

2018-02-21 16页 doc 51KB 8阅读




统物流服务内容与非电子商务的物流服务相同统物流服务内容与非电子商务的物流服务相同 、运输功能。指将消费者网上订购的货物送到指定的地点。网站经营者既可自身组织送货,也可以将物流业务外包给第三方物流经营者。第三方物流公司自己拥有或掌握一定规模的运输工具,其物流设施往往覆盖全国抑或更大一个区域的网络。它接收订单后,首先为客户设计最合适的物流系统,选择满足客户需要的运输方式,然后组织网络内部的运输作业,在规定的时间内将客户的商品运抵目的地,整个过程高效快捷。 2、储存功能。电子商务既需要建立Internet网站,同时又需要建立或具备物流中心,物流中心的主要设施之一就是仓...
统物流服务内容与非电子商务的物流服务相同 、运输功能。指将消费者网上订购的货物送到指定的地点。网站经营者既可自身组织送货,也可以将物流业务外包给第三方物流经营者。第三方物流公司自己拥有或掌握一定规模的运输工具,其物流设施往往覆盖全国抑或更大一个区域的网络。它接收订单后,首先为客户设计最合适的物流系统,选择满足客户需要的运输方式,然后组织网络内部的运输作业,在规定的时间内将客户的商品运抵目的地,整个过程高效快捷。 2、储存功能。电子商务既需要建立Internet网站,同时又需要建立或具备物流中心,物流中心的主要设施之一就是仓库及附属设备。电子商务服务提供商的目的不是要在物流中心的仓库中储存商品,而是要通过仓储保证市场分销活动的开展,同时尽可能地降低库存占压的资金,减少储存成本,因此,提供社会化物流服务的公共型物流中心需要配备高效率的分拣、传送、储存、拣选设备。在电子商务条件下,可以利用完善的信息网络,用虚拟库存代替实物库存,通过使上游的生产 3、储存功能。电子商务既需要建立Internet网站,同时又需要建立或具备物流中心,物流中心的主要设施之一就是仓库及附属设备。电子商务服务提供商的目的不是要在物流中心的仓库中储存商品,而是要通过仓储保证市场分销活动的开展,同时尽可能地降低库存占压的资金,减少储存成本,因此,提供社会化物流服务的公共型物流中心需要配备高效率的分拣、传送、储存、拣选设备。在电子商务条件下,可以利用完善的信息网络,用虚拟库存代替实物库存,通过使上游的生产厂商和下游的经销商、物流服务商公用数据库,共享库存信息等方法,将供应链上各环节的信息系统有效地集成起来,以尽可能低的实物库存水平满足营销市场的需要。 4、装卸搬运功能。这是为了加快商品的流通速度必须具备的功能,第三方物流服务提供商可以提供更加专业化的装载、卸载、提升、运送、码垛等装卸搬运机械,以提高装卸搬运作业效率,减少作业对商品造成的损坏,降低订货周期,加速商品流通。 5、包装功能。物流的包装作业主要是在商品的销售包装的基础上,重新进行组合、拼装、加固,以形成适合于物流和配送的组合包装单元。 6、流通加工功能。其目的是方便生产或销售。专业化的物流中心常常与固定的制造商或分销商进行长期合作,为制造商或分销商完成一定的加工作业,如贴标签、制作并粘贴条形码等。 7、物流信息处理功能。目的是将各个物流环节各种物流作业的信息进行实时采集、、传递,并向货主提供各种作业明细信息及咨询信息。 一站式服务 一站式和增值服务是我们的两大特色,本着以客户需求为导向的原则,在深刻了解客户需求的基础上,我们的客户专用方案DCS(Dedicated Customer Solution),提供集电子商务、物流、保险、代理等于一身的综合性解决方 案。更加多元化的核心业务和增值服务将更为有效地降低客户的运营成本,配合市场变化。 行业解决方案: , 服装及零售行业解决方案 , IT/电子行业解决方案 , 汽车行业解决方案 iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to , 化工行业解决方案 , 医药健康行业解决方案 核心业务包括: , 国内快运(运输及配送) , 仓储(保税仓储) , 合约物流 , 国际货代(空/海运进出口) , 展览物流 , 项目物流 , 增值服务 , 保险 , , 培育专才翘首前瞻 , 企业竞争的实质是人才竞争。群雄逐鹿商战上,人才是保证企业可续发展 的最宝贵资源。嘉里大通物流深谙此理。我们携手北大、清华等顶尖学府 达成了光华嘉里物流管理研究中心等合作,并给员工策划及实施仓储、库 存管理及操控、货运管理等全方位专业。此外,我们还积极推进管理 见习生培训项目及内部员工的跨国交流,力求全方位、多层次地提高素质。 , , MT培训 , 嘉里大通物流认为“专才”既包括已经具备经验和技能的员工,也包括具 备培养前途的人才。“管理培训生”是嘉里大通的一项特色培训。具体做 法是,公司每年8月从应届本科以上毕业生中选聘适用人才。首先对毕业 生进行为期三个月的跨部门、跨专业的系统实习培训以建立整体业务观 念;然后,根据每人的特长和优势,并结合本人意愿,双向选择后,进行 正式岗位的“专才”培训。整个过程中,人力资源部与各个部门充分沟通, 安排培训,由每个环节的具体责任人密切跟进,及时反馈,人力资源 部据此调整培训计划,控制培训进程。 , , 全面人才培养及海外培训 , 现代物流操作的复杂性,不仅需要员工在某个专业领域精通,而且需要员 工具备国际化的全局观念。“海外培训”是嘉里大通物流培养通才的有效 途径。这种培训,以培养国际化的现代物流人才为目标,以公司的跨国业 务网络为平台,把国内的优秀专业人才派往公司在世界各地的分支机构, 使培训人员从不同角度了解业务,以此丰富他们的专业知识,提高专业技 能,培养全球化工作态度。海外培训的具体做法是:公司向所有正式在员 工发布海外培训通知;员工自荐、自愿报名;公司通过面试、笔试层层筛 选;最终确定名额派往国外接受培训。 iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to 汪炜城,嘉里大通物流有限公司总裁,这位外表平静淡泊、内心却充满激情的老总,胸怀着强烈的做大做强中国物流业的紧迫感和使命感。在他的办公室,汪炜城向记者描述了嘉里大通在中国物流业的最新进展和愿景。 CIEN:嘉里物流公司 觊觎中国内地的物流市场 已有多年。在中国内地建 立了一个物流中心——上 海菱华物流中心,与盐田 港口局合作,合资经营深 圳盐田港物流中心,在天 津、北京和上海外高桥、 深圳福田等地建立了物流 中心。这些频繁举动,是 否意味着嘉里把中国市场 作为亚洲区域的重点, 汪炜城:中国的市场 很有前景,是我们最重要 的战略地。中国的业务量在所有业务中占据第一位。嘉里大通主要的服务地区是亚洲,而要能够很好地服务亚洲,中国是不能错过的。