
哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市第三中学

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哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市第三中学哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市第三中学 哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市 第三中学 在刚刚结束的北京大学模拟联合国2009,哈三中模拟联合国社团在鞠英大老师和于鸿老 师的带队下取得了优异的成绩。其中社团主席,高二24 王陆晨获得“杰出代表,outstanding delegate"高二20 关若霖获得 “最佳风度” 高二21刘津阁获得“最佳谈判”。高二20郑鹊,高二18 刘云志, 高二18马欣悦,高二23 赵妍卉,高一20 郑春莹,陈天娇,高一(南岗)8班乔...
哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市第三中学
哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市第三中学 哈三中模拟联合国成员PKUNMUN09 之行感想集 - 哈尔滨市 第三中学 在刚刚结束的北京大学模拟联合国2009,哈三中模拟联合国社团在鞠英大老师和于鸿老 师的带队下取得了优异的成绩。其中社团主席,高二24 王陆晨获得“杰出代表,outstanding delegate"高二20 关若霖获得 “最佳风度” 高二21刘津阁获得“最佳谈判”。高二20郑鹊,高二18 刘云志, 高二18马欣悦,高二23 赵妍卉,高一20 郑春莹,陈天娇,高一(南岗)8班乔治都有杰出的表现。 up is down, end is start I could never forget the time when delegate of Cuba, with tears streaming down her face, stepped out of the sunny hall. The fact that it was her last MUN experience strokes her like a lightning bolt, searing her heart with an „outstanding delegate?. And probably I should be crying too, laming over my last MUN conference as a delegate. But those who understand me know that I always reserve my tears for the ultimate moment, when it is finally time to convince myself that I should let go of this shroud of mine and be the true me. Model United Nations has always been a lovely dream that takes one to the pinnacle of one?s miserable yet exciting life. The dream is so fresh and fragile that you can only whisper it, as if it is going to shatter with the slightest and most tender touch. Dramatically yet unsurprisingly, it is gone, to become an integral part of the abysmal memories of mine. My world is not upside down, because I happily accept that my time as a delegate was fading away. There?s no remorse, there?s only peace that lies within the deep of my heart, something that pacify my wounded soul, something that remind me of the cold and manipulative my inner-self. I am climbing the social ladder, reaching desperately for the top. However, it is the bottom that created me, milked me, and enriched me. I want to go down and go back, to Beijing, to Peking University, and to Weigong Village, where my untarnished love resides, where my dreams held upbeat till the day I went back once, twice… And now, the end is near, and so, I face the final curtain. The curtain, to its miser, is veiled and thus requires someone to reveal the concealed secrets and ambitions. Frankly, this was not the end, only mere beginnings. To my own unfathomable character, I want to be the founding father of a community, a great man who can exert all his influence on millions of people. Just like Don Corleone, a reasonable man, a powerful man with dignity and pride. I am that man, but I need someone to share this with me, to share the moment of triumph, the moment of sorrow, the moment when he or she understand me, the true me. Up is down, my world is busy as hell, so why not a country house and some martini and a fireplace where I can tell my MUN stories. End is start, my work is far from over, and I am far from the end of my time. 