首页 > 有关生意价格谈判


2017-04-04 3页 doc 6KB 8阅读




有关生意价格谈判有关生意价格谈判   That’s a really good price.   (这个价格不错。)   come to ... “ (价格等)达到……”。including tax “含税”。   really “完全”、 “真正地”。   That’ll be $20.15 including tax.   The total is $20.15 with tax included.   价格上有很大的浮动余地。   There’s a wide range of prices.   (价格上有很大的浮动余地。)   Wh...
有关生意价格谈判   That’s a really good price.   (这个价格不错。)   come to ... “ (价格等)达到……”。including tax “含税”。   really “完全”、 “真正地”。   That’ll be $20.15 including tax.   The total is $20.15 with tax included.   价格上有很大的浮动余地。   There’s a wide range of prices.   (价格上有很大的浮动余地。)   What is the lowest price?   (最低价是多少?)   这里的range指“范围”。   The prices vary greatly.   vary “变化”、 “有差异”。greatly “大幅度地”、 “非常”。   There’s quite a range of prices.   quite “很”、 “完全”。   标价是500美元。   How much does it cost?   (这要多少钱?)   The sticker price is $500.   (标价是500美元。)   sticker price “标价”。   The price tag shows $500.   show “显示”。   The sticker indicates $500.   indicate “显示”。   这块宝石时价是100万日元。   This jewel costs a million yen today.   (这块宝石时价是100万日元。)   It must be flawless.   (那一定是毫无瑕疵。)   cost “花费”。   must be ... “一定是……”。flawless “ (宝石等)没有瑕疵的”、 “完美的”。   This jewel is valued at a million yen today.   value “给……定价”、 “估计(价格)”、 “”。   This jewel costs a million yen currently.   currently “ 目前”。   At it’s current price, this jewel is worth a million yen.   (按目前的价格, 这块宝石值100万日元。)   current price “时价”。worth “价值”。   零售价是900美元。   The retail price is $900.   (零售价是900美元。)   How about the wholesale price?   (批发价是多少呢?)   retail price “零售价”。   wholesale price “批发价”。   The consumer price is $900.   consumer price “消费者价”, 也就是“零售价”。   The price to the consumer is $900.   今天全场特价。   These prices seem lower.   (这些价格好像降了。)   Yes, everything is on sale today.   (是的, 今天全场特价。)
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