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Web的安全威胁与安全防护(乌兰图雅)已取Web的安全威胁与安全防护(乌兰图雅)已取 Web的安全威胁与安全防护 一、引言 随着Internet的普及,人们对其依赖也越来越强,但是由于Internet的开放性,及在设计时对于信息的保密和系统的安全考虑不完备,造成现在网络的攻击与破坏事件层出不穷,给人们的日常生活和经济活动造成了很大麻烦。WWW服务作为现今Internet上使用的最广泛的服务,Web站点被黑客入侵的事件屡有发生,Web安全问题已引起人们的极大重视。 二、Web的安全威胁 来自网络上的安全威胁与攻击多种多样,依照Web访问的结构,可将其分类为对W...
Web的安全威胁与安全防护(乌兰图雅)已取 Web的安全威胁与安全防护 一、引言 随着Internet的普及,人们对其依赖也越来越强,但是由于Internet的开放性,及在设计时对于信息的保密和系统的安全考虑不完备,造成现在网络的攻击与破坏事件层出不穷,给人们的日常生活和经济活动造成了很大麻烦。WWW服务作为现今Internet上使用的最广泛的服务,Web站点被黑客入侵的事件屡有发生,Web安全问题已引起人们的极大重视。 二、Web的安全威胁 来自网络上的安全威胁与攻击多种多样,依照Web访问的结构,可将其分类为对Web服务器的安全威胁、对Web客户机的安全威胁和对通信信道的安全威胁三类。 (一)对Web服务器的安全威胁 对于Web服务器、服务器的操作系统、数据库服务器都有可能存在漏洞,恶意用户都有可能利用这些漏洞去获得重要信息。Web服务器上的漏洞可以从以下几方面考虑: 1、在Web服务器上的机密文件或重要数据(如存放用户名、口令的文件)放置在不安全区域,被入侵后很容易得到。 2、在Web数据库中,保存的有价值信息(如商业机密数据、用户信息等),如果数据库安全配置不当,很容易泄密。 3、Web服务器本身存在一些漏洞,能被黑客利用侵入到系统,破坏一些重要的数据,甚至造成系统瘫痪。 4、程序员的有意或无意在系统中遗漏Bugs给非法黑客创造条件。用CGI脚本编写的程序中的自身漏洞。 (二)对Web客户机的安全威胁 现在网页中的活动内容已被广泛应用,活动内容的不安全性是造成客户端的主要威胁。网页的活动内容是指在静态网页中嵌入的对用户透明的程序,它可以完成一些动作,显示动态图像、下载和播放音乐、视频等。当用户使用浏览器查看带有活动内容的网页时,这些应用程序会自动下载并在客户机上运行,如果这些程序被恶意使用,可以窃取、改变或删除客户机上的信息。主要用到Java Applet和ActiveX技术。Java Applet使用Java语言开发,随页面下载,Java使用沙盒(Sandbox)根据安全模式所定义的规则来限制Java Applet的活动,它不会访问系统中规定安全范围之外的程序代码。但事实上Java Applet存在安全Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 漏洞,可能被利用进行破坏。 ActiveX是微软的一个控件技术,它封装由网页设计者放在网页中来执行特定的任务的程序,可以由微软支持的多种语言开发但只能运行在Windows平台。ActiveX在安全性上不如Java Applet,一旦下载,能像其他程序一样执行,访问包括操作系统代码在内的所有系统资源,这是非常危险的。 Cookie是Netscape公司开发的,用来改善HTTP的无状态性。无状态的表现使得制造像购物车这样要在一定时间内记住用户动作的东西很难。Cookie实际上是一段小消息,在浏览器第一次连接时由HTTP服务器送到浏览器端,以后浏览器每次连接都把这个Cookie的一个拷贝返回给Web服务器,服务器用这个Cookie来记忆用户和维护一个跨多个页面的过程影像。Cookie不能用来窃取关于用户或用户计算机系统的信息,它们只能在某种程度上存储用户的信息,如计算机名字、IP地址、浏览器名称和访问的网页的URL等。所以,Cookie是相对安全的。 (三)对通信信道的安全威胁 Internet是连接Web客户机和服务器通信的信道,是不安全的。像Sniffer这样的嗅探程序,可对信道进行侦听,窃取机密信息,存在着对保密性的安全威胁。未经授权的用户可以改变信道中的信息流传输内容,造成对信息完整性的安全威胁。此外,还有像利用拒绝服务攻击,向网站服务器发送大量请求造成主机无法及时响应而瘫痪,或者发送大量的IP数据包来阻塞通信信道,使网络的速度便缓慢。 三、Web的安全防护技术 (一) Web客户端的安全防护 Web客户端的防护措施,重点对Web程序组件的安全进行防护,严格限制从网络上任意下载程序并在本地执行。可以在浏览器进行设置,如Microsoft Internet Explorer的Internet选项的高级窗口中将Java相关选项关闭。在安全窗口中选择自定义级别,将ActiveX组件的相关选项选为禁用。在隐私窗口中根据需要选择Cookie的级别,也可以根据需要将c:\windows\cookie下的所有Cookie相关文件删除。 (二)通信信道的安全防护 通信信道的防护措施,可在安全性要求较高的环境中,利用HTTPS协议替代HTTP协议。利用安全套接层协议SSL保证安全传输文件,SSL通过在客户端浏览器软件和Web服务器之间建立一条安全通信信道,实现信息在Internet中传送的保密性和完整性。但SSL会造成Web服务器性能上的一些下降。 (三) Web服务器端的安全防护 driven pumps and-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-nts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoside clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requireme-of the machinement vel work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacedeviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a le zontalor on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horinot more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface on of If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviatiould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. Vertically split casing pump body sh2en diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contacte technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: whto thshould be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposureand journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer uld fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axlesho compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design 限制在Web服务器中账户数量,对在Web服务器上建立的账户,在口令长度及定期更改方面作出要求,防止被盗用。 Web服务器本身会存在一些安全上的漏洞,需要及时进行版本升级更新。尽量使EMAIL、数据库等服务器与Web服务器分开,去掉无关的网络服务。在Web服务器上去掉一些不用的如SHELL之类的解释器。定期查看服务器中的日志文件,分析一切可疑事件。设置好Web服务器上系统文件的权限和属性。通过限制许可访问用户IP或DNS。从CGI编程角度考虑安全。采用编译语言比解释语言会更安全些,并且CGI程序应放在独立于HTML存放目录之外的CGI-BIN下等措施。 