

2017-09-26 17页 doc 51KB 13阅读




好好学习天天向上好好学习天天向上 好好学习 天天向上 ——不断提升教师的个人魅力 摘要:幼儿教师作为幼儿成长、发展的指导者、帮助者,其自身素养的高低,直接关系到幼教事业,乃至于整个民族教育事业的兴衰。提高教师个人魅力,既是幼教工作的迫切需要,又是全社会对幼教工作的强烈呼唤~因此,幼儿教师必定要在专业化、现代化的发展进程中不断好好学习,天天向上提升教师的个人魅力 关键词:幼儿教师 提升 个人魅力 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》明确指出了幼儿园教育的性质和根本任务,即幼儿园教育“是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶...
好好学习天天向上 好好学习 天天向上 ——不断提升教师的个人魅力 摘要:幼儿教师作为幼儿成长、发展的指导者、帮助者,其自身素养的高低,直接关系到幼教事业,乃至于整个民族教育事业的兴衰。提高教师个人魅力,既是幼教工作的迫切需要,又是全社会对幼教工作的强烈呼唤~因此,幼儿教师必定要在专业化、现代化的发展进程中不断好好学习,天天向上提升教师的个人魅力 关键词:幼儿教师 提升 个人魅力 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》明确指出了幼儿园教育的性质和根本任务,即幼儿园教育“是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段”,其根本任务则是“为幼儿一生的发展打好基础”,从中我们不难看出,对儿童的未来和发展负责,这是国家和社会所赋予幼儿教师的一项光荣而艰巨的历史使命,而且具有强烈的时代挑战意义。幼儿教师作为幼儿教育行为的实施者,其专业水平的高低,直接决定着教育质量的成败。因此,教师只有通过不断努力提高个人魅力,才会对专业成长起到及时补充和促进的作用,也才能够胜任这一伟大的历史重任。那么,幼儿教师应从哪些方面来提dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 高个人魅力,现以下几个方面来谈谈自己的认识: 一、学识魅力是个人魅力的奠基石。 陶行知先生曾说过:“要想学生好学, 必须先生好学, 惟有学而不厌的先生, 才能教出学而不厌的学生。” 教师要教给幼儿丰富的、有用的科学知识,开阔他们的视野,发展他们的智力,培养他们的能力,自己必须具有真知灼见、真才实学,有高超的教学艺术和本领。因而,为了当好教师,首先要当勤奋的学生,树立终身学习的思想,“活到老,学到老”,虚心接受众家之长,不仅要掌握精深的本专业知识,还需要学习广博丰富的多种学科知识,汲取现代社会各方面的信息与成果,经常性地更新头脑中已有的知识,不断地激发和挖掘索取新知识的意识和能力,逐步实现自身知识结构的体系化、优质化、合理化,只有这样孜孜不倦地学习,才是保持知识长新、保证知识不竭的唯一,也只有这样自身从教的能力才会展现出永久的魅力和价值。 二、语言魅力是个人魅力的保障。 语言是教师传道、授业、解惑以及与学生交流、联络感情的重要工具。在幼儿园这个相对特殊的环境里,幼儿教师的语言又具有一定的特殊性,对幼儿的成长和发展起着非常重要的作用。幼儿教师的语言魅力就在于它是架起与幼儿相互沟通的桥梁,也是幼儿进入知识海洋的一把钥匙。它能够在活动过程中化深奥为浅显、化抽象为具体、化平淡为神奇,从而激发幼儿的学习兴趣,引起幼儿的注意力和求知欲,提高幼儿的审美能力,陶冶幼儿的情操。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 1、 幼儿教师的语言应具有示范性 .3,6岁的幼儿正处在语言的敏感时期,他们的语言大部分是通过没有外界压力的自然观察和模仿而来的,他们缺乏语言的识别能力。如果没有良好的语言示范,幼儿的语言就得不到正确的发展。在幼儿园,教师无疑是幼儿们模仿的对象,学习的榜样。教师的一言一行、一腔一式甚至某种口头禅幼儿都非常敏感,都乐于模仿 2、 幼儿教师的语言应体现人性化. 随着社会的发展和进步,科学家、师都给房子、车、家具等等与人类生活密切相关的东西赋予了人性化的设计。作为人与人沟通的工具,语言的使用就更应该体现人性化的特点了。 3、 幼儿教师的语言应做到艺术化.幼儿教师面对的是一个特殊群体,幼儿的年龄、思想等特点决定了幼儿教师的语言四化。 a、“趣”化 就是要求教师的语言要形象、生动,富有趣味性。