首页 > 终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗


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终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗null终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗干部医疗/老年科 舒 德 芬呼吸困难定义呼吸困难定义Dyspnea是指患者主观上感到空气不足、呼吸费力,客观上表现为呼吸频率、深度和节律的异常,严重时出现鼻翼扇动、发绀、端坐呼吸、辅助呼吸肌参与呼吸活动概 况概 况呼吸困难受多重因素的影响,生理、心理、社会和环境因素都可导致患者出现继发的生理和行为反应 通常出现在肺内压力、气流、运动的改变与机体需要不相匹配时:通气需要量增加,气道阻力异常,呼吸肌异常 70%晚期肿瘤患者在死亡前几周出现呼吸困难,25%的肿瘤患者在临终前...
null终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗终末期呼吸困难的循证治疗干部医疗/老年科 舒 德 芬呼吸困难定义呼吸困难定义Dyspnea是指患者主观上感到空气不足、呼吸费力,客观上表现为呼吸频率、深度和节律的异常,严重时出现鼻翼扇动、发绀、端坐呼吸、辅助呼吸肌参与呼吸活动概 况概 况呼吸困难受多重因素的影响,生理、心理、社会和环境因素都可导致患者出现继发的生理和行为反应 通常出现在肺内压力、气流、运动的改变与机体需要不相匹配时:通气需要量增加,气道阻力异常,呼吸肌异常 70%晚期肿瘤患者在死亡前几周出现呼吸困难,25%的肿瘤患者在临终前一周可出现严重的呼吸困难病 因病 因肿瘤进展期出现呼吸困难常与以下原因有关:肺实质和胸膜疾病、吸烟、通气功能障碍、吸气肌无力 焦虑、吸烟史、动脉血二氧化碳升高,均会加重呼吸困难 发生和缓解与病人以往的经历、期望值、性格特点、行为方式和情感状态有关肺癌的呼吸困难特点肺癌的呼吸困难特点间歇发作,持续5-15分钟,诱发因素多为劳力、弯腰、说话,常伴心悸 日常生活和社会活动受限,独立性丧失,愤怒、抑郁等情感体验 可诱发焦虑、害怕、恐惧和濒死感晚癌呼吸困难分型晚癌呼吸困难分型根据预后分三型: 劳力后(生存数月~数年) 静息时(生存数周~数月) 终末期(生存数天~数周)治疗治疗方案纠正可逆转的病因非药物治疗症状性药物治疗图 晚期癌症患者不同阶段 严重呼吸困难的治疗纠正可逆转的原因纠正可逆转的原因 病因 治疗 呼吸道感染 抗生素,物理治疗 COPD/支气管哮踹 支气管扩张剂,糖皮质激素,物理疗法 低氧血症 氧疗 上腔静脉和支气管梗塞 糖皮质激素,放疗,支架,激光治疗 癌性淋巴管炎 糖皮质激素,利尿剂,支气管扩张剂 胸腔积液 胸腔穿刺放液术,引流,胸膜固定术 腹水 利尿剂,腹腔穿刺放液术 心包积液 心包穿刺,糖皮质激素 贫血 输血 心力衰竭 利尿剂,ACEI 肺栓塞 抗凝剂非药物治疗非药物治疗仔细了解病人和照护者的认识 最大限度地控制呼吸困难的感觉 最大限度功能的能力 减少个人和社会隔离的孤独感非药物治疗非药物治疗呼吸锻炼、治疗惊恐发作,可缓解肺癌患者的呼吸困难 呼吸锻炼 放松治疗 膈式呼吸 缩唇呼吸 姿势 心理脱敏疗法药物治疗药物治疗支气管扩张剂 吗啡 雾化吸入吗啡 抗焦虑药物 氧疗支气管扩张剂支气管扩张剂肺癌合并COPD者呼吸困难发生率最高,通气受阻常未被重视。在支气管哮踹、慢支炎、长期吸烟的患者中,支气管痉挛常不伴哮鸣音,使用支气管扩张剂对可逆性气流受限有益。对危重患者进行经验性用药是可行的。 对通气指数没有影响,可能通过增强呼吸肌力量来缓解呼吸困难,是一个独立的作用吗 啡吗 啡阿片类药物通过降低机体对高碳酸血症、低氧血症、运动的通气需要量,以减少呼吸费力和呼吸困难 阿片类可以减慢呼吸频率及减轻憋闷和气流不足的感觉 吗啡可在4小时内减少约20%的呼吸困难 对静息时呼吸困难的效果优于劳力后吗 啡吗 啡初次应用吗啡者 初始剂量2.5-5mg,逐渐增加 如24h需要2次以上,应处方按时吗啡。一般5mg q4h,睡前5-10mg 症状未完全缓解,且无副作用,可增加至10mg q4h,睡前15-20mg吗 啡吗 啡已口服吗啡镇痛同时有严重呼吸困难,需要q4h给予 对不严重的呼吸困难,25%的q4h镇痛剂量便足够 为避免口服吗啡产生的峰(不良反应)和沟(作用丧失)的状态,经由连续皮下输注(continuous subcutaneous infusion, CSCI)给予二乙酰吗啡/吗啡的病人会获得较好的耐受和较大的缓解吗啡雾化吸入吗啡雾化吸入研究显示已口服吗啡的病人使用雾化治疗有用,然而未使用吗啡者获益甚微 措施:10-20mg吗啡加入生理盐水,雾化吸入q4h。可增至每次30mg。如3、4次治疗后无改善则停止雾化抗焦虑药物抗焦虑药物安定Diazepam 初始剂量2-10mg, 5-20mg qn, 2-5mg prn 劳拉西泮Lorazepam 0.5mg bid 至0.5-1.0mg tid, 总量<6-10 mg/d 咪达唑仑Midazolam 0.5-5mg SC q1h prn 氯硝安定Clonazepam 0.25-2.0mg po bid抗焦虑药物抗焦虑药物急性惊恐发作需SSRI(selective serotonin re-up-take inhibitor),如氟西汀20-40mg/d,可增加至80mg/d 丁螺环酮5mg tid~10-20mg tid, 2-4周起效 抗焦虑及抗精神病药:氟哌啶醇抗焦虑药物抗焦虑药物终末期需用较大剂量镇静药时: 左美丙嗪12.5-50mg/d po/ih 氯丙嗪12.5-25mg im/iv,或直肠q4-12h 