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高考自主招生英语翻译 翻译 翻译题是高校自主招生测试部分的新增题型,主要考查考生的英译汉能力,要求考生将一篇200到300词的短文译成中文,或在一篇文章中划出若干句子译成中文。高校自主招生的翻译部分主要有一下特点:主要考查考生对文章的理解、基础语法以及常见的句式和短语的掌握和运用。内容专业性不强,不需要专业理论知识。题目内容既没有高难度的新闻翻译、文学翻译,也不涉及科技经贸翻译中的专业知识,只是一般的文章翻译,与其说是测试考生的翻译能力,不如说是测试考生的英语语言能力,尤其是对原文理解能力更确切,因此谈不上翻译的“信、达、雅”标准。 ...
翻译 翻译题是高校自主招生测试部分的新增题型,主要考查考生的英译汉能力,要求考生将一篇200到300词的短文译成中文,或在一篇文章中划出若干句子译成中文。高校自主招生的翻译部分主要有一下特点:主要考查考生对文章的理解、基础语法以及常见的句式和短语的掌握和运用。专业性不强,不需要专业理论知识。题目内容既没有高难度的新闻翻译、文学翻译,也不涉及科技经贸翻译中的专业知识,只是一般的文章翻译,与其说是测试考生的翻译能力,不如说是测试考生的英语语言能力,尤其是对原文理解能力更确切,因此谈不上翻译的“信、达、雅”。 翻译时要通读并透彻理解通篇文章、整个句子。判断句子是简单句还是复杂句,然后弄清句子的主干和修饰成分。要特别注意英语的逻辑思维。最后审核,这是不可缺少的一个重要环节,而且在最后审核时一定要结合整篇文章来进行,这样才能检查出译文在理解和表达上有什么问题,是否有错误和误译,以便及时改正。 用词要:尽量使用书面语言,通俗易懂的词。少用俚语、生僻词或陈词滥调,以免影响效果。用词要简洁有力:简洁是为了清晰,译文中多余的词不但不能增强语言的表现力,反而使语言显得累赘。因此翻译时要避免用词重复啰嗦。 真题导入一 (北京大学2010年) 1.与其诅咒黑暗,不如点亮蜡烛。(better) 2.能源危机对全球经济有消极作用,导致经济衰退。(impact) 试题精解 参考译文 1. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 2. Energy crisis has a negative impact on the global economy, leading to economic recession. 真题导入二 (北京大学2007年) I. Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage from English into Chinese. Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are now clear that many of the important earthquake regions are places where the movements of plates are happening and therefore, it becomes much easier to look for signs that an earthquake is coming soon. (1) In the past few years, there has been great excitement about the possibility of finding out when earthquakes are going to happen by measuring changes in the rocks, but we are still not sure whether this can be the basis for an efficient means of predicting earthquakes. But further research on this subject may suggest ways in which earthquakes can be predicted and. prevented. (2) One idea is that it might be possible to reduce the pressures that have built up in rocks by pumping in water at high pressure, thus producing a wet surface on which the two opposite side of the fault can slide (move smoothly). Now the question is that nobody is quite sure what the results might be. Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences into English with the words or expressions given in the brackets. 1.宴会举行到一半酒就喝光了,我们本该事先多买些的。(should) 2.几个小时以后,他双手捧着一块漂亮的布走了出来。(with) 3.还在中学读书的时候,他就显示出很强的工作能力。(show) 4.当他听见很多人在外面跑来跑去,他走到窗边往外看。(hear) 专题精解 参考译文 I.(1)在过去几年里,人们对于依靠测量岩石的变化预告地震的发生怀有极大的兴趣。但是我们至今不能肯定,这种方法是否能被当作有效预测地震的基础。 (2)一种想法是,通过高压注水以减轻岩石层累积的压力,注水会使得表面潮湿,这样断层的两面就可以平滑移动(平稳地移动)。 Ⅱ. 1.The wine was drunk up during the banquet; we should have bought more. 2.Hours later, he came out with a beautiful cloth holding in hands. 3.Even in middle school, he showed great capacity for work. 4.He went to the window when he heard many people running around outside. 真题导入三 (“五校联考”样题2010年) Translate the following text into English. 有人说成功取决于性格,但我认为什么性格都可能成功,关键是要自己的实际,做自己喜欢并擅长的事。这样,你才会坚持,不畏艰难,不轻易改变方向。这时,成功离你就不远了。 专题精解 Some people say that one's success is determined by his personality. But I believe that one can succeed regardless of the type of person he is. The key to success is, first of all, to know yourself well and then find something you both like to do and are good at doing. In that case you will most likely hold on to the thing without giving in to any difficulties. If you stick to it without changing the direction, you will not be far away from success. 