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暮光之城4:破晓(上)中英字幕 The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn - Part 1

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暮光之城4:破晓(上)中英字幕 The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn - Part 1 “童年不是某段特定的时间” BELLA: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. “但在某个特定的年纪,孩子长大,稚嫩褪去” "And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away childish things. “童年是没有死亡的王国” "Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." 阿布!雅各布! Jake! Jacob! (ROARING) 【贝拉和...
暮光之城4:破晓(上)中英字幕  The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn - Part 1
“童年不是某段特定的时间” BELLA: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. “但在某个特定的年纪,孩子长大,稚嫩褪去” "And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away childish things. “童年是没有死亡的王国” "Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." 阿布!雅各布! Jake! Jacob! (ROARING) 【贝拉和爱德华的结婚请柬】 菲尔! Phil! 喜事临门了 It's happening. (SCRAPING) 你得努力打败它们 You just have to break them in. 我一直在努力,都三天了 I've been breaking them in. For three days. 我能光脚走吗? Can l just go barefoot? 不,绝对不行 No, absolutely not. 我只是觉得有点铺张了,不是吗? Just thinking it's a little much, you know? 礼服,鞋子 The dress and the shoes, 所有这些 and all of this. 不,一点都不铺张 ALICE: No, it's exactly enough. 明天的婚礼会是最完美的 Tomorrow will be perfect. 这些放哪里,老大? Where do you want them, boss? 过道两侧 On either side of the aisle. - 什么过道? - 都没看到吗? -What aisle? -Does no one have vision? 你回家,好好睡个美容觉 You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. 这是命令 That's an order. 好吧 Okay. 我来看看你是不是怕了 l was just checking for cold feet. 我可胆大着呢 Well, mine are toasty warm. 现在改主意还来得及 It's not too late to change your mind. 什么?你犹豫了? What? Now you're having second thoughts? 真犹豫了 You are. 不,斯旺小姐 为了娶你,我已经等了一个世纪 No, I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan. 可是? But? 我还没有跟你完全坦白我自己 l haven't told you everything about myself. 什么?你不是处男? What? You're not a virgin? (LAUGHS) (EXHALING) 你现在可吓不走我 Look, you can't scare me away now. 我变成吸血鬼后没几年 Look, a few years after Carlisle created me, 就叛离了卡莱尔 l rebelled against him. 我憎恨他控制我的食欲 l resented him for curbing my appetite. 所以一段时间里,我独来独往 And so for a while, l went off on my own. 我想知道狩猎是什么感觉 l wanted to know how it felt to hunt. (SCREAMING) (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) 喝人血是什么感觉 EDWARD: To taste human blood. (HEART BEATING RAPIDLY) (CHOKING) 所有我杀过的人 All the men I killed 都是恶棍 were monsters. 而我也是 And so was I. 爱德华,他们都是杀人犯 Edward, they were all murderers. 你救的人可能比你杀的人还多 You probably saved more lives than you took. 贝拉,我也这么跟自己说 Bella, that's what l told myself. 但他们也是人 But they were all human beings. 他们奄奄一息之间 我在他们的眼睛里看见了我的本性 l looked into their eyes as they died and l saw who l was, 看见了自己的危险 and what l was capable of. 而我也会变得如此危险 And what I'll be capable of. 为什么今晚跟我说这个? Why are you telling me this tonight? 你觉得我会因为这而改变对你的看法? Did you really think this was gonna change my mind about you? 