大麻隆 100-250 μg bid~qid氧 疗氧 疗对支气管哮踹、肺炎、肺栓塞、纤维化肺泡炎患者可给予60%氧浓度 对COPD和各种原因引起的伴有高碳酸血症的呼吸衰竭者,吸氧浓度为28% 家庭氧疗无论长期或短期应用,均可降低肿瘤患者的呼吸困难 对中-重度的低氧血症(PaO2<8.0kPa, SaO2<90%),推荐长期家庭氧疗其它治疗措施其它治疗措施地塞米松Dexamethasone 4-8mg po/SC tid 舒踹灵气雾剂Salbutamol aerosols q4h and prn 吗啡气雾剂Morphine aerosols 速尿Furosamide 20-80mg po/IV/IM daily 氯硝安定Clonazepam 0.5-1 mg po bid 劳拉西泮Lorazepam 0.5-2mg po/SL/SC qid 甲氧异丁嗪Methotrimeprazine 5-50mg po/SC q6h Hyoscine 0.2-0.6mg SC q2-4h prn轻度呼吸困难轻度呼吸困难抗焦虑药 鼻导管吸氧2-3L/min prn 如病人未使用过吗啡制剂,休息时轻度呼吸困难,初始口服吗啡2.5mg q4h 24小时,然后每24小时增加2.5mg q4h,直至病人感到舒适或出现不可忍受的副反应(瞌睡、意识错乱、呕吐)中重度呼吸困难中重度呼吸困难如果病人未使用过吗啡制剂,开始应用吗啡2.5-5mg SC或5-10mg口服,每1-2小时重复,直至呼吸频率已降到满意的水平或病人感到舒适。 如病人已使用吗啡,立即增加该剂量的50%,然后逐渐增加剂量直至获得满意的效果终末期呼吸困难终末期呼吸困难晚期肿瘤患者在终末期常出现严重呼吸困难,伴有恐惧和濒死感。此时病人已无法忍受,给予足够的镇静以产生睡眠状态是必要的 然而,因为嗜睡加重是临床状况恶化的一个特征,对患者的亲属强调病情危重和治疗目的是重要的 除非患者有难以忍受的痛苦,镇静不是治疗的主要目标终末期呼吸困难终末期呼吸困难劳拉西泮Lorazepam 2-4mg SCq4h 安定Diazepam 5-10mg IV q10-20 min 咪达唑仑Midazolam 5-10mg bolus IV then q15-30min SC prn 氯丙嗪Chlorpromazine 50mg IV q10-20min Hyoscine 0.4-0.6mg SC/IV q10-20 min终末期病人的喘息性呼吸急促终末期病人的喘息性呼吸急促静脉给予二乙酰吗啡/吗啡可降低呼吸深度,减慢呼吸频率到10~15次/分,减轻喘息 在先前满意镇痛剂量的基础上,必要时可增加2~3倍的剂量 极少数患者出现肩和胸腹的上下起伏,应给予咪唑达仑10mg sc st,必要时每小时一次Guideline:Guideline:If pulmonary dyspnoea is moderate, starting with a combination of morphine, corticosteroid, and benzodiazepine works usually best. If obstruction is associated Bronchodilatator (inhaled salbutamol; theophylline) Theophylline mixture may bring subjective relief. Prednisone 20 to 80 mg x 1 or dexamethasone 3 to 10 mg x 1 to 3 with dose tapering according to response Guideline:Guideline:Opioids are effective in the treatment of dyspnoea (Jennings et al., 2001) [A]. Starting dose with a morphine solution 12 to 20 mg x 1 to 6 Starting dose with a long-acting morphine 10 to 30 mg x 2 Dose is increased by 20 to 30% (up to 50%)Guideline:Guideline:Benzodiazepines Lorazepam 0.5 to 2 mg × 1 to 3 orally (p.o.), intramuscular (i.m.), intravenously (i.v.), or 2 to 4 mg/day subcutaneous (s.c.)/i.v. infusion Diazepam (5-)10 to 20 mg at night, 5 to 10 mg x 1 to 3 p.o/per rectum (p.r.); 5 to 20 mg/day i.v. infusionGuideline:Guideline:If necessary, start antidepressive medication. If effective sedation is required Continue the symptomatic medication. Titrate effective morphine medication. Add a benzodiazepine (e.g., diazepam [2.5]-5 to 10 mg [p.o., p.r.] i.v. once every hour until the patient is calm); plan continuous medication on the basis of the dose needed to calm the patient. Haloperidol