模拟训练 Test 1 Directions: Read the following essay and put it into Chinese. As supplier of most of the food we eat and of raw materials for many industrial processes, agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy. But the industrial performance of agriculture is even more important than this. For in nations where the productivity of farmers is low, most of the working population is needed to raise food and few people are available for production of investment goods or for other activities required for economic growth. Indeed, one of the factors related most closely to the per capital income (人均收入) of a nation is the fraction of its population engaged in farming. In the poorest nations of the world more than half of the population lives on farms. This compares sharply with less than 10 per cent in Western Europe and less than 4 percent in the United States. In short, the course of economic development in general depends in a fundamental way on the performance of farmers. This performance of farmers in turn, depends on how agriculture is organized and on the economic environment, or market structure, within which it function. In the following pages the performance of American agriculture is examined. It is appropriate to begin with a conversation of its market structure. Test 2中译英(备考题型:部分高校开始考四、六级翻译题型》 Directions:Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 1. My teacher always scold us even for making a small mistake, I think she doesn't realize that ________________________________________(人人都有缺点). 2. Not until the train started to move (我才停止哭泣) 3. I suggested he (使自己适应)his new conditions. 4.(他把自己奉献给社区工作) and is passionate about what he is doing. 5. She always (表现很差)when her aunt comes to visit. Test 3 1.All pupils, (不考虑年龄),are invited to join the club. 2. (正是由于她太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation. 3. If you had (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 4. I regretted having bought this car because (其性价比差). 5. When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor (把此归因于她对未来的信念). Test 4 1. The number of the students in this city has (增加了6倍)in comparison with 2001. 2. (尽管Jack残废了),he never felt frustrated. 3. (我们没有人料到主席会出现)at the party.We thought he was still in hospital. 4. I have no objection (再听听你的故事). 5. (看在玛丽的份上),I can lend you my car to get around your transport problem. 真题导入一(清华大学2009年) 将杜甫的《旅夜书怀》翻译成英文。 细草微风岸,危樯独夜舟。 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。 名岂文章著,官因老病休。 飘飘何所似,天地一沙鸥。 专题精解 遇到这种古诗文的翻译,不妨先运用自己的语文知识将诗句转化成我们的日常用语,然后再进行翻译,译稿可以只注重内容的对应。 参考译文 A Sojourner's Even Song Du Fu Frail grass, soft wind, at the shore; Tall mast, lone boat, in the eventide. Stars dangle o'er the plain so vast; Moon surging on the river wide. Will I be known for my writings alone? One should serve until one dies! Drifting, drifting, what's it like? A single sand gull 'twixt the earth and skies. (Translated by Tommy W.K.Tao,陶永强) 真题导入二(清华大学2008年) 将下面一段古文,请先译成现代汉语,再将其译为英文并做评论。 小说家者流,盖出于稗官,街谈巷语,道听途说者之所造也。孔子日,“虽小道,必有可观者焉;致远恐泥,是以君子弗为也。”然亦弗灭也,闾里小知者之所及,亦使缀而不忘,如或一言可采,此亦刍荛狂夫之议也。 专题精解 参考译文(现代汉语) 小说家这个流派,大概出自收集里巷风俗的稗官。他们把在街头巷尾听到的谈论,在大路或小道上听来的传闻记录下来,从而形成这个流派。孔子说:“虽然是小道理,也一定有值得看一看的。但用在远大的事业上恐怕就窒碍不通了。因此君子不作这样的事。”然而这一流派也没有消失。.小说家宣扬的是住在小街小巷的小有知识的人所看到的道理,把它们记录下来以免忘记。有时其中也有某一两句值得执政者采纳的话,这也好比听听割草打柴的人或疯疯癫癫的人的议论一样。 参考译文(英语) Novelists used to be government officials at low position. Their stories largely came from the gossips and rumors spread around streets and alleys. Confucius said, “Even in inferior studies and employments there is something worth being looked at; but if it be attempted to carry them out to what is remote, there is a danger of their proving inapplicable. Therefore, the superior man does not practice them.” However, this school had not been suppressed. In fact, what the novelists advocated was the common knowledge that even the lowest members of society could plainly see. They recorded it down for fear that it might be forgotten one day. Sometimes there were illuminating comments in stories that's worthy adopting by political leaders. This way of taking advice is like hearing laborer such as grass or wood cutters or some lunatic talking. 