

2017-09-21 9页 doc 37KB 12阅读




女性基础体温看问题女性基础体温看问题 女性基础体温BBT(全面介绍,很有参考价值) 基础体温是排除一切干扰后测到的体温。因此~对测量的要求比较严格~比如应该在连续熟睡5-6小时以后~醒来后不能有任何动作~等等。否则~测到的温度就毫无用处: 一般来说没有其他因素能够影响到这个温度~除了激素: 女性的生殖激素比较复杂~并且总是在不断的变化着~所以基础体温就会出现波动。正常女性的基础体温以排卵日为分界点~呈现前低后高的状态~也就是所谓的双相体温。对温度中枢起作用的激素~最主要是孕激素。因此~体温曲线的走向~大致反映了孕激素的波动。 在排卵前...
女性基础体温看问题 女性基础体温BBT(全面介绍,很有参考价值) 基础体温是排除一切干扰后测到的体温。因此~对测量的要求比较严格~比如应该在连续熟睡5-6小时以后~醒来后不能有任何动作~等等。否则~测到的温度就毫无用处: 一般来说没有其他因素能够影响到这个温度~除了激素: 女性的生殖激素比较复杂~并且总是在不断的变化着~所以基础体温就会出现波动。正常女性的基础体温以排卵日为分界点~呈现前低后高的状态~也就是所谓的双相体温。对温度中枢起作用的激素~最主要是孕激素。因此~体温曲线的走向~大致反映了孕激素的波动。 在排卵前~孕激素主要由肾上腺分泌~量很小~所以体温曲线呈低温状态~一般为36.2?,排卵后~卵子排出的地方变成黄体~黄体分泌大量的孕激素和雌激素~为受精卵着床作准备~于是体温急剧上升~一般上升的幅度可达0.5?左右~使基础体温达到36.7?左右~呈高温态势。 既然基础体温的走向基本上反映了孕激素的波动~就应该重视基础体温,因为用这条曲线来判断黄体功能是很正确的。从基础体温的走向上~你自己就能够看出许多问题:当高温比低温高出0.3-0.5度以上~高温天数保持12天~从低温爬升到高温很快~在高温区的体温不是上下激烈波动~说明黄体功能很正常:而不符合上述条件之一的~就说明黄体功能存在着问题。 孕激素与雌激素是女性的二种重要激素~雌激素是女性的基础激素~而孕激素是维持胚胎发育的主要激素。造成女性不育~很大一部分原因是因为孕激素不足~根据医学统计~受精卵不能顺利着床和流产~10%与孕激素不足有关~当你出现先兆流产时~医生们开出的保胎药绝大部分就是孕激素~或者是促进产生孕激素的药品。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to 观察一条比较的孕激素变化曲线~可以看出孕激素在排卵以后就开始上升~达到比较高的水平大约需要二天时间~这和卵泡破裂到形成黄体的时间是基本一致的。 许多女性在排卵后的第二天~发现体温没有明显上升~就很疑惑~甚至担心:其实排卵的第二天~体温仍然较低~是符合孕激素变化规律的~只要第三天开始升高就可以了: 黄体的寿命一般是14天~除掉排卵后一天可能的低温~以及月经来以前的降温~整个黄体期能够维持12天的高温~就很正常~说明你的黄体功能十分良好:不必奢求有长达14天的高温的。根据基础体温的曲线~你可以作出几项比较正确的判断~在低温向高温过度的时候~会出现一个极低温~这个极低温往往就是你的排卵日~因为卵泡破裂的时候~雌激素会激烈下降~而雌激素的下降也会影响到体温。人体进了高温区~黄体的寿命是14天~所以总是会维持12天左右的高温期~当你发现在排卵后的第6天--第10天之间~有一天体温突然下降~而在第二天体温又明显升高了~那么你非但不要着急~反而应该高兴才是~根据观察~有一个着床降温现象存在~当然现在还不能肯定是不是每个人必然都有~也不能肯定是在那一天~更不能肯定降低多少~这应该也是因人而异的。但是当你的高温期越过了16天~进入了18天~那么几乎可以肯定你已经是怀孕了。 基础体温双相,是不是说明一定发生了排卵,在过去~大多数人认为是这样。但是~现在发现~情况并不这样简单: 在这样二种情况下~也会有孕激素产生~而造成基础体温双相的假象:一种类型为直径,15毫米小卵泡黄素化周期,另一种类型为未破卵泡黄素化综合征。第一种类型是卵泡到了15毫米左右不长了,另一种类型是继续长下去直到30毫米以上而就是不排:这二种类型~都能够使孕酮升高,基础体温也成为双accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to LOVE 玟秋 备孕资料 相,子宫内膜也会出现分泌现象~这种状况~就是很有的医生也难以做出明确诊断: 在基础体温双相的女性中~出现这样误导的比例大约有13-44,~因此~大家要切记:基础体温双相还不能作为排卵与否的唯一标准: 既然双向体温不能作为排卵的唯一证据~那么单相体温呢,单相体温是不是可以作为不排卵的证据呢,也不能: 在大部份情况下~单相体温的确表示没有排卵~但是~临床病例调查发现~也并不是十分绝对~存在着许多例外。 体温的变化~是因为孕激素的波动刺激了体温调节中枢~使基础体温升高或者降低~但是~有些女性~体温调节中枢对孕激素的反映并不敏感~虽然孕激素在波动~但是体温却没有什么升降~始终保持着恒温状态: 所以~单凭基础体温来判断是否排卵存在着很多不确定因素~要确切知道是否排卵一定还要使用其他的许多方法才行的。 虽然基础体温在确定排卵功能上尚显不足~但是判断黄体功能是很正确的。 体温曲线最常见的有三种类型: 1.典型的双向型体温:在排卵后~黄体分泌孕激素~体温迅速上升0.3-0.5度~并持续至下次月经来潮前才下降, 2. 黄体功能异常的双相体温:a,体温上升缓慢~b,体温升高的幅度不足~c,黄体期不足12天~d,月经来潮后~体温仍持续在比较高的水平, 3. 单相型体温 :无排卵的月经周期~缺乏孕激素~体温虽有波动~但无持续性的升温。 