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威廉王子(英文版) 1,1: PEN G U I N REA 0 E R 5 L EVE L I John Escott Contemporary Classics Originals British English American English ISBN 0- 99 7-8 0574- 9 IIIIIII 9 780997805741 6 Advanced (3000 words) 5 Upper Intermediate (2300 words) 4 Intermediate (1700 words) 3 Pre-lnter...
1,1: PEN G U I N REA 0 E R 5 L EVE L I John Escott Contemporary Classics Originals British English American English ISBN 0- 99 7-8 0574- 9 IIIIIII 9 780997805741 6 Advanced (3000 words) 5 Upper Intermediate (2300 words) 4 Intermediate (1700 words) 3 Pre-lnterrnediate (1200 words) 2 Elementary (600 words) I Beginner (300 words) Easystarrs (200 words) Cover photograph © Rex Features/james Gray Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman, the world famous educational publisher. to provide a step-by- step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. The series includes original stories. contemporary titles based on today's best-selling media hits. and easily accessible versions of the literary classics published by Penguin around the world. Each book has an introduction and extensive activity material. They are published at seven levels from Easystarts (200 words) to Advanced (3000 words). Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jo celyn Po tter Prince William is the son of Princess Diana. One day he's going to be the King of England. This is William's story - family, school, sports, girls. What do you want to know? It's all here! Published and distributed by Pearson Education Limited A New Prince! It is the even ing of 2 1 June 1982 - the first day of su m mer. N ewspaper and television reporters near the doors of St Mary s H ospital in Paddington , London, talk qui ckly into their telephones. 'It 's a boy ... Yes! ... Princess Dian a has a little boy ... at 9.03 this evening ... England has a new prince! ... Yes, and mother and child are well ... We're waiting to see Prince C harles ... ' At eleven o'clock that night, Prince C harles - the Prince ofWales - co mes out of the hospital. He answers question s from the reporters about his new SOI L 'He has blue eyes,' Prince C harles says. 'He and his mother are very well.They're coming home tomorrow.' 'What's his name?' the reporters want to kn ow. Prince C harles smiles. ' We don't know,' he says. 'We're thinking about it .' Charles likes the name Art hur, but Dia na does not. She wants W illiam. A week later, the repo rters have their answer: W illiam Arthur Philip Loui s. Hi s mother 's name for him is 'Wills'. Early Days Prin ce C harles wants Mabel And erson to be Prince Wi lliam's nanny. She was Prince C harles's nanny years before. Prin cess Diana says no. She do esn't want an old person .They give the job to Barbara Barn es. Prin cess Diana is a very loving mother. She likes having W illiam near her. and her bedroom at Kensington ~jlill iml/ ,11 rile age '!fuuo. Palace is near his room. Later, she often gets int o bed wit h Wi lliam and his brother at night. She says, 'Who loves you?' T hey answer, 'You! ' T he princess smiles. • It is 1983. Pr ince C harles and Prin cess Diana are go ing to visit Australia and New Zealand. But Diana wants to be with W illiam. W hat can she do? Then the Prime M ini ster of Australia , Malcolm Praser, w rites a letter to Diana . In it he says, 'Please bring Prince Wi lliam with you.' Diana talks to C harles, and he says yes. T hey take William to Australia with th em. The young pr inc e stays in Woomargama, a place in New South W1les, with Nanny l3arnes. Hi s moth er and fath er often visit him. • On 15 Sept ember 1984, a new brother arrives for W illiam . Two days later, he goes to th e ho spital to see him. The new child's name is Harr y, and William loves playin g with him. School Days A year later, on 24 September 1985, William starts school at Mrs M ynor's Scho ol in N otting Hill , in London. It is very near to Kensington Palace. A policeman goes to school with William every day. On the first morning W illiam runs out of th e car, but his moth er stops him .The newspaper repo rters all want to take his photograph. Television reporters want his picture, too. W illiam goes to school two mornings a week, the n 3 every morning, Now he knows numbers. and he can w rite his name. He quickly makes a lot of friends. But he is no t always a good boy at home. 'Go to bed, Wi lliam,' says Na nny Barnes, ' N o,' says Will iam . 