

2017-10-22 34页 doc 272KB 7阅读




各种美味凉拌菜的做法各种美味凉拌菜的做法 1.清香手撕圆白菜 - 花5分钟的时间,做2块钱的菜 原料:圆白菜1颗(约500克)干红辣椒,根大蒜,瓣 调料:料酒,汤匙(,,,,)米醋,汤匙(,,,,)白糖 ,茶匙(,克)盐,茶匙(,克) level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive mar...
各种美味凉拌菜的做法 1.清香手撕圆白菜 - 花5分钟的时间,做2块钱的菜 原料:圆白菜1颗(约500克)干红辣椒,根大蒜,瓣 调料:料酒,汤匙(,,,,)米醋,汤匙(,,,,)白糖 ,茶匙(,克)盐,茶匙(,克) level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 做法: 1)圆白菜用手掰开成大片,放入沸水中焯烫变软捞出,入冷水过凉后沥干,再用手撕成小片儿(大蒜切成末备用。 2)锅烧热后倒入油,待油,成热时放入干红辣椒和蒜末,煸出香味后倒入圆白菜片儿,淋入料酒,米醋,调入白糖和盐,翻炒均匀后即可。 超级罗嗦: **将圆白菜烫软过凉后再用手撕成小块,尽量避免蔬菜中的营养流失。手撕的圆白菜炒出来,要比用到刀切的好吃。在炒大白菜,小油菜等绿叶菜时,都可以用手撕的方法。但那种比较结实的蔬菜,就算了哈,就目前的技术手段,手撕土豆丝还算是杂技或魔术范畴。 **圆白菜在这里季节很便宜,而且容易保存,放在保鲜袋里仍冰箱冷藏,至少能存半个月。它和土豆,胡萝卜一样,都是可保存时间比较长的蔬菜。 2.剁椒炝拌三丝 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 原料:胡萝卜1根青笋1根干木耳1小把大蒜2瓣剁椒2汤匙 (30克)熟白芝麻2汤匙(30克)盐1/2茶匙(3克)糖1/2茶匙(3 克)鸡精盐1/4茶匙(1克)香油4汤匙(60ml)青花椒1汤匙(5克) 做法: 1)提前2小时将木耳用冷水泡发,洗净后切丝备用。胡罗卜 去皮切丝。青笋去皮切丝。大蒜去皮压成蒜泥。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 2)将青笋丝放入大碗中,加少许盐腌制10分钟。用这个时间,将胡萝卜丝和木耳丝在开水中焯烫20秒钟,捞出后过冷水,沥干后倒入青笋丝中。再调入剁椒,糖,鸡精,和少许盐(一定要酌量,因为腌制青笋丝时已加盐),搅拌均匀。 4)锅中倒入香油,大火烧4成热后,放入青花椒,看到油冒烟,即可关火,将油的1/3泼到拌好的三丝上,再撒入熟白芝麻,搅拌均匀后即可食用。剩余的香油,待冷却后摘去花椒,滗出油倒入密封瓶,留待拌其它凉菜食用。 超级啰嗦: **炝拌是一种烹饪的方法,学会这种方法,就可以将原料当中木耳,胡萝卜,青笋换成任何你自己喜欢的食物。 **用香油炸花椒,再用来拌凉菜用,味道更香。如没青花椒,普通花椒也可以,只是没有那么麻而已。 **花椒油一次可多做一些。比如今天,我在原料中写“香油60ml”,那么做这个炝拌菜,就会用掉20ml,剩余的花椒油,可以再拌两次别的凉菜。夏天拌凉菜,用花椒油是不错的选择,可一次多做一点。比如200ml香油,20克青花椒,炸好后冷却,摘去花椒,滗出油倒入密封瓶子,随吃随用。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules **凉拌菜中放蒜,吃过后,嘴里会有余味。这时,吃些菠萝,会有所改善哈。 ,分解ing......, 3.椒香海带丝附:干制海带处理方法 原料:海带200克青红椒各1个大蒜3瓣盐1/2茶匙(3克)糖1茶匙(5克)醋1汤匙(15ml)生抽1/2茶匙(3ml)香油1/2茶匙(3ml) level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 做法: 1)将青红椒去蒂去籽,切成细丝,泡入清水中,浸泡10分钟,即可自然弯曲。海带清洗表面,不必把表层粘液彻底洗净,切细丝。大蒜用压蒜器制成蒜蓉。 2)锅中倒入清水大火煮开后,放入海带丝,焯烫2分钟后浸入冷水中,待冷却后捞出沥干。 