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Ugly Betty第一季17集

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Ugly Betty第一季17集看 Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 17集:Icing on the Cake [Previously on Ugly Betty] 《丑女贝蒂》前情提要 -Cop: Bradford Meade, you're under arrest for the murder of Fey Sommers. under arrest: 被逮捕 murder: 谋杀 Bradford Meade,你因涉嫌谋杀Fey Sommers而被捕。 -Clair: I know who killed Fey Sommers....
Ugly Betty第一季17集
看 Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 17集:Icing on the Cake [Previously on Ugly Betty] 《丑女贝蒂》前情提要 -Cop: Bradford Meade, you're under arrest for the murder of Fey Sommers. under arrest: 被逮捕 murder: 谋杀 Bradford Meade,你因涉嫌谋杀Fey Sommers而被捕。 -Clair: I know who killed Fey Sommers. It was me. 我知道谁杀了Fey Sommers。是我。 -Charlie: Henry. Henry。 -Betty: Henry. Henry。 -Henry: Hi. Betty, this is my girlfriend Charlie. 嗨。Betty,这是我女朋友Charlie。 -Constance: Ignacio, why can't all men be like you? Ignacio. Ignacio,为什么其他男人不能像你这样呢?Ignacio。 -Wilhelmina: You are going to fire Daniel and make me editor-in-chief, right? editor-in-chief: 主编 你会炒掉Daniel,让我当上总编,对吗? -Alex: He's my brother, Willie. 他是我弟弟,Willie。 -Wilhelmina: He is the enemy. 他是敌人。 -Alex: I've kind of realized he's not. realize: 意识到 但我现在发现他不是了。 -Daniel: That's "The Chin"? 这就是那个”陈”? -Betty: Yep. 是的。 -Chin: A friend at the D.A.'s office told me the case against your father isn't as strong asthey're leading everyone to believe. D。A。: district attorney,地区检察官 我地区检察官的朋友告诉我,对你父亲的指控没有人们所想象的那么有力。 Witnesses claim they saw a blue Aston Martin. witness: 目击者 claim: 声称 证人说他们看见一辆蓝色的Aston Martin。 -Daniel: Blue Aston Martin? 蓝色的Aston Martin? -Dr. Farkas: Okay, Betty. We're all done. So now these new wires are a different gauge, wires: 金属丝 gauge: 规格 好了,Betty,完事了。因为新装的矫形牙套与以前的规格不同, so they might feel a little strange to you and to anyone who's kissing you. 所以你和那个会吻你的人可能会感到有点不太舒服。 -Betty: Oh, Dr. Farkas, nobody's kissing me. 喔,Farkas医生,没人会吻我的。 -Dr. Farkas: Oh, come on. There must be someone special. special: 特别的 哦,少来了。肯定有个特别的人吧。 -Betty: Well, there was a guy, but he has a girlfriend. 唔,是有个这样的男人,但他有女朋友了。 -Dr. Farkas: So, uh, how's it feel? 那么,呃,感觉怎样? -Betty: Well, it was tough at first, but now I'm happy. We're all just friends. tough: 不幸的 唔,起初有些难过,但现在我想开了。我们一直都只是朋友。 -Dr. Farkas: No, I meant the braces. braces: 牙齿矫正器 不,我是说牙套。 -Betty: Oh, um... duh. Fine. 噢,嗯…唔。还好。 -Dr. Farkas: So you're comfortable with this? 你觉得这样舒服吗? -Betty: Yeah, it'll probably hurt to chew at first, but... I'll just have a milk shake for lunch. probably: 大概 chew: 咀嚼 shake: 奶昔 是的,虽然一开始它可能会妨碍我咀嚼食物,但是…我中午只吃份奶昔就行了。 -Dr. Farkas: No, I meant being friends with the guy and the girlfriend. 不,我是说和他还有他的女朋友做朋友。 -Betty: Oh, um, the milk shake will help that, too. 哦,唔,奶昔也会有所帮助的。 -Daniel: Oh, that was great. Okay, and now you're supposed to say something. be supposed to: 应该 哦,棒极了。