

2017-09-01 18页 doc 54KB 8阅读




天佑德青稞酒的传说天佑德青稞酒的传说 企业文化及历史源渊 ,一,、天佑德青稞酒的传说 “龙王仙丹育青稞~王母玉液酿美酒”。 传曰:在远古时代~华夏民族之母----西王母在巍巍昆仑山宴请周穆王时~特派她的座骑大青鸟到东海蓬莱仙岛采集美食。回归时~不慎将一仙物从口中掉出~落在龙王山下~只见那仙物落地生根~瞬间长出一片片绿油油的麦田~年复一年~皆获丰收~养育了一代代高原儿女。因其归功于大青鸟~人们便将其称之为“青稞”。 竖日~云游四海的八仙赴蟠桃宴归来~被龙王山下那碧波荡漾的青稞海洋所吸引~行至威远堡~见镇内古井旁有一老妪正冒着炎炎烈日设摊...
天佑德青稞酒的传说 企业文化及历史源渊 ,一,、天佑德青稞酒的传说 “龙王仙丹育青稞~王母玉液酿美酒”。 传曰:在远古时代~华夏民族之母----西王母在巍巍昆仑山宴请周穆王时~特派她的座骑大青鸟到东海蓬莱仙岛采集美食。回归时~不慎将一仙物从口中掉出~落在龙王山下~只见那仙物落地生根~瞬间长出一片片绿油油的麦田~年复一年~皆获丰收~养育了一代代高原儿女。因其归功于大青鸟~人们便将其称之为“青稞”。 竖日~云游四海的八仙赴蟠桃宴归来~被龙王山下那碧波荡漾的青稞海洋所吸引~行至威远堡~见镇内古井旁有一老妪正冒着炎炎烈日设摊施茶~八仙遂扮作乞丐上前讨茶。老妪便施茶于众仙~口干舌燥的八仙接过茶一尝~只觉此茶清洌甘甜~爽口至极。至井口一看~发现此水直通龙王山的黑龙泉~乃是一股神水。为报达老妪的施茶之恩~铁拐李打开宝葫芦~将西王母送他的瑶池仙酿倒入井内~并告诉老妪:“取此井水酿酒~可名扬四海~富甲天下。”言毕~化作一股清风而去。老妪不信~打出井水一尝~果然清香馥郁~沁人心腑~于是便在古井旁建起烧酒坊~酿起青稞酒来……为感谢上天佑护之德,作坊名叫作“天佑德”。 自古佳境出美酒。互助威远镇地处素有“中国的乌拉尔”之称的祁连山东段南麓一块山峦环抱、地势平坦、地肥水美的三角than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 洲~祁连山湿润洁净的空气为这里带来充沛的云雨和清新的甘露~高原特有灿烂阳光又使这里冬无严寒~夏无酷暑。一年四季凉爽宜人~宜于万物生长。这里群山环抱~林区密布~泉清水美~湿润洁净的空气等得天独厚的自然环境以及其周围所形成的特殊微生物圈~造就了酿酒所必需的一切优越条件。 天佑德青稞酒正是运用高原优质青稞为原料~在继承天佑德青稞酒坊古老生产工艺的基础上~引用现代技术装备~用无污染的天然优质矿泉水~科学配料~经花岗岩发酵窖池发酵~长期窖藏自然老熟后~再经先进科学技术精心勾调而成。产品具有清亮透明~清香纯正~绵甜柔和~醇厚爽净~饮后头不痛、口不干~醒酒快的独特风格~特别是加温饮用更感芳香。 美丽的传说 ~最佳的生态~独特的环境~独特的原料~独特的生产工艺~独特的风格造就了互助青稞酒独特的文化内涵和上乘的品质。一杯浓郁醇香的青稞美酒代表着青稞酒人对您吉祥如意的祝福。 ,二,、天佑德青稞酒的发展历史 互助是青稞酒的发祥地。青稞酒历史悠久~源源远流长。据史料记载~互助古为羌族古地~公元前111年纳入汉朝版图~居住在互助的土族是元末明初形成的~其主体来源可追溯到元明及其以前活动与此地土谷浑人和蒙古人。随着历史的变迁~这些游牧民族自西向东迁移到青藏高原与黄土高原接壤的河湟谷地一带~并逐步集中在威远堡一带。互助土族人民作为互助青稞酒的 necting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation ande constallation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf sidbottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing in od. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out thedirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi ion isess than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortth is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is lp lengmpleted, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lavature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is co2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral cur-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-work is less than +2~ ts. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of theoinother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two p than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the2 发明者~其生活的历史就是互助青稞酒的发展历史~远在400余年的明末清初以前~互助民间就有以青稞为原料用土法酿酒的历史。这种土法生产的青稞酒叫酩醯酒~后来随着社会的发展~当地的酿酒工艺进一步完善~以当地盛产的青稞为主要原料酿造出了清香甘美、醇厚爽口的威远烧酒~并逐步形成实力雄厚的“天佑德”、“义永合”、“世义德”、“文玉合”、“义合永”等八大作坊,其中以“天佑德”酿酒作坊最为著名。各地商贾纷纷赶着骡马~翻山越岭来此驮酒~沿途闻香而来的买酒者络绎不绝~因此~民间曾流传着“驮酒千里一路香~开坛十里游人醉”的佳话。 1956年~政府以“天佑德”为主整合八大作坊~组建了互助县酒厂~1992年更名为青海青稞酒厂~1995年组建青海青稞酒集团公司~2001年企业通过改制更名为青海青稞酒业,集团,有限责任公司。青海青稞酒业,集团,有限责任公司是中国最大的青稞酒生产基地~是全国民族用品定点生产企业~产品稳固青海市场~行销23个省、市、自治区~连续十二年位居青海省上交利税大户前列~是青海省首次通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证的食品企业,被中国食品工业协会授予:“1981—2001中国食品工业突出贡献企业”,荣获国家工商总局和国家经贸委等部门授予的国家级“重、守信用”企业称号。 青海青稞酒业,集团,有限责任公司,以下建成集团公司,是根据《公司法》组建的国有大型,二档,企业。