参考评论 This passage was taken from "Treatise on literature" of the Book of Han compiled by Chinese historian and poet Ban Gu It discussed the school of novelists in ancient China. Novelists at that time did not enjoy a high social status like today, and their works were regarded as an inferior study by sages like Confucius. Nevertheless, there's valuable information in the stories written by the novelists. The main reason is that the materials gathered by the novelists were largely come from the talk of common people. 出处《汉书•艺文志》 "Treatise on literature" of the Book of Han 模拟训练 Test l Directions: Read the following essay and put it into Chinese. Time was -- and not so many years ago, either -- when the average citizen took a pretty dim view of banks and banking: That this was so, it should be said, was to no small extent the fault of banks and bankers themselves. Banks used to be -- and a few still are --forbidding structures. Behind the little barred windows were, more often than not, elderly gentlemen whose expression of friendliness reflected the size of the customer's account, and nothing less than a few hundred thousand in the bank could have inspired the suggestion of a smile. And yet the average bank for many years was,, to the average citizen, a fearful, if necessary, instrument for dealing with business --usually big business. But somewhere in the past quarter century, banks began to grow human, even pleasant, and started to attract the little man. It is possible that this movement began in medium-sized towns, or in small towns where people know each other by their first names, and spread to big towns. At any rate, the results have been remarkable. The movement to “humanize” banks, of course, received a big push during the war, when more and more women were employed to do work previously performed by men. Also more and more “little” people found themselves in need of personal loans, as taxes became heavier and as the practice of installment (分期付款) buying broke down the previously long-held concept that there was something almost morally wrong about being in debt. All sorts of people began to discover that the intelligent use of credit(信贷) could be extremely helpful. Test2 The world is known to us through many senses, not just hearing, smell, vision, and at close range, touch and taste. ①Our skins let us know whether the air is moist or dry, whether surfaces are wet without being sticky or slippery. From the uniformity of slight pressure, we can be aware how deeply a finger is thrust into water at body temperature, even if the finger is enclosed in a rubber glove that keeps the skin completely dry. ②Many other animals, with highly sensitive skins, appear to be able to learn still more about their environment. Often they do so without employing any of the five senses. By observing the capabilities of other members of the animal kingdom, we come to realise that a human being has far more possibilities than are utilized. We neglect ever so many of our senses in concentrating on the five major ones. ③At the same time, a comparison between animals and man draws attention to the limitations of each sense. The part of the spectrum (光谱) seen by colour-conscious man as red is non-existent for honey-bees. But a bee can see far more, in flowers than we, because the ultra-violet(紫外线)to which our eyes are blind is a stimulating(刺激的)part of the insect's spectrum, and,for honey-bees at least, constitutes a separate colour.
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