好吧,你现在是不是应该说两句。 -Chin: Oh, yeah. It was good. Sorry. I'm going through my morning meetings in my head. go through: 检查 哦,是的。感觉很好。抱歉,我脑子里正想着今天晨会的事。 -Daniel: Wait. You're not gonna make me spoon? gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) spoon: 谈情说爱,动手动脚 等等。你不要我再爱抚一下么? -Chin: No, but you are gonna make me breakfast, and then I have to get to work. 不,但你得为我准备早餐,然后我好去上班。 -Daniel: A woman who likes sex three times a night and doesn't want to cuddle. cuddle: 拥抱 一个喜欢一夜做三次的女人竟然不喜欢拥抱。 Where have you been all my life? 你怎么才出现啊? -Chin: Well, after you stood me up in college, I closed my heart off emotionally, stand up: 放鸽子 emotionally: 感情上 嗯,自从在大学时你放了我鸽子,我就情感上封闭了自己, threw myself into work, substituting ambition for passion. substitute: 代替 ambition: 雄心 passion: 激情 全身心投入到工作中去,以事业取代感情。 -Daniel: It was just a rhetorical question. rhetorical: 带修辞色彩的 那只是个反问句。 -Chin: I know. 我知道。 -Daniel: You're never gonna forget that, are you? 你永远不会忘记那件事,是吗? -Chin: I'm not. I might even bring it up when I talk to your mother. bring up: 提出 是的。我甚至可能在跟你妈谈的时候也会提起的。 -Daniel: You're talking to my mother? 你要和我妈妈谈? -Chin: Hopefully today. Her testimony is important to your father's defense. testimony: 证词 defense: 辩护 希望今天可以。她的证词对你父亲的辩护很重要。 -Daniel: You can't talk to her. 你不能和她谈。 -Chin: Why not? 为什么? -Daniel: She's gone. She... sort of had a relapse after my father went to jail. sort of: 有点 relapse: 旧病复发 jail: 监狱 她走了。她…自从我父亲入狱以后她有点旧病复发。 She kind of just took off. Could be anywhere. take off: 休假 她去度假了。可能去任何地方。 -Clair: Technically, this is kidnapping. technically: 技术上 kidnap: 绑架 技术上说,这是绑架。 -Daniel: You're not blindfolded in a trunk, mother. This is a deluxe suite in the GrandRegent. blindfold: 遮眼 trunk: 车尾箱 deluxe: 豪华的 suite: 套房 妈妈,你又没有被蒙上眼睛塞到车尾箱里。这是Grand Regent酒店的豪华套房。 -Clair: It doesn't even have a park view. I might as well be tied to a chair, having my earsliced off. slice off: 割掉 这里甚至看不到一个公园。还不如把我绑到椅子上,割掉我的耳朵好。 -Daniel: It's for your own good. You can't talk to our lawyer, because you tend to drink,and you say stupid things. for one’s own good: 对某人有利 lawyer: 律师 tend to: 往往 这是为了你好。你不能和我们的律师谈话,因为你可能会喝醉,然后说些蠢话。 -Clair: You mean confess things. confess: 坦白 你是指坦白的事。 -Daniel: We talked about this. You're not confessing anything. 我们已经谈过这个问题了。你不会去坦白任何东西。 -Clair: Can we at least tell Alexis the truth? That her father is not a murderer? murderer: 杀人犯 至少我们能不能告诉Alexis真相?告诉她她爸爸不是杀人犯? -Daniel: It doesn't matter. She hates him. 这无关紧要。她讨厌他。 -Clair: He's her father. 他是她爸爸。 -Daniel: The only reason she came back was to put him away. put away: 处理掉 她回来的唯一目的就是把他踢下台。 Alexis and I are finally getting along, but she would turn on me in a second get along: 融洽相处 turn on: 攻击 Alexis和我现在终于能友好相处了,但是她会立即向我开火的, if she found out I hired Grace Chin to defend him. Come on. defend: 进行辩护 如果她发现我雇佣了Grace Chin来辩护他。别这样。 -Clair: This is some family. some: <美口>了不起的,惊人的 这真是个了不起的家庭。 -Daniel: You're not to talk to anybody. You're not to call anybody. 你不会跟任何人说话,不会给任何人打电话。 Claire Meade has disappeared. Okay? In fact, I gotta change your name at the frontdesk. disappear: 消失 gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 Claire Meade就此消失了,好吗?事实上,我得去前台改掉你的名字。 -Clair: Brandy Shaloo. Brandy Shaloo。 -Daniel: What, did you just pull that out of thin air? out of thin air: 凭空 什么,你就这样凭空想好了? -Clair: It's come in handy. come in handy: 迟早有用 迟早用得上。 -Henry: Betty! Betty。 -Betty: Oh, Hi. 哦,嗨。 -Charlie: Hey. 嘿。 -Betty: Um, how was your weekend? 嗯,周末过得怎样? -Charlie: Oh, it was so nice. We just stayed in, ordered takeout, watched a bunch ofmovies. takeout: 外卖 a bunch of: 一堆 哦,挺好的。我们就待在家里,叫了些外卖,看了几部电影。 -Henry: Yeah, Vin Diesel can do anything. 是啊,任何事都难不倒Vin Diesel。 -Betty: Sounds fun. I, um, got a new shower curtain. Uh, I like your haircut. curtain: 帘子 haircut: 发式 听起来不错。我,唔,买了幅新的浴帘。唔,我喜欢你的头型。 -Charlie: Oh! First New York haircut! I didn't take off much though, because Henry likes itlong. 噢!来纽约后的第一个头型!但我没剪短太多,因为Henry喜欢长发。 -Henry: So, um, I don't know if you're free tonight, but, uh... 那么,嗯,我不知道你今晚是否有空,但是,呃… -Charlie: Just ask her. 直接问她嘛。 -Henry: Well, we're throwing a birthday party for Charlie. throw: 举办 我们要给Charlie开个生日派对。 -Betty: Oh. It's your birthday. 噢。今天是你生日啊。 -Charlie: First New York birthday! 在纽约过的第一个生日! -Betty: Lots of firsts. 很多的第一次哟。 -Henry: Yeah, so I know it's really last minute, but we'd love it if you could make it. Uh, Imean, if you're not busy. 是啊,我知道现在跟你说实在是晚了点,但我们真的很希望你能来参加。啊,我是说,如果你不太忙的话。 -Charlie: Oh, you have to come. So far it's all of his dorky friends from accounting, andthey get drunk and talk about W-2s. so far: 到目前为止 dorky: 落伍的,傻的 accounting: 会计 get drunk: 喝醉 喔,你一定得来。目前为止,请到的都是他在会计部的傻瓜朋友们,他们一喝醉了就开始谈论W-2报税格。 -Betty: Well, it is tax season. tax: 税收 嗯,正是缴税的时候。 -Charlie: Please come. We need our Betty. Huh? Oh, I've got to run, okay? Bye. 请来吧。我们需要我们的Betty,哈?噢,我得赶紧走了,好吗?再见。 -Henry: Listen, you don't have to come if it's weird. weird: 怪异的 听我说,如果觉得别扭的话你可以不必勉强来的。 -Betty: Weird? No. No. Why would it be weird? It'll be fun. I need tax advice anyway. fun: 有趣的 advice: 建议 别扭?不。不。怎么会感到别扭呢?会很有趣的。再说了,我需要听听纳税的建议。 -Henry: Good. I'm glad. So... bring those receipts. receipt: 收据 好的。我很高兴。那么…带上发票。 -Marc: Oh, my dear, your boobs look totally perfect today. boob: 胸部 totally: 完全地 哦,亲爱的,你今天的双峰实在是太完美了。 -Delivery: I'm looking for Amanda Tanen. 我要找Amanda Tanen。 -Amanda: Who wants to know? 是谁要找呢? -Marc: Ooh, a package. I'm Amanda! package: 包裹 哇,一个包裹。我是Amanda! -Amanda: No. No. 别闹了。 -Delivery: I'm from Oswald Lorenzo's studio. He wanted to give this to you. You are hisnew Muse. Enjoy. studio: 工作室 Muse: 缪斯女神 我是Oswald Lorenzo工作室的。他想把这个送给你。你是他新的缪斯女神。好好享受吧。 -Marc: Oswald Lorenzo? He's, like, the "it" designer for all those actors designer: 设计师 actor: 女演员 Oswald Lorenzo?