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《 再谈自动挡车辆可以空挡滑行》

2018-03-10 18页 doc 53KB 22阅读




《 再谈自动挡车辆可以空挡滑行》《 再谈自动挡车辆可以空挡滑行》 再谈自动档车辆可以空档滑行 及其节油的现实意义 自动档车辆是否空档滑行~本是个人驾驶习惯问题~无争论的必要。但网上充斥许多“自动档车辆空档滑行会因供油不足而烧坏变速箱”的论调~却又没有权威证据和技术依据。因此本人先且抛砖~主要驳斥“烧变速箱”观点~分析空档滑行节能降耗、减低磨损的好处。欢迎围观、拍砖。 论点:自动档车辆在设计上不存在空档滑行的技术障碍~而且节能减排~降低磨损~轻松畅快,在可控范围内的空档滑行与安全与否没有必然关系。安全是敏锐地提前判断和果断的细致操作。但是~空档滑行要求...
《 再谈自动挡车辆可以空挡滑行》
《 再谈自动挡车辆可以空挡滑行》 再谈自动档车辆可以空档滑行 及其节油的现实意义 自动档车辆是否空档滑行~本是个人驾驶习惯问题~无争论的必要。但网上充斥许多“自动档车辆空档滑行会因供油不足而烧坏变速箱”的论调~却又没有权威证据和技术依据。因此本人先且抛砖~主要驳斥“烧变速箱”观点~分析空档滑行节能降耗、减低磨损的好处。欢迎围观、拍砖。 论点:自动档车辆在上不存在空档滑行的技术障碍~而且节能减排~降低磨损~轻松畅快,在可控范围内的空档滑行与安全与否没有必然关系。安全是敏锐地提前判断和果断的细致操作。但是~空档滑行要求车手具有足够的驾驶经验和良好的“车感”。 因此本文只论证“可以”及其好处~而非“必须”。不鼓动任何人尝试~特别是新手以及不愿意改变驾驶习惯的、墨守成规的车手。 先自我介绍。本人今年51 ~13岁开始驾驶解放牌卡车。A2驾照~安全行车近百万千米。下面~就自动档车辆“可以”空档滑行做一些探讨~并就一些常见误区予以分析探讨。 一、自动档车辆在设计上不存在空档滑行的技术障碍。 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 从类型上看~无论是液力机械式,AT,、电控机械式,AMT,、无级式,CVT,、双离合器式,DSG,~还是从传输模式上看~直径可变钢带式、定轴齿轮式、行星齿轮式等等~都没有空档滑行技术障碍。 1、法规里没禁止。 我国的法律和法规没有禁止空档滑行。最具权威的《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》~全文只字未提禁止空档滑行。 2、手册上无表述。 我阅读过比亚迪G6,自动档,、北京现代、本田雅阁、东风日产、丰田RAV4、宝马3系、宝马X5等很多自动档车辆行车手册,或者叫说明,~上面找不到任何关于空档滑行会使油温升高而损坏自动变速箱的警告和文字表述。 个别手册发出“行车时切勿推入N档”、“于下坡路空档滑行极度危险”等警告~却并未说明原因。因此~这些警告都是从安全角度考虑的。换句话说~是吓唬新手的。 3、设计上无限制。 自动档和手动档车辆一样~在设计上均无空档滑行的限制。看看档位设臵就知道~N,空,档和D档毗邻~之间没有任何机械锁止装臵。无论起步还是行驶中~在这两个档位之间都能无障碍地顺畅推拉。 而在发动机启动后~从P,驻车,档拉至其它档位~则keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 需要踩刹车~还要按住锁止按钮~否则你拉不动,行驶中从D档推入N档很轻松~但却无法继续推入R,倒,档~除非踩刹车、按锁止按钮。这就是设计上的限制。 4、原理上不支持。 自动变速器工作原理复杂~而且根据类型不同工作原也不尽相同~所以一般人没必要弄懂这些原理,网上有不少有关自动变速器工作原理的文章和视频~感兴趣的可搜索查阅,。 简单地说~只要明白~变速器内各部件工作均由液压实现,变速箱油泵由曲轴直接提供动力,液压油密闭循环~既提供变速箱工作动力~同时又兼冷却功能……等基本的东西就差不多了。 空档滑行时~变速箱从动轴与曲轴分离~虽然从动轴随差速器高速旋转~但变速器内各部件处于空载状态。就像一个密封管道环路中接入了一个水泵和一个水轮机~水泵相当于油泵~密封管道环路相当于自动变速器。带档行驶就像是水泵通电工作~通过水流推动水轮机,空档滑行如同水轮机被外力推动反向做功拉动水泵。说水轮机负荷重的时候水泵以及循环系统“发热”还可信~而水轮机被外力带着被动工作~只会减轻水泵工作负荷直至水泵做负功~这时说循环系统发热就没道理了。 