3)将海带丝,青红椒丝,蒜蓉放入碗中,加入盐,糖,醋,酱油和香油搅拌均匀即可。 超级罗嗦: **如果使用干制海带,应把海带表面冲洗一下,然后放入蒸锅中蒸30分钟后,再放入清水中浸泡一夜之后再用于烹饪口感才爽脆。不要将海带直接浸泡,否则无论炖煮炒拌,口感都有硬邦邦的感觉。(见图2) **在用海带做菜时,无论炖煮炒拌,加一些醋,可以使口味更好。 **干制的海带表面有一层白霜,那是植物碱经过风化形成的一种叫做甘露醇的物质,非但无害,还有排毒退肿的作用。不要误认为那层白霜是盐分的析出,或是发霉变质的现象。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules **海带表面有一层粘液,不需过分清洗,那样的话,很多营养物质都流失了哦。 **将青红椒切丝后浸泡在清水中,可以形成自然弯曲,对于菜品的装饰是个不错的方法。如果青红椒肉比较厚,可以用刀将椒内的肉肉片去适量,薄了之后再切丝,浸泡就更容易弯曲了。 4.芫爆土豆丝 原料:土豆1个红椒半个香菜3根姜1茶匙(5克)葱1茶匙(5克)蒜1茶匙(5克) level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 调料:盐1/2茶匙(3克)胡椒粉1/2茶匙(3克)鸡精醋1/4茶匙(1克)香油1/4茶匙(1ml) 做法: 1)将土豆去皮后切成细丝,放入水中浸泡,以防止氧化变黑。红椒切丝备用。葱姜蒜切末。香菜切成3厘米长的段。 2)把葱姜蒜和香菜倒入碗中,调入盐,鸡精,胡椒粉,醋和香油调成汁。 3)锅中放入水加盐和油,大火加热至沸腾后,将土豆丝焯烫一下(约1分钟),捞出沥干水分。 4)炒锅烧热倒入油,将土豆丝和汁同时倒入,快速炒匀几下(约20秒钟,否则香菜会烂),放入红椒即可。 超级啰嗦: **将土豆去皮后切成细丝,放入水中浸泡,以防止氧化变黑。切土豆丝的分解图方法, **这道菜因需快炒,因此第(2)步骤中的调味,请提前做好。不要在炒制过程中,逐一添加。 **红椒切成细丝后,让入冷水中浸泡,15分钟后,会自然卷曲,可以用来平时做菜的点缀。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules ,分解ing...., 5.炝拌黄豆芽 - 原料:黄豆芽250克胡萝卜1根香菜2根 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 调料:花椒10粒盐1茶匙(5克)味精1/4茶匙(1克)香油少许 做法: 1)黄豆芽洗净,将胡萝卜去皮切成丝。香菜洗净切成3厘米长的段。 2)锅中倒入水烧开后放入黄豆芽焯烫1分钟,捞出放在漏网上。放入胡萝卜丝焯烫20秒钟捞出放在黄豆芽上沥干水分。 3)将黄豆芽,胡萝卜丝和香菜倒入大碗中,调入盐,味精,香油拌匀。用勺子烧热花椒油泼在上面,再搅拌均匀即可。 超级啰嗦: **这个菜如果再放上一些黄瓜丝会更好吃,但我拍摄时才想起忘记买了。黄豆芽,我发现家乐福超市卖的不错,很新鲜也不贵。如果你喜欢吃绿豆芽,做法是一样的哈。 **用勺子烧花椒油可以避免浪费,但在烧的时候一定注意安全,千万不要开大火,用燃气灶最小最小一档的火力就足够了。烧到花椒开始变色,就关火泼在菜上,否则花椒烧糊了,其实麻味就不足够了。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules **黄豆芽一斤最多2块钱,但我们就用一半就够了,大概1块 钱吧。一根胡萝卜也就4毛钱,再加上其它的乱七八糟的东西,这个菜 说2块钱,不过份吧, 6.XO酱拌凉皮 前几天听anniebaby说XO酱是如何如何的美味。没吃过是断 不肯相信的,今天逛超市看到,赶紧拿下,哈哈! level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 凉拌菜是相当滴简单,就不用说啥乐~ 1块钱凉皮~~ 调味料~~ 哈哈~~一样都不能少 7.香干马兰头 去泗泾,没有带回什么“名贵”的东东,倒是农民种植的蔬菜 菜的价格只有11元,带了数种,其中就有马兰头这一野菜。居士说:“ 但的士费倒花了20几元。