

2011-11-20 5页 pdf 76KB 32阅读




关于台词的备注 BBC Learning English – BBC Olympic English About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注:...
BBC Learning English – BBC Olympic English About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对 节目做出的改变。 BBC Olympic English – 34 Eating Out 下馆子 3-Minute English Lesson Script三分钟英语 Feifei: Hello and welcome to BBC Olympic English, an elementary course from BBC Learning English. I’m Feifei. Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. Today we’re going to talk about eating Out. Feifei, do people often eat out in China? Feifei: Oh yes, eating out下馆子 is very popular and it is quite cheap. In fact many people who live in cities always eat out and never cook at home. Diarmuid: Really? Well let’s look at some useful words that are often used in restaurants. The first thing we need in a restaurant is the ‘menu’. Feifei: Menu 菜单。 Diarmuid: Exactly and usually it’s divided into 3 sections. Starters. Feifei: Starters 头盘。 Diarmuid: Main courses. Feifei: Main courses 主菜。 Diarmuid: Desserts. Feifei: Desserts 甜点。 Diarmuid: Yes, so you could ask your friend, “Would you like a starter?” Feifei: Would you like a starter? 你要来一个头盘吗? Diarmuid: That’s right, and often the restaurant will have some food which is only for that day. Feifei: Oh, yes. What is that called? Diarmuid: Today’s specials. Feifei: Today’s specials 今日特别推荐。I see. And how about the kinds of food we might see in the restaurant. Diarmuid: Well of course in a Chinese restaurant there is rice. Feifei: 米饭。 Diarmuid: Or noodles. Feifei: 面条。 Example: A: Can I have the menu please? B: Sure, would you like a starter, maybe a soup or some salad? A: Ok, I’ll have the soup please. Diarmuid: And then there are the different kinds of meats like pork. Feifei: 猪肉。 Diarmuid: Chicken. Feifei: 鸡肉。 Diarmuid: Beef. Feifei: 牛肉。Oh, but we often have more types of meat than that! Diarmuid: I know but your friends might only eat those kinds of meat! They might also be vegetarian. Feifei: Vegetarian 素食者。Oh yes, this is becoming more common in China too. Diarmuid: I see, Feifei. How about the different food in China? Is every restaurant the same with chop suey and sweet and sour pork on the menu? Feifei: Chop Suey? 什锦鲜蔬?Sweet and sour pork 糖醋里脊。There’s more than that. In China there are many regional varieties of food. 在中国有很多来自不同地区 的菜系,其中最受欢迎的四种分别是川菜。Four of the most popular are: 川菜。 Diarmuid: Szechuan. Feifei: 粤菜。 Diarmuid: Cantonese. Feifei: 江浙菜。 Diarmuid: Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Feifei: 鲁菜。 Diarmuid: Shandong. Wow, you really do have a lot of food in China! Well at the end of the meal somebody still has to pay the bill don’t they? Feifei: Oh yes, the bill 账单。 We do this very differently. In Britain you often like to share it but we never do that in China! Diarmuid: Oh is that right? So I guess you just say, “It’s on me” Feifei: It’s on me 我请客。 That’s right and then we fight to pay the bill but since you are a visitor Diarmuid, nobody will expect you to pay! Diarmuid: Really, well let’s go for dinner then Feifei! That is all for today, goodbye. Feifei: Yes. 好了,今天这一课就到这儿。别忘了我们的网站每天都会更新,网址是 www.bbcchina.com.cn. Goodbye! Dialogue 1对话: Waitress: Can I take your order, sir? Waitress: 小姐,您可以点菜了吗? Customer: I’ll have the kung pao chicken, please. Customer: 我想要宫爆鸡丁。 Waitress: Certainly sir, would you like some rice or noodles with that? Waitress: 没问, 那您要不要来点儿米饭或 面条呢? Customer: Just some fried rice please. Customer: 我要炒米饭吧。 Waitress: Ok, would you like some soup as well? Waitress: 好的,要不要再来点儿汤呢? Customer: No, thanks. Customer: 不用了,谢谢。 Waitress: Thank you very much; your food will be ready soon. Waitress: 好的,谢谢,您的菜很快就来。 Dialogue 2对话: Harriet: Thank you for bringing me here Hong, this place looks great! Harriet: 谢谢你带我到这儿来,红。这地方看起来太 好了。 Hong: You’re welcome. Would you like some cold dishes? Hong: 不客气。你要凉菜吗? Harriet: Let me see. How about the lotus root? Harriet: 我看看,莲藕怎么样? Hong: Ok, and anything to drink? Maybe some jasmine tea? Hong: 好呀,那喝什么呢?茉莉花茶怎么样? Harriet: Oh, yes that would be nice! Harriet: 太好了。 Hong: And for your main course? I can recommend the sizzling beef. Hong: 那么主菜吃什么呢?我推荐铁板牛肉。 Harriet: Actually, I’m vegetarian so I’d like to have the bean curd. Harriet: 我其实吃素,所以我就要豆腐吧。 Hong: Oh, that’s a good choice. Very healthy too! Hong: 那听起来不错,而且还很健康。 Key Phrases关键词语 Can I take your order, madam? 小姐,您可以点菜了吗? Would you like a side dish with that? 那您还想要点儿其它的小菜吗? Would you like a starter? 您想要一个头盘吗? Actually, I’m vegetarian. 我其实吃素。 I can recommend the sizzling beef. 我推荐铁板牛肉。 That would be nice. 那听起来很好。 Summary Table1 1句型小结 Can I bring you the menu? 这是您的菜单。 take your order? 您可以点菜了吗? Summary Table2 2句型小结 I’ll have the Kung Pao Chicken. 我要宫爆鸡丁。 I’d like to have the bean curd. 我想要豆腐。 Notes注释 在欧洲的中国餐厅里,米饭通常是和主菜一起上的。 在西方,大家不会争着来付钱的,所以如果你的外国客人要来付钱的话,那就说 thank you. 还有就是如果每次都是你付钱的话,这样会让你的外国客人或多或少的感到不舒服。 Vocabulary词汇 1. Bill 账单 6. Cantonese 广东的 2. Menu 菜单 7. Shandong 山东 3. Starter 头盘 8. Szechuan 四川 4. Main course 主菜 9. Jiangsu 江苏 5. Dessert 甜点 10.Today’s specials 今日特别推荐 Practice 练习 Can you fill in the missing word? 1. Someone who doesn’t eat meat is _____________ 2. At the end of the meal when we want to pay we ask for the ___________ 3. The most common type of Chinese food in Britain is ______________ 4. The first course of the meal is called the __________________ 5. If we want to pay for someone else we say _____________ Answers 1. Vegetarian. 2. Bill. 3. Cantonese. 4. Starter. 5. It’s on me .
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