
各种维生素的作用及功能 维生素的功效

2018-01-16 36页 doc 103KB 29阅读




各种维生素的作用及功能 维生素的功效各种维生素的作用及功能 维生素的功效 各种维生素及其作用对主要几种维生素的功能、缺乏症以及食物中的主要来源分别进行简要介绍。 维生素A(视黄醇) 功能:与视觉有关,并能维持粘膜正常功能,调节皮肤状态。帮助人体生长和组织修补,对眼睛保健很重要,能抵御细菌以免感染,保护上皮组织健康,促进骨骼与牙齿发育。 缺乏症:夜盲症、眼球干燥,皮肤干燥及痕痒。 主要食物来源:红萝卜、绿叶蔬菜、蛋黄及肝。 维生素B1(硫胺素) 功能:强化神经系统,保证心脏正常活动。促进碳水化合物之新陈代谢,能维护神经系统健康,稳定食欲,刺激生长以及...
各种维生素的作用及功能 维生素的功效
各种维生素的作用及功能 维生素的功效 各种维生素及其作用对主要几种维生素的功能、缺乏症以及食物中的主要来源分别进行简要介绍。 维生素A(视黄醇) 功能:与视觉有关,并能维持粘膜正常功能,调节皮肤状态。帮助人体生长和组织修补,对眼睛保健很重要,能抵御细菌以免感染,保护上皮组织健康,促进骨骼与牙齿发育。 缺乏症:夜盲症、眼球干燥,皮肤干燥及痕痒。 主要食物来源:红萝卜、绿叶蔬菜、蛋黄及肝。 维生素B1(硫胺素) 功能:强化神经系统,保证心脏正常活动。促进碳水化合物之新陈代谢,能维护神经系统健康,稳定食欲,刺激生长以及保持良好的肌肉状况。 缺乏症:情绪低落、肠胃不适、手脚麻木、脚气病。 主要食物来源:糙米、豆类、牛奶、家禽。 维生素B2(核黄素) 功能:维持眼睛视力,防止白内瘴,维持口腔及消化道粘膜的健康。促进碳水化合物、脂肪与蛋白质之新陈代谢,并有助于形成抗体及红血球,维持细胞呼吸。 缺乏症:嘴角开裂、溃疡,口腔内粘膜发炎,眼睛易疲劳。 主要食物来源:动物肝脏、瘦肉、酵母、大豆、米糠及绿叶蔬菜。 维生素B3(烟酸)(烟草酸、烟碱酸) 功能:保持皮肤健康及促进血液循环,有助神经系统正常工作。强健消化系统,有助于皮肤的保健及美容,改善偏头痛、高血压、腹泻、加速血液循环,治疗口疮,消除口臭,减少胆固醇。 缺乏症:头痛,疲劳,呕吐,肌肉酸痛。 主要食物来源:绿叶蔬菜,肾,肝,蛋等。 维生素B5(泛酸)(nthenol) 功能:制造抗体,增强免疫力,辅助糖类,脂肪及蛋白质产生人体能量。加速伤口痊愈,建立人体的抗体以防止细菌感染,治疗手术后的颤抖,防止疲劳。 缺乏症:口疮,记忆力衰退,失眠,腹泻,疲倦,血糖过低等。 主要食物来源:糙米,肝,蛋,肉。 维生素B6 功能:保持身体及精神系统正常工作,维持体内钠,钾成份平衡,制造红血球。调节体液,增进神经和骨骼肌肉系统正常功能,是天然的利尿剂。 缺乏症:贫血、抽筋、头痛、呕吐、暗疮。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 主要食物来源:瘦肉,果仁,糙米,绿叶蔬菜,香蕉。 维生素B12(钴胺素) 功能:制造及换新体内的红血球,可防止贫血,有助于儿童的发育成长,保持健康的神经系统,减除过敏性症状,增进记忆力及身体的平衡力。 缺乏症:疲倦、精神抑郁、记忆力衰退、恶性贫血。 主要食物来源:肝、肉、蛋、鱼、奶。 维生素B13(Orotic Acid) 有助于维生素B之新陈代谢,可与维生素B12和叶酸一同进行新陈代谢,对细胞的复原和修补很重要。 维生素B15(PanganmicAcid) 排除缺氧的状态,缺氧是组织体内氧气不足,特别指心脏和其他肌肉。可促进蛋白质的新陈代谢,刺激腺体神经系统的活动。 