
暗黑2 神符之语

2017-09-26 13页 doc 41KB 63阅读




暗黑2 神符之语暗黑2 神符之语 神符之语武器: 橡树之心(OAK) 材料:4S 连枷 30R-32R= 2 - 2.25ist 33R-35R= 2.5 - 3.25ist 36R-39R= 3.25 - 5.5ist 40R(非88LV) =10-12ist 40R(88LV) =16-17ist 备注:88LV 15/15,15/3连枷 40R,拍卖,铁皮鞭以及天罚之锤底子的价格在连枷底子的2/3至1/2. 战争召唤(CTA) 材料:5S 水晶剑 1BO= 2 - 2.5ist 2BO= 3 - 4ist 3BO= ...
暗黑2 神符之语
暗黑2 神符之语 神符之语武器: 橡树之心(OAK) 材料:4S 连枷 30R-32R= 2 - 2.25ist 33R-35R= 2.5 - 3.25ist 36R-39R= 3.25 - 5.5ist 40R(非88LV) =10-12ist 40R(88LV) =16-17ist 备注:88LV 15/15,15/3连枷 40R,拍卖,铁皮鞭以及天罚之锤底子的价格在连枷底子的2/3至1/2. 战争召唤(CTA) 材料:5S 水晶剑 1BO= 2 - 2.5ist 2BO= 3 - 4ist 3BO= 4 - 5.5ist 4BO= 6 - 8ist 5BO= 8 - 10ist 26X= 15 - 16ist 36X= 17 - 18ist 46X= 18 - 20ist 56X= 20 - 23ist 661-663= 42ist+ 664=50+ 拍卖 备注:88lv的材料66x价格略高 664无视材料,可以拍卖.其他材料价格比水晶剑要低23#-26#,66X的CTA材料对价格的影响较大. 具有好技能的6bo权杖类(如:专注/祝福锤、信念/天堂拳) 可估价发证拍卖 无限(WX) 材料:4S ETH巨长斧 255ED-280ED=110-120ist 280ED-300ED=120-130ist 300ED-320ED=130-155ist rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 320ED+=155ist+ 材料:4S 镰刀 -45lr = 90ist+ -50lr = 110ist+ -55lr = 155ist+ 备注:参考类似拍卖价 或 拍卖 非巨长的精华长柄无限价格比巨长材料的低5-10ist。 信心(Faith) 材料:4S 3 Bow Skill 10+ED 大院长弓 1Skill/12FANA=65ist+ 1Skill/13FANA=80ist+ 1Skill/14FANA=110ist+ 1Skill/15FANA=135ist+ 2Skill/12FANA=85ist+ 2Skill/13FANA=100ist+ 2Skill/14FANA=150ist+ 2Skill/15FANA=200ist+ (15ed的 280+) 材料:4S 3 Bow Skill 15ED 女族长 1Skill/12FANA=60ist+ 1Skill/13FANA=70ist+ 1Skill/14FANA=95ist+ 1Skill/15FANA=120ist+ 2Skill/12FANA=70ist+ 2Skill/13FANA=80ist+ 2Skill/14FANA=130ist+ 2Skill/15FANA=280ist+ 材料:4S 15ED 阴影弓 1Skill/12FANA=60ist+ 1Skill/13FANA=70ist+ 1Skill/14FANA=100ist+ 1Skill/15FANA=130ist+ 2Skill/12FANA=70ist+ 2Skill/13FANA=80ist+ 2Skill/14FANA=120ist+ 2Skill/15FANA=180ist+ rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 备注:参考以往拍卖价格 或 拍卖 其他BOW 巨弓等材料会再略低 野兽(Beast) 垃圾的50ist+ 备注:参考以往拍卖价格 或 拍卖 悔恨(Grief) 材料:5S狂战士斧 30IAS-33IAS 340DAM-369DAM=4-8ist 370DAM-389DAM=8-11ist 390DAM-399DAM=11-17ist 34IAS-37IAS 340DAM-369DAM=7-12ist 370DAM-389DAM=13-28ist 390DAM-399DAM=28ist+ 可拍卖 38IAS-40IAS 340DAM-369DAM=8-14ist 370DAM-389DAM=15-29ist 390DAM-399DAM=30ist+ 可拍卖 备注: ?34IAS并?390DAM,可拍卖,40IAS时DAM可适当放宽. 40IAS价格可以适当提高2*24#左右,-PR对价格基本无影响. 材料:5S幻化之刃 340DAM-369DAM=5-9ist 370DAM-389DAM=9-18ist 390DAM-399DAM=20ist+ 备注: 400DAM可以申请拍卖. IAS对价格影响不大,40IAS价格可以适当提高. 