我是想知道,这是否让你改变对自己的看法 l just wondered if it would change your mind about yourself, 一年后你想在镜子里看到怎样的自己 and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now. 我知道我能做到 l know l can do this. 我来告诉你原因 Let me tell you why. 因为你做到了 Because you did. (SCOFFS) 你应该为这点感到骄傲 You should give yourself some credit for that. 但愿一年以后 Now, hopefully, a year from now, 我会在镜子里看到一个像你一样的人 I'm gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. 像你一样勇敢,无私,敢爱的人 l mean, someone capable of courage and sacrifice and love. - 那是什么? -(EMMETT WHISTLES) -What is that? - 快,走了! - 我快赶不上我的单身派对了 -EMMETT: Come on! Let's go! -I'm late for my bachelor party. 把他交出来,贝拉 不然我们就进来抓他了 Send him out, Bella, or we're coming in after him. 那,这个派对 So, this party. 会有脱衣女郎吗? Will there be strippers? (LAUGHS) 不会,只有几头美洲狮 可能再加几只熊 No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears. 别担心,贝拉 我们很快就会把他送回来 Don't worry, Bella, we'll give him back in plenty of time. 去吧,趁他们还没把屋子掀了 Okay, go, before they break my house. 走了!走了! EMMETT: Let's go! Let's go! 我们婚礼上见 I'll meet you at the altar. 我会穿着白纱 I'll be the one in white. 这点没错 That was very convincing. (ALL LAUGHING) 不是让你睡个美容觉吗? What did l say about beauty sleep? 对不起,做了个噩梦 Sorry, bad dream. 可能有点婚前焦虑 lt was wedding jitters. 需要帮忙吗? Do you need some help? 我可以弄发型 l could do her hair. 真的吗? Really? 拜托,我不反对你选了这个老公 Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom. 只是反对我一心想死 Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality. 确实 Essentially. 婚礼让大家冰释前嫌 Weddings. They bring everyone together. 嘿,找到我们的女儿了吗? Hey, so, did you find our daughter? 这些是毕业帽吗? Are those graduation caps? 哇,好创意啊! (LAUGHS) How creative! 不如说是奇怪 Or weird. 爱丽丝?贝拉? Alice? Bella? 在这儿,妈妈 BELLA: In here, Mom. 噢,我的天 (GASPS) Oh, my gosh! 你太美了 You're so beautiful. 哦,亲爱的 Oh, honey. 糟糕!我的睫毛膏 Crap! My mascara. 妈妈! Mom! 谢谢 Thanks. 查理,进来 Charlie, get in here. 你确定?我不想… You sure? l don't wanna... 我知道,我看着很帅 l know. l look hot. (LAUGHING) 我们想你会需要蓝色的东西 We thought you needed something blue. 还有老旧的东西 And something old. - 除了你妈这个老古董 - 你那张嘴 -Besides your mother. -(SCOFFS) Nice. - 这是斯旺奶奶的 - 我们在上面加了蓝宝石 -lt was Grandma Swan's. -But we added the sapphires. 太美了 It's beautiful, you guys. 哇,谢谢你们 Wow. Thank you so much. 这是你的第一件传家宝 It's your first family heirloom. 传给你女儿,还有她的女儿 Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter. 妈妈,我太喜欢它了 Mom, l love it. 不,别弄坏我的精心杰作 Nope. No smudging my masterpiece. 她是对的 She's right. 谢谢 Thank you. 好了 ALICE: Okay. 更衣时间! Time for the dress! (GASPS) - 想看看吗? - 我想看看! ALICE: Do you wanna see it? RENéE: l want to see it! (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING) 她们一定是亲戚 ERIC: They have got to be related. 多赞的基因库啊! What a gene pool. 说真的 ERIC: Seriously. 你…流口水了 You've got some... The drool. 你觉得贝拉的肚子会显出来吗? So, you think Bella's gonna be showing? 杰西,她可没怀孕 Jess, she is not pregnant. 好吧,还有谁会18岁结婚呢? Okay. Who else gets married at 1 8? (BREATHING DEEPLY) (SIGHING) 准备好了吗? You ready? 嗯 (SOFTLY) Yeah. 别让我跌倒就行,爸爸 Just don't let me fall, Dad. 