

2017-09-18 8页 doc 25KB 22阅读




[新版]英语:时间状语从句和以前完成时[新版]英语:时间状语从句和以前完成时 时间状语从句和过去完成时专题训练 学习目标:时间状语从句和过去完成时 学习重点:时间状语从句和过去完成时 学习难点:过去完成时 时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有:when, whenever, as, while, before, after, till, until, since, as soon as, hardly„when„, no sooner„than„, every time, each time, the first time等。 Not until ...
[新版]英语:时间状语从句和以前完成时 时间状语从句和过去完成时专题训练 学习目标:时间状语从句和过去完成时 学习重点:时间状语从句和过去完成时 学习难点:过去完成时 时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有:when, whenever, as, while, before, after, till, until, since, as soon as, hardly„when„, no sooner„than„, every time, each time, the first time等。 Not until „在句首,主句用倒装。 一、 while,when和as while引导时间状语从句,谓语动词为持续性动词,表示可持续的动作和状态。同时while可以对比;也可以引导让步状语从句。 when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时表示“就在那时”。 as表示“一边……一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生。 例1. While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. 2. I like playing football while you like playing basketball.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。 3. We always sing as we walk.我们总是边走边唱。 4. We were about to leave when he came in.我们就要离开,就在那时他进来了。 5. I like playing football while you like playing basketball.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。 二、 before和after 当主句用将来时,从句总是用现在时;如果before引导的从句谓语用的是过去时,则主句动词多用过去完成时。After表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。主句和从句的动作的时间关系正好与before引导的从句相反。 例1. After we had finished the work, we went home.完成工作之后,我们回家了。 2. My father had left for Canada just before the letter arrived.我父亲恰好在信到之前去加拿大了。 三、 till和until 例1. I didn't go to bed until(till) my father came back.直到我父亲回来我才上床睡觉。 2. Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 直到19 世纪初,人类才知道热能是什么。 3. It was not until the meeting was over that he began to teach me English.直到散会之后他才开始教我英语。 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已蹉跎了几多岁月。 四、 Since 在It is + 时间 + since„句型中,从句的谓语动词为持续动词,动作从该动作结束算起;从句 谓语动词为非持续性动词,从该动作开始算起。 例1. It is four years since my sister lived in Beijing. 我妹妹不在北京住有四年了。 2. It is five months since our boss left Beijing.我们老板离开北京有五个月了。 五、 as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the instant, the minute, 等引导的时间状语从句。 这些连词都表示“一„„就„„”。 例1. I will go there immediately I have finished my breakfast. 吃完早饭,我立即到那里去。 2. The moment I heard the news, I hastened to the spot.我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。 六、 hardly(scarcely, rarely)„when / before, no sooner„than相当于as soon as之意。 主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。当hardly, scarcely, rarely和no sooner位于句首时,主句应用倒装语序。 例1. He had no sooner arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey. 他刚到家,就被邀请开始 另一旅程。 2. No sooner had the sun shown itself above the horizon than he got out of bed to commence work.太阳刚 从地平线上升起,他就起床劳动去了。 3. Hardly had I sat down when he stepped in.我刚坐下,他就进来了。 七、由by the time引导的时间状语从句。 在一般情况下,如果从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词用过去完成时;如果主句的谓语动词用一般现在时,主句的谓语动词用将来完成时。 例1. By the time you came back, I had finished this book.到你回来时,我已经写完这本书了。 2. By the time you come here tomorrow, I will have finished this work. 你明天来这儿的时候,我将已经完成此工作了。 八、 由each time, every time和whenever引导的时间状语从句。 例1. Each time he came to Harbin, he would call on me. 他每次来哈尔滨,总是来看我。 2. Whenever that man says “To tell the truth”, I suspect that he's about to tell a lie.每当那个人说“说实在话”的时候,我猜想他就要说谎了。 3. You grow younger every time I see you. 每次遇到你,见你更年轻了。 练习 (1)1.We were swimming in the lake _____ suddenly the storm started. A. when B. while C. until D. before 【解析】选A。句意:我们正在湖里游泳,突然暴风雨来到了。be doing to do sth./be about to/be on the point of doing sth.