四、Web服务器安全防护策略的应用 这里以目前应用较多的Windows2000平台和IIS的Web服务器为例简述Web服务器端安全防护的策略应用。 (一)系统安装的安全策略 安装Windows2000系统时不要安装多余的服务和多余的协议,因为有的服务存在有漏洞,多余的协议会占用资源。安装Windows2000后一定要及时安装补丁 4程序(W2KSP4_CN.exe),立刻安装防病毒软件。 (二)系统安全策略的配置 通过“本地安全策略”限制匿名访问本机用户、限制远程用户对光驱或软驱的访问等。通过“组策略”限制远程用户对Netmeeting的桌面共享、限制用户执行Windows安装任务等安全策略配置。 (三)IIS安全策略的应用 在配置Internet信息服务(IIS)时,不要使用默认的Web站点,删除默认的虚拟目录映射;建立新站点,并对主目录权限进行设置。一般情况下设置成站点管理员和Administrator两个用户可完全控制,其他用户可以读取文件。 (四)审核日志策略的配置 当Windows 2000出现问题的时候,通过对系统日志的分析,可以了解故障发生前系统的运行情况,作为判断故障原因的根据。一般情况下需要对常用的用户登录日志,HTTP和FTP日志进行配置。 1、设置登录审核日志 审核事件分为成功事件和失败事件。成功事件表示一个用户成功地获得了访问某种资源的权限,而失败事件则表明用户的尝试失败。 2、设置HTTP审核日志 通过“Internet服务管理器”选择Web站点的属性,进行设置日志的属性,可根据需要修改日志的存放位置。 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 3、设置FTP审核日志 设置方法同HTTP的设置基本一样。选择FTP站点,对其日志属性进行设置,然后修改日志的存放位置。 (五)网页发布和下载的安全策略 因为Web服务器上的网页,需要频繁进行修改。因此,要制定完善的维护策略,才能保证Web服务器的安全。有些管理员为方便起见,采用共享目录的方法进行网页的下载和发布,但共享目录方法很不安全。因此,在Web服务器上要取消所有的共享目录。网页的更新采用FTP方法进行,选择对该FTP站点的访问权限有“读取、写入”权限。对FTP站点属性的“目录安全性”在“拒绝访问”对话框中输入管理维护工作站的IP地址,限定只有指定的计算机可以访问该FTP站点,并只能对站点目录进行读写操作。 五、结束语 通过对Web安全威胁的讨论及具体Web安全的防护,本文希望为用户在安全上网或配置Web服务器安全过程中起到借鉴作用。 uld fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axlesho compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design driven pumps and-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-nts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoside clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requireme-of the machinement vel work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacedeviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a le zontalor on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horinot more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface on of If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviatiould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. Vertically split casing pump body sh4en diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contacte technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: whto thshould be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposureand journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer 参考文献 【1】张国祥.基于Apache的Web安全技术的应用研究[J].武汉理工大学学报,2004,(3). 【2】 单欧.SSL在web安全中的应用[J].信息网络安全,2004,(6). 【3】期刊论文 从网络安全到安全网络--关于电信企业内部网络安全的探讨 - 情报探索 【4】 期刊论文 一个基于Web Services的网络安全集中管理平台(SIMP)框架 - 计算机与数字工程 【5】 期刊论文 新Web威胁形势下企业的网络安全之路——大型企业篇:网络安全如何防护才能高枕无忧 - 信息网络安全 【6】 学位论文 基于Web Services技术的网络安全管理平台的设计与实现 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 【摘要】文章对Web的安全威胁进行分析,提出了Web安全防护措施,并基于Windows平台简述了一个Web安全防护策略的具体应用。 【关键词】Web;网络安全;安全威胁;安全防护 transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design driven pumps and-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-nts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoside clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requireme-of the machinement vel work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacedeviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a le zontalor on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horinot more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface on of If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviatiould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. Vertically split casing pump body sh6en diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contacte technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: whto thshould be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposureand journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer uld fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axlesho compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts 目 录 