维生素B17(Lactnile) 具有防癌、治癌的功效,因维生素B17含有“氰”分子,正常细胞吸收B17时,会将“氰”毒分解从尿中排出,而癌细胞无法分解“氰”,而被攻击。 FolicAcid(叶酸) 功能:制造红血球及白血球,增强免疫能力。 缺乏症:舌头红肿、贫血、消化不良、疲劳、头发变白,记忆力衰退。 主要食物来源:蔬菜,肉、酵母等。 维生素C(抗坏血酸) 功能:对抗游离基、有助防癌;降低胆固醇,加强身体免疫力,防止坏血病。 缺乏症:牙龈出血,牙齿脱落;毛细血管脆弱,伤口愈合缓慢,皮下出血等。 主要食物来源:水果(特别是橙类),绿色蔬菜,蕃茄,马铃薯等。 维生素D 功能:协助钙离子运输,有助小孩牙齿及骨骼发育;补充成人骨骼所需钙质,防止骨质疏松。 缺乏症:小孩软骨病、食欲不振;腹泻等。 主要食物来源:鱼肝油,奶制品,蛋。 维生素E(生育酚) samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 功能:抗氧化剂、有助防癌;生育相关。 缺乏症:红血球受破坏,神经受损害,营养性肌肉萎缩,不育症,月经不调,子宫机能衰退等等。 主要食物来源:植物油、深绿色蔬菜、牛奶、蛋、肝、麦、及果仁。 维生素F(亚麻油酸、花生油酸) 功能:防止动脉中胆固醇的沉积,治疗心脏病。帮助腺体发挥作用,使钙能被细胞利用,从而增进健康和成长,也有助于皮肤和毛发健康生长。 缺乏症:心血管疾病等等。 主要食物来源:植物油(由亚麻、葵花子、大豆、花生等榨取的油)以及花生、葵花子、核桃等坚果类食品。 维生素H(生物素) 功能:合成维生素C的必要物质,是脂肪和蛋白质正常代谢不可或缺的物质;还具有防止白发和脱发,保持皮肤健康的作用。 缺乏症:白发,脱发,皮肤干裂等等。 主要食物来源:牛奶、牛肝、蛋黄、动物肾脏、水果、糙米中。 维生素L 功能:促进乳汁的分泌。 缺乏症:乳汁分泌不足等等。 主要食物来源:牛肝、蹲鱼、酵母、野菜。 维生素K 功能:与凝血作用相关,许多凝血因子的合成与维生素K有关。 缺乏症:体内不正常出血。 主要食物来源:椰菜花、椰菜、西兰花、蛋黄、肝、稞麦等。 维生素P(生物类黄酮) 功能:防止维生素C被氧化而受到破坏,增强维生素功效;增加毛细血管壁强度,防止瘀伤。有助于牙龈出血的预防和治疗,有助于因内耳疾病引起的浮肿或头晕的治疗等。 缺乏症:与维生素C缺乏症类似。 主要食物来源:橙、柠檬、杏、樱桃、玫瑰果实以及荞麦粉。 现在医学上发现的维生素主要有: 脂溶性维生素 维生素A:维持正常视力,预防夜盲症;维持上皮细胞组织健康;促进生长发育;增加对传染病的抵抗力;预防和治疗干眼病。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 维生素D:调节人体内钙和磷的代谢,促进吸收利用,促进骨骼成长。 维生素E:维持正常的生殖能力和肌肉正常代谢;维持中枢神经和血管系统的完整。 维生素K:止血。它不但是凝血酶原的主要成分,而且还能促使肝脏制造凝血酶原。小儿维生素K缺乏症 水溶性维生素 维生素B1:保持循环、消化、神经和肌内正常功能;调整胃肠道的功能;构成脱羧酶的辅酶,参加糖的代谢;能预防脚气病。 维生素B2:又叫核黄素。核典素是体内许多重要辅酶类的组成成分,这些酶能在体内物质代谢过程中传递氢,它还是蛋白质、糖、脂肪酸代谢和能量利用与组成所必需的物质。能促进生长发育,保护眼睛、皮肤的健康。 泛酸(维生素B5):抗应激、抗寒冷、抗感染、防止某些抗生素的毒性,消除术后腹胀。 维生素B6:在蛋白质代谢中起重要作用。