中国是一个很有特色的、全球最大的市场,地域广阔,同时还是世界最大经济体系之一。在这样的背景下,嘉里大通全面展开内地的业务,既有生产型也有配送型物流服务。 CIEN:现在,中国物流业逐步向外资开放,跨国公司也都看中中国巨大的市场商机,嘉里在竞争中是否感到压力,这种压力主要来源于哪些方面,嘉里用什么应对竞争, iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to 汪炜城:压力肯定是有的。中国正式加入WTO之后,许多海外公司不再采取观望的态度,而是直接进入中国,这给嘉里大通带来更高层次的海外竞争对手。目前,很多国外跨国物流企业都在中国跑马圈地,嘉里大通的竞争对手从国内的企业,演变成国内外企业。机遇和挑战永远是并存的,嘉里在面对更多竞争同时,也带来巨大机会,带来更多客户。 嘉里也有自己的竞争能力,以差异化特点来应对竞争。我们进入内地市场不过四五年时间,虽然不晚却也不算早,现在的后起之秀太多了,竞争很激烈,稍不留神就有可能被赶上。我们的优势就是提供高增值服务,而不是光靠价格竞争,这个特色我们必须紧抓不放。 CIEN:嘉里大通物流有限公司是在嘉里物流联网有限公司收购国内最大物流公司大通国际运输有限公司50%的权益,这一基础上成立的,业内人士普遍认为,嘉里大通的物流帝国雏形已然浮出水面。您对这种观点有什么看法, 汪炜城:收购大通运输大概是嘉里物流发展史上最高的一块里程碑了。收购之后,嘉里物流在中国的商号改为“嘉里大通”,而在中国以外地区则继续以“嘉里物流”作为标志,致力于成为亚洲的知名物流品牌。 我们看中大通运输的主要是健全的网络,因为现在的业务都需要跨省市操作,网络非常重要。收购大通国际,对嘉里物流在中国的快速发展提供很大的帮助,嘉里进军中国4年时间里,才在内地布局8个点,而大通国际,遍布内地所有省份,并在11个策略性地点设有区域配送中心,打造120个网点,收购大通国际,相当于节省在中国布局的20年时间,连同接手超过700个内地区域性营运牌照,以及包括戴尔、微软、惠普、IBM和3M等公司在内的一大批固定大客户。 1990年,为了便于理解,将所有的术语分为4个基本不同的类型。 第一组 iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to 为“E”组,指卖方仅在自己的地点为买方备妥货物(发货)。 EXW(EX works):工厂交货(……指定地点)。是指卖方将货物从工厂(或仓库)交付给买方,除非另有规定,卖方不负责将货物装上买方安排的车或船上,也不办理出口报关手续。买方负担自卖方工厂交付后至最终目的地的一切费用和风险。 第二组 “F”组(FCA、FAS和FOB),指卖方需将货物交至买方指定的承运人 (主要运费未付)。 FCA (Free Carrier):交至承运人(……指定地点)。此术语是指卖方必须在合同规定的交货期内在指定地点将货物交给买方指定的承运人监管,并负担货物交由承运人监管前的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。 FAS (Free Alongside Ship):船边交货(……指定装运港),是指卖方将货物运至指定装运港的船边或驳船内交货,并在需要办理海关手续时,办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续,买方承担自装运港船边(或驳船)起的一切费用和风险。 FOB (Free On Board):船上交货(……指定装运港),该术语规定卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在指定的装运港将货物交至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷以前为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。 第三组 “C”组(CFR、CIF、CPT和CIP),指卖方须订立运输合同,但对货物灭失或损坏的风险以及装船和启运后发生意外所发生的额外费用,卖方不承担责任(主要运费已付)。 CFR (Cost and Freight):成本加运费(……指定目的港),),是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷以前为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险,并负责租船订舱,支付至目的港的正常运费。 CIF (Cost、 Insurance and Freight):成本、保险加运费付至(……指定目的港),是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷以前为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险并办理货运保险,支付保险费,以及负责租船订舱,支付从装运港到目的港的正常运费。 CPT(Carriage Paid to):运费付至(……指定目的地),是指卖方支付货物运至指定目的地的运费,在货物被交由承运人保管时,货物灭失或损坏的风险,以及由于在货物交给承运人后发生的事件而引起的额外费用,即从卖方转移至买方。 CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to):运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地),是指卖方支付货物运至目的地的运费,并对货物在运输途中灭失或损坏的买方风险取得货物保险,订立保险合同,支付保险费用,在货物被交由承运人保管时,iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to 货物灭失或损坏的风险,以及由于在货物交给承运人后发生的事件而引起的额外费用,即从卖方转移至买方。 第四组 “D”组(DAF、DES、DEQ、DDU和DDP),指卖方须承担把货物交至目的地国所需的全部费用和风险(货到)。 DAF (Delivered at Frontier):边境交货(……指定地点),是指卖方将货物运至买方指定的边境地点,将仍处于交货的运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交付买方,并办妥货物出口清关手续,承担将货物运抵边境上的指定地点所需的一切费用和风险,此地点为毗邻边境的海关前,包括出口国在内的任何国家边境(含过境国)。