王陆晨 Malawi UNDP 2.THE BEST OF GREAT 北大模联大会,在三月清冷的燕园中终于落幕。校园里已经略显春意,代表们在四天紧张 的演讲、游说、辩论和妥协之后,终于有机会在这些古老的楼群间吹吹春天的空气了。在这 四天时间里,我们重新认识了智慧与策略,沟通与合作,而代表们之间的友谊也会随着时间 的逝去而愈发闪亮。The Best of Great——用今年的标语来形容今年的会议,恐怕格外贴切。 SOCHUM占用了整个模联最大的会场——阳光大厅,一个有着周培源塑像的金色的大厅。 一百一十名代表,六位主席,若干名大使、老师和志愿者或坐或立,各司其职,紧张而有序 地忙碌着。这是我所在的委员会最常见的场景。在这里,我们度过了六个议程,为了“祖国” 和“人民”,忘我地投身在这令人精疲力竭的谈判与磋商里。在这里,有智慧,有热情,也 有感动。会议进程中,有过阻碍,但靠着代表们的对国际大义精神的觉醒,我们走了过来。 最终,会议顺利地走到了尾声,通过了DR,这,也许是对于代表们来说,最值得欣慰的事吧。 像所有模联一样,代表们的晚上也仍然忙碌。SOCHUM的委员们,在十二点之前是不可能睡下的。委员寝室分为三区,每处相隔甚远,但忙于工作的代表们却仍然在夜里奔波于几个 寝区之间毫无怨言。一位中国联合国协会的人曾经说:“看到他们,在晚上如此贪黑地、负 责任地工作,甚至比真正的外交官还要负责,我就不得由衷的对中国的未来充满了信心。” 诚然,责任——是推动代表们的、最强大的动力。 PKUNMUN 2009,是一个高中生的盛会,是一个充满热情的节日。关于这次会议的一切的一 切,我相信,都会成为代表们一生都难以忘怀的美好的回忆。愿北大模联之路越走越长,也 愿哈三中的模联大会早日召开。 We are looking forward to that day. 刘津阁 3. 梦中的风景 ——我的、我们的 PKUNMUN 2009 去之前,是场梦; 回来后,亦是场梦„„ 因失望而哭过,因看到镜中的黑眼圈而抱怨过,因DR通过而欢呼过; 曾用因熬通宵而充满血丝的眼对望,用接过狄手中半温豆浆的手指敲击在他超豪华电 脑的键盘上„„ 还记得,在深夜回宾馆的路上,身上披着康的外套,耳边响起狄或郭或高的一句“小心 车”„„ 还记得,在农园二楼的平台上,抱着沉沉的笔记本,虽然冷得发抖,但还是逐句思索不 知哪国代表的见解„„ 还记得,WHO危机首先爆发时,代表们紧张的神情、焦急的商议,各个利益集团前所 未有的团结„„ 还记得,那晚在科大,与狄和呈面对整个亚非拉的DR疯狂的修改,连一个逗号的位置都不肯放过,只因听到狄的一句略带京味的“好棒”而开怀。吃着不知谁买的MC,听着 不知谁唱的英文歌„„ 还记得,在地球村,与不知那个委员会的哪国代表合影,只为听到他们的一句“真美” 而痴狂,听着乌干达的音乐,吃着马里的蛋糕„„ 还记得,在分离后的下午,用短信安慰失望的狄,虽然我也同样失望,只因忘不了他落 寞的眼神,他独自站在英杰交流中心门口的模样,只因看到手机上那行“真的希望再看到你” 而感动,更加坚定考到北京的信仰„„ 还记得,那天在飞机场,看到好多原本陌生的背影,突然觉得是狄,是高,是马里,是 突尼斯,然后,便一个人静静地坐着不说话„„ 记得, 记得, 那一幕幕,一句句, 那可以感动到流泪的 一幕幕,一句句 我都记得, 记得„„ 虽然现在,头还在疼,眼还在肿,还有一点点发烧,还会重重地咳嗽,还是浑身都没力 气—— 但是,我真的不后悔,我真的很感激—— 感激在我生命中出现的,并且再也不会消失你、你们和给我梦的北大。 那原本应出现在梦中的风景,不是都出现过了吗?那留住我汗水与泪水,感动与感伤的 北大,不是更加真切了吗?那我深深爱上并怀念着的代表,不是还保持着联系吗? 既然这样,那么或许,结果便已经不重要。 不是吗?那些闪光的情谊才是真正的记忆„„ 2009 PKUNMUN WHO世界卫生组织 马拉维代表 赵妍卉 4.模联 磨练 曾经PKUNMUN对我来说是一个神圣的梦想,为了一直以来对英文这种美丽文字的热爱, 也为了心中悸动着的那一点或许稍显青涩的壮志。报名考试、参加培训、进行选拔,经历三 个多月的准备,我终于幸运的拿到了PKUNMUN的入场券。那一刻,激动、幸福、兴奋,anyway, 我如愿以偿。 抵达北京已近中午,三月的首都清爽而又温暖,有春的朝气,很惬意。进入北大的一瞬, 我感到MUN竟离我如此之近,她那样亲切、圣洁而又充满未知与挑战。在她面前,我就像是 一个稚气未脱的孩子,懵懂的叩开门,摸索着走向她深处。 走进北大英杰交流中心,同行的伙伴顿时散入熙攘的人群,不见了踪影。四周陌生的面 孔让我一时间不知所措。而当Chile代表彬彬有礼的向我问好,我们开始交换意见,我竟欣 喜地发现我们的立场如此相像。这是我来到PKUNMUN的第一次磋商,虽然短暂,却十分愉快。 开幕式在金碧辉煌的北大阳光大厅举行,盛大而有序。2009PKUNMUN秘长冯宇辰“惊艳亮相”,他的成熟稳重,他的自信果敢让我印象颇深。简短的见面会之后便是正式的 session了。来自天南地北的高中生精英相聚北大,像真正的外交官一样交换名片、声明立 场。在这里,我们不再仅仅是自己,而是代表一个国家。刚开始当其他代表称呼我为“Austria”的时候,我还真有些不大适应。 我所在的委员会SOCHUM(Social Cultural Humanitarian Committee,前身是General Assembly)是拥有代表国家最多的委员会,几乎所有MUN国家都在SOCHUM有一席之地,其立场之丰富、讨论之激烈、利益关系之复杂可见一般。幸好SOCHUM今年的topic都属于中性话,如果是类似SC(Security Council)今年的伊朗核问题一样的topic,SOCHUM一定会争得很“纠结”。 