绝对不会 Never. 女士们,先生们 我们齐聚在这盛大的日子 MINISTER: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day 见证爱德华·库伦和贝拉·斯旺的结合 to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. 请跟我复述 Please repeat after me. 我,爱德华·库伦 l, Edward Cullen. 娶你,贝拉·斯旺 Take you, Bella Swan. - 娶你,贝拉·斯旺 - 相拥,相守 -Take you, Bella Swan. -To have and to hold. (ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING) 相拥相守 To have and to hold. 无论是福是难 For better or for worse. 贫穷富贵 For richer, for poorer. 疾病健康 In sickness and in health. 彼此相爱 To love. 彼此珍惜 To cherish. 直到天长地久 As long as we both shall live. 我愿意 l do. 我爱你 l love you. (MUSIC CONTINUES) -可我找到你了吗? Have I found you -折翼的鸟 Flightless bird -羡慕 Jealous -哭泣,或已失去你 Weeping or lost you -美好的梦 American mouth -却正将失去 Big pill looming -现在我成了一只肥硕的家猫 Now I'm a fat house cat -治愈我酸疼迟钝的舌头 Nursing my sore blunt tongue -看着诱人中毒的老鼠 Watching the warm poison rats -蜷缩着爬过白色栅栏的缝隙 Curl through the wide fence cracks (PLAYING INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC) 只是觉得会再大点 Just thought it'd be bigger. 是呀 Yeah. - 嗨! - 嗨,大家 -Hi! -Hi, guys. 我们在说,所有的一切都多美啊 We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying. 真谢谢,你们不觉得太铺张吗? Well, thanks so much. You don't think it's too much? - 没有 - 完全没有 -No. -Not at all. - 没 - 没 -No. -No. 嘿,很高兴见到你 Hey, man. Nice to see you. - 我为你感到高兴 - 谢谢 -I'm happy for you. -Thank you. 祝愿你们幸福,贝拉 l hope you'll be happy, Bella. 谢谢你,比利 Thank you, Billy. 有他的消息吗? Have you heard from him? 我相信阿布会真心祝福你的 I'm sure Jake wishes you the best. 好了,我要大醉一场 Well, l plan on getting drunk. 这里有上等香槟 They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne. 苏,要来一杯吗? Sue, can l get you a glass? 冒泡的消防水 Sparkling fire water. 听着不错 Sounds great. 贝拉 CARMEN: Bella. - 恭喜,爱德华 - 谢谢 -Congratulations, Edward. -Thank you. 贝拉 Bella. 以利亚撒和卡门,对吗? Eleazar and Carmen, right? - 嗯 - 你好 -Mmm-hmm. -Hola. 对,这些是来自阿拉斯加的堂兄弟姐妹 Yes, and these are our cousins from Alaska. - 塔妮娅,凯特 - 久仰大名了 -Tanya, Kate. -We've heard so much about you. - 欢迎你加入这个大家庭 - 欢迎 -Welcome to the family. -Bienvenida. 谢谢 BELLA: Thank you. 伊莉娜 Irina. 过来见见贝拉 Come meet Bella. - 我办不到 - 你答应了的 -l can't do this. -You promised. 他们请了一个狼人 They invited one. 伊莉娜,他是我们的朋友 Irina, he's our friend. 他们杀了劳伦特 They killed Laurent. 是因为他要杀贝拉 He tried to kill Bella. 我不信 l don't believe that. 他想像我们一样 He wanted to be like us. 与人类和平相处 To live in peace with humans. 和我在一起 With me. 对不起 I'm sorry. - 伊莉娜! - 好吧 CARMEN: Irina! ELEAZAR: Well. 我们就别占着新娘了 祝贺你们 Let's not monopolize the bride. Congratulations. 谢谢 BELLA: Thank you. 对不起 Sorry. 没有家庭闹剧怎成婚礼? Well, what's a wedding without some family drama? - 是呀 - 不好意思 -Yeah. -EMMETT: Excuse me. 这个开着吗? Is this on? 大家好? Hello? (MAN WOLF-WHISTLES) 我想敬各位一杯 Umm, I'd like to propose a toast. 敬我的新妹妹 To my new sister. 贝拉,我希望你过去18年都睡得安好 Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. 因为你暂时没法睡安稳觉了 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while. (CHUCKLES) (SILENCE) 贝拉,和别人一样,完全被爱德华迷住了 Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward. 