就是那个专门给那些你看见脸认识 whose faces you recognize but you don't really know their names. recognize: 辨认出 但不记得名字的明星们设计三流服装的设计师。 -Amanda: Yeah. Like what's-her-name? 没错。比如说”那谁”来着? -Marc: And that guy. Wait. How you know Oswald Lorenzo? 还有”那家伙”。等等。你怎么认识Oswald Lorenzo的? -Amanda: Well, we met at the Thjil Sander party last night. He was totally worshippingme. worship: 崇拜 唔,我们是昨晚在Thjil Sander的派对上认识的。他完全拜倒在我的石榴裙下。 I mean, I get it, because I was the hottest girl there, but then there was this skank, whowas totally trying to horn in, skank: 粗鄙的人 horn in: 干涉 我是说,我看得出来,因为我是派对上最性感的女孩,但有个蠢货总试图插一脚进来。 And I was as nice as I could be. Out of the way, skank! Anyway, she was a cow. cow: 母牛 而我已经仁至义尽了。滚开,蠢货!总之,她就是头母牛。 She's one of those women who just hate other women. 她就是那种嫉恨其他女性的女人。 -Marc: Enough with the "vagina monologue." Open it. vagina: 阴道 monologue: 独白 “阴道独白”够了啊。把它打开。 What the hell is that? the hell: 究竟 这是什么鬼东西? -Amanda: To my Muse: enjoy the “Amanda”. Love, Oswald. 致我的缪斯女神:好好享受这件“Amanda”。爱你的,Oswald。 He named a dress "the Amanda”. 他给这件裙子起名叫”Amanda”。 -Marc: How sweet. He made you a big silver rubber. silver: 银的 rubber: 橡胶 真是体贴。他给你做了一大块银色橡皮。 -Amanda: Jealous it's not in your size? jealous: 妒忌 不合你尺寸就嫉妒了? -Marc: A little. 有点。 -Constance: Now try this-- Viennese chocolate dream. It's European. chocolate: 巧克力 European: 欧洲的 现在试试这个——维也纳巧克力甜梦。欧式风味。 -Dad: Mmm. Fancy. fancy: (食品等)特级的,精选的 唔。真美味。 -Constance: That's what I like about you, nacho. You enjoy the finer things. nacho: 墨西哥烤干酪辣玉米片 这就是我喜欢你的地方,辣玉米片。你懂享受更好的东西。 -Dad: You know what all these international flavors remind me of? We haven't talkedabout my green card in a while. flavor: 风味 remind of: 提醒某人某事 你知道所有这些国际风味的食物让我想起什么了吗?我们好久都还没谈关于我绿卡的事了。 -Constance: We got time. Your court date's not for weeks. court: 庭审 我们还有时间。你开庭的日子还有好几个星期呢。 -Dad: Now will this be my preliminary hearing or— preliminary: 初步的,预备的 现在这个算预审吗?还是—— -Constance: Why does this hazelnut symphony always make me want to dance? Comeon, nacho. hazelnut: 榛子 symphony: 交响乐 为什么这种榛果交响乐总让我想跳舞呢?来吧,辣玉米片。 -Dad: Constance. Constance。 -Constance: Mama wants to shake it. 老娘想摇曳下身躯。 -Dad: Please, there's no music. 别这样,又没有音乐。 -Constance: Oh, there's music on these lips, baby. lip: 嘴唇 哦,宝贝,音乐就在我们的唇齿间。 -Dad: No, I-I can't. There--there's kids in the house, and--and I have a heart condition. See? Medicine. condition: 疾病 medicine: 药 不,我——我不能。还有——还有孩子们在屋里呢,而且——而且我心脏不太好。瞧见了吗?药。 -Anchorman: Louis de Testa has designed a new line of lingerie for women. lingerie: 女用贴身内衣裤 Louis de Testa设计出一种新式的女性贴身内衣。 Rumor has it that they are wooing the notorious panty stunners— rumor: 谣言 woo: 向…求爱 notorious: 臭名昭著的 panty: 妇女或儿童内裤 stunners: 尤物 传言说她们正想取得臭名昭著的女裤反对者的好感—— Lohan, Spears... 像Lohan,Spears这些人。 -Alex: Hi, there. A little peace offering. peace: 和平 offering: 礼物 嗨,你好。一点求和小礼物。 -Wilhelmina: Hmm. A Hermes scarf. Pretty. I'm sure my cleaning lady will love it. scarf: 围巾 唔,爱玛仕丝巾。很漂亮。我的清洁女工肯定会喜欢的。 -Alex: Willie, I--- Willie,我—— -Wilhelmina: I'm sorry. Did we have an appointment? appointment: 预约 抱歉打断你,我们有预约吗? I know I'm just creative director, but I still have a very full plate. creative: 创意 director: 总监 plate: 碟子【这里指事情多】 我知道我只是创意总监,但我还是有一大堆事情要忙的。 -Alex: Look, I wasn't counting on any of this, but Daniel... he turned his back on our fatherfor me. count on: 指望 turn back on: 不理睬 瞧,我并不指望那围巾能改变什么,但Daniel…他为了我背弃了老爸。 I have to at least give him a chance. at least: 至少 我至少得给他个机会。 -Wilhelmina: I understand. Oh. I never noticed what big man-hands you have. 我明白。喔。我从没注意到你有双这么大的男人的手。 -Anchorman: ...Bradford Meade's relationship with his former lawyer. Taking over thecase is size 2 legal eagles Grace Chin. relationship: 关系 former: 之前的 lawyer: 律师 legal: 法律的 case: eagle: 鹰 …Bradford Meade与他前任律师的关系。负责这个案子的是第二号杰出律师Grace Chin。 -Chin: Bradford Meade is a pillar of society. He's a loving father and husband... pillar: 栋梁 Bradford Meade是社会的栋梁。他是位充满爱心的父亲和丈夫… -Alex: What the hell? the hell: 到底 这到底是怎么回事? -Chin: ...and does not have so much a parking ticket on his record. park: 停车 ticket: 票 record: 记录 …他的社会记录上连张违章停车罚单都没有。 -Wilhelmina: Oh, you didn't know? That's your father's new lawyer. Lucky man. She'snever lost a case. 噢,你还不知道吗?她是你爸爸的新律师。幸运的家伙。她从未打输过一起官司。 I guess things aren't working out as either of us planned. work out: 发展 我想事情没有像我们预计的那样进行。 -Marc: Tasty. Looks like you showed her who the alpha diva was. tasty: 美味的 alpha: 第一个 diva: 歌剧中的女主角 不错嘛。看起来你已经向她表明到底谁才是老大。 -Wilhelmina: Well, I'm glad she's giving her brother a chance, because I assure you... assure: 保证 嗯,我很乐意她给她的弟弟一个机会,因为我可以向你保证… He’s going to disappoint her. We'll make sure of it. disappoint: 使失望 他绝对会令她失望的。我们要确保这一点。 -Marc: Lady, you give me chills. Oh, excuse me. chill: 寒战 女士,你让我不寒而栗。哦,失陪一下。 -Daniel: Orthodontist? orthodontist: 牙齿矫正医师 去看矫形牙医了? -Betty: He's always a little too generous. I don't even know what this is for. generous: 慷慨的 他总是有点太大方了。我甚至不知道这是用来干嘛的。 -Daniel: Somebody has a crush on you, huh? crush on: 恋上 有人爱上你了,哈? What the hell is that? the hell: 到底 那是什么鬼东西? -Amanda: It's an Oswald Lorenzo. The Amanda. 是件Oswald Lorenzo设计的裙子。叫“Amanda”。 -Betty: Oh, I almost forgot. Grace Chin's office called last night after you left. 哦,我差点忘了。昨天你走了以后,Grace Chin的办公室来过电话。 She needs to talk to you. Says it's important. 她要跟你谈谈。说是很重要。 -Daniel: Yeah, I already saw her. 是啊,我已经见过她了。 -Betty: When? 什么时候? -Daniel: Uh, this morning? 呃,今天早上? -Betty: Didn't you have a breakfast meeting? 你不是有个早餐会议吗? -Daniel: Yeah, before that. 是啊,在那之前。 -Betty: Weren't you at the gym? gym: 健身房 那时你不是在健身房吗? -Daniel: That's right. After that. 是的。在那之后。 -Betty: But the breakfast meeting— 但是早餐会议—— -Daniel: Betty, enough! What's with the third degree, hmm? third degree: 刨根究底 Betty,够了!