既不能太过“儿童化”将汽车说成“嘟嘟”,也不能太过“成人化”将早晨景色描述成“雄鸡报晓”。教师趣味性的语言是应该能够贴近幼儿心理的,能使语言更具活力,比空泛的说教更具效力。有一次午饭时,孩子们很吵,于是我说:“咦,我们教室里什么时候飞进来那么多小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡嗡的,多吵呀~我们快把它们请出去,别打扰我们吃饭了。”孩子们听了都笑了起来,笑过之后便安静下来吃饭了。这就是富有趣味性语言的魅力。此外,生动形象的语言还能激发幼儿的兴趣,把幼儿潜在的学习积极性充分调动起来,使他们在愉快地气氛中自觉、主dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 动地学习。如进行故事教学时,教师讲故事的语言就应该夸张、生动,富有趣味性,比如用又粗又涩的声音扮演鸭爸爸;用恶狠狠的腔调演绎大灰狼;用阴郁沉闷的怪声现老巫婆等等,这样一个个活生生的人物就把幼儿带入了童话世界,之后的交流、教学也会进行的顺利且充满活力。 b、“激”化 就是要求教师的语言应具有激励性。鼓励和支持幼儿是幼儿学习和发展的重要前提,当幼儿遇到问题不能正确解决,感到灰心与无望时,教师就要帮助幼儿,用积极的语言引导幼儿去探索。如在进行科技活动时,经常会有幼儿不敢自己动手操作,总想依赖教师,这时教师就可以说:“你去尝试一下,失败了也没关系呀~”、“你试试看”、“再想想,就能想出来了。”、“这件事应该难不倒你的。”等等这样的语言来激励幼儿,这些语言对即将失去信心的幼儿来说,无疑是一种支持性的力量,可以成为幼儿解决问题的动力,坚定完成任务的信心。 c、“诗”化 富有诗意、具有韵律美、节奏明快的语言可以使教学出神入化,起到画龙点睛的作用。如,小班幼儿自理能力比较差,经常将鞋子穿反,在教幼儿穿鞋子分清左右脚时,我没有用枯燥的说教,而是告诉幼儿:“左边的鞋是鞋爸爸,右边的鞋是鞋妈妈,爸爸和妈妈一对好朋友,永远不吵架。”在教幼儿叠衣服时,我告诉幼儿:“扣子找扣眼,袖子找袖子,衣服弯弯腰,帽儿点点头。”这些节奏明快,dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 朗朗上口的儿歌使幼儿在诗情画意的氛围中轻松自然地学会了穿鞋子、叠衣服等本领,不仅提高了自理能力和审美能力,而且陶冶了幼儿的情操。 d、“简”化 幼儿年龄小,理解能力较弱,这就决定了教师在使用语言时应当避繁求简。教师在与幼儿交谈时应使用句法结构较为简短,词汇涉及的范围较小的语句。比如,当幼儿不愿意吃胡萝卜时,我们如果说:“胡萝卜里含有大量的胡萝卜素,可以转化成维生素A,给身体提供所需要的营养,预防各种疾病,提高免疫力,所以小朋友们都要吃胡萝卜。”这样的话孩子们很不容易理解,自然效果就会不尽如人意。但如果简单地说:“胡萝卜很有营养,吃了对小朋友的身体有好处。”我想孩子们应该会对胡萝卜有新的认识。因此,教师的语言应力求简单、平白,不使用让幼儿理解感到困难的长句、复合句、并列句或功能词等。 语言是一门具有无穷魅力的艺术,作为幼儿教师要在掌握规范化语言的基础上,做到人性化、艺术化,。同时还要尽量扩大知识面,吸取世界各种语言的精华,掌握幼儿教育的规律和发展,不断搜集专业的信息,博采众长,提高自己的知识水平和专业素质,充分发挥语言的魅力,使天真无邪、纯真可爱的孩子们伴着我们的语言健康快乐地成长。 三、人格魅力是个人魅力的升华 在《当教师应具备的素养》一文中,作者指出,要成为优秀的dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 教师首先必须具备独特的人格魅力。教师的人格是对学生无形而最有力的教育。人格魅力指一个人在性格、气质、能力、道德品质等方面具有的能吸引幼儿的力量。 A、优美高雅的风度。素质教育的实施对幼儿教师提出了更高的要求,就是教师要有良好的风度仪表。幼儿教师优美高雅风度的养成,首先要有高尚的思想情操修养。思想情操修养是教师完美形象的内在原因,也是根本原因,心灵美是风度的“灵魂”,外在风度是一个人德行的自然流露。一个光明磊落、心地善良、正直诚实的人,其风度自然是庄重、大方、优雅、从容。 B、以身作则,为人师表的崇高品质。孔子言:“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不行。”幼儿教师在教育幼儿时,除了言传,更要身教,用自己的示范行为来教育幼儿,这就是为人师表。