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List_28-V3.2_Franklin Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre...
Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre3000words@gmail.com 高端申请咨询:premium.apply@gmail.com 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 使用说明: 新 GRE更加关注单词在语境中的考查,取消了以前的类比反义,增加了填空 6选 2,填空 3空题。《再要你命 3000》 在原书上的改动如下: 1. 将原书的类比部分取消,以 Thesaurus里的同义词进行替换。编者根据单词在以往 GRE考试中出现的频率进行 同义词筛选。 2. 将只能在类反中考查的单词删除;补充在填空,阅读中容易涉及到的同义重复、反义重复词条。 3. 丰富单词的例句,更好地帮助考生在语境下把握单词的内涵。 4. 借助 Collegiate和 Thesaurus拓展单词考法的含义,与新 GRE Official Guide中考查单词的丰富含义,尤其 是引申义保持一致。 整书单词依然强调单词的考法,即把握单词的深度。在新 GRE考试中,记忆单词的深度远比拥有大量单词的广度针 对考试有价值的多。本书是各位考生在冲刺阶段必备的复习资料。 电子版更新每周更新 2个 list。更新请关注我们的微博通告:http://weibo.com/jasonandfranklin 或者琦叔的校内公 共主页:http://page.renren.com/600098688 单词示例: abstract [] 【考法 1】 vt. 做,概括: to make an abstract of,summarize 【例】 abstracted the 135-page report in three short paragraphs 将一份 135页的报告概括为三段话 【近】 digest, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up, boil down 【反】 elaborate 详细描述 【考法 2】 vt. 使分心: to draw away the attention of 【例】 personal problems abstracted him 私人问题让他分心 【近】 detract, divert, call off, throw off 【派】 abstraction n. 心不在焉 【反】 attention 关注 ___________________________ 【考法 1】——中文和英文解释 【例】——英文例句及中文解释 【近】——近义词 【反】——反义词及中文解释 【派】——派生词及中文解释 “summarize”、”attention”——英文解释中以粗体并下划线标示出的单词短语为该词汇的考法特征 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. List 28* Unit 1 R AV E NO US S I MI LE S HI FT D AMN N IRVAN A NOURISH PLODDER MISAPPREHENSION FEROCIOUS AFFIX ravenous [] 【考法 1】 adj. 食量大的,贪食的: having a huge appetite 【例】 He had moderated his ravenous appetite. 他克制了自己的食欲。‖ravenous for power 渴望权力 【近】 edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, voracious 【反】 content, sated, satiated, satisfied 心满意足的 simile [] 【考法 1】 n. 明喻: a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as 【例】Even though both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly. For instance, a simile that compares a person with a bullet would go as follows: "Chris was a record-setting runner as fast as a speeding bullet." A metaphor might read something like, "When Chris ran, he was a speeding bullet racing along the track." 尽管明喻和暗喻都是比喻的手法,明喻会间接地对两个对象进行比较,同时允许差异的 存在,而暗喻则直接对两者进行比较。比如说,用明喻来把一个人比作子弹会这样说:“克里斯是一个不断打破记 录的选手,他跑得就和高速子弹一样快。”而暗喻可能会说:“当克里斯奔跑的时候,他就是一颗在赛场上高速飞行 的子弹。” 【反】 metaphor 暗喻 shift [] 【考法 1】 vt. 改变…的位置: to change the place or position of 【例】 She shifted the vase closer to the wall so that it wouldn't get knocked over. 她把花瓶靠墙挪动了一点, 从而防止它被碰倒。 【近】 budge, dislocate, displace, disturb, relocate, remove, reposition, transfer, transpose 【反】 anchor, fix, freeze, secure, set 使固定 【考法 2】 vi. 改变,变化: to pass from one form, state, or level to another 【例】 She watched the aurora in fascination as its colors shifted from green to blue. 她着迷地看着极光的色彩 从绿变成蓝。 【近】 fluctuate, mutate, snap, vary 【反】 plateau, stabilize 达到稳定点,不变 【考法 3】 vt. 交换: to give up (something) and take something else in return 【例】 My father and I shifted seats just before takeoff so that I could sit by the window. 起飞前我和我父亲交 换了座位,这样我就可以靠窗坐了。 【近】 commute, exchange, shift, substitute, swap, switch, trade damn [] 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【考法 1】 vt. (在道德上)谴责: to declare to be morally wrong or evil 【例】 a cleric who damned gambling and strong drink 一个严厉谴责赌博和酗酒的牧师 【近】 anathematize, censure, decry, denounce, execrate, reprehend, reprobate 【反】 bless, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, praise 赞颂 【考法 2】 adv. 非常地,极其地: to a great degree 【例】 Let's have a damn good party. 让我们尽情享乐狂欢吧。 【近】 deadly, desperately, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, heavily, highly, incredibly, really, seriously, very 【反】 little, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhat 一点点,稍微 nirvana [] 【考法 1】 n. 