或者是“发帅”,我这么叫他 Or "The Hair," as l call him. 但是,突然之间 And then, suddenly, 爱德华眼中也只有贝拉 Edward is all about Bella. 虽然她不是排球拉拉队队长 Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. 开玩笑,开个玩笑 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. 她也不是学生会主席 Or the president of the student council. 爱德华会是个好丈夫 Edward will be a good husband. 我知道的,因为我是个警察 I know this because I'm a cop. 我洞察世事 I know things. 比如,我知道怎么追某人 直到天涯海角 Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the Earth. (GUESTS LAUGHING) 既然你成了我的妹妹 Now that you're my sister, 你就得克服时尚恐惧症 you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. 我知道怎么使枪 And I know how to use a gun. 裙子,高跟鞋,手提包 Skirts, heels, handbags. 乖乖睡吧,我的爱 (SINGING) Go to sleep, my love 乖乖睡吧 Go to sleep 你醒来时 When you wake 就会看到我 You'll see me 我想谢谢蕾妮和查理 I'd like to thank Renée and Charlie 谢谢你们把这么美好的女儿带到世界上 带进我们的生活 for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives. 我们会永远珍惜她,保护她 We will cherish and protect her forever. 能遇上一个与你心心相惜 It's an extraordinary thing 并且接受你的真实自我的人 to meet someone who you can bare your soul to. 实属不易 And who will accept you for what you are. (ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING) 我一直在等待,等了很久 I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, 等着超越自己 to get beyond what I am. 有了贝拉 And with Bella, 我终于能踏出第一步 I feel like I can finally begin. 所以我想敬我美丽的新娘 So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. 和你在一起的时光怎样都不算长 No measure of time with you will be long enough. 但让我们长过永远吧 But let's start with forever. (DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) Whoa! SETH: Whoa! 你的另一份礼物刚到 Another one of your gifts just arrived. 什么? What? 来吧 Yeah, come on. 结婚礼物在外面做什么? What's a wedding present doing out here? 外面没有人打扰 Just a little more private. 伴郎没时间准备礼服 The best man didn't have time to get a tux. 雅各布! Jacob! 雅各布 Jacob. - 嘿 -(BOTH LAUGHING) -Hey. - 嘿,贝拉 - 嘿 -Hey, Bella. -Hey. 你能来真好 This is kind of you. 谁叫我是个好人 Kind is my middle name. 我去看看罗莎丽要不要跳舞 I'll see if Rosalie wants to dance. 对不起我迟到了 I'm sorry I'm late. 没关系 Doesn't matter. 现在一切都完美了 Everything's perfect now. 和我跳支舞吧? Will you dance with me? (BOTH LAUGHING) 你去哪了? Where have you been? 我们差点就登寻人启事了 We were gonna put your face on a milk carton. 基本在加拿大北部 Mostly northern Canada. 应该是 l think. 重新穿上衣服,用两条腿走路有点奇怪 It's weird to be back on two legs again, in clothes. 要重新习惯怎么做个人 Gotten out of practice with the whole human thing. 你还好吗? Are you okay? 到这里来? Being here? 为什么问这个?担心我搅乱你的派对? Why? Afraid I'll trash your party? (SOFT GROWLING) 担心的不只你一个 You're not the only one. 到现在我应该已经习惯和你道别了 You'd think I'd be used to telling you goodbye by now. 好了,新娘可不该哭,贝拉 Come on, you're not supposed to be the one crying, Bella. 每个人在婚礼上都会哭 Everyone cries at weddings. 我会记住这一刻的你 This is how I'm gonna remember you. 粉红的双颊 Pink cheeks. 你的笨拙 Two left feet. 你的心跳 Heartbeat. 怎么?以后我对你来说就是个死人吗? 'Cause what, soon I'm gonna be dead to you? 不是 No. 对不起 I'm sorry. 