正宗的妹仔大过主人啊。 为了做一款凉拌菜,去街市买了几块香干,一款美味而又有营养的【香干马兰头】上了餐桌。 做法相当的简单。 1)洗净马兰头飞水,控干水,切碎待用。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 2)香干飞水,切碎粒。 3)热锅放油,煸炒香干粒,加入盐、鸡精、砂糖拌匀,关火放入1)并加香油拌匀,OK. 8.香菜拌豆腐 原材料: 南豆腐(嫩豆腐)、香菜、大葱、大蒜、盐、鸡精、香油 制作步骤: 1、将豆腐切小块,倒入加了盐的开水中汆水,去除豆腥味,捞出沥干水分,装盘晾凉备用;大葱和大蒜切丝,香菜切段备用。 2、炒锅加热香油,爆香葱丝,淋在豆腐上。 3、撒上蒜丝,加适量的盐和鸡精调正味,撒上香菜段,拌匀就OK~ level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 非常清爽的凉拌菜,正好适合感冒者的口味~ 9.西芹虾仁 主料:西芹,红灯笼椒,嫩玉米笋,虾仁 调料:盐,鸡精,橄榄油 做法: 1、西芹,红椒切片,玉米笋对切,虾仁去肠泥洗净; 2、将以上材料放入滚水中穿烫半分钟,迅速捞起放入冰水中冷却; 3、漓干水分;放入有盖的大号保鲜盒密封,进冰箱冷藏备用 - 4、上桌前加入调料,再盖上盖子摇动拌匀;取出装盘即可 10.海苔脆黄瓜 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 主料:嫩黄瓜,黄灯笼椒,樱桃萝卜(洋花萝卜),海苔片 调料:盐,鸡精,糖,麻油 做法: 1、黄瓜,萝卜,黄灯笼椒洗净切片; 2、紫菜剪细条; 3、将步骤1中所有材料放入有盖的大号保鲜盒密封,进冰箱冷藏2小时备用; 4、上桌前加入调料,再盖上盖子摇动拌匀;取出装盘,洒上紫菜条即可 11.蟹肉黄瓜土豆泥 主料:嫩黄瓜,土豆,人造蟹肉(熟),樱桃小番茄 调料:盐,鸡精,糖,美奶滋酱 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 做法: 1、黄瓜,蟹肉切丁; 2、土豆连皮煮熟;浸入冷水中冷却;去皮切丁; 3、将步骤1,2中所有材料放入有盖的大号保鲜盒密封,进冰箱冷藏2小时备用; 4、上桌前加入调料,再盖上盖子摇动拌匀;取出装盘,小番茄对切装饰即可。 12.凉拌莲藕 材料: 莲藕400克,水梨1个,红辣椒1根,青辣椒1根,山芹菜少许,红枣4个,白芝麻1大匙。 调料: level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 糯米粉1杯,甘草汁1杯,辣椒粉1大匙,盐适量,醋少许。 制法: 1、糯米粉以少许水调匀并以小火煮成稠状,水梨去皮及核,切丝,青、红辣椒洗净,去籽切丝,红枣去核切丝,山芹菜切小段,烫熟备用。 2、莲藕洗净去节,以醋浸泡约3分钟,切成2,3毫米片状。 3、所有材料放入大盆中加入糯米水、甘草水、辣椒粉及盐拌匀并腌渍至入味即可。 13.凉拌西瓜皮 原料:西瓜皮1/8个大蒜2瓣香菜1根盐1/4茶匙(1克)糖1/2茶匙(3克)米醋1茶匙(5ml)味精1/4茶匙(1克)香油1/4茶匙(ml) level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 做法: 1)西瓜留一点瓤,别都去掉,这样吃起来有甜丝丝的口感。 - 2)用刀片去绿色的硬皮部分。将切下来的西瓜皮,切成1cm大小的小丁。香菜洗净切成1cm长的段。 2)用刀片去绿色的硬皮部分。将切下来的西瓜皮,切成1cm大小的小丁。香菜洗净切成1cm长的段。 14.陈醋海蛰头 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 食材:海蛰头、香菜、大蒜 调料:镇江陈醋、糖、蘑菇精 做法: 1、海蛰头洗净后,切成块和条均可,用凉纯净水净泡2小时以上, 2、大蒜切成碎末、香菜切碎, 3、海蛰头倒去浸泡过的水,再用纯净水冲洗一次后沥干 4、碗中放入海蛰头、大蒜碎末、适量的糖和蘑菇精,倒入镇江陈醋后搅拌一下,使糖和蘑菇精化开,最后洒上香菜即可。 15.