所以~空档滑行“会使变速箱内油温升高”的说法有违keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 机械原理~是杞人忧天了。真正使变速箱油温升高的因素反而是在挂档低速行驶~以及制动停车又不推空档的时候。 下面就实际操作做个对比。空档滑行时~发动机怠速运转~至少以700转/分钟驱动变速箱油泵工作~此时变速箱内液流仅无负荷空循环,发动机以1800转/分钟加速或爬坡时~泵油量是怠速的2.5倍左右~变速箱内液流重负荷中速循环。就这两个状态而言~哪个“供油不足”,哪个更容易“烧坏”变速箱,实际上前者无油温升高条件~后者反而使油温升高,又被循环冷却,。 再说~一般空档滑行距离不过3km~时间不过2、3分钟~随后又进档加速~变速箱又恢复常态供油和循环。假设空档滑行时变速箱油泵完全不工作~液流仍旧浸泡着各部件~照样能润滑。变速箱没那么娇嫩。 5、驾驶中无障碍。 无论是高速公路还是山路陡坡~我自己在驾驶自动挡车辆时就总是空档滑行~且从未发生变速箱故障。我周边许多朋友也是逮住机会就空档滑行。 因工作原因~我驾驶过老赛欧、现代御翔、天籁、东风本田CR-V、帕萨特、凯美瑞、新皇冠、奥迪A4、凯迪拉克、宝马X5、奔驰GLK300等各类型自动档车辆。多次驾驶东风本田CR-V、凯美瑞、御翔等自动档车辆~从海拔1624.6m的湖南省永州市双牌县阳明山顶峰的永州广播电视微波台~连keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 续陡坡空档滑行10km至阳明山国家森林管理局~又连续陡坡滑行9km至永连公路白水岭~再连续陡坡滑行8km至茶林乡~爬坡后又连续陡坡滑行6km至海拔不到150m的接履桥镇。总路程80km左右~车辆无任何异常。 特别声明~以上仅为本人驾驶经历~请勿模仿: 6、现实中无案例。 ?、假定空档滑行一定会致使变速箱温度升高而烧坏变速箱~那么变速箱内就一定会存在某种持续、不明的阻力。车辆滑行就会受到阻滞~如同踩了刹车一样,初中物理力学课程中的能量守恒定律对此有解~如果发热~就一定是由某种阻力转换而成的,。若非故障~那么这样的变速箱就不合格~不能投产。 实际上不存在这样的现象~也不存在这样的变速箱。 ?、假定空档滑行会造成烧坏变速箱这样的严重后果~设计者就会取消空档~或者在高速行驶时锁死空档~以保护变速箱。现实中空档滑行的大有人在~经验老道的、初出茅庐的都有。如果不加设计保护~势必造成变速箱因空档滑行经常损坏~而成为易损部件。大量的投诉致使车辆成批召回~这个品牌也就信誉扫地~最终停产、破产。 事实上~在众多的汽车部件中~自动变速箱的故障率是很小的。各4S店连正常维修换下的变速箱都很难见到~因空档滑行而“烧坏”的变速箱又有几何, keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 二、空档滑行的现实意义。 一旦自动档变速器没有了空档滑行的技术障碍~操作上就基本类似于手动档变速器了。 1、节能降耗,轻松畅快驾驶。 首先说现实的~就是节约油钱。一般而言~同类型车辆~自动档比手动档油耗高20%~但自动档适当空档滑行时~油耗比手动档高不出5%。在当今油价居高不下的情况下~这就意味着你的钱包会少支出很多。 一个说法就是~电喷发动机在带档松油门滑行时不喷油~而空档滑行还要消耗怠速油耗~所以空档滑行比带档滑行反而更费油。这个问题不搞清楚~下面的讨论就无法进行了。 肯定地说~这是一个常识性谬误。 第一、电喷发动机“不喷油”是有条件的。带档滑行时~时速75km,发动机2000转/分钟,左右为“不喷油”临界点,不同车辆略有不同,~高于临界点时松油门不喷油。但时速降至60km时恢复喷油~而且低于临界点的任何速度松油门依然喷油。这就意味着你甭指望在普通国道省道上有带档滑行0油耗的现象发生。 第二、临界点以下带档滑行油耗显然高于空档滑行。因为带档滑行发动机还在喷油~且转速高于空档滑行的怠速n,=实际转速?700,倍。 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 第三、临界点以上带档滑行油耗实际上仍然远高于空档滑行。临界点以上带档滑行貌似零油耗~但发动机是被车辆惯性推着做负功~即不断地重复着吸气、压缩、不燃烧、排气的过程。消耗了车辆惯性动能和下坡势能~滑行阻滞现象明显~降速较快~滑行距离很短。而空档滑行最大化地利用了惯性动能和下坡势能~车辆滑行无阻滞~驾驶轻松畅快~降速不明显~下坡路段还会有加速现象~滑行距离很长~单位里程油耗极低。 