我只是想好好珍惜你作为人类的最后一晚 I'm just trying to appreciate your last night as a human. 好吧,但这不是我的最后一晚 Well, it's not my last night. 我,我以为你… l thought you... 我不想自己的蜜月在痛苦中度过 l didn't really wanna spend my honeymoon writhing in pain. 那又有什么区别? What's the point? 你又不可能和他过真正的蜜月 It's not like you're gonna have a real honeymoon with him, anyway. 我们的蜜月会和别人的一样真实 It's gonna be as real as anyone else's. 这玩笑太过分了 That's a sick joke. 你在开玩笑 You are joking? 什么?在你还是人类的时候? What? While you're still human? 别开玩笑了,贝拉,你不至于这么傻 You can't be serious, Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid. 这与你无关 l mean, it's really none of your business. - 不!你不可以这么做! - 阿布 -No! You can't do this! -Jake. - 听我说,贝拉 - 放开我! -Listen to me, Bella. -Jake, let me go! 雅各布,冷静,好吗? Jacob, calm down, all right? 你疯了吗?啊?你会杀了她的! Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her! 别管了,阿布 Walk away, Jake. 够了,雅各布! Enough, Jacob! 别插手,山姆 Stay out of this, Sam. 别惹麻烦,我们还得收拾残局 You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish. 她会死的 She'll die. 她的事已经与我们无关了 She's not our concern anymore. 我们走,赛斯! Let's go, Seth! 我真是太,太,太笨了 BELLA: I'm really, really, really stupid. 不,没事的 No, it's all right. 走吧,大家该找我们了 回去吧 Come on, people are probably missing us. Let's go back. (ALL CHEERING) 他真的没告诉你要去哪度蜜月? So, he really won't tell you where he's taking you? 没说,是个惊喜 No, it's a surprise. (LAUGHS) 好吧,戴上帽子 Well, wear a hat. 防晒霜 Sunscreen. 自己多保重 Take care of yourself. 我会的 l will. 好的 Okay. 我爱你,贝拉 l love you, Bella. 我爱你 l love you. 真的很爱你 So much. 谢谢 Thank you. 都打包好了,准备上路吧 Everything's packed and ready to go. 太棒了 Cool. Oh. - 我去跟他告别 - 嗯 -I'm gonna go see him. -Yeah. 爸爸 Dad. (CHUCKLES QUIETLY) 好吧… Well... 我会不习惯 It's gonna be strange, 家里少了个你 you not living under my roof. 是啊 Yeah. 我也会不习惯 It's gonna be strange for me, too. 家里永远欢迎你回来,知道吗? You know it will always be your home, right? 我爱你爸爸,永远! l love you, Dad. Forever. 我也爱你,贝拉 l love you, too, Bells. 我会一直爱着你 l always have and l always will. 好了 All right. 走吧 Go on. 别误了飞机 You don't wanna miss your plane. 不管它飞哪儿 Wherever it's going. (LAUGHS) 好吧 Okay. 再见 Bye. 准备好了吗? You ready? (GUESTS CHEERING) 嗯,准备好了 Yeah, I'm ready. (WOLF HOWLING) (SAMBA MUSIC PLAYING) (PEOPLE SINGING IN PORTUGUESE) (SPEAKING PORTUGUESE) 请靠边停 Please pull over. (MUSIC CONTINUES) 里约不是目的地吗? So, we're not staying in Rio? 不,我们只是路过 No, we're just passing through. 快到了吗? Are we close? 那是艾拉·埃斯米岛 EDWARD: That's lsle Esme. 是卡莱尔送的礼物 lt was a gift from Carlisle. (SQUEALS) 需要这样吗? ls this totally necessary? 我很传统的 l am nothing if not traditional. 你想到处看看吗? You wanna take a look around? 累吗? You tired? (SIGHING) 想游泳吗? Do you wanna go for a swim? 嗯,这主意不错 Yeah, that sounds nice. 让我准备几分钟 l could use a few human minutes. 别太久哦,库伦太太 Don't take too long, Mrs. Cullen. 