彻底放松的状态: a state of being disregardful or unconscious of one's surroundings, concerns, or obligations 【例】 The spa experience was a week of pure nirvana. 去泡温泉水疗的经历真是彻底的放松。 【近】 forgetfulness, obliviousness 【反】 alertness, awareness, cognizance, consciousness 警觉,知觉 【考法 2】 n. 天堂,极乐世界: an often imaginary place or state of utter perfection and happiness 【例】 They believe in a continuous cycle of births and deaths until the soul is perfected and achieves nirvana. 他们相信生命会不断轮回,直到灵魂变得完美并升入天堂。 【近】 empyrean, fantasyland, heaven, lotusland, utopia 【反】 hell, inferno 地狱 nourish [] 【考法 1】 vt. 养育,抚养: to provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth 【例】 He willingly nourished a child that was not his own. 他主动地抚养了一名不是他亲生的孩子。 【近】 breed, foster, nurse, nurture, raise, rear 【考法 2】 vt. 培养,促进: to help the growth or development of 【例】 a friendship nourished by trust 在信任的基础之上开出的友谊之花 【近】 advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, further, incubate, promote 【反】 discourage, frustrate, hinder, inhibit 阻碍,妨碍 plodder [] 【考法 1】 n. 行走缓慢的人: someone who moves slowly or more slowly than others 【例】 The guide halted the tour group so that the plodders who had fallen behind could catch up. 导游让队伍 停下来,以便那些落在后头的行动缓慢的人可以跟上。 【近】 crawler, dallier, dawdler, dragger, laggard, lagger, lingerer, loiterer, snail, straggler 【反】 speedster 速度快的人 misapprehension [] 【考法 1】 n. 错误的理解: a failure to understand correctly 【例】 tried to eliminate all misapprehensions about the planned riverfront development 尽可能消除所有关于 河流沿岸发展计划的误解 【近】 incomprehension, misconstruction, misconstruing, misimpression, misinterpretation, misknowledge, misreading, misunderstanding 【考法 2】 n. 错误的判断: a wrong judgement 【例】 a common misapprehension about how our language functions 有关我们的语言如何运作的常见误判 【近】 miscalculation, misjudging, misjudgment, misstep, slip, slipup ferocious [] Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【考法 1】 adj. 极端的,剧烈的: marked by unrelenting intensity 【例】 Ferocious heat wave kept people indoor. 剧烈的热浪使人不能出门。 【近】 dreadful, excruciating, explosive, fearsome, fierce, intensive, profound, vehement, violent 【反】 light, moderate, soft 轻柔的 【考法 2】 adj. 激烈的,爆发性的: marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activity 【例】 Ferocious forest fires threatened to destroy hundreds of homes in the scrubland. 肆虐的森林大火威胁 着灌木丛中数百户居民的住所。 【近】 cyclonic, explosive, furious, paroxysmal, rabid, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, volcanic 【反】 nonviolent, peaceable, peaceful 平静的,平和的 【考法 3】 adj. 凶猛的,残暴的: violently unfriendly or aggressive in disposition 【例】 captured and slaughtered by the ferocious tribesmen 被残暴的部落居民所抓获并惨遭屠杀 【近】 feral, grim, savage, vicious 【反】 gentle, mild, unaggressive 温和的,不具攻击性的 【派】 ferocity n. 凶猛,残暴 affix [] 【考法 1】 vt. 粘合: to attach physically 【例】 affix a stamp to a letter 把邮票贴在信封上 【近】 attach, bend, fix 【反】 detach, undo, unfasten, unhook 松开,分开 Unit 2 ASYMMETRY EQUILIBRIUM DELEGATE PIOUS HIERARCHICAL OBSOLETE PEEL WIRETAP SURVEILLANCE PERCEPTIVE asymmetry [] 【考法 1】 n. 不对称,不平衡: lack of balance or symmetry 【例】 functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres 大脑两半球功能不对称性 【近】 disproportion, imbalance 【反】 symmetry 对称;balance, proportion 平衡 【派】 asymmetric adj. 不对称的 equilibrium [] 【考法 1】 n. 均势,平衡: a condition in which opposing forces are equal to one another 【例】 We must find an equilibrium between commercial development and conservation of our natural treasures. 我们必须在发展经济和保护自然资源之间找到一个平衡点。 