第四、实际对比。以高速公路上车辆时速120km遇4%坡度1km路段为例。空档滑行时~车行至坡底时速仍可维持120km~耗时约30秒。若不踩油门别档滑行~则车行至坡底时速降至40km~耗时约45秒。这里有几组数据对比。 对于空档滑行~单个气缸仅产生(0.5分钟×700=)350转~怠速喷油175次,四冲程发动机每2转喷油1次,。 而对于带档滑行~一是耗时增加15秒,二是滑行至坡底时速降至40km~转速从3200转降为约900转~计算得加 2速度a,[(40,120)?45],-1.777m/s~则时速降至60km恢复喷油时~耗时约[(60,120)?(-1.777)?]34秒~转速1500转/分钟。喷油时间(45,34),11秒~单个气缸产生[11×(1500,900)?2?60秒?2?]110次喷油~发动机总转数(3200,900)?2×45?60?1538转,三是车辆到坡底的时速降至40km。 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 通过上述计算对比,带档滑行喷油次数虽然减少(175,110,)64次~但发动机总转数增加(1538,350,)1188转,机械磨损就体现于此,~行驶时间增加15秒~以及末速度降低至时速40km~再以此为初速度加速至时速120km~将耗油多少,你还认为带档滑行比空档滑行省油吗, 2、减少磨损,延长大修周期。 空档滑行能有效降低发动机和底盘系统的磨损~从而延长大修周期。 ?、降低发动机磨损。通常发动机大修是与车辆行驶里程相关。但实际上影响发动机寿命的是~工作转数、重负荷工作时间、冲撞性负荷量等,因为只要启动发动机~曲轴、连杆瓦、活塞销、活塞环、汽缸套、气门顶筒等各部件就会产生磨损,。而这些因素由于无法记录以及习惯等原因而不得不转为参考行驶里程。 而空档滑行状态下~行驶里程与发动机转速无关。此时发动机各部件处于最低磨损状态~而惯性和下坡势能却使得车辆滑行得更远。这也说明了为什么有人只行驶了不到10万km发动机就要大修~而有人却能行驶50万甚至70万km发动机都不大修的原因。 ?、降低底盘磨损。空档滑行时~变速箱、差速器甚至轮胎都处于相互无牵制的休息状态~磨损自然也最低。 3、降低排放,保护你我的环境。 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 千万别说我有钱~为了安全~多烧点油算什么。事实上~多烧油与是否安全不相关。据统计~截至2012年6月底~全国机动车总保有量达2.33亿辆~其中汽车1.14亿辆。按平均每辆车年消耗燃油2000升算~全国仅汽车每年就消耗燃油2280多亿升。由于运营车辆耗油更多~实际燃油消耗估计近万亿升。保守估算~如果全国一半小汽车采用安全可控空档滑行~每辆车降低10%油耗~全国一年将节约燃油百亿升。据报道~全球石油资源将在50年内枯竭~届时地球人将无石油可用。钱包是自己的~资源是社会的。 也千万别说减排与自己无关。排放看不见~却事实存在。近期北方和华中地区大范围的雾霾天气~特别是北京、郑州、天津等地PM2.5浓度超标6倍~污染源主要来自机动车排放。 4、可控适度,有条件空档滑行。 首先~车手的要求。车手对于空档滑行要有足够的了解和把握~即要有足够的驾驶经验和良好的“车感”。不建议新手尝试~也不鼓励墨守成规者改变驾驶习惯。 其次~路况的选择。一是百余米至3km内的~坡度不超过6%的下坡路,高速或普通公路皆可,~二是市区行驶百余米距离的等红灯以及可见状况的堵车~均可空档滑行。 三、空档滑行的技巧 1、郊外道路。 高速公路和郊外普通公路是空档滑行省油的主要途径。keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 掌握好这些道路的空档滑行技巧~省油事半功倍。 摘档。行驶到一定速度时~直接推入空档同时松油门~便捷且无多少技巧。 进档。进档有技巧~与手动档无同步器的进档方法不同。高速滑行后进档时~要根据车速控制发动机转速。轻轰油门后迅速抬起~进档后半秒钟再踩油门。例如~车辆时速100km~轰油门使转速达到2500转左右~迅速抬起油门~待发动机转速下降至2000转后拉进D档~半秒后轻踩油门~平稳同步。如果车辆时速60km~则只需轰油门使转速达到1600转左右即可进D档。余以类推。 若踩油门使发动机转速较高时不松油门直接进档~乘员会有后靠感觉,若不轰油门于怠速状态直接拉进D档~变速箱会由低速向高速变档~有明显的前冲感觉。