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让真爱洒满人间习作让真爱洒满人间习作 让真爱洒满人间 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚庄小学六年级学生:高歌 全世界的人们: 大家好~ 在充满温暖和爱心的雷锋月中,我们学校组织了“让真爱洒满人间”的感恩活动。 学校请来一位资深的王老师。王老师用真实的感人故事为我们讲述了“爱祖国”“爱老师”“孝敬父母”的美德和重要性。 在“爱祖国”这个主题里我们一起唱了激情高亢的国歌,少先队员行了队礼。王老师还为我们讲了他走出国门时的真实感受,身为一名中国人永远感到自豪和骄傲。王老师给我们讲了一个在国际上引起反响的故事:不知在什么时候的一个马拉松竞赛中,白人瞧不起...
让真爱洒满人间习作 让真爱洒满人间 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚庄六年级学生:高歌 全世界的人们: 大家好~ 在充满温暖和爱心的雷锋月中,我们学校组织了“让真爱洒满人间”的感恩活动。 学校请来一位资深的王老师。王老师用真实的感人故事为我们讲述了“爱祖国”“爱老师”“孝敬父母”的美德和重要性。 在“爱祖国”这个主题里我们一起唱了激情高亢的国歌,少先队员行了队礼。王老师还为我们讲了他走出国门时的真实感受,身为一名中国人永远感到自豪和骄傲。王老师给我们讲了一个在国际上引起反响的故事:不知在什么时候的一个马拉松竞赛中,白人瞧不起黑人,最终决定只在黑人中选取一名代表参加。经过黑人们的慎重商议选出了一位男孩,他为这个项目艰苦不懈锻炼了五年。发令枪响了,他竭尽全力把白人甩在了后边。就在他很有信心成为冠军的时候,不知被什么东西击中了,满身是血。他艰难的朝终点走去,在这条短短的路上,他无数次摔倒,但又无数次的爬起来。他踉踉跄跄,一位白人教练想去扶他,他振振有词的说到:“不要碰我,我是一名运动员,你一扶我就犯规了。”他坚强的朝终点走去,他对着高空高声喊道:“祖国,妈妈,我到终点了~” 祖国强大了我们才有尊严~~ “爱老师”这极其普通的话题让我们有了很大的触动,因为我们每个人都有对不起老师的地方,经王老师一说我们都很惭愧。陆陆续续的流出了眼泪,王老师把所有老师请的台前,他为我们师生架起了桥梁,consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 让我们学生对老师鞠躬并说一声:“老师你辛苦了,我爱你~”我听完王老师说的话,不知是什么力量让我第一个跑到尹老师面前哭着给老师鞠了一躬,我们班的女生也都围在了老师面前,我们拿尹老师一直都当成我们的母亲,她给予我们温暖,知识。“尹老师,我爱你”这句话在我们周围一次一次地响起。王老师又以爱老师为中心讲了个具有感召力的故事: 一位在上海师范学校毕业的大学生:李静,有一次来到了贫穷的山内,开到一群群可爱的学生,留在了山内。一天天过去了,她有一点厌倦了,每到休息日时她都会偷偷的流泪,她有了一个大胆的想法:明早早起,要走出大山回到上海。于是第二天很早就起了床,爬到山顶,忽然听到后面撕心裂肺的哀求声“老师你不要走,你走了,我们走出大山的希望就没了。”那些学生跑到老师身边齐刷刷的跪下“老师求求你,不要走,我们会听你的话。”李静被感动了:“老师不走,老师永远和你们在一起。”十几年过去了,李静因为长期艰难生活,体弱多病,最后38岁时患上癌症,学生为她捐款,一毛,两毛,一块两块。李静说服了校长与医生,来到学校坚持上完有生以来的最后一节课。这件事更能充分的体现出老师对学生的爱永远是无私的无所求的。 我愿我们一起携起手组成爱的海洋永无止境,懂得感恩,让世界每个角落都充满温暖和阳光。 爱就是一笔巨大的财富生活中的点点滴滴为这笔财富积攒越来越丰厚。我要揣着这笔最大的财富无论走到哪里,走的有多远,永远像金子一样发光宝贵,我们的祖国在爱的沐浴下永远年轻,祖国万岁~~ consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 祝愿我们的爱永驻人间~ 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚庄小学学生:高歌 2012、3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 相爱最美 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚庄小学六年级学生:焦芳 敬爱的老师: 您好~ 老师您像一只大船,程载着我们到彼岸。老师您送走了一批又一批的我们,自己却永久的留在了岸边。 