治疗神经衰弱、眩晕、动 脉粥样硬化等。 维生素B12:抗脂肪肝,促进维生素A在肝中的贮存;促进细胞发育成熟和机体代谢;治疗恶性贫血。 维生素B13(乳酸清)。 维生素B15(潘氨酸):主要用于抗脂肪肝,提高组织的氧气代谢率。有时用来治疗冠心病和慢性酒精中毒。 维生素B17:剧毒。有人认为有控制及预防癌症的作用。 对氨基苯甲酸:在维生素B族中属于最新发现的维生素之一。在人体内可合成。 肌醇:维生素B族中的一种,和胆碱一样是亲脂肪性的维生素。 维生素C:连接骨骼、牙齿、结缔组织结构;对毛细血管壁的各个细胞间有粘合功能;增加抗体,增强抵抗力;促进红细胞成熟。 维生素P。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 维生素PP(烟酸):在细胞生理氧化过程中起传递氢作用,具有防治癞皮病的功效。 叶酸(维生素M):抗贫血;维护细胞的正常生长和免疫系统的功能。 维生素T:帮助血液的凝固和血小板的形成。 维生素U:治疗溃疡上有重要的作用。 维生素是人体营养、生长所需的有机化合物。机体如果缺乏维生素,就会出现某种疾病。因此有些人认为维生素是营养素,摄入是“多多益善”。人需要维生素越多越好吗?是否定的。合理营养的关键在于“适度”。过多摄入某些维生素,对身体不仅无益反而有害。 我们知道,维生素大致可分为水溶性(维生素B、C)和脂溶性(维生素A、D、K等)两大类。水溶性类的维生素多余部分一般可随尿液排出体外,脂溶性类的维生素A或D,多余者不能排出体外。这样就给人们一个印象以为水溶性维生素食多了无害,有人主张每日口服维生素C3—5克以达到保健的目的。其实这是有害的,实验证实,长期日服维生素C1克以上时,可引起草酸尿、高尿酸血症、高外血症。有的人全身可出现皮疹、浮肿、血压下降、恶心。在脂溶性维生素中,以维生素A和维生素D服用量过大而引起的中毒最为常见。维生素 A过剩时,将引起不眠、气喘、眩晕、脱发、恶心、腹泻等症;维生素D过剩时,可引起食欲不振,倦怠、便秘、体重下降及低烧等。 正常人每日需要维生素C50—100毫克,维生素A2500—3000国际单位,维生素D300—400国际单位。 从营养上讲,所谓维生素应该是人体不能合成(或合成数量不能满足需要)而在人体正常代谢过程和调节生理功能所不可缺少的一类物质。它们是必须由食物供给的营养素。因此缺乏时就会出现某种典型的临床症状。截止目前为止并未发现因缺乏苦杏仁甙而患任何缺乏症的,因此这两种物质根本不能称为维生素。 维生素B15和维生素B17是国外一些营养学者提出的有益于人体健康的食物成分,并命之为维生素,但至今均未被世界学者们所公认。在近来的研究表明,维生素还有着一些特殊的功用,如泛酸的情绪调节作用,叶酸和维生素B12的降低DNA损耗作用,叶酸加B6有益心血管等。 对于维生素补充,应该从饮食和维生素制剂两方面来补充。水果蔬菜的维生素含量高,但由于每种蔬菜和水果的维生素含量都不同,未必能够在各方面均衡补充维生素,蔬菜水果在加工、烹调中维生素也有损失,维生素制剂就能够起到均衡的作用。但维生素制剂不容易吸收,samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 又非天然绿色,因此还是以水果蔬菜的补充为主 详解各种维生素的功效 维生素,--眼睛的朋友 维生素,又叫视黄醇或脱氢视黄醇,是一种可溶于脂肪的脂溶性维生素,耐高温,在空气中易氧化。 一、维生素,的主要生理功能 1(维生素A是合成视紫质的原料,该物质是一种感光物质,存在于视网膜内。