凉拌黑白双耳 食材:黑木耳、银耳、红椒干1个、蒜1瓣 调料:植物油、盐、糖、生抽、醋、鸡精 做法: level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 1、黑木耳、银耳分别洗净,泡发后用手摘成小朵, 2、将黑木耳、银耳倒入沸水中煮1-2分钟,捞起过冰水并沥干水分; 3、干红椒切丝,蒜切成碎末,一起放入热油锅中快速爆香,关火; 4、黑白木耳装碗中,加上盐、糖、鸡精,和少许生抽、醋、并浇上爆香的油,拌匀即可。 5、也可提前拌好放入冰箱冷藏后吃时风味更佳。 16.生拌紫甘蓝 做法: 紫甘蓝切丝,尽可能切得细,用少许精盐拌匀后腌制十分钟左右。 这段时间可以用蒜茸加入1:1的糖醋混合成调味汁。 炒锅加适量植物油,烧热,放入花椒、干的红辣椒,浇在甘蓝丝上,拌匀 上桌前浇调味汁,拌匀,吃。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 提示:做法同样适用于白色和绿色的甘蓝。 17.五香花生 原料:新鲜带壳花生500克,花椒1茶勺(5克),八角2颗,小茴香1茶勺(5克),桂皮,小片,香叶2片,生姜3片,盐2茶勺。 做法: 1.花生反复用清水彻底洗净,然后将每个花生捏开一个小口 2.将花椒,八角,小茴香,桂皮,香叶,生姜等放入纱布包,封口。 3.锅中倒入可以没过花生的水(我加了大概1升水),放入调味纱布包 4.放入洗净的花生,加入盐 5.盖上盖子,用大火煮开后转成中火,继续煮20分钟后关火。关火后不用开盖子,继续泡2个小时之后再吃,味道就进去了。 小提示: 1、如果没有那么多种调料,只放花椒、大料和盐做出来味道也很好。 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 2、花生挑的时候,轻轻捏一捏,越鼓越好。 3、如果打算第二天再吃,可以不捏口,泡一夜,花生就入味了。 18.糟香毛豆 新鲜毛豆用剪子剪掉头尾尖的部分,洗净后下开水中煮到熟酥,用凉开水冲洗,2\2糟卤倒入大容器中,再添加1\3凉水,放入凉透的毛豆,盖好盖子放冰箱冰镇4个小时可以食用了。 19.凉拌蟹柳丝 食材:蟹柳、香菜碎、开洋、芝麻 调料:植物油、鸡精、海鲜麻辣酱 做法: 1、将蟹柳放入热水中煮1-2分钟取出沥干水分晾凉备用,开洋用热水泡开 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 2、小火加热平底锅,放入芝麻仁焙至金黄色,出香气,离火晾凉备用; 3、将放凉的蟹柳撕成细条,滴入植物油,放入开洋、香菜碎、加上自己认为合适的海鲜麻辣酱(也可以是其他辣酱或不放)一起搅拌均匀 4、将拌好的蟹柳丝放到盘中,撒上芝麻即可食用。 20.手撕白斩鸡 原料:小香菇干、肥母鸡 配料:香菜、姜片 1.小香菇干提前泡发好,鸡洗净 2.将鸡、香菇、少许姜片放入高压锅内,开锅后压15-20分钟 3.鸡油用小火及姜片慢煎,出油后放入碗中,待冷后加入盐、少许糖调好后放入冰箱中,冷却备用 4.鸡做好后,放冷用手将鸡肉撕成小块,再将冷却的鸡油倒入搅拌装盘即可 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signs----construction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, security----focus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. ----11, with coordination between the construction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. ----12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) ... Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules
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