'You can 't say that to me! I'm going to be king on e day.' • In Janu ary, 1987, Willi am has a new nanny - Ru th Wallace. Wil liams name for he r is ' N anny R oof' . At the same time, Will iam starts at Wetherby School. This is in Notting Hill, too. Here he plays a lot of sports, and he gets a pr ize for swim ming. Every year the scho ol has a Sports Day. W illiam and his friends wa tch Princess Diana and Prin ce C harles in the games for mothers and fathers. H e moves to Ludgrove School in Berkshire in September 1990. H e lives there, and he goes home for school holidays. W illiam is very happy at Ludgrove. Again, he plays a lot of games, and he is good at football . At twe lve, he gets a prize for shooting. Pr ince C harles likes co untry spo rts and often takes his young son with him. William watches his fathe r shooting at Sandringham, one of the Q ueen 's co untry I homes. After that, Wi lliam wants to shoot, too. At Ludgrove, W illiam is good at writing. He gets th e school pr ize for writing in 1992 . An Accident at School It is June 1991 , and W illiam is playing golf with his friends at Ludgrovc. Sudde nly, the re is an accide nt . A 4 Princess Diana in 11 gamej(Jr mothers. fri end hits him on the head .T he school sends William to a hospital in R eading. Princess Diana is eating with a friend. She hears abo ut the accide nt and goes qui ckly to the hospital. Prince C harles also hears about it and dri ves to R eadin g. The doctor s are not happy. They send W illiam to Great O rmond Street H ospital for C hildren, in London . Diana goes with Will iam , and Prince C harles goes in his car. At Great O rmond Street, William has a small but important ope ration on his head . His mot her waits at the hospital. Prince C harles cannot stay because he has important visitors. But the ope ration goes well . The doctor s say to Princess Diana,'William is OK .' Charles and Diana Divorce William often teleph on es his mot her from school. He likes talking to her, and she wants to talk to him . Diana and C harles are not happy. Wi lliam kn ows thi s. He knows about their problems, and he is unhappy abo ut them. They are not good for the Queen or for the country, and Wi lliam knows this, too. Prin ce C harles and Princess Diana do not live in the S;l111C hou se. Charles lives in his country home at Highgrove Hou se. William visits him there. He likes H ighgrovc, and he loves his father. But it is a diffi cult time for him. William likes watching television . 'Television is bad for you: his father says. 'W hy do n't you read a book or co me for a walk in the count ry" 6 \ JVillian: at the agc of nine. IVilliam skiill.~ ill Kl<1SICTs. f I Pr incess Diana lives at Ken sington Palace with th e boys. Wi lliam loves to ru n to his mother's bedroom every mornin g. H e plays games with her and they talk . • O ne day, W illiam says to Harry, 'I'm go ing to be a policem an .' ' You can 't,' says Harry. 'You 're going to be kin g.' William do es not want to think about thi s. • Pri nce C harles and Pri ncess Diana divorce in August, 1996. After that, hol idays with th eir moth er and father are never the same for W illiam and Harry. Their mother takes th em to the Caribbea n to swim in th e sea. Or she takes them skiing in Ca nada or America. Charles takes them skiing in Klosters, in Switzerland, or to Greece, or on a boat in th e Mediterranean.They often go to Balm oral , th e Queen 's home in Scotland . After th e divorce, William and his brothe r have a new nanny at th eir father's home. Her nam e is Alexandra 'Tiggy' Legge-Bourke and she is young . Diana is not very happy about T igb'Y, but W illiam and Harry like her. ' P lease Stay Away!' After l.udgrove, William goes to England 's famous school for boys - Eton. It is a friendly school. He is very happ y th ere, and he has man y friends. Some times Willi am goes out of the school with two or three boys. They go into the town of Windsor, to the shops or to a cafe. William likes go ing sho pping sometimes. But two policem en always go w ith the boys, and they are always near. So metimes ph otographers go after th em an d take ph o tograph s.W illiam does not like th is. And ne wspaper reporters o fte n write stories about his unhappy mother and father. T h is makes hiin very unhappy, to o. But he is start ing to look at girls! H e has pictures of gi rls at Eton - photographs o f beautiful g irls and you ng W0111cn from television and film s. One year at Klosters. Williarn m eets a g irl. She goes skiing wi th him , and th ey have a very happy time. Eve ry year, at Eto n, there is an O pen Day.The boys' fami lies can visit the school on that im po rtant day. Bur o ne year, Wi lliam does no t want his mother and fathe r at the Open Day. It is a happy day for his friends and their fam ilies, and he do es not wa nt a lot of photographers there.T he prince and princess un derstand, and they do not go. But Willi am does ask Tigb'Y. It is a happy day fo r W illiam. H e eats w ith T igb'Y. T he n he and o ne of hi s fr iends wa lk and talk with the mothers, fathe rs and siste rs of th e boys. And th ey meet a lot o f beauti ful you ng gi rls I T he Car Accident Early in the morn ing of 3 1 Au gu st 1')')7 , Pri ncess Dian a co mes out o f the R itz H otel in Paris w ith