进口清关手续则由买方办理。 DES (Delivered EX Ship):目的港船上交货(……指定目的港),是指卖方将货物运至买方指定目的港的船上,并交给买方,但不办理进口清关手续,卖方负担将货物运抵指定卸货港为止的一切费用和风险,买方负担货物从船上开始卸货期的一切费用和风险。 DEQ (Delivered EX Quay):目的港码头交货(……指定目的港),是指将货物交付给买方,但不办理货物进口清关手续,卖方负担将货物运抵卸货港并卸至码头为止的一切费用与风险。买方则负担随后的一切费用和风险。 DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid):未完税交货(……指定目的地),是指卖方将货物运至进口国指定的目的地交付给买方,不办理进口手续,也不从交货的运输工具上将货物卸下,即完成交货。卖方应该承担货物运至指定目的地为止的一切费用与风险,不包括在需要办理海关手续时在目的地进口应缴纳的任何“税费”(包括办理海关手续的责任和风险,以及交纳手续费、关税、税款和其他费用)。买方必须承担此项“税费”和因其未能及时办理货物进口清关手续而引起的费用和风险。 DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):进口国完税后交货(---指定目的地),是指卖方将货物运至进口国指定地点,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交付给买方,卖方负责办理进口报关手续,交付在需要办理海关手续时在目的地应缴纳的任何进口“税费”。卖方负担将货物交付给买方前的一切费用和风险。如卖方无法直接或间接的取得进口许可证时不宜采用该术语。DDP是卖方责任最大的贸易术语。 iodine lamp fixed set up to ensure security. Thallium metal halide lamps and sodium installation height should be more than 5M. Light wire shall not be closer to the surface of the lamp. 3) overhead lines (1) overhead lines must be located in a dedicated pole (concrete, wood), set up in a tree or on the scaffold is strictly prohibited. (2) overhead line insulators for crossarm and should be installed, specifications, line distance, span shall conform to the requirements of overhead lines, pole line from 2.5M to be insulators. (3) overhead lines should generally be 4m off the ground, the motorway for more than 6m. 4) electrical box (power distribution boxes, switch box) (1) electric box doors, locks, color and number. (2) switching apparatus within the electrical box must be intact, the wiring is correct. Contact motion sensitive and reliable. Well insulated. Without dust, debris, box may not be skewed. (3) electrical box mounting height and insulation materials shall be subject to regulations. (4) within the electrical box settings leakage protection, use reasonable rated leakage current is extremely fit. (5) the distribution box shall have a main fuse, dissolve, separate production. 0 rows row is complete. Power and lighting equipment, respectively. (6) the distribution box switch should be combined with distribution line or switch box correspond to one by one, tap Settings, to ensure that the road under; the total rating of the switch and the tap switch values, setting value fit. Echo power equipment fuse matches the actual load. (7) metal box should be grounded, or the zero connection protection. (8) the switch boxes and electricity equipment in one machine with a gate and a insurance. (9) to move the same switch box is equipped with two voltage 380V and 220V level is strictly prohibited. 5) ground zero (1) grounding angle steel, steel or steel pipes that are available, but not ... Inspection records, and to
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