在到MUN之前也曾有过种种设想,但在会议开始之后我才惊讶的发现,delegates的强干程度远超出了我的想象:笔挺的西装、轩昂的气度、缜密的思维、睿智的辩驳,如此完美 的role play,如此干练的delegates,实在令我自愧不如。 PKUNMUN以“惨无人道”闻名遐迩,之所以说“惨无人道”是因为四天的会议实在很辛 苦。白天的session长达9个小时,而正式会议结束才是激烈磋商的开始。Delegates都是越晚越兴奋的,每个bloc聚在一个房间,写wp(working paper)、商议会议进程,偶有其他bloc来游说,两个集团就会展开激烈的讨论,甚至会争到面红耳赤。会议的每一天都是 在这样的紧张忙碌中度过,大多数时候都是在表针指向凌晨3点时才拖着疲惫的身子回到住 处。由于各个学校的住所不完全相同,而我所在的bloc只有我一人住在别处。还记得那个 下着淅沥小雨的子夜,我结束磋商独自赶回宾馆,坐上计程车才发现,自己根本不清楚宾馆 的地址„„凌晨一点顶着小雨,独自在陌生的城市中行走,现在想想,那一夜还真是勇敢过 分。 四天的会议的确让我有太多的感触,记得Temple说过:“MUN最难就在于她考察的是一个代表的综合素质,也许一分钟前才写好的,下一分钟就完全颠覆了。”现在才明白 这是经验之谈。正是这种难度让我感到了很大的压力,让我知道我还有很多东西需要学习, 还有很多方面需要提升。也许这次模联我并不是最优秀的代表,但我已经获得了比我期待的 还要多的收获。当我穿着高跟鞋在北大校园里匆匆走过,当我完全适应了“delegate of Austria”的称呼,当我学会站在代表国的角度思考利害关系,当我开始明白PKUNMUN的意义„„ MUN给了我太多,那已不止于教会我合作的价值、聆听的意义、自信的力量,而是一种 态度,一种超乎我年纪所应有的无法用言语描述精神。或许每个人对PKUNMUN的理解不尽相同,但在锻炼能力之外,它教给我更多的是关于成长的意义: Live Learn Lead 当然,除此之外,还有那些经时间漂洗却越发锃亮的记忆: 春莹那一路讲也讲不完的她那些可爱的傻事;妍卉、欣悦、天骄地球村里那光鲜的礼服; 我如哆拉A梦一样照顾着不拘小节的Roulin;William经验丰富的指导和 ‘诡异’的‘失踪’;刘津阁自我介绍时慢条斯理的“Malawi”;刘云志、乔治辛苦的“劳工”形象;当然还 有鞠英大老师送来茶水时吓我一大跳,还有于鸿老师悉心的照料„„ 这一切都将会成为我亲切的怀恋。 秘书长说得对,PKUNMUN的会期会成为我高中生活最难忘的日子。 再见,PKUNMUN,我们还会再见。 PKUNMUN2009 SOCHUM Austria 郑鹊 5. 模联感想 过去快一个星期了,想起一周前我们还在一起激烈的讨论,心里真的百感交集。一周的 时间,读了那么多日志,看了那么多照片,想念,渐渐抚平。因为我知道,我们从没有分开 过。 冯宇辰说:“我们花了四个月来准备,为了这四天,然后用N个四年来纪念。”这话真的震撼了我。我以往一直把模联当作一个游戏——谁会纪念一个游戏呢?不过享受过程罢了。 但经过了这四天,我才知道,有的事,不亲身经历,就不可能有所感触。 醉过方知酒浓,爱过方知情深。 未名荡漾,有人伤,人难忘。英杰门前,遥望天,怎相见。 零九三月,刹那芳华。具体的会议过程没有什么好转述的,虽然说过程才是精华,但是 没去过的人没必要说给他们听,而去过的人是永远都不会忘记的。永远。像做完一个长长的 梦,整整5天醒不来,也不愿醒来。我想,是真的不愿意回到现实吧。没有什么梦境能比 PKUNMUN更让人回味不已的,甜得太真实,苦的哽住喉咙,又有微微的辛酸。几乎所有的人 都流眼泪了,不管男生还是女孩。为什么,怎么可以这么残忍地把我们大家说分离就分离呢? 5天,真的真的真的太短了!我宁可不要有明天,只奢求再多逗留几秒。几秒而已。 这不只是一次会议,更是一场相遇、相知和相识。那些储存在记忆深处忽而不见隐而又 现的画面、片段时不时地跳跃出来,撕扯着我的心绪。闭幕式结束,看着曲终人散渐渐离去 的人群,和第一天开幕式的对比着一起看,看着看着就看不清楚了。这是我们的终场,追梦 人暂时的一个段落告终。 我的概念里不知道MUN精神是什么,但是我秉承着在这个会场上,没有永远的盟友, 没有贴心的朋友,没有绝对的信任,只有利益。于是在会议进程中,不信任非盟国家,使利 益最大化成了我唯一的目标。在会场上,我们没有把很多原本属于我们阵营的国家拉过来, 也做了些权术方面的工作,有阴谋,我把自己当成了政治家,进行了ROLE PLAY,忍辱负重,钩心斗角,貌合神离,但是却很累 不管怎么说,其实我一直从心底里认为这次参会的所有代表们,都真的很N×!你说三个月刻所有人的印章那容易吗?!你说天天睡2个小时你熬得住么?!你说会前一遍遍给所 有人群发短信多花心思啊?!你说global village那么冷的晚上只穿草裙和豹皮你受得了 么?!„„这么多的感动,这么多的震撼,这样的一群人,你说你TMD忘得了吗?! 最后,引用被篡改了的一首词: 京城一夜醉东风,那堪比,五岭重。笑脸相逢会场处,五日浑噩,朝夕颠倒,劫波转头 空。 繁彩流光暮色中,鸟巢锦街梦无穷,唯有瞬及萧瑟意。茫顾四野,未执郎手,魂黯锁梧 桐。 PKUNMUN 2009 WHO Malawi 刘云志 6.北大模联之行 感想 After this “trip”, I become more comfortable writing in English even than before. So, I would like to write this in English. On March 19, 2009, I got on the plane to Beijing to be a delegate of Austria in UNEP in PKUNMUN. It is an exciting “trip” to me. At the beginning, I don?t know what to do. Even sending my name cards is an unfamiliar task to me. Since I had no experience about joining the MUN, I didn?t prepare for any possible motions, only have the position paper and the meeting had begun. With four days? meeting, much discussion with other delegates and can hardly have time