好的 (SIGHING) Okay. (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) (EXHALING) 好 Okay. -她是笼中物 She's a caged animal -午夜伦敦 London by night -灯光闪烁,锣鼓喧天 Crashing lights and cymbals -暮光女王 Queens of twilight -换做是我,我会在漫长旅程之前 And if I was you I'd use the loo -好好梳妆打扮 Before the long drive -我们是天生一对 We complement each other -就像撒旦和耶稣 Just like Satan and Christ -宝贝,当我躺下休息 Baby, when I am laid to rest -愿我笑容不止 May my laughter remain -仿佛你的吻让我魂不附体 Like your kiss blew me away -追随你的心 Answer your spirit -我现在必须知道 I gotta know right now -在我眼前的你 I see you before me -请告诉我改怎么做? Won't you show me how? 爱丽丝! Alice! -我自由自在 I wear my hair fizzy -不盲从别人的风格 I don't copy no style -但接吻和洗澡 But kissing and a-scrubbing -终有其后果 It has consequences -你又上了公车 You're on the bus again -经过大笨钟 Past Big Ben -揣着你骗来的交通卡 With your rip off Oyster card (EXHALING) 别跟个胆小鬼似的 Don't be a coward. (SCOFFS) (ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING) Gotas mínimas Caudales de agua 你真美 You're so beautiful. Agua lisa 我保证过要试一试 l promised that we'd try. 如果行不通… If this doesn't work... 我相信你 l trust you. Tu vida... (ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING) (GIGGLING) -我已经等了一百年 I've waited a hundred years -哪怕再过一万年 But I'd wait a million more -我也等你 For you (BOTH BREATHING HEAVILY) -我从未想过 Nothing prepared me for the privilege of being yours 没关系 It's okay. -若我能从你的抚摸中感受温暖 If I had only felt the warmth within your touch -若我能从你泛红的脸颊 捕捉你微笑的样子 If I had only seen how you smile when you blush -若我能从你的专注中 看到你撇嘴的姿态 Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough -我会知道我生命的意义 I would have known what I was living for -我为何而活 What I've been living for -你的爱是我崭新的一页 Your love is my turning page -这一页写满甜蜜的字眼 Only the sweetest words remain -每个吻都是一条曼妙的弧线 Every kiss is a cursive line -每次触摸都赋予新的意义 Every touch is a redefining phrase -你让我无条件臣服 I surrender who I've been for who you are -只有你易碎的心房才能使我更加坚强 Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart -如果我能知道你的感受 If I had only felt how it feels to be yours -就会知道 I would have known 伤得多严重? EDWARD: How badly are you hurt? 什么? What? 不,贝拉,看 No, Bella, look. 贝拉,我无法形容我有多抱歉 Bella, l can't tell you how sorry l am. 我不觉得抱歉 I'm not. 真的,我没事,我很好 Really, I'm not. I'm fine. 别说你很好 Don't say you're fine. 别那么说 Just don't. 不,你别 No, you don't. 别破坏了这一切 Don't ruin this. 我已经破坏了 I've already ruined it. 为什么你看不到我是多么的幸福? Why can't you see how perfectly happy l am? 就在五秒前还那么幸福 Or was five seconds ago. 我现在是真的有点生气了 l mean, now I'm sort of pissed off, actually. 你应该生我的气 You should be angry with me. 我们都知道这不容易,不是吗? l mean, we knew this was gonna be tricky, right? 但我觉得我们做的很好 l think we did amazing. 至少对我而言是这样 l mean, it was amazing for me. 你担心的就是这个? That's what you're worried about? 担心我不享受? That l didn't enjoy myself? 我知道这对你来说不一样 l know it's not the same for you, 但是作为人类的我 想象不到比这更美好的了 but for a human, l can't imagine that it gets any better than that. 昨晚 Last night 是我一生中最美妙的经历 was the best night of my existence. 你是最棒的 You're the best. 你不会再碰我了,是吗? You're not gonna touch me again, are you? 你知道我指的不是这个 You know that's not what l mean. 我来为你做早餐 Let me make you breakfast. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) -昨晚梦到某一日,某一处 Dreamed last night about a time and place -我们从困境中逃脱 Where from our troubles we had escape -握着你的手,我从此完整 I held your hand and I felt complete -你转过头对我说 As you turned and said to me -从现在开始 From now on (LAUGHS) -从现在开始我们成为 From now on we'll be -你和我 You and me (EDWARD FAKES SNORING) -我们成为 We will be -从现在开始 From now on -从现在开始我们成为 From now on we'll be -你和我 你和我 You and me You and me -你和我 We will be (WHOOPS) -只是一个梦 Only a dream -从现在开始 From now on -只是一个梦 Only a dream -从现在开始 From now on -只是一个梦 Only a dream -从现在开始 From now on -只是一个梦 Only a dream -从现在开始 From now on -我们成为你和我 You and me, we will be 我赢了 l win. (LAUGHTER ECHOING) 贝拉? Bella? 做噩梦了? You having a nightmare? 没有 No. (SNIFFLING) 是个梦 lt was just a dream. 但是个非常好的梦 lt was a really good dream. 那你为什么哭? Then why are you crying? 因为我希望它成真 Because l wanted it to be real. 告诉我 Tell me. 贝拉,我不能 Bella, l can't. 求你了 Please. 也许他们会说她出了车祸 JACOB: Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. 或者爬山遇难,掉下山崖 Or tripped and fell off a cliff. 控制好球!控制好球! PAUL: Keep it in play! Keep it in play! 继续! Come on! (PLAYERS LAUGHING) 快!快! Come on! Come on! 至少我能完成一件事 At least I'll get one thing out of it. 不,你不会那样做 No, you won't. 库伦家族对镇子和部落都不构成威胁 Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe. 但他不是会杀了她,就会把她变成吸血鬼 Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. - 条约说… - 我说了算,雅各布 -And the treaty says... -l say, Jacob. 我说了算 l say. 你当初应该当头儿,现在情况就会截然不同 You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha. 当时觉得拒绝是个好主意 Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time. 阿布,如果贝拉回来成了吸血鬼 你能下得了手吗? Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire? 不,他会让我们中的一个人来做 然后从此怨恨我们 No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us. 闭嘴,莉亚 Shut up, Leah. 你就不能忘了她吗? 你又没有被她烙印 Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her. 至少他们看起来挺幸福 At least they seem happy. 是啊,也许有些人生来幸运 Yeah, some people are just lucky, l guess. 幸运? Lucky? 他们都不再是自己了 None of them belong to themselves anymore. 最糟糕的是 他们浑然不知,却还高兴得很 And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it. 至少你被烙印后,就会忘记贝拉 Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. 任何形式的快乐 l mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable 都好过单恋之苦 about someone you can't have. (CHATTING QUIETLY) 贝拉,他们是我们的管家 古斯塔夫和卡莉 Bella, these are our housekeepers, Gustavo and Kaure. (SPEAKING PORTUGUESE) 这是我的妻子,贝拉 This is my wife Bella. 不好意思 Excuse me. 那就交给他们收拾了 Well, l guess we just leave them to it. 刚刚是怎么回事? What was that all about? 她担心你 She's afraid for you. 为什么? Why? 因为我和你独处一室 Because l have you here all alone. 她知道你是吸血鬼? You mean she knows about you? 她怀疑我是 She suspects. 她是土生土长的图库那人 他们有关于嗜血恶魔的传说 She's native Ticuna. They have legends about blood-drinking demons 那些恶魔以美丽女人为猎物 who prey on beautiful women. (EXCLAIMING IN PORTUGUESE) 嘿 Hey. (LAUGHS) 我去大陆猎食,会赶在你醒之前回来 你迟到了 You're late. (RETCHING) 贝拉? Bella? 别进来 Hey, don't come in here. 不要看 You don't need to see this. “无论疾病或健康”,记得吗? "In sickness and
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