缺乏维生素A就不能合成足够的视紫质,将导致夜盲症。 2.有助于保护皮肤、鼻、咽喉、呼吸器官的内膜,消化系统及泌尿生殖道上皮组织的健康,并免受传染。 3(与维生素,及钙等营养素共同维持骨骼、牙齿的生长发育。 4(预防甲状腺肿大。 5(胆固醇合成皮质醇和糖原所必需成份。 二(膳食中维生素,的盈缺对健康的影响 由于维生素,是视色素的主要组成部分,因而缺乏维生素,会引起夜盲症。维生素,缺乏还会引起干眼病,可使视力衰退。另外,维生素,缺乏会使儿童生长缓慢,骨骼、牙齿发育不正常,皮肤干燥, 腹泻、肾和膀胱结石加重以及生殖失调等。 摄入过量的维生素,将引起中毒,中毒征状为食欲减退,头痛,视力模糊,急躁,落发,皮肤干燥,腹泻,恶心,肝和脾肿大;孕妇如摄入过量维生素A,有可能生育先天畸形的婴儿。 维生素,--壮骨的卫士 生素,是一种脂溶性维生素,有五种化合物,对健康关系较密切的是维生素,2和维生素,3。它们有以下三点特性:它存在于部分天然食物中;受紫外线的照射后,人体内的胆固醇能转化为维生素,。 一、维生素,的主要生理功能 维生素,主要有以下生理功能: 1、 提高肌体对钙、磷的吸收,使血浆钙和血浆磷的水平达到饱和程度。 2、 促进生长和骨骼钙化,促进牙齿健全; 3、 通过肠壁增加磷的吸收,并通过肾小管增加磷的再吸收; 4、 维持血液中柠檬酸盐的正常水平; 5、 防止氨基酸通过肾脏损失。 二、维生素,盈缺对健康的影响 人体缺乏维生素,会引起佝偻病、手足抽搐和软骨病。 长期摄入过多的维生素,(5000IU),将引起高血钙和高尿钙。特征为食欲减退,过度口渴,恶心,呕吐,烦躁,体弱,便泌腹泻交samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 替出现,严重者将因肾钙化、心脏和大动脉钙化而死亡。 维生素,--使青春长存的营养素 维生素,又名生育酚,属脂溶性维生素。维生素,共有八种化合物,其中的α―生育酚最具生物活性、和人体健康关系最密切。不耐热、酸、碱,易氧化。 一、维生素,的生理功能 1、 是一种强抗氧化剂,能有效地阻止食物和消化道内脂肪酸的酸败,保护细胞免受不饱和脂肪酸氧化产生的有害物质的伤害。 2、 是极好的自由基清除剂,能保护生物膜免受自由基攻击,有效的抗衰老营养素。 3、 提高肌体免疫力。 4、 保持血红细胞的完整性,促进血红细胞的生物合成。 5、 是细胞呼吸的必需促进因子,可保护肺组织免受空气污染。 6、 预肪心血管病。 二、体内维生素,盈缺和健康 缺乏维生素E将会引起不育、肌肉崣缩、心肌异常、贫血等;新生婴儿(特别是早产儿)患有维生素,缺乏症(起因于红血球寿命缩短)时,具有浮肿,皮肤损伤,血液异常等症状。 维生素,缺乏症患者不能吸收脂肪,血液和组织中生育酚水平低,增加红血球脆性,缩短红血球的寿命,并增加尿中肌酸的排泄。 维生素,是相对无毒的。但如摄入过量时会觉得恶心,因摄入过量的维生素,能从粪便中排出,因此,它是安全性很高的营养素。 维生素,--止血功臣 维生素,分为二大类,一类是脂溶性维生素,即从绿色植物中提取的维生素,1和从微生物中提取的维生素,2。另一类是水溶性的维生素,由人工合成即维生素K3和K4。最重要的是维生素,1和,2。 一、维生素,主要生理功能 维生素,控制血液凝结。维生素,是四种凝血蛋白(凝血酶原、转变加速因子、抗血友病因子和司徒因子)在肝内合成必不可少的物质。 二、缺乏维生素,会产生哪些症状,其毒性如何, 缺乏维生素,会延迟血液凝固;引起新生儿出血病。 即使供给大量的维生素,1和维生素,2的天然形式也不会中毒。 