【近】 counterpoise, equilibration, equipoise, poise, stasis 【反】 disequilibration, disequilibrium, imbalance, nonequilibrium, unbalance 不平衡 【考法 2】 n. (感情上的)平静: evenness of emotions or temper 【例】 That stunning insult left me speechless, and several minutes passed before I recovered my equilibrium. 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 那个令人震惊的侮辱弄得我哑口无言,我花了好几分钟才使心情得以平静。 【近】 aplomb, calmness, composure, countenance, imperturbability, placidity, repose, sangfroid, serenity, tranquillity 【反】 agitation, discomposure, perturbation 不安,焦躁 delegate [] 【考法 1】 n. 代理人,代: a person authorized to act as representative for another 【例】 The real estate developer sent a delegate to the town meeting to represent his interests. 房地产开发 商派了一名能代表自己利益的代理前往镇上开会。‖the U.N. delegates from African countries 非洲国家的驻联 合国代表 【近】 agent, assignee, commissary, deputy, emissary, envoy, legate, minister, proxy, representative 【考法 2】 vt. 移交(权力,任务等): to put (something) into the possession or safekeeping of another 【例】 The manager is reluctant to delegate authority to subordinates while abroad. 经理不愿意在国外期间将 自己的权力转交给下级。 【近】 commit, confide, consign, deliver, entrust, repose, transfer, transmit, vest, give over, hand over, turn over 【反】 hold, keep, retain 保持,持有 【派】 delegation n. 代表团 pious [] 【考法 1】 adj. (信仰上)虔诚的: marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship 【例】 a pious woman who decided to become a nun 一个决心成为修女的虔诚女子 【近】 devout, godly, religious, sainted, saintly 【反】 antireligious, faithless, godless, impious, irreligious, ungodly, unholy 不虔诚的,无宗教信仰的 【考法 2】 adj. 忠诚的: firm in one's allegiance to someone or something 【例】 a pious supporter of his school's athletic teams, during winning and losing seasons alike 学校体育队 的忠诚支持者,不论他们是输或赢 【近】 constant, dedicated, devoted, loyal, staunch, steadfast, steady, true 【反】 disloyal, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful 不忠诚的,善变的 hierarchical [] 【考法 1】 adj. 分等级的,等级制的: classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers 【例】 the traditional hierarchical system of military organization 军队中传统的等级 【近】 graded, graduated, ranked 【派】 hierarchy n. 等级制度 obsolete [] 【考法 1】 adj. 过时的,被淘汰的: no longer in use or no longer useful 【例】 I was told my old printer is obsolete and I can't get replacement parts. 我被告知我的打印机已经被淘 汰了,因此无法更换配件。‖an obsolete word 一个已经废弃不用的单词 【近】 antiquated, archaic, dated, fossilized, medieval, moribund, moth-eaten, outdated, outmoded, outworn, prehistoric, rusty 【反】 contemporary, current, modern, recent 当前的,现代的 peel [] 【考法 1】 vt. 剥去: to strip off an outer layer of 【例】 She can peel apples with lightning speed. 她能以飞快的速度削苹果。 【近】 bark, flay, hull, husk, shell, shuck, skin, strip 【考法 2】 vi. 脱去(衣服等): to take off one's clothes Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【例】 peeled off the wet clothes 脱去湿衣服 【近】 doff, douse, put off, shrug off, take off 【反】 don, put on 穿上 wiretap [] 【考法 1】 n./vt. 偷听,窃听: to tap a telephone or telegraph wire in order to get information 【例】 This line is not clean asCIAmight have wiretapped it. 这根线路不安全,因为中情局可能已经在监听了。 【近】 eavesdrop, overhear, tap surveillance [] 【考法 1】 n. 监视,监控: close observation of a person or group, especially one under suspicion 【例】 government surveillance of suspected terrorists 政府对于恐怖分子嫌疑人的监控 【近】 oversight, supervision, watch perceptive [] 【考法 1】 adj. 敏锐的: able to sense slight impressions or differences 【例】 Due to their ability to rotate their ears, cats are very perceptive when it comes to pinpointing the source of a sound. 由于猫能够转动它们的耳朵,所以它们能十分敏锐地确定声源的位置。 【近】 delicate, fine, keen,quick, sensitive, sharp 【反】 dead, imperceptive, insensible, insensitive, numb 反应慢的,麻木的 【考法 2】 adj. 洞察力强的: having or showing deep understanding and intelligent application of knowledge 【例】 A perceptive teacher was able to discover what was really troubling the youth. 一个洞察力强的老师应该 能察觉真正困扰青少年是什么。 