All l know is, out of all mammals, they have the second-largest penis. 就我所在哺乳动物中,海象的老二是第二大的。 l have the first.我的最大。 That's my joke.那是我发明的笑话。 Did you tell Lucy about this trip? 你告诉露西关于这个旅行了么, ...actually, there's nothing to tell because l decided not to go.事实上我没有告诉她,因为我决定不去了。 l mean, Lucy needs me here.我的意思说露西她需要我。 l'm just worried about going away for a year... 我现在担心的是如果我离开一年 ..and ruining all the progress she's made. 会毁了她所取得的进步。 l know you think l'm crazy..我的意思你可能认为我很疯狂…… ...but l think deep down inside...但是我确信她 -...she's starting to remember who I am. -No, Henry.-已经开始记得我是谁了。-不可能的,亨利。 That's what you want to believe. lt's what we all want to believe.你这是一厢情愿,这也是大家都想见到的。 But it's never gonna happen.但是这个永远不会发生。 Okay. l gotta go to work.好了,我要回去工作了, Will you tell her l'll be back later to pick her up? 你告诉你姐姐我一下晚一点来接她。 See you, guys. Don't tell anyone your sister beat me up.再见了,不要告诉任何人说你姐姐打过我。 He could go to the moon and back and Lucy would never even know he left. 那小子即使是到月亮走个来回,露西也不会知道他离开过。 Sometimes l wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome. 有时候我真希望我老婆有金氏综合症。 That way she wouldn't remember last night when l called her mother...如果是那样,她就不会记得 ...a loud, obnoxious drunk with a face like J. Edgar Hoover's ass.昨天晚上我喝醉酒臭着脸大声骂娘的话了。 All right. There's your medicine, little fellow. 小伙子,这是你的药。 Ula! Get back to cleaning the pool!乌拉回来去洗池子~ lf that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that.还有你那些巧克力,不要给海豚吃。 How do you think l get them to double flip and play with white kids? 你以为我靠什么让海豚空翻两圈和孩子们玩耍的, This time try to stay clean for more than a day.这次你可不能再一天不到就弄得脏西西的了。 l made you a nice anchovy sundae. 我给你做了凤尾鱼冰淇淋, What brings your royal cuteness out here? 你过来干什么呀, l needed to see you.我想你了。 Okay. What you got there?好,你带来了什么, lt's my journal. l write in it every night. 这个是我的日记,我每天晚上都写。 -Oh, you don't like the video? -No, l love it. -你不喜欢我给你做的录像带吗,-不,我喜欢。 lt's just sometimes when l watch it, l feel like l'm being told about my life... 只是我看录像带的时候,觉得我自己的生活 .from someone else. And when l read this... 都是别人告诉我的,而我看它的时候, ...it's like l'm telling myself.更象是自己了解的。 When did you start this up?你什么时候开始的, Right after you gave me the video. 就在你给我录像带后。 -Really? -真的, -l was so nervous to come here and meet the guy that makes me fall in love with him every day. -我怀着不安的心情来见这个天天让我坠落爱河的男人。 Well, you probably thought l couldn't live up to the hype.你可能认为我忍受不了这种刺激。 No. l was nervous because...不,我不安是因为…… Because l came here to break up with you. 因为我这次来是和你说分手的。 You had plans and a life...你有自己的计划和生活 ...before you met me and now all you have time for..但是现在你不得不花时间 ...is to make me fall in love with you.让我每天爱上你。 That's not all l do. l gave a penguin a bath today. 我可不止做这些,我今天还给企鹅洗澡了。 Which l'll have to do again tomorrow.明天我也给他洗。 l look at my dad and my brother's lives and l won't do that to you. 亨利,我看着现在我父亲和我弟弟的生活,我不想你也变成那样。 What do you want me to do? Be some stupid chapter in your scrapbook and go on my way? 那你想让我怎么做,在你的生活中留一段插曲后就离开, No.不是的。 My plan is to erase you completely, so it's as if you never existed.我的计划是把你从我的生活中完全抹去。 Why are you doing this?你为什么要这样做, Because you have to understand that there is no future with me.