维生素,--水果蔬菜中的营养素 素,又叫抗坏血酸,是一种水溶性维生素。在所有维生素中,维生素,是最不稳定的。在贮藏,加工和烹调时,容易被破坏。它还易被氧化和分解。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 一、维生素,主要生理功能 1、 促进骨胶原的生物合成。利于组织创伤口的更快愈合; 2、 促进氨基酸中酪氨酸和色氨酸的代谢,延长肌体寿命。 3、 改善铁、钙和叶酸的利用。 4、 改善脂肪和类脂特别是胆固醇的代谢,预防心血管病。 5、 促进牙齿和骨骼的生长,防止牙床出血。; 6、 增强肌体对外界环境的抗应激能力和免疫力。 二、维生素,缺乏和疾病 维生素,缺乏时,其症状表现为: 1( 牙龈肿胀出血,牙床潰烂、牙齿松动。 2( 骨骼畸形、易骨折。 3( 伤口难愈合等。进一步则引起坏血症、贫血。 4( 大出血和心脏衰竭,严重时有猝死的危险。 5( 肌肉纤维衰退,包括心肌衰退。 维生素C是无毒的营养素,但每天摄入量超过八克会有害,症状包括:恶心,腹部痉挛,腹泻,铁的过量吸收,红血球破坏,骨骼矿物质代谢增强,防碍抗凝剂的治疗,血浆胆固醇升高,并可能对大剂量维生素,形成依赖。 维生素,,--抗脚气病营养素 维生素,,又叫硫胺素,别名为抗神经炎素,是一种水溶性维生素。 一、维生素,,的生理功能 1、 促进碳水化合物和脂肪的代谢,在能量代谢中起辅酶作用,没有硫胺素就没有能量。 2、 提供神经组织所需要的能量,防止神经组织崣缩和退化。预防和治疗脚气病。 3、 对人体的直接功能有:维持正常的食欲,肌肉的弹性和健康的精神状态。 二、维生素,,缺乏所产生的病症及其毒性 维生素,,轻度缺乏导致糖代谢失调,引起厌食、体力下降、疲劳,忧郁,急躁,生长滞缓,脚麻木和心电图反常。维生素,,严重缺乏使脚气病达到顶点,产生多发性神经炎(神经性肺炎),消瘦或浮肿,心脏功能失调。 还没有发现维生素,,有毒性作用。 维生素,,--黄色的营养素 维生素,,又叫核黄素,微溶于水,在中性或酸性溶液中加热是稳定的。体内维生素,,的储存是很有限的,因此每天都要由饮食提供。维生素,,的两个性质是造成其损失的主要原因:(1)、可被光破坏;(2)、在碱溶液中加热可被破坏。 一、维生素,,的生理功能 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 1、 参与碳水化合物、蛋白质、核酸和脂肪的代谢可提高肌体对蛋白质的利用率,促进生长发育。 2、 参与细胞的生长代谢,是肌体组织代谢和修复的必须营养素。 3、 强化肝功能、调节肾上腺素的分泌。 4、 保护皮肤毛囊粘膜及皮脂腺的功能。 二、维生素,,缺乏所产生的症状及其毒性 与所有其它维生素不同,轻微缺乏维生素,,不会引起人体任何严重疾病。但是严重缺乏维生素,,会引起一些病症如:口角炎、舌炎、鼻和脸部的脂溢性皮炎。眼睛角膜发红,充血等。 据目前所知,维生素,,没有毒性。 维生素,12--唯一含有金属离子的维生素 维生素,12又叫钴胺素,是一种水溶性维生素。植物不能制造维生素,12,它是唯一需要一种特殊胃肠道分泌物,才被肌体吸收的维生素;它在肠道内停留时间长,大约需要三小时(大多数水溶性维生素只需要几秒钟)。 一、维生素,12的主要生理功能 1、 促进红细胞的发育和成熟,使肌体造血机能处于正常状态,预防恶性贫血。 2、 促进碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质代谢; 3、 具有活化氨基酸的作用和促进核酸的生物合成,可促进蛋白 质的合成,它对婴幼儿的生长发育有重要作用。 