一、引言„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 二、Web的安全威胁 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 (一)对Web服务器的安全威胁„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 (二)对Web客户机的安全威胁„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 (三)对通信信道的安全威胁„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 三、Web的安全防护技术 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 (一) Web客户端的安全防护„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 (二)通信信道的安全防护 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 (三) Web服务器端的安全防护„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 四、Web服务器安全防护策略的应用 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 (一)系统安装的安全策略„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 (二)系统安全策略的配置„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 (三)IIS安全策略的应用 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 (四)审核日志策略的配置 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 (五)网页发布和下载的安全策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 五、结束语 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 六、参考文献 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 2009年 兴安职业技术学院 Web 的 安 全 威 胁 与 安 全 防 护 院 系: 计算机系 专 业: 计算机多媒体 姓 名: 乌兰图雅 指导老师: 刘志宇 完成时间: 2009.6 compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design driven pumps and-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-nts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoside clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requireme-of the machinement vel work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacedeviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a le zontalor on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horinot more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface on of If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviatiould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. Vertically split casing pump body sh8en diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contacte technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: whto thshould be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposureand journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer uld fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axlesho 毕业论文独创性声明 本人所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及 取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文 不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重 要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 兴安职业技术学院毕业论文,设计,评定 论文(设计)题目: 院(系) 专业 年级 作者 学号 指导教师评语: 论文(设计)成绩: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design driven pumps and-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-nts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoside clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requireme-of the machinement vel work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacedeviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a le zontalor on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horinot more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface on of If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviatiould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. Vertically split casing pump body sh10en diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contacte technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: whto thshould be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposureand journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer uld fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axlesho compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts
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