to sleep, I gained much more than tiredness. Like what I said to my classmates, I feel I rose into a higher level when I was communicating with other delegates, the best students from all excellent schools from all over the country, and our Chair, and directors, who are students of Peking University. They inspired my potential of being an excellent delegate, or more, being the best. From the other delegates, I realized I still have a lot to learn, a lot to practice, a lot to think about, a lot to plan. It was absolutely the kind of experience that is much more useful than parents? saying you have to study hard, for your future, some kind of things. Without anyone telling me those words, only these four days, I understood many things I understand before, but the most important thing is that, now, I?m not only understanding, but also working, working for my dream. Beside me realizing my dream, I made many friends during the meeting, and have much fun during the “Global Village”. Those things could never be bought buy money or gained by any other ways. I?d like to say it is a kind of human resources to me, but more, is friendship. One more thing to say is that, seeing many schools from one city came to join this activity, and all Heilongjiang Province have is our school, it seems that we are so lonely. What I mean is that MUN, this program has not been popularized among our area, but there are some very excellent schools that have excellent students can perform well if they have the opportunity to join this activity. So, I hope the popularization of PKUNMUN and other MUN activities can be done by us well. One sentence to be my ending: I love PKUNMUN, I cherish this memory. PKUNMUN 2009 UNEP Austria 陈天娇 Changing the World There is much to be said about any Model UN experience, and far more to be said about one?s first adventure in the eye-dazzling world of MUN. So much is there to enjoy and embrace that you might feel more than a bit overwhelmed at first, but once you really get into it, you will find that it is merely a number of tasks whose achievement is taxing but still possible, and most of all, fun. If I had to put the entire MUN experience into several words, I would call it an event in which participants work so that the world becomes more like a utopia. MUN calls on delegates from different countries (different schools, of course) to cooperate and solve some of the world?s most debated issues. The successful resolution of these problems requires collaboration between delegates, negotiation between blocs, and dedication to the amelioration of the plight of mankind. In the regular sessions, delegates make speeches, raise motions, and participate in caucuses. One might expect the atmosphere to be calm, but that?s far from the truth. Fierce debates are what sessions are really