自从听了王老师的演讲文,我不由得问自己,你是否爱你的老师,那天随着一阵阵的掌声,一位穿白色衣服的人,手里拿着话筒走到了我们大家面前,我们都一开始认为这个演讲的人肯定会向别人演讲一样,拿着提前些好的稿子,在台上坐着,摆出一副伟人的样子,而这个人和其他人不一样,他是先介绍自己,通过介绍我们得知他姓王。我们和他就像交朋友一样。王老师和其他人不同的是,他并不只是拿着稿子稿硬生生的念,而是就像在交流一样,很轻松。王老师一共给讲了三点。第一点是:热爱祖国。第二点是:热爱老师。第三点是:爱父母。其中令我印象最深的就是热爱老师。王老师给我们讲了一个故事。有一位在上海毕业的老师,一次偶然的机会,来到了山区,看到这里的孩子是多么渴望读书书,于是一位本应在上海教学的老师,却在这山区当了老师。因为山区的日子实在太苦了,经过了几个月这位老师终于受不了这样的苦日子,老师日日夜夜思念着上海的霓虹灯、宽大的马路、等,上海的每一处角落。每天都悄悄得在角落里痛哭,可是每当看到孩子们的笑脸时,他总是于心不忍。终于有一天,她一大早就起来去翻山,坐火车回到上海,就在老师翻过一座山时,孩子们都跑来向老师下跪,求这位老师不要离开,于是这位老师心又软了,一教教了好几年。可是好人不长consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 命,这位老师由于过于劳累,再加上山区的生活困难,得了癌症。年仅 三十多岁的老师就死了。王老师讲完后我们都被感动得哭了。老师多么 不容易啊。老师我想大声说一声:“老师您辛苦了. 老师我敬佩您,因为敬佩您,所以感恩您。因为有了您,我们才 能在知识的海洋里翱翔。因为有了您,我们的的成长才会充满快乐。 祝您 身体健康~ 您的学生焦芳 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 我与妈妈相依最美 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生:曹岩 亲爱的妈妈: 您好~ 在我的记忆里,您总是日夜操劳,不管早晚都在忙碌着,为了我,为了这个家,您为这个家付出了许多心血,付出了爱。 2000年3月19号,我这个小生命来到这五彩缤纷的世界,您的担子重了,要上班,还要做家务。虽然我总给家里带来欢乐,但从小淘气的我常常让您生气,可您总用和蔼可亲的语气,细心的教我做一个好孩子,让我懂得做人的道理。 妈妈~我感谢你给了我个幸福的家,您对我很好,是您陪伴我度过了12年,陪我走过一个又一个困难,还有一个又一个幸福时光,妈妈,家里有了您,就有了温馨和甜蜜。 妈妈您很疼我,家里有什么好吃的您都是给我吃,我给您吃您也不吃。 在学习上,您总是一遍又一遍的教给我,直到我明白为止。我要是没考好,您就会耐心的给我原因。 妈妈您是多么温柔体贴,每天上学前,您总是嘱咐一句:“上课好好听讲,别走神。。。。。。” 每天放学,您总是做好可口的饭菜给我吃,还有每晚睡觉时,您的那句话:“晚上别在被子底下看书,每天还要上学„„” 记得有一次我不知不觉发了烧,您如同热锅上的蚂蚁,急得直冒汗。一会儿去水池里拿湿毛巾,一会儿给我找药吃,可病还是没有好。consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 您急忙背我去诊所,在路上,我感觉好像下雨了,我睁开眼,天哪~那是妈妈的汗滴在了我的脸上。。。。。。 有一次,我吃完晚饭,整理好碗筷,刚准备洗碗,您见了,走过来夺下我手中的抹布,说:“你管你自己做作业,这些活用不着你干。”我说:“您就让我尝试做这些家务吧!”您见我不听又说:“你把自己的作业管好就很不错了!”没办法,我只能乖乖地去做作业了。 妈妈,您知道吗,您的呵护令我幸福,也令我沉重。妈妈,等我长大了,您难道还是寸步不离吗,那样我将一事无成。 妈妈,您对我的付出,我无以为报,而我唯一能做的就是努力学习,做一个有用的人,用优异的成绩考上大学,找工作,挣钱来报答您~ 祝您 身体健康万事如意~ 您的儿子:曹岩 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 祖国我的最爱 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生:赵鑫 亲爱的祖国: 又是一个如诗如画的春季,在祖国960万平方千米的国土上,生活着13亿人民。 祖国你是多么的伟大,养育了我们,是您给了我们赖以生存的家园。我们应该学会报答祖国,为祖国争 光。 祖国,我们曾为您哭泣过,也曾为您欢笑过,曾为您不平过,也曾为您自豪过。 您有五千年的悠久历史,是古代文明古国之一。古代的四大发明之一的造纸术,就是蔡伦发明的。西汉初年我国发明了造纸术。1986年,甘肃天水放马滩出土的汉景帝时的纸,是迄今所知最早的纸。公元105年,东汉蔡伦给进了造纸术,称“蔡侯纸”。造纸术是书写的一次伟大革命。据说,欧洲写一部《圣经》要用300张羊皮。„„造纸术的西传大