

2017-12-07 4页 doc 172KB 9阅读




Color涂上适当的颜色(20%)-在线浏览Color涂上适当的颜色(20%)-在线浏览 四、 Read and Color塗上適當的顏色:20%: It’s green. It’s yellow. It’s blue. It’s red. 三十一、 Read and Circle看圖圈選適當的數量:16%: seven robots eleven toy cars five pencils nine books 三十二、 Read and Choose選擇題:20%: Angie’s Kim’s Johnny’s Tony’s 1. ( ) Who...
Color涂上适当的颜色(20%)-在线浏览 四、 Read and Color塗上適當的顏色:20%: It’s green. It’s yellow. It’s blue. It’s red. 三十一、 Read and Circle看圖圈選適當的數量:16%: seven robots eleven toy cars five pencils nine books 三十二、 Read and Choose選擇題:20%: Angie’s Kim’s Johnny’s Tony’s 1. ( ) Whose book is it? It’s ( Angie’s Johnny’s Kim’s Tony’s ) book. 2. ( ) Whose pencil is it? It’s ( Angie’s Johnny’s Kim’s Tony’s ) pencil. 3. ( ) Whose puzzle is it? It’s ( Angie’s Johnny’s Kim’s Tony’s ) puzzle. 4. ( ) Whose yo-yo is it? It’s ( Angie’s Johnny’s Kim’s Tony’s ) yo-yo. 5. ( ) Whose puzzle is it? It’s ( his her Johnny’s Tony’s ) puzzle. 台北縣鶯歌國小九十五學年度第二學期期中平時測驗 三年級 英語科試題 ____年 ____班 ____號 姓名____________ 一、 Read and Write寫出正確的發音字母:20%: __ ueen __ ing __ ock __ et __ ctopus 二、 Read and Match連連看:16%: ? ?Is this your robot? ? ?Whose puzzle is this? ? ?Let’s have Easter egg hunt. ? ?Turn in your homework. 三、 Rearrange the sentences重組句子,寫出編號:8%: 1. rabbit / my / not / . / It’s / ______________ 2. is / What / ? / color / it / ______________
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