„when„, 正在做什么/刚想做某事,突然„„。 2. The American Civil War lasted four years _____the North won in the end. A. after B. before C. when D. then 【解析】选B。句意:美国南北战争持续了四年,直至北方最终获胜。 (2)在下列各句的空格中填入适当的连词: 1. _________ he comes tomorrow, I shall ask where he has been. 2. I saw her just _________ she was getting off the train. 3. I was about to go out _________ a visitor came. 4. He learned to speak German _________ he was in Berlin. 5. I listen to the recorder _________ I have time. 6. He had learned Chinese _________ he came to China. 7. _________ the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience. 8. I haven't seen him _________ he moved to the other side of the town. 9. It was not ________ he took off his eyeglasses that I recognized him. 10. We played outside till sunset, _________ it began to rain. 【】1. As soon as/Immediately/The minute 2. when 3. when 4. while 5. when 6. before 7. After 8. since 9. until 10. when 过去完成时 一、概念:表示过去的过去,其构成是had +过去分词构成。 二、用法如下: 1. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris.她说她从来没有去过巴黎 2. 状语从句:在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.当警察到来时,贼已经逃跑了。 She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work. 她直到把工作做完之后才睡觉。 By the end of last term, we had learned over 2000 new words. 到上学期末,我们已学会了两千生词。 3. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本„,未能„" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 4. 过去完成时还可用在hardly„when„, no sooner„than„句型中。 Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him. 他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。 No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. 他刚到就又走了。 5. time为先行词,且由序数词修饰,谓语动词为was,定语从句用过去完成时。 It was the third time that he had been out of work that year. 这是他那一年第三次失业了。 6. 在含有定语从句的主从复合句中,如果叙述的是过去的事,先发生的动作常用过去完成时。 I returned the book that I had borrowed. 我已归还了我借的书。 7. 在非真实条件句中,用过去完成时表示与过去事实不符的虚拟语气。 If I had met you yesterday, I should have told you about it. =Had I met you yesterday, I should have told you about it. 如果我昨天遇到你的话,我就会告诉你那件事了。 8. 谓语动词为wish的宾语从句,表示与过去事实不符的虚拟语气。 I wish I had learned English years ago. 我要是在几年前学习英语就好了。 9. 由as if或as though引导的方式状语从句,用过去完成时表示与过去事实不符的虚拟语气。 She spoke as if she had known it. 她说起话来好像她早知道了这件事似地。 三、练习 1. He ______ in Shanghai University for four years before he ______ to Beijing. A. studied, had gone B. had studied, went C. has studied, goes D. had studied, had gone 【解析】选B。句意:在他去北京之前,他在上海大学学习了四年。before引导的时间状语从句,谓语动 词为一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。 2. The students ___ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ___ in the office. A. had written, left B. were writing, has left C. had written, had left D. were writing, had left 【解析】选D。句意:当布朗女士去取她忘在办公室的书时,同学们正在忙碌地写着。When引导的时间状语从句,谓语动词为一般过去时,主句一般用过去进行时;she ___ in the office为定语从句,leave的动作发生在went动作之前,过去的过去,用过去完成时。 3. Tom was surprised that most of the guests _____ when he ______ at the party. A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 【解析】选D。句意:汤姆感到惊讶的是当他到达宴会时,客人们已经离开了。到达arrived在后,离开left发生在到达之前,即:过去的过去。 4. We _____ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. will have learned 【解析】选A。句意:到去年年底,我们已经学习了四千生词。by the end of+过去时间,用过去完成时;by the end of+将来时,句子用将来完成时;by now用现在完成时。 5. I said that it was at least ten years since I___a good drink. A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying 【解析】选A。句意:我说,至少10年没有这么痛快地喝过酒了。That引导的宾语从句,主句用一般过去时,since用过去完成时表过去的过去。 6. He ___ in the factory for three years before he joined the Army. A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will work 【解析】选A。句意:在他参军之前他在这家工厂工作过四年。work动作发生在参加joined之前,因此work用过去完成时。
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