死神(Death) rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 材料:ETH 5S狂战士斧 300ED-340ED=4-7ist 340ED-360ED=7-10ist 360ED-385ED=10-18ist 备注:>=385ED狂战士斧可拍卖.其他材料如幻化之刃,ETH 巨神之剑/刃的价格在狂战士斧的1/2以下. 誓约 狂战士斧 300ED以下,材料价 301ED-319ED,24#- 320ED-329ED,24#+~24#+22# 330ED-335ED,24#+23#~2*24# 336ED-339ED,3*24#~4*24# 340ED,6*24#+ 340ED可申请拍卖 以上为0ED材料的价格 死亡呼吸、最后希望、末日、骄傲 备注:价值波动较大,参考以往拍卖价格 或 拍卖 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 神符之语防具: 谜团(TP+) 材料:15ed MP+,15ed 精华轻甲 MP+一般180-220ist 88lv的高10-20ist左右 灰幕的高5-15ist AP+的高15-30ist 极品775的230ist起 备注:参考拍卖价 或者 拍卖 个性化或其他材料的基本在上述基础上再下浮20-30ist, 刚毅(GY) 刚毅价格由材料和rune 组成, 材料对价格影响很大,属性一般者材料价格按2/3左右计入成品. 属性上达拍卖者可将材料价格直接或*1.5-2计入总价 材料:15ED AP+ 1.0 LIFE/25R-30R=13-15ist 1.125LIFE/25R-30R=14-16ist 1.25 LIFE/25R-30R=15-17ist 1.375LIFE/25R-30R=17-20ist 1.5 LIFE/25R-30R=20-30ist 备注:88lv价格略高,其他盔甲底子或个性化的价格略低 pet材料: 1.0 LIFE/25R-30R=13-16ist 1.125LIFE/25R-30R=15-18ist 1.25 LIFE/25R-30R=17-20ist 1.375LIFE/25R-30R=19-22ist 1.5 LIFE/25R-30R=22-28ist 备注:底子好的,可根据底子适当提高价格 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 荣耀 15ED AP+ 15ED灰幕 52-75ist 备注:可拍卖 一般比总成本略低,基本在符文价格+材料价格再减去3-8ist左右 野蔷薇 材料:15ED执政官铠甲 25PD-39PD 15-18灵气=14-20ist 19-21灵气=16-22ist 40PD-44PD 15-18灵气=20-25ist 19-21灵气=22-28ist 45PD-50PD 15-18灵气=25-32ist 19-21灵气=28-40ist 精神(Spirit) 材料:4S统治者大盾 <35FCR =材料价格 35FCR 110+MANA=22-23# 35FCR 112 MANA =2~4ist+材料价 35FCR 112/8 =4~32ist+材料价 备注:材料基本可以计入成品价格. 材料:4S 45R神圣小盾 35FCR =材料价格 35FCR 100- MANA =22#+材料价 35FCR 100+MANA =23#+材料价 35FCR 112 MANA =4~32ist+材料价 备注:材料档次越高,增值越大 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 流亡(Exile) 流亡价格由材料和rune 组成, 材料对价格影响很大,属性一般者材料价格按2/3左右计入成品. 属性上等如15灵气+ 甚至达拍卖标准者可将材料价格直接或*1.5-2计入总价 材料:ETH 40R+精华材料 13灵气-15灵气 220ED-240ED=材料+ 7-11ist 241ED-260ED=材料+ 11-15ist 16灵气 220ED-240ED=材料+ 9-15ist 241ED-260ED=材料+ 15ist+ 材料:ETH ED材料 13灵气-15灵气 220ED-240ED=材料+ 7-10ist 241ED-260ED=材料+ 10-16ist 16灵气 220ED-240ED=材料+ 9-16ist 241ED-260ED=材料+ 16ist+ 备注:16灵气,>240ED可先查拍卖准入. 凤凰 材料:15ed统盾 10-11救赎 = 105-125ist 12-13救赎 = 115-150ist 14救赎 = 140-180ist 15救赎 = 160-250ist 备注:参考拍卖价格 或 拍卖, 88lv底子价格略高 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English
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