干嘛要一直追问呢,嗯? -Betty: I'm sorry. I just get very involved in your schedule. Oops. You got a hair. involve in: 陷入 schedule: 时间表 抱歉。我只是很关心你的时间表。哎呀,你这里有根头发。 -Daniel: Oh, I was standing next to Michelle from photo in the elevator. elevator: 电梯 哦,我乘电梯的时候站在图片部的Michelle旁边。 -Betty: Hasn't she been on maternity leave? maternity: 产妇的 她不是去休产假了吗? -Daniel: Okay! Okay! I'm sleeping with Grace Chin. Are you happy? 好吧!好吧!我跟Grace Chin上床了。你开心了吧? -Betty: What? 什么? -Daniel: You can't let anyone know, especially Alexis. especially: 尤其地 你不能告诉任何人,尤其是Alexis。 -Betty: I won't. But, Daniel, do you really think this is a good idea? 我不会的。但是,Daniel,你真的觉得这么做好吗? -Daniel: No, it's a terrible idea. I mean, I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did, and... Itwas fun, terrible: 可怕的 不,这样糟透了。我是说,我也不想这样,但是已经这样了,而且…很有意思。 And I'll cool it off before the trial starts. Now you're giving me that "I'm so disappointed inyou" look again. cool off: 冷却下来 trial: 审讯 我会在审讯之前把它冷却下来的。现在你又摆出那个“我对你太失望了”的表情了。 -Betty: I'm sorry. It just happens. 我很抱歉。没控制住。 -Daniel: Look, I like her, okay? Hey, we just got the new Catherine Malandrino collectionin, right? collection: 收藏品 瞧,我喜欢她,好吗?嘿,咱们不是刚刚拿到了Catherine Malandrino的新品系列吗? Have Christina pick something out. She'll like that. pick out: 挑选 叫Christina挑点出来。她会喜欢的。 -Christina: This is like the third piece he's sent to that lawyer. piece: 块 这是第三次他送东西给那个律师了。 Serious pain in my ass. I mean, I'd understand it if they were shagging. serious: 严重的 pain in the ass: <美俚>太令人讨厌【较粗俗的说法】 shag: <美俚>性交 真是让我太讨厌了。我意思是,要是他们搞在一起了还说得过去。 -Betty: They're not. 他们没有。 -Christina: They are. 他们有。 -Betty: They're not! 他们没有! -Christina: They are! 他们有! -Betty: I just said they're not! 我都说了他们没有! -Christina: You're saying it like they are! Ooh, they are. 你说的语气就像他们有!哦,他们有。 -Betty: I am such a terrible liar. terrible: 可怕的 liar: 说谎者 我撒谎的水平真糟糕。 Look, Christina, you have to promise me. You can't tell anybody. promise: 保证 瞧,Christina,你得跟我保证。你不会告诉任何人。 -Christina: Of course I won't. But you can see how a missing dress could be quite thescandal, scandal: 丑闻 我当然不会。但你会看到一件丢失的衣服就可以是一个丑闻, what with all the murders and sex changes going on in that family. murder: 谋杀 只要考虑到这个家庭又有谋杀案又是变性。 -Henry: Oh, there you are. 哦,你在这儿啊。 -Betty: Oh, Hey. 哦,嘿。 -Henry: Hey. I thought you might need a map, uh, to Charlie's party. 嘿。我想你需要一张地图,呃,参加Charlie的生日宴用的。 It's in the West Village, so it can be a little hard to find. 在西城那边,会比较难找。 -Betty: Great. Thanks. 太好了。谢谢。 -Henry: Sure. Well, I'll see you later. 没问题。那么,到时候见了。 -Betty: Okay. 好的。 -Henry: Oh, Hi, Christina. 哦,嗨,Christina。 -Christina: Yeah, I'm here. Been here the whole time. 是啊,我在这儿。一直都在这儿。 -Betty: What? Okay, look, I know what you're thinking, but they're my friends. 怎么了?好吧,瞧,我知道你在想什么,但他们是我的朋友。 -Christina: You're going to his girlfriend's birthday party? Betty, he broke your heart. 你要去参加他女朋友的生日宴?Betty,他伤了你的心。 -Betty: No, he didn't. 