

2017-09-02 14页 doc 121KB 23阅读




荆州廉租房补贴荆州廉租房补贴 廉租住房租赁补贴办理流程 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, ...
荆州廉租房补贴 廉租住房租赁补贴办理流程 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 一、申请条件 申请住房租赁补贴的家庭必须同时具备以下条件: 1、家庭成员具有本市城区常住户口且至少有一人在本市实际居住; 2、家庭上年度人均年收入5000元以下; 3、家庭人均住房建筑面积在15平方米以下。 二、申请须提交的资料 1、民政部门核发的低收入家庭证明或《社会救助证》(复印件)。 2、家庭户口簿(首页、分页复印件)。 3、家庭成员身份证(复印件)。 4、住房情况证明:自有住房和承租(借住)公有住房的,提交家庭住房所有权证或住房凭证;其他住房的,提交相关证明。 5、街道办事处经核查后出具的现居住证明(入户核查表)。 6、其它要求提供的资料。 三、办理程序 1、领表。申请家庭由户主作为申请人,到户口所在地的社区居委会领取《荆州市城区低收入家庭廉租住房租赁补贴申请审批表》(以下简称《廉租住房补贴申请表》),如实填写。 户主不具备完全民事行为能力的,申请家庭推举具有完全民事行为能力的家庭成员为申请人。 2、申请。申请人如有工作单位的,将《廉租住房补贴申请表》交由所在单位和社区居委会验证,签署意见;无工作单位的,将《廉租住房补贴申请表》交由社区居委会验证,签署意见,报街道办事处初审。承租(借住)直管公房的最低收入家庭报房管所初审。 3、初审及公示。街道办事处自收到申请之日起30日内,对申请家庭进行初审。 初审合格的,将其家庭人口、现居住地点、住房状况在申请家庭所在地社区公示15日,对于人户分离的家庭,同时在实际居住地公示。 公示期满无异议或者异议理由不成立的,按户建立档案,并将档案及申请材料一同上报区民政部门;对初审不合格的,由街办(房管所)及时通知申请人。 4、复审及公示。区民政部门收到申请材料后,对申请人的家庭收入情况进行审核,于10日内提出审核意见,并将符合低收入家庭标准的申请材料送交市住房保障管理中心。 市住房保障管理中心自收到材料之日起15日内,对申请家庭住房状况是否符合规定条件进行复审,复审合格的,在荆州市房产网公示15天。经公示有异议的,由街道办事处负责复查,对不符合规定条件的申请家庭说明理由,公示期满无异议或者异议理由不成立的,确定为廉租住房租赁补贴保障家庭。 5、补贴发放。市住房保障管理中心向符合条件的保障家庭发出办理通知,申请人或家庭成员携带相关资料原件和复印件到市房屋租赁服务中心办理相关system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 手续。 委托他人办理须经社区居委会核准,并出具保障家庭成员共同签名的书面。 廉租住房实物配租办事指南 一、申请条件 申请廉租住房实物配租的家庭应同时具备以下条件: 1、已纳入廉租住房租赁补贴保障的最低收入家庭或经市政府批准的其他急需救助的低收入住房困难家庭; 2、家庭成员具有本市常住城镇户口且在本市常年居住; 3、家庭成员无自有住房或现住房人均建筑面积6平方米以下。 二、实物配租分配方法 1、主要依据申请家庭住房困难程度、家庭人数、家庭收入和急需救助的程度,由各区政府、荆州开发区管委会按家庭住房保障人口分类,确定配租轮候顺序。 2、配租面积以家庭为单位确定。一人户家庭,实物配租建筑面积20平方米左右;两人户家庭,实物配租建筑面积30平方米以下;三人户家庭,实物配租建筑面积45平方米以下;四人户家庭,实物配租建筑面积不超过50平方米。 3、孤老病残等保障家庭对应低楼层。 三、申请需要携带的资料 身份证、户口簿、社会救助证明、、租赁补贴原件 四、办理程序 1、申请、登记。申请实物配租的保障家庭持相关资料向办理《社会救助证》所在地街办或镇(乡)政府提出申请,并登记意向配租地点。申请人属于优先配租楼层的,还应提交相关证明材料复印件。特殊情况可由社区居委会代为申请。 2、初审、公示。街办或镇(乡)政府受理申请后,组织社区工作人员对申请家庭人口、收入、住房、居住时间等情况进行初审,将符合条件的申请家庭公示15天,并将初审意见和申请材料报所属区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会。 3、配租家庭确定。各区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会应组织有关部门进行核查和入户查证,按配额确定配租家庭,并将审核结果及申报资料报市住房保障管理中心。其余未配租家庭转下一轮实物配租轮候。 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 4、复审、公示。