直属企业有:青海青稞酒厂股份有限公司、青海青稞酒经销有限责任公司、青 than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm;prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-~han +2installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the other end; wrong t than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thewelded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation andtitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates bit sand closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? or n connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom openingdirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pi-m. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bisurface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mwork 3 海青稞酒贸易有限公司、青海青稞酒物业有限责任公司、青海宏兴彩印合作公司~是集科、工、贸、服务为一体的企业集团。占地面积30万平方米~资产总值3.27亿元~职工1657人~各类技术人员有380人。主要产品为“互助”牌青稞白酒、青稞保健酒、青稞饮料酒三大系列六十多个品种~年生产能力达50000吨。其他配套产品有:瓶盖、纸箱,盒,、印刷品、畜产品等。 互助青稞酒以青藏高原特有的粮食作物—青稞为原料~在继承古老传统生产工艺的基础上~引进现代技术装备~用无污染的天然优质矿泉水科学配料、精心酿造、久储自然老熟而成。产品具有清香醇厚、绵甜爽净~饮后头不痛、口不渴的独特风格~在强手如林的酒类行业中独树一帜~在西部民族地区享有盛誉。由于其“地理环境独特、酿酒原料独特、大曲配料独特、制酒工艺独特、产品风格独特”~青稞酒魂承传400年~至今兴盛不衰被全国酿酒专家誉为“高原明珠、酒林奇葩”。党和国家领导人江泽民、李鹏、胡锦涛、邹家华等来青海视察工作时~都曾品评过本公司的酒类产品。 现代化的技术装备、科学的质量检测手段和具有敬业精神的职工队伍为产品质量的稳定提高提供了有力的保证。多年来~本公司的产品质量和卫生指标合格率均为100%。“互助”牌头曲酒、青稞液、青稞酒、虫草青稞酒、鹿茸青稞酒、青稞金酒等产品在国际国内博览会上荣获多项大奖~并通过了中国方圆标志认证委员会的产品质量认证。其中“互助”牌头曲是“中国公认名牌” th is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is lp lengmpleted, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lavature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is co2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral cur-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-work is less than +2~ ts. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of theoinother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two p than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thenecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation ande constallation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf sidbottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing in od. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out thedirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi ion isess than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distort4 产品~被中共青海省委省政府指定为省级接待贵宾专用酒。除白酒外~以青稞鹿茸酒、青稞虫草酒为代表的优质保健养生酒和以青稞清酒、青稞黄酒味代表的营养性饮料酒深受消费者青睐~具有巨大的市场潜力。 为维护互助青稞酒品牌~保护和发扬光大“天佑德”的悠久历史,2002年6月份青稞酒集团公司向国家质量监督检验检疫总局提出互助青稞酒原产地域保护申请。国家质检总局受理后经形式审查合格~于2002年8月14日以第78号公告的形式发布公告。2003年8月7日国家质量监督检验检疫总局以第73号公告的形式批准互助青稞酒为原产地域保护产品~互助青稞酒质量上升为国家标准~由国家标准化委员会正式发布~即GB19331 —2003《互助青稞酒》~互助青稞酒产品执行强制性国家标准。原产地域保护产品战略的实施~可以提高企业和产品在国际和国内的知名度~保护产品的品牌、质量、特色和传统工艺~保护民族工业和民族产品的价值~特别是保护了无形资产的价值~防止假冒伪劣产品的滋生。 ,三,、天佑德青稞酒的特点 天佑德青稞酒是以产自青藏高原无污染的绿色食品—青稞为原料~采用清蒸四次清工艺~在花岗岩条石窖中~经过长期纯粮发酵而成。 1、质量特点 ,1,天佑德青稞酒归属于清香型白酒。清香型白酒生产工 m. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bisurface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mwork than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm;prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-~han +2installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the other end; wrong t than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thewelded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation andtitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates bit sand closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? or n connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom openingdirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pi-5 艺较其它香型白酒工艺相比~它是清蒸、清烧~整个生产过程要突出一个“净”字~就是要强调干净、卫生~另外经检测分析~清香型白酒高级酯含量及卫生指标中所的杂醇油、甲醇等均低于其它香型~符合“安全、卫生、健康”的饮酒时尚。 ,2,白酒中含有高级醇及高级脂肪酸酯即杂醇油及衍生物~这些高级醇及高级脂肪酸酯因碳链长~在人体代谢时耗氧量大~会给人造成酒后头痛、口渴等不良反应~而在互助青稞酒中以上成分含量低~含有低碳链物质较多~在一定程度上缓解了上头、口渴、头痛等症状~因而酒后不头痛、不口渴、不上头是互助青稞酒的独特之处。 2、风格特点: 白酒香型及种类较多~但形成白酒独特的风格及口味~取决于它的生产原料、生产工艺及地理环境。1992年8月高景炎、沈怡芳、高月明等全国著名酿酒专家来我厂考察时~对青稞酒评价极高~互助青稞酒被誉为“高原明珠、酒林奇葩”。总结出了五个独特~即地理环境独特、酿酒原料独特、大曲配料独特、生产工艺独特、产品风格独特。 ,1,独特的青稞原料: 青稞亦称大麦、米麦、裸大麦~是大麦的一个变种。为禾本科一年生草本植物~产地主要是海拔2700米左右的无污染的高海拔地区~主要分布在青海、西藏、四川和云南、甘肃的部分地区~是具有民族特色的地方资源。因其生长环境特殊~其蛋白质 th is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is lp lengmpleted, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lavature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is co2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral cur-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-work is less than +2~ ts. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of theoinother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two p than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thenecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation ande constallation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf sidbottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing in od. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out thedirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi ion isess than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distort6 和碳水化合物含量高~含有十八种氨基酸~含有锌、铁、钾等十二种矿物质~含有丰富的VA、VB1、VB2、VC等7种维生素。经常食用可解决人体营养缺乏症。从上面可以看出~青稞原料由于其生长环境独特~营养丰富~无污染等特点~是形成互助青稞酒的独特口味和风格的重要因素。 ,2,独特的地理环境: 互助县是全国最大的青稞酒生产基地。互助青稞酒生产基地—青海青稞酒业集团公司位于青藏高原的互助县威远镇地区。这里四面环山~自然生态平衡~为无污染的小盆地地区~盆地内洁净温和的自然环境~形成了独特的酿酒微生物圈~为形成互助牌青稞酒独特的风格提供了有利的条件。 ,3,独特的大曲: 酿造互助青稞酒所用的大曲~以青稞、豌豆为原料~将二者配料后采用中低温培养制得“槐瓤曲”~采用中高温培养制得“白霜满天星”。大曲产生的香兰素和香兰素酸~赋予互助青稞酒清香味和曲香味~形成了互助青稞酒的独特香味。 ,4,独特的生产工艺: 天佑德青稞酒是400多年传统工艺与现代生物工程相结合的产物。它是利用优质的青稞为原料~加入精心培养并经储存三个月以上的青稞大曲粉~采用清蒸四次清工艺~在花岗岩条石窖中~经80天纯粮酿造~在陶罐中贮存老熟一年~,高档酒及调味酒贮存老熟三年,~后对贮存到期的基础酒利用分子筛、生物膜 work than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm;prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-~han +2installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the other end; wrong t than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thewelded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation andtitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates bit sand closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? or n connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom openingdirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pi-m. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bisurface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5m7 等先进技术进行处理~最大限度降低白酒中的杂醇油、甲醇等影响人体健康的杂质~采用高效气相色谱仪等先进检测设施对酒体进行全面分析~利用微机勾兑系统定性、定量的控制酒中各种微量成分的含量及相互比例~结合勾兑师的感官品尝进行调配~最终形成互助青稞酒香气纯正、清雅、口感柔和、绵甜、悠长爽净的独特风格~它是形成互助青稞酒独特口味及风格的重要关键。 ,5,独特的产品风格: 天佑德青稞酒虽属于清香型白酒~但在口感、理化指标、微量成分等方面又明显不同于其他清香型白酒~而在诸多微量成分的构成上形成了自己独特的风格。目前为止~白酒中共检测出香味成分256种~经检测互助青稞酒中含有196种微量成分。青稞酒中这些微量成分的量比关系则赋予互助青稞酒香气清雅、口感绵甜醇厚、余味爽净、悠长的独特风格。 总之~独特的地域造就了独特的民族~独特的民族依托独特的资源~酿造了独特的互助青稞美酒。 ,四,、天佑德青稞酒产品 互助青稞酒在提高产品质量及提高产品档次的同时~为了提升品牌形象~实现品牌效益~经过对市场详细调研和分析后~对现有产品及新开发产品进一步规划后使互助青稞白酒逐步形成了以天佑德青稞酒为代表的高档文化酒~以互助青稞酒为代表的老字号品牌酒及以青稞纯净酒为代表的新型环保酒的三大品牌酒~并对各个品牌形象重新进行了调整和设计~充分体现了互助 p lengmpleted, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lavature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is co2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral cur-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-work is less than +2~ ts. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of theoinother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two p than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thenecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation ande constallation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf sidbottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing in od. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out thedirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi ion isess than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortth is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is l8 青稞酒的独特之处。 天佑德青稞酒是挖掘天佑德青稞酒作坊400多年酿造历史的同时挖掘古老传统生产工艺、采用传统配料酿造而成的。是互助青稞酒悠久的历史文化与传统古老酿酒工艺的结合体~具有酒香优雅~酒体醇厚~绵甜爽净的风格~是互助青稞酒精髓与历史文化相结合的典型代表。产品包装应古朴典雅~高贵大方~突出天佑德青稞酒的高原文化、藏文化和悠久的酿造历史文化~并竭力打造以“中国青稞酒第一坊”的形象。 ,五,产品文化内涵 酒/传承四百年造酒技艺 采自高山圣洁之地原产作物 酿自天苍苍/野茫茫的青藏高原 天高远/ 云飞越/自有豪情世界 人/经历风雨洗礼 难挡心中梦想 在与好友把酒畅饮时 张扬个性/释放激情 酒不醉/人不归/自有豪情世界 directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pi-m. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bisurface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mwork than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm;prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to 2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-~han +2installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the other end; wrong t than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thewelded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation andtitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates bit sand closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? or n connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening9 传曰:在远古时代~华夏民族之母----西王母在巍巍昆仑山宴请周穆王时~特派她的座骑大青鸟到东海蓬莱仙岛采集美食。 回归时~不慎将一仙物从口中掉出~落在龙王山下~只见那仙物 落地生根~瞬间长出一片片绿油油的麦田~年复一年~皆获丰收~养育了一代代高原儿女。因其归功于大青鸟~人们便将其称之为 “青稞”。 竖日~云游四海的八仙赴蟠桃宴归来~被龙王山下那碧波荡漾的青稞海洋所吸引~行至威远堡~见镇内古井旁有一老妪正冒着炎炎烈日设摊施茶~八仙遂扮作乞丐上前讨茶。老妪便施茶于众仙~口干舌燥的八仙接过茶一尝~只觉此茶清洌甘甜~爽口至极。至井口一看~发现此水直通龙王山的黑龙泉~乃是一股神水。为报达老妪的施茶之恩~铁拐李打开宝葫芦~将西王母送他的瑶池仙酿倒入井内~并告诉老妪:“取此井水酿酒~可名扬四海~富甲天下。”言毕~化作一股清风而去。老妪不信~打出井水一尝~果然清香馥郁~沁人心腑~于是便在古井旁建起烧酒坊~酿起青稞酒来……为感谢上天佑护之德,作坊名叫作“天佑德”。 “龙王仙丹育青稞~王母玉液酿美酒”。 e constallation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf sidbottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing in od. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out thedirectional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting r-less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi ion isess than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortth is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is lp lengmpleted, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lavature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is co2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral cur-to-1mm, scope of work at a 4-work is less than +2~ ts. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of theoinother end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two p than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to thenecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and10
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