不,他没有。 -Christina: Oh, really? Fine. This one here was "why doesn't he love me, Christina?” 哦,是吗?好吧。当时这个是“为什么他不爱我,Christina?”。 And this one here is "she took him away from me, Christina.” take away: 拿走 而这个是“她从我身边抢走了他,Christina。” And this one was "make her go away, Christina.” 而这个是“让她走开,Christina。”。 -Betty: No, this one is gum. gum: 口香糖 不,这个是拿来包口香糖的。 -Christina: Betty, why would you do this to yourself? Betty,你为什么要折磨自己呢? -Betty: Because... I don't want to lose Henry as a friend. I'm an adult. I can rise abovethis. adult: 成年人 rise above: 不受…影响 因为…我不想失去Henry这个朋友。我是个成年人。我能搞定的。 -Christina: Fair enough, but just don't go alone. Get a date. fair enough: 有道理 有道理,但别一个人去。找个伴。 -Betty: Who? It's tonight. 找谁呢?是今天晚上啊。 -Christina: Well, I don't know. Well, there must be someone. 嗯,我不知道。总会有个人吧。 -Dr. Farkas: Well, this is a surprise. 哦,真是意外啊。 -Betty: I think I need to come back in this afternoon, Dr. Farkas. My wire snapped. wire: 金属丝 snap: 突然折断 我想我下午还得过去一趟,Farkas医生。钢丝断了。 Oh, okay. Great. I'll see you in an hour. Do it. Fast. 哦,好的。太棒了。一小时后见。来吧。快点。 -Daniel: Okay, first of all, I don't think we should be following 好吧,首先,我认为我们不应该 a postpartum depression piece with a layout on baby doll dresses. postpartum: 产后的 depression: 抑郁 layout: 版面 doll: 娃娃 把死气沉沉的孕妇装放在娃娃装版面后面。 -Alex: We have a big problem! 我们有大问题了! -Daniel: Okay, crazy time begins at 1:00. We're in the middle of a meeting now. 好吧,你发疯的时间在下午一点。我们正在开会呢。 -Alex: It's about our father. 是关于我们老爸的。 -Daniel: Excuse me. 抱歉离开一下。 -Alex: Grace Chin is representing him. She's never lost a case. represent: 作为…的代表 Grace Chin现在是他的诉讼代理人了。她从来没输过一个官司。 -Daniel: Okay, uh, well, is that so bad? Do you really want him to spend the rest of his life in prison? 好吧,呃,嗯,有那么糟糕吗?你真的想让他在监狱里度过下半辈子吗? -Alex: He's a murderer. What's going on with you? Did you know about this? 他是杀人犯。你怎么了?你知道这事? -Daniel: No, of course not. I don't even know this Grace Chin woman. Alexis, he is still ourfather. 不,当然不知道。我甚至都不认识这个叫Grace Chin的女人。Alexis,他还是我们老爸啊。 -Alex: Before you buy him a set of golf clubs, let me remind you 在你替他好话说尽之前,我来提醒你一下, that he's the one that made you feel worthless your whole life, worthless: 无价值的 就是他让你觉得这辈子一无是处, drove our mother to drink hand sanitizer and told me he'd rather see me dead thanstanding here in a dress. drove: 驾驭 sanitizer: 洗手液 逼我们的妈妈去喝洗手液,并且告诉我宁愿我死了也不愿意看见我活着穿女人的裙子。 The man is a monster. monster: 怪物 那男人是个怪物。 -Marc: Juicy. That is one angry she-male. juicy: 有趣的 male: 男性 好极了。那个人妖生气了。 -Amanda: What? What did I miss? 什么?我错过了什么? -Marc: I would have told you. 我应该先提醒你的。 -Dr. Farkas: So you snapped your wire eating a bagel? bagel: 百吉饼 那么,钢丝是在你吃百吉饼的时候断的? -Betty: Yep. yep: <俚>是 是的。 -Dr. Farkas: Was the knife still in it? 刀子还在里面吗? -Betty: You're funny, Dr. Farkas, and you have really good breath. 你真会说笑,Farkas医生,而且口气也很清新。 -Dr.
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