【近】 discerning, insightful, prudent, sagacious, sage, sapient 【反】 brainless, dumb, foolish, idiotic, imbecile, moronic, silly, simple, slow, stupid, thoughtless, unintelligent, unwise, witless 愚钝的 Unit 3 RENEGE R I GMAROLE I MPLICIT MARGIN AL P IVOTAL U N AVAI L I N G C AC H E T G R AF T F E I S T Y C A S C AD E renege [] 【考法 1】 vt. 放弃,摒弃: to solemnly or formally reject or go back on (as something formerly adhered to) 【例】 She refused to renege the principles by which she had always lived her life, even if it resulted in losing her business. 尽管有可能使她失去她的事业,但她仍然拒绝放弃她在生命中所坚持的那些原则。 【近】 abnegate, forswear, recant, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, withdraw 【反】 adhere 坚持 【派】 renegade n. 叛徒 rigmarole [] 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【考法 1】 n. 混乱而无意义的话: language marked by abstractions, jargon, euphemisms, and circumlocutions; confused or meaningless talk 【例】 The security guard gave me some kind of rigmarole about passes and authorizations. 保安不知所云地 跟我说了一些关于通关和授权的话。 【近】 abracadabra, babble, drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, nonsense, prattle implicit [] 【考法 1】 adj. 不言而喻的,心照不宣的: capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed 【例】 The implicit agreement among members of the outing club is that everyone pays his or her own way on all trips. 野外俱乐部成员之间一条心照不宣的约定就是:沿途所有开销都 AA。 【近】 implied, unexpressed, unspoken, unvoiced, wordless 【反】 explicit, expressed, spoken, stated, voiced 明确声明的 【考法 2】 adj. 无疑问的,无保留的: being without doubt or reserve 【例】 Members of the expedition must have implicit trust in their leaders. 远征的队员必须百分之百地信任他 们的领队。 【近】 assured, clear, confident, doubtless, positive, sanguine, sure 【反】 doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure 不确定的,存有疑惑的 marginal [] 【考法 1】 adj. 边缘的: located at or near a border 【例】 Marginal locations in the open-air market are a bit cheaper. 露天市场边缘的地段通常都要便宜些。 【近】 frontier 【反】 interior 内在的 【考法 2】 adj. 不重要的: not of central importance 【例】 regards violence as a marginal rather than a central problem 并不把暴力问题当作重要的核心问题来 看 【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling, trivial 【反】 consequential, eventful, important, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty 重要的 pivotal [] 【考法 1】 adj. 最关键的,最为重要的: of the greatest possible importance 【例】 The report was missing a pivotal piece of information. 报告遗漏了最为重要的信息。 【近】 critical, crucial, decisive, key, vital 【反】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, marginal, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling, trivial 不重要的 unavailing [] 【考法 1】 adj. 徒劳的,无果的: producing no results 【例】 an unavailing effort to avert a war 试图避免战争的徒劳尝试 【近】 abortive, barren, bootless, fruitless, ineffectual, unproductive, unprofitable, unsuccessful, useless, vain 【反】 effective, effectual, efficacious, fruitful, potent, productive 有效的;successful 成功的 cachet [] 【考法 1】 n. 威望,声望: a mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity 【例】 Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack. 联邦法院拥有州立法院所不具备的威信。 【近】 credit, distinction, esteem, homage, kudos, prestige 【反】 infamy, notoriety 不好的名声 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. graft [] 【考法 1】 vt. 移植,移接: to implant (living tissue) surgically or as if surgically 【例】 The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns. 顶层的皮肤需要被移植到烧伤的伤口上。‖graft old traditions onto the new ones 把老传统移植到新的习俗之上 【近】 implant, transplant feisty [] 【考法 1】 adj. 好斗的,好争论的: having or showing a lively aggressiveness 【例】 At 66, she was as feisty as ever. 尽管已经 66岁高龄,她还是一样好斗。 