about. Country blocs try to persuade each other, and each has to make compromises until a solution is accepted by most countries, i.e. the draft resolution. After the draft resolution is proposed, there are still amendments to be passed, and that means even more debates. Although only 6 sessions officially constitute MUN, the main conferences are held in the hotels. Delegates frequently stay up late in the night to discuss sensitive matters regarding the topic, write working papers, and plan for the session ahead. Indeed, in our committee, most of the sessions can be called “pre-planned”. It?s amazing what you can do when you have more than half of the countries supporting you – you can even control the flow of the meeting. Crises play a major role in Model UN. As in the real world, disastrous events occur every now and then. But unlike the real world, you now have the authority of the UN with you. (Though honestly, it?s not that much.) Crises make MUN far more realistic, as well as far more fun. However, it also messes up the committee?s schedule, as a mass of time is usually spent in solving the crisis, which means that the resolution of the main topic will be delayed. Model UN is a great chance to communicate with students in other regions and broaden your horizon. It is also a great way for us to get familiar with international politics. If you have political ideals and want to realize them, then MUN is for you. Margaret Mead stated, “Do not doubt that a small group of dedicated people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Participate in Model UN, and you will be able to do just that – and find what your heart yearns for. SC Austria George Qiao 回首08-09 MUN之旅 --仅以此文纪念我即将结束的MUN之旅 提笔09PKUNMUN的感想,早已没有了曾经的激情澎湃,心中只是一片平静。忆起08年略显慌乱的Portugal;09FDUNMUN疯狂强势的Tunisia;09的PKUNMUN我终于可以安然面对。其实想要用去年的感想搪塞主席紧追不舍索要的感想,但是无论如何也找不到相同的心 境了。于是,我决定以此文感谢曾经帮助过我支持过我的partner们和老师们. New journey 平静从容的开始 直到上飞机的那一刻,才真切的感受到—我真的又踏上了这条熟悉的路.抵达会场,看到了众多熟悉的面孔。繁忙的四天会议,我几乎是发着烧挺过来的。在温度骤降的北京,后半 夜三点的漫游磋商;半夜打车到科大编写工作文件,DD和DR;饿了整整一天,却还要信心 满满的做有组织核心磋商的演讲;还有…还有…,这一切,都是以我对模拟联合国的热爱为 动力坚持下来的。我们年轻,我们激情,我们有这样的责任感使命感将世界的框架,背负在 尚未成熟的肩上。 更多的热情与兴奋,相信早已被别人写满整个感想中了,我只剩下心中的一抹感激与怀念, 送给未来MUN路上更多的怀揣梦想的人们,祝福你们,在这里放飞理想,开始别样的青春。 Most Impressive 集锦 马欣悦:”要减肥,你就上模联,每天吃不好饭,睡不好觉,拿着最沉的包,走最远的路。? 郑鹊:‚我就是一多啦A梦,你等着我回去给你宣传你的光荣事迹.” 郑春莹:‚我带的展板落在安检那了……我忘了拿我刚买的衣服了……我忘了…… 王陆晨:‚我先走了……?(我们的主席,自从到了北京,几乎再也没出现在我们的面前。) 刘津阁:‚你们在哪……? 其他诸多名言,不在此赘述,敬请猜测… End 告别 今天上午给主席发了一条短信:‚模联,我想以后就不做了,你们好好加油吧!”这句话存在草稿箱中N多天,直到今天才有勇气点出发送。眼圈没有红,但是已然有了潮湿的触感.看着?发送成功‚的提示,心中溢满了莫名的失落。 在离开SC的告别演讲上,我说:‚这也许是我最后一次MUN的经历了,如果说没有悲伤失 落,那一定是谎话。但是这个辉煌的舞台,我已经走到了该说再见的时刻了。曾经和大家, 像附和,背台词一样没心没肺的大喊:‘我爱MUN‘,但是今天,是真的想由衷的说一句:’ I really love MUN!‘ “ 走出会场,感觉阳光仍然以最祥和的姿态,照射大地,眼角有一瞬的刺痛。回首再望向英 杰交流中心,终于心慰的发现,那六个字,他们从未像此刻这样光芒万丈…… 高二20 关若霖 SC Austria
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