often enhances sedation (e.g., haloperidol 2.5 to 5 mg i.m./i.v. once every hour until the patient is calm); plan continuous medication on the basis of the dose needed to calm the patient.Opioids for the palliation of breathlessness in terminal illness (SR)Opioids for the palliation of breathlessness in terminal illness (SR)Main results:Eighteen studies were identified of which nine involved the non-nebulised route of administration and nine the nebulised route. A small but statistically significant positive effect of opioids was seen on breathlessness in the analysis of studies using non-nebulised opioids. There was no statistically significant positive effect seen for exercise tolerance in either group of studies or for breathlessness in the studies using nebulised opioidsOpioids for the palliation of breathlessness in terminal illnessOpioids for the palliation of breathlessness in terminal illnessAuthors' conclusions There is evidence to support the use of oral or parenteral opioids to palliate breathlessness although numbers of patients involved in the studies were small. No evidence was found to support the use of nebulised opioids. Further research with larger numbers of patients, using standardised protocols and with quality of life measures is neededDrug therapy for anxiety in palliative care (SR)Drug therapy for anxiety in palliative care (SR)There remains insufficient evidence to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for anxiety in terminally ill patients. To date no studies were found that met the inclusion criteria for this review. Prospective controlled clinical trials are necessary in order to establish the benefits and harms of pharmacotherapy for the treatment of anxiety in palliative careNebulised morphine for severe interstitial lung disease (SR)Nebulised morphine for severe interstitial lung disease (SR)Only one small RCT was identified. Data were extracted and described narratively. Main results:Compared to placebo (normal saline), administration of low-dose nebulized morphine (2.5 and 5.0 mg) to six patients with ILD did not improve maximal exercise performance, and did not reduce dyspnoea during exercise. An update search identified an additional excluded study Authors' conclusions The hypothesis that nebulized morphine may reduce dyspnoea in patients with interstitial lung disease has not been confirmed in the single small RCT identifiednull
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