【近】 aggressive, agonistic, assaultive, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, disputatious, gladiatorial, militant, quarrelsome, truculent 【反】 pacific, peaceful, peace-loving 热爱和平的 cascade [] 【考法 1】 n. (尤指小的)瀑布: a steep usually small fall of water 【例】 The river forms a series of cascades as it drops a total of 200 feet in elevation. 这条河前后海拔差达 200余英尺,故而形成了一系列的小瀑布。 【近】 fall, waterfall 【反】 cataract 大瀑布 Unit 4 D O M I N E E R V I L E P O A C H PA L P I TAT I O N PA L AV E R FAV O R I T I S M O V E RW R O U G H T S E Q U E L FAD AR I D domineer [] 【考法 1】 vt. 专制统治: to exercise arbitrary or overbearing control 【例】 Her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her. 她生活在她丈夫和婆婆的高压统治下。 【近】 tyrannize 【派】 domineering adj. 专横的,盛气凌人的 vile [] 【考法 1】 adj. 丑陋的: unpleasant to look at 【例】 a truly vile combination of colors 着实丑陋的混搭色调 【近】 grotesque, hideous, homely, monstrous 【反】 aesthetic, attractive, beautiful, comely, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome, ravishing, seemly 漂亮迷人的 【考法 2】 adj. (道德上)可鄙的,卑鄙的: morally despicable or abhorrent 【例】 Nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty. 没什么比智力上的欺骗更为可鄙的了。 【近】 base, contemptible, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable, ignominious, mean, nasty, paltry, sordid, wretched 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【反】 honorable, lofty, noble, straight, upright, venerable, virtuous 有道德的 poach [] 【考法 1】 vt. 水煮: to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam 【例】 He poached an egg for breakfast. 他煮了一个荷包蛋做早饭。 【近】 coddle, parboil, simmer, stew palpitation [] 【考法 1】 n. (有节奏的)舒张收缩: a rhythmic expanding and contracting 【例】 a palpitation of the blood vessels 血管有节奏的舒张收缩 【近】 beat, beating, pulse, throb palaver [] 【考法 1】 n. 对话,交流: an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issue 【例】 seemingly endless palaver between the negotiating parties 谈判双方之间看似没有尽头的对话 【近】 argument, colloquy, conference, consult, council, counsel, debate, dialogue, parley 【考法 2】 vi. 闲聊: to talk profusely or idly 【例】 Mothers were palavering and drinking coffee while watching their children play. 母亲们一边看着她们 的孩子玩耍,一边喝着咖啡闲谈。 【近】 babble, chatter, converse, gabble, jabber, prate, prattle, rattle, twitter favoritism [] 【考法 1】 n. 偏爱,偏袒: the showing of special favor 【例】 Favoritism blinded the administrator to the benefits of the proposed system for distributing work. 偏 袒 使 得经理无法意识到这一待讨论的分配系统所带来的收益。 【近】 favor, one-sidedness, partiality, prejudice, tendentiousness 【反】 impartiality, neutrality, objectivity, open-mindedness, unbiasedness 公平,公正 overwrought [] 【考法 1】 adj. 十分激动的,非常不安的: being in a state of increased activity or agitation 【例】 She became overwrought when she heard that her child was missing. 当她得知自己孩子失踪的消息 后变得极其激动和不安。 【近】 agitated, excited, frenzied, heated, hectic, hyperactive, overactive 【反】 calm, collected, composed, placid, serene, tranquil 冷静的,沉着的 【考法 2】 adj. (装饰)过分华丽的: elaborately and often excessively decorated 【例】 The author's prose is overwrought with purple passages and florid metaphors. 这个作者的散文里充满了 词藻华丽的段落和比喻,显得有些过分。 【近】 baroque, bedizened, flamboyant, florid, fussy, gingerbreaded, ornate, overdecorated 【反】 austere, plain, severe, stark, unadorned 朴素的 sequel [] 【考法 1】 n. 结果: a result or consequence 【例】 Higher prices are a logical sequel to higher costs for manufacturers. 从逻辑上来说,更高的价格是更高的 生产成本的结果。 【近】 aftermath, conclusion, consequence, fate, fruit, outcome, product, result, sequence 【反】 antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason 起因,原因 fad [] Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【考法 1】 n. (短暂的)流行,时尚: a practice or interest that is very popular for a short time 【例】 Once the fad for that kind of music had passed, nobody would have been caught dead listening to it. 一 旦那种流
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