因为我想让你明白和我是没有未来的。 Don't you want to have a career and marriage and children?你不想事业有成,结婚生子么, l asked you to marry me. You said yes. 我昨天向你求婚了,你也答应了。 Kids? Yeah, l'd love to do it.孩子,当然我也想要了。 But how is that going to work?但是,怎么行得通呢, l'm gonna wake up every morning with an enormous belly and no memory of how it happened? 当早上起来的时候我发现我挺着大肚子却一点不记得是怎么回事, l have to make a new journal that doesn't have you in it.我现在要做一本新日记,但是里面不能有你。 But before l do l really want you to read what l wrote about you.但是在这之前,我真的很想让你能读读我都写 了什么。 l will read about it tomorrow when you forget about all this breaking up stuff, okay?明天再看,等你忘了分手这事儿好吧, l'm not going to forget it. l wrote it down. l won't let myself.你不会忘记的,我已经写下来了。 And l'm gonna do it whether you want me to or not. 我不会让自己忘记的,不管你愿意还是不愿意。 l'll be at my house.我会在家里等你。 Okay, type this one in there.好了,把这个打出来。 l drove out to Callahan lnstitute today and had a talk with Dr. Keats.我今天开车去卡拉汉医院,我和济慈医生谈了一会。 There's one about me.这儿有一个关于你的。 Reminder: He makes funny noises when l kiss his neck.提示:我亲他脖子的时候他总发出很好笑的声音。 l'm gonna miss that.我会想念这个的。 You sure you don't want me to put that in? 你确定不想留下来么, -We can skip that one. -No, let me read it. -我们可以跳过不看这个。-让我看看。 We made love tonight! lt didn't last long, but it was incredible. 我们今晚做爱了,虽然他没有坚持很久,但是我觉得还是很不错。 lt's not all about how long you go. lt's-- There was a connection, l thought. 这和时间长短没有关系,我觉得我们之间有了某种联系。 Actually, let's just rip that out.算了,撕掉吧。 Well, that's that.嗯,就这样了。 Could l have one last first kiss?我可以要最后一个初吻吗, -l ain't gonna do this, Marlin. -You have to, Henry. -我不会这样做的,马林。-你必须这样,享利。 l'm gonna miss you, but l gotta get the hell off this island.我会想念你的,不过我得尽快离开这个岛。 l'm sorry l can't take you...我很遗憾我不能带你去, ...but you've lived here so long you're too big of a pansy to defend yourself. 你待在这个岛太久了,你这么大个头,到了外面的世界,恐怕无法保护自己。 l don't feel bad for you. l know you got a thing going on with Candace.我不会为你感到伤心,我知道你最近和坎蒂斯在谈恋爱。 Yeah. l fell for one chick and l'm losing my mind. Good luck with that. 是啊,我只喜欢一个小妞,真他妈疯了。祝你好运。 Thanks, buddy. Remember to use a condom. 谢谢,兄弟,记住要用安全套。 Or in your case, a Hefty bag.你的情况需要个大袋子。 Okay, you guys. Thanks for coming to say goodbye. 好了,谢谢你们来和我说再见。 Be careful.保重。 You guys just make sure your father doesn't get eaten by a shark.你们一定要小心,别让你爸爸被鲨鱼吃了。 Bring me back a T-shirt.帮我带件T恤回来。 Oh, okay. You got it.好的,没问题。 My shirt size is medium husky.我的衣服是中号的。 No flippies off the dock! You could get hurt! 不要在码头跳水,会受伤的~ No! All right. Let the master show you how to get it done.不,好吧,让我教教你怎么做。 Now you kids go down there and find my nuts. 孩子们,下去帮老爸找找我的蛋蛋。 Sure you don't want to take Doug?你真的不把那些带走吗, Hey! What the heck are you guys doing here? 嗨,你们来这里干什么, l spoke to the harbormaster and he said you were setting sail today...我们去问了港口的负责人,他说你今天会起航, so we thought we'd drop by to wish you bon voyage.所以我们就是过来看看顺便预祝一路顺风。 This is from Nick and Sue. They send their best wishes.这个是尼克和苏给你的,他们也祝你一路顺风。 That's very nice. Spam and Reese's. All right. 太好了,午餐肉还有巧克力。 l love Spam and Reese's. Can l have it? 我喜欢午餐肉还有巧克力,你能给我么, Actually, she's living at the institute. 现在她住在那个医院里面。 -When did that happen? -Three weeks ago. -发生了什么,-3周之前。 