一个模范的榜样,推动孩子全面发展。春秋末期,孔子提出“躬自厚而薄责于人”,“以身立教,为人师表”等师德规范,江总书记《关于教育问题的谈话》明确指出“教师作为人类灵魂的工程师,不仅要教好书,还要育好人,各方面都要为人师表”每个幼儿教师都要努力把自己培养成为具有良好师德的人,才能完成“传道授业解惑”这一光荣使命。 C、爱生如子的高尚品德。 儿童心理学研究认为,儿童成长有两个影响源,第一是父母,第二是教师。教师对孩子的爱,既是敬业精神的核心,又是教师高尚品德的自我表现,既是育人的目的,又是教师这个职业的具体表现。苏霍姆林斯基将教师热爱学生视为“教育的奥秘”,他的座右铭是“把整个心灵献给孩子们”。当教师主动接近孩dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 子,一次次待以真情实意时,感情的河流就不仅朝着一个方向流动了,而当孩子受到感动、感染,就自然而然缩小了师幼间感情的距离,产生了对教师的亲近感和仰慕心理。在这种情况下孩子就会把教师当可信赖的人,愿意向她们吐露真情,自觉地接受教育和劝告,孩子对教师愈加信赖,教师的要求就愈加容易被孩子接受。教师只有诚心诚意的爱孩子,才能诲人不倦,教好孩子。著名教育家陶行知先生奉行“爱满天下”的宗旨与孩子打成一片,与他们同甘共苦,共患难。他认为:“我们深信师幼共同生活,共甘苦为最好的教育。”他再强调学生的可爱和关心学生的重要性,他曾提醒教师说:“你的鞭下有瓦特。”教育者要像爱迪生的母亲那样宽容爱迪生,在爱迪生被开除回家的时候把地下室让给他做试验。 D、顽强的毅力和坚强的意志。教师的坚强意志是完成教育工作的必要条件,同时,教师的意志对幼儿素质的提高具有一定的教育意义。在困难面前能够百折不挠,知难而进,把培养幼儿作为一种神圣的事业。教师应认识到幼儿教育是一个长期的复杂的教育过程。在教育过程中不因幼儿暂时的退步而失去信心,也不因幼儿的反复而感到苦恼,而是千方百计想办法,倾注心血去关心、爱护每一孩子,发现孩子的身上的闪光点。教师还应懂得善于控制自己的情绪。以积极的情绪体验激发和感染幼儿。如果教师缺乏自制力,遇到不听话、调皮的幼儿就暴跳如雷,以粗暴的方式随意辱骂和斥责幼儿,这不仅会伤害幼儿的自尊而且会使矛盾激化,造成师幼之间的对立,在幼儿心中失去威信。教师的劳动是十分艰苦、复杂的,教师只有保持愉快平静的dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 心境,才能给自己带来乐趣和幸福感,才能使幼儿产生一种愉快的感情体验,提高积极性。 四、个性魅力是个人魅力的体现 在日常的人际交往、学习生活中,我们会发现,个性的行为举止会令人难以忘怀;而有些人则很难给别人留下什么印象。有的人虽曾见过一面,却给别人留下长久的回忆;而有的人尽管长期与别人相处,却从未在人们的心目中掀起波澜。 出现这种现象的原因就是个性魅力在起作用。个性对于一个人的活动、生活具有直接的影响,也会对幼儿的成长带来直接的影响。教育呼唤具有个性魅力的老师。“独立的人格,独立的个性,独创的精神”是未来一代生存的基本素质,个性孕育了创新,创新展示了个性,正如乌申斯基所说“在教育中,一切都应当说以个性为基础,只有个性才能影响个性的发展与定型,只有性格才能培养性格” “教师是太阳底下最崇高的事业”,意在表达教育这一职业的无私和伟大。作为一名幼儿教师我必须好好学习天天向上不断提升个人魅力,必须加强自己在学识、语言,人格,个性方面提升,这样才能适应教育事业的发展和教育改革的要求,才能成为一名既有献身精神、又有科学态度和勇于进取的高素质的现代型的幼儿教师。 参考资料: 1,胡锦涛总书记在全国优秀教师代表座谈会上的讲话; dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 2,广东省幼儿园教育指指南(试行); 3,李慧《教学提高的动力和源泉》 西安外事学院; 4,王玲,幼儿教师魅力极其提升方法,文学教育; 5,李永进,《基础教育参考》期刊, 2008(10); 6,朱永新,《走近最理想的教育》一书,漓江出版社, 2007(9); 7,朱永新,《我的教育理想》一书,南京师范大学出版, 2007(9)。 朱丹 2011/3/27 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis
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