什么叫黄体功能异常,主要有以下二种表现: 一~ 黄体功能不足:有排卵但黄体发育不良~过早衰退~分泌激素不足~ s, and is responsible for correcting and preventing barengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff touction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strsite constr-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-ushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking procesfor p pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsiblemolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection and dege project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement xcavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridFoundation pit e moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for-the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earthh all onsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: witaccident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Resp- 3 - 有时不能维持子宫内膜~引起不规则脱落而出血,经常出现在经前数日少量阴道出血~基础体温测定高温期小于12天~或者体温上升幅度小于0.5度~或者黄体期体温波动大~内膜检查为腺体分泌不良, 二~ 黄体萎缩不全:虽然黄体发育良好~但萎缩过程延长~雌~孕激素不能如期撤退~子宫内膜不规则脱落~使出血期期延长~有时经期延长可达10余天~基础体温下降缓慢~甚至月经期还维持着高温。如果在月经期第5-6天取内膜检查则似有腺体分泌现象存在。 月经来了~为什么体温还是维持在高温~这是经常提出的一个疑问~现在可以回答了:一般就是因为黄体萎缩不全: 黄体到了寿命的终点~正常情况下萎缩是很快的~月经前出现,-,天的降温后~雌激素和孕激素就一下子撤退了:而在萎缩不全的情况下~雌激素和孕激素通常不能如期完全撤退~于是体温也就不能很快降下来。波动在比最高温低~比低温高的范围内: 所以~要判断还是比较容易的~如果月经结束后~体温终于回到低温区了~那么~极大部分就是这个原因: 黄体萎缩不全~主要是由于下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴调节功能紊乱引起的。其表现形式是月经期体温下降缓慢和经期延长, 当雌.孕激素水平比较高的时候~会形成一个负反馈作用~抑制了脑垂体分泌卵泡刺激素(FSH)~一旦月经来临~雌.孕激素水平降低~解除了对下丘脑的抑制~脑垂体立即分泌FSH~促使卵泡生长,当黄体萎缩不全的时候~雌.孕激素迟迟不能撤退~卵泡刺激素(FSH)就不能迅速出现~而这种激素的不能立即出现~想让卵泡发育就非常困难了: 经期基础体温不降低~另外的可能是因为子宫内膜异位症~子宫内膜异位症的病灶出血后会产生吸收热~因而维持高温。 accident, assist in the development of corrective programmes and follow, verify, record and feedback in a timely manner. Responsible for the overall quality management, guiding project QC group activities. 7, the Ministry of planning and finance: with all the responsible for the project's contract manager. Including curtain pile and bored pile construction. 14, earth-moving machines: equipped with excavators, dump trucks, loaders, bulldozers and other heavy machinery, mainly responsible for Foundation pit excavation and logistic, jacking of Earth excavation and Sinotrans. 15, the bridge construction team: responsible for the bridge project all steel manufacture, lashing; template polishing, derusting, release agent brushes, installation, reinforcement and demolition of concrete pouring and curing, the waterproof layer of the production, construction of railway subgrade protection pile. 16, jacking construction of bridge team: responsible for track reinforcement, conservation and maintenance, responsible for pushing online security protection, responsible for jacking equipment operation, maintenance and control of the jacking process, and is responsible for correcting and preventing bar-head, looked up. 17, electrical work shifts: responsible for on-site construction, prefabricated bridges the laying of power lines, good night time power protection. At times of peak labor through strengthened staff deployment within the company, to enhance the engineering staff to
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