市住房保障管理中心收到各区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会审核资料后会同民政部门就配租家庭是否符合规定的条件进行复审,将符合条件的保障家庭在《荆州日报》、荆州市房产网、荆州住房保障网上公示,公示时间为15天。 对公示期间的投诉举报材料由市住房保障管理中心及时转区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会进行调查核实。 5、电脑摇号配租。实物配租房号采取电脑摇号的方法分配。操作过程在相关部门和公证机关的监督下进行,参加摇号家庭按保障人口数对应配租住房面积(户型)分组摇号,孤老病残等保障家庭对应低楼层摇号。 6、办理入住手续。市住房保障管理中心根据电脑摇出的实物配租名单,发放《廉租住房实物配租入住通知单》,配租家庭持入住通知单、户口簿、社会救助证、身份证原件在规定时间内到相关房管所办理入住手续。 五、有关事宜 1、承租公房的配租家庭必须腾退原住房,腾退的旧住房由市住房保障主管部门按廉租房政策进行分配。已获实物配租的家庭放弃配租后将不再实行实物配租。未参加年审的保障家庭不予实物配租。拆迁家庭将拆迁补偿款上交财政专户储存后可按无房户轮候,未上交拆迁补偿款的家庭按拆迁前面积认定。 2、不具备完全民事行为能力的,智力残疾、精神残疾以及重大疾病造成生活不能自理的三无(无法定赡养人、无劳动能力、无经济来源)单人家庭必须和法定监护人共同申请保障。无法定监护人的不予实物配租。 经济适用住房申购流程 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 一、申购经济适用住房条件 (一)具有本市城区常住居民户口; (二)家庭人均可支配收入在本市城区上年度城镇居民人均可支配收入的80%以下(申购家庭2008年度人均可支配收入低于8000元); (三)家庭所有成员无购房、自建房记录或自有产权房人均建筑面积在本市城区人均居民住房面积的60%以下(申购家庭2008年度人均住房建筑面积低于15平方米); (四)已婚〔含未满30周岁离异(或丧偶)带小孩〕或年龄在30周岁及以上的单身无房户。 复员转业退伍家庭中符合条件的按规定程序申请审批后可优先购买。 二、申购应提交的材料 1、《荆州市城区经济适用住房购房申请审批表》; 2、家庭常住户口簿,家庭成员身份证; 3、收入证明:低保家庭提供民政部门出具的享受城市最低生活保障证明;低收入家庭提供民政部门出具的家庭收入核定证明; 4、住房情况证明:未达标的自有住房提供相关证明。租住直管公房提供《荆州市国有直管房屋住房凭证》。租住他人的住房提供住房租赁合同(已登记备案)。无房户提供相关说明; 5、婚姻证明; 6、被拆迁家庭需提供拆迁合同; 7、优先购房的需提供相关证明材料。 三、不得申请购买经济适用住房的情形 (一)已参加集资建房的。 (二)已购买过经济适用住房(含安居工程住房)、房改房的。 (三)已享受政府提供其它购房优惠政策的。 四、办理程序 ?领表和购房登记。申请人(申购家庭)到沙市区北京路221号一楼(廉租住房租赁补贴发放处)领取《荆州市城区经济适用住房购房申请审批表》并登记购房意向; ?初审、公示。街道办事处委托社区居委会初审并公示。社区居委会应及时对申请人申报的情况进行入户调查和群众评议;街道办事处在规定的期限内对申请人的申请条件、证明材料、评议材料等汇总后报所在区人民政府、荆州开发区管委会审核; system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology ?审核。区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会组织有关部门进行核查和入户查证,并将审核结果及申报资料报市住房保障管理中心; ?审批、公示。市住房保障管理中心收到区人民政府或荆州开发区管委会审核资料后应进行复审并在荆州市房产网上公示,公示时间为15天。公示期满后,对符合条件的申购家庭,由市经济适用住房主管部门发放《荆州市经济适用住房准购证》(以下简称《准购证》),《准购证》有效期一年; ?购买。市住房保障管理中心根据当年经济适用住房房源数量和登记购房人的数量情况确定选房定购顺序。在登记购房数量超过房源数量时,采取公开摇号排序;在登记购房数量不超过房源数量时,按购房登记顺序选房定购。申请人选定房号后,与经济适用住房建设单位签订《荆州市中心城区经济适用住房》,办理购买经济适用住房相关手续,逾期未参加选购的,视为主动放弃。 五、相关规定 1、经济适用住房是具有保障性质的政策性住房,购房人拥有有限产权。购买经济适用住房不满5年,不得直接上市交易。 2、购买经济适用住房满5年后上市转让的,应向政府交纳土地收益等相关 价款。政府可优先回购。 3、个人购买的经济适用住房在取得完全产权前不得用于出租经营 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology
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