D odi Faved . A short tim e later , they are dead, in a car acc ident. Princess Di ana is o nly thirty- six years o ld. Williarn and Ha rry are o n holi day at Balm o ral w ith th eir father. At 3 o'clock in the morning, C harles and 10 JVillinn. Oil hisfirst day at ErOIl . JV illialll I"" b ,lI the thousands ,{flowers lIear Kensington Palace. the Queen hear about the accid ent. T he two young prin ces are sleeping . At 7.30. th eir fathe r talks to them about th e accident. He th en telepho nes Ti ggy. She co mes to Sco tland to be with th e boys. William and Harry go to churc h with their fathe r later th at morning. Newspaper and television reporters and a small number of people watch quietly. Five days later, C harles and his sons go to London and look at the thousands of flowers near Kensingt on Palace. T hey talk to some of the people th ere. Peop le in every country watch th e pictures of William on television. Prince Wi lliam is not a boy now - he is a young 1113n . • Diana was a very good mothe r. ' Her boys' we re very im portant to her. An d she wanted to reach them about people - not only about qu eens, princes and pnncesses. Wi lliam went shopping with her and they went into cafes. T hey went to see people with no homes, and to see very ill people. Now Diana is dead, and Prince C harles is trying to do some of the same things with Wi lliam and his brother. It is a difficu lt time for them all, but th ey are a strong and loving fami ly Princess Dianas family want to do things for Wi lliam and Harr y, too. N ewspaper reporters do not w rite about Will iarn o r Har ry very ofte n now. or take ph ot ographs of them. There are not many pictures of them on television. Many peopl e say, 'T his is right. They are only young boys: 'WilliatTI,We Love You!' Wi lliam and Harry go to CJnJ dJ w ith the ir father for J skiing holi day. Hu ndreds of girls wait for J lon g time in the hot sun in Vancou ver. Th ey \VJ I lt to see Prince William and Prince H ar ry. T he b ig CJr stops.The doors open. T he re are th e two yo ung princes. 'WilliJm! WilliJm! ' the girls SJY. ' We love yo u !' And th ey give him flow ers. T his is very difficult for William, but he smiles. H e takes th e flower s and talk s to one or two of th e girls. "Thank yo u: he SJYs. Some days later, Williarn visits J school in Van couver. Girls are waiting there to see him, too. and to give him flowers. 'I love him!' SJys one girl. 'I've got pictures of him at home in my bedroom! ' • And now ' W illiarn likes Eton and hJS some very good friends there. But he does not talk ab out them. H e is ' W ills' to them . H e loves Highgrove H o use, and he goes there at weekend s and in the school ho lidays. It is quiet th ere. T here are 110 reporter s, and nu photographers. H e and Har ry play foo tba ll in the garde ns. T hey swim at H igh grove, too. There are pi ctures of spo rts m en and \VonH~ 11 in their bed rooms. T heir London hom e is in St j am es's Palace now. William likes driving. H e likes skiing. H e likes shooting and JIl cou nt ry sports. H e loves go ing to Balmoral in Scotland . H e likes readi ng bo oks and goi ng 14 ~Villia lll talks to 01/(' or tll'O of thegirls. to the cine ma. H e likes anim als, and he hJS J dog. T he clog's name is Widgeon. • Wi lliam is J you ng man , but o ne thy h e is goi ng to be King of En gland . H e kn ows this, but h e does no t th ink about it J Il the tim e. William is J pri nce, but he is his mothe r's son. H e hJ S h er blue eyes and frien dly sm ile. She WJS th e ' People 's Princess' . WilliJm is the ' People 's Pri nce ' . ACTIVITIES Before you read 1 What do you know about Prince William? a Who is his father? b Who was his mother? 2 Find these words in your dictionary: accident church divorce dog flower golf hospital king nanny operation palace prime minister prince princess prize queen reporter shoot ski sport a Which are words for: people? buildings? an animal? b Which do people do at weekends and in holidays? Aller you read 3 Answer these questions about Prince William. a Where does he go on his first visit away from Britain? b Why does he get prizes? c Why does he go to hospital? d Why can't he be a policeman? e Where does he live now? 4 Talk about Prince William. What do you think? a Is it difficull to be a prince? Why (not)? b What does he like doing? Do you like these things? c Why do girls want to see him? Writing 5 You are William, at Ludgrove School. Write a letter to your mother. Answer these questions: Are you happy? Have you got any friends? What do you like doing? 6 You are a newspaper reporter. Write about Prince William's visit to Canada. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gne. Harlo ....; Essex CM20 2JE. England and As~onH("d Companies mroughout the world. ISBN 0997 805749 Fir
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