二、维生素,12缺乏的症状及其毒性 素食主义者,恶性贫血,部分或全部切除胃手术以及寄生虫传染等都有可能出现缺乏维生素,12的现象。膳食缺乏维生素,12的常见症状是:虚弱,减重,背痛,四肢感到刺痛,神态呆滞,精神或其它神经失常。也有可能引起贫血症,但非常少见。 已知维生素,12没有毒性。 维生素,6--抗皮炎的营养素 维生素,6是易于相互转换的三种吡啶衍生物吡哆醇、吡哆醛、吡哆胺的总称,是一种水溶性维生素。食品经加工或烹调可破坏50,的维生素,6,因此补充维生素,6是必要的,尤其对婴儿、孕妇和乳母而言。 一、维生素,6主要生理功能 1、 在蛋白质代谢中参与氨基酸的代谢。 2、 可将色氨酸转化为烟酸。 3、 参与脂肪代谢,可降低血中胆固醇的含量。 二、维生素,6缺乏将产生的症状及其毒性 维生素,6缺乏时,成人表现为眼睛、鼻子和嘴周围的皮肤上出现油脂,鳞屑即脂溢性皮炎,随后向身体的其它部分蔓延;舌红光samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 滑;体重下降;肌肉无力;急燥,精神抑郁。婴儿表现为神经急燥,肌肉抽搐和惊厥。 维生素,6相对无毒。但是大剂量可引起嗜眠,长期服用会成癖。 维生素B5--癩皮病的克星 维生素B5通常称尼克酸或烟酸,是一种水溶性维生素。烟酸是复合维生素,中最稳定的化合物,烹调时,烟酸在混合膳食中损失的量通常不超过15,25,。 一、烟酸主要生理功能 1、 参与碳水化合物的代谢。 2、 参与脂肪的代谢,甘油的合成和分解、脂肪酸的氧化与合成。; 3、 能降低胆固醇的水平; 4、 参与蛋白质的代谢、氨基酸的合成和降解。 5、 在某种程度上防止复发性非致命的心肌梗塞。 二、烟酸缺乏时的症状及其毒性 烟酸缺乏时会导致癩皮病,其主要症状是:皮炎;分泌粘液的膜发炎;舌头和口腔疼痛;腹泻;直肠炎以及精神上的变化,如急躁,忧虑,抑郁,严重时会产生时产生神经错乱,腹泻,幻觉,呆症等。 只有大剂量的尼克酸才有毒性,过量摄入时,会导致血管扩张,皮肤发红,发痒,肝损伤,血糖升高或胃溃疡。 叶酸--来自绿叶中的营养素 叶酸又叫叶精,是一种水溶性维生素。叶酸易被紫外线破坏,因此,新鲜蔬菜在室温下贮藏2,3天其叶酸量会损失50,70,。食物中50,95,的叶酸在烹调时被破坏。叶酸缺乏症在全世界被公认为一个保健问。婴儿,青少年和孕妇特别容易受到叶酸缺乏的危害。 一、叶酸的主要生理功能 1、 是蛋白质和核酸合成的必需因子,在细胞分裂和繁殖中起重要作用; 2、 血红蛋白的结构物卟晽基的形成、红细胞和白细胞的快速增生都需要叶酸参与。 3、 使甘氨酸和丝氨酸相互转化,使苯丙氨酸形成酪氨酸,组氨酸形成谷氨酸,使半胱氨酸形成蛋氨酸; 4、 参与大脑中长链脂肪酸如DHA的代谢,肌酸和肾上腺素的合成等。 5、 使酒精中乙醇胺合成为胆碱。 二、叶酸缺乏会产生的症状及其毒性 婴儿缺乏叶酸时会引起有核巨红细胞性贫血,孕妇缺乏叶酸时会引起巨红细胞性贫血。孕妇在怀孕早期如缺乏叶酸,其生出畸形儿的可能性较大。 膳食中缺乏叶酸将使血中高半胱氨酸水平提高,易引起动脉硬samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 化。 膳食中摄入叶酸不足,易诱发结肠癌和乳腺癌。 叶酸在正常情况下没有毒性。
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