Said she didn't want to be a burden to me and Doug anymore. l don't know.她说她不想再变成我和道格的生活负担。 l couldn't talk her out of it. You know what? 我不知道,我不能改变她的想法。你知道么, She's doing really great up there.她在那里做得很好。 She's teaching an art class and she gets to paint every day.她在教人画画,她每天都会在墙上面画画。 ln fact, she's even singing again.事实上她又开始唱歌了。 Hey, look, l got a little gift for you too. 嗨,亨利,我有一个小礼物给你。 lt's just a little something from one sailor to another one.是个水手代代相传的的小东西。 You take care of yourself out there.在外面好好照顾你自己。 -l will. -Okay.-我会的。-好的。 Henry did not tell me about you.亨利,没有告诉我你是谁。 Your fisherman muscles.你有渔夫的肌肉。 Can l touch?我可以摸摸么, How nice of him to give me a CD that will remind me of all the wonderful times l shared with his daughter. 你怎么给我这张CD,是想提醒我和你女儿一起分享的快乐时光。 What an asshole!混蛋~ Why would you do this to me?你怎么能这样对我, You sick bastard!你们这群坏蛋~ ls he trying to tell me something? 他是不是有什么事情想告诉我, She only sings on days she meets you. 她只有在看见你的日子才会唱歌。 She remembers me?她记得我,Holy shit!笨蛋~ You're painting a picture. And you're doing an excellent job.你在画画,而且画得很好。 Holy crap! l suck.该死,搞砸了。 -Can we help you, sir? -Yes. l have an appointment. -我可以帮你些什么,-我有一个预约。 Dude, he forgot his name. l feel bad for him. 伙计,他不记得自己的名字,真可怜。 Just go on up. And good luck with that memory problem.你上去吧,希望你的记忆问题能治好。 Maybe you can help me. l'm looking for Lucy Whitmore. 也许你可以帮到我,我在找露西威特摩尔。 Any idea where l can find her?你知道她在哪里么, Oh. Thanks anyways.不过还是谢谢你。 Can l ask you a question?我可以问你个问题吗, Do you have any idea who l am?你知道我是谁么, No.不。That sucks.那太失望了。 l want to show you something. Will you come with me?我想给你看一些东西,你可以来一下么, Hey. Do you know who that guy is?嗨,你知道那个人是谁么, Dude, l don't even know who l am. 老兄,我连我自己是谁都不知道。 Oh, well, you're Pablo Picasso.你是毕加索。 -Really? -No. Not really.-真的,-不是,开玩笑的。 This is my studio.这个是我工作室。 l don't know who you are, Henry, but l dream about you almost every night. 亨利,我不知道你是谁,但是我每天晚上都梦见你。 What would you say if l told you that notebook you read every day used to have a lot of stuff about me in it?让我告诉你,你现在每天读的那个日记本里面曾经有很多关于我的东西。 l would say that that makes a lot of sense.难怪如此。 You erased me from your memories because you thought you were holding me back from having a full and happy life.But you made a mistake. 你把我从记忆中抹去,因为你觉得我会因为你失去原来那种快乐的生活。不过你错了。 Being with you is the only way l could have a full and happy life.和你再在一起我才会真正地幸福。 You're the girl of my dreams and apparently l'm the man of yours.你是我梦想中的女孩,很显然,我也是你梦想中的男人。 Do you, Honah Lee, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forth as long as you both shall live? 你愿意娶她为合法妻子吗,从今天开始永远爱她,一直白头偕老, -I do. -Really?-我愿意。-真的吗, Even though in, like, 10, 15 years she could possibly let herself go and then, like... sex could be, like, nauseating for you? 即使10年15年后她可能自管自离开了,或你已经不想再做爱了, What are you, nuts? Your wife's right over there. 你干什么,傻瓜,你老婆在那里。 I now pronounce you man and wife.我现在宣布你们是夫妻了。 Mazel tov!太棒了~ It's very cold, so when you're ready put on a jacket and come have breakfast with me. Love you. 外面很冷,你准备好以后就多穿点衣服来和我吃早饭,爱你。 Hey, hey! Good morning, Mrs. Roth. Would you like to meet your daughter?嗨,早上好,罗斯太太。来见见你 的女儿吧。 Go say hello to Mommy.去和你妈妈说早安。
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