但这种冲击并不会对变速箱和车辆造成损害~钢铸铁打的车没那么娇嫩。 无级变速,CVT,车辆的放空技巧同上。 手自一体自动档车辆~空档滑行不建议使用手动档模式。直接在自动模式D档与N档之间推拉最为便捷。 2、城市道路 市区道路是空档滑行省油的辅助途径。操作得当~省油效果不可小觑。特别是城市上班族。 市区行驶遇红灯或堵车时~应提前数十米至百余米推入空档滑行~至停车线时制动~停车平稳。此时若遇120秒的keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute 红灯或不明状况堵车~坚决熄火。 若带档制动停车~车辆会有明显的前冲、点头感~使乘员感觉不舒服,若在停车后仍不推空档~而是使用驻车制动,拉手刹,强制停车~其直接后果~一是发动机试图抵消驻车制动的牵制力而加大喷油~声音也变得沉闷~二是变速箱的各部件不停地耦合工作~油温会迅速升高~有的车辆还会随之抖动。 四、结束语。 网上关于自动档空档滑行损波箱、不安全的论调满天飞~但都没有依据和证据~不能说服读者。一些4S店的“工程师”们~理论知识缺乏~自作聪明地警告自动档车主禁止空档滑行~实际上对于机械常识一知半解~且庸人自扰、杞人忧天~以至于人云亦云、以讹传讹。 大老虎的森林 2013年3月12日 keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, joined 30% 7mL sodium hydroxide solution and dilute sodium hydroxide solution (5%) and to slightly alkaline, diluted to scale mix. This solution is converted into ... Parallel test results allow errors to 0.5%. Sucrose content (12) in the formula: x--sucrose content,%; A--transformed the reducing sugar content,%; Before B--into the reducing sugar content,%. 2 capacity method of fehling's 2.1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagents are pure, to distilled water. A) aqueous acid (1+1); B) sodium hydroxide solution: 5mol/L. c) sodium hydroxide solution: 1mol/L. d) fehling solution a: E) fehling solution b: F) methylene blue approved agents: 1% and 2.2 operating procedures 2.2.1 preparation of samples in front of the fehling's transformation of volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugar content in the preparation of the remaining liquid, pipette aspiration 50mL 200mL volumetric flask, add 20mL and 10mL hydrochloride solution (1+1). Will capacity bottle placed 70 ? water bath in the, in (2~2.5) min within heating to (67~69) ?, and in 69 ? keep (7.5~8) min, makes all heating time for 10min. out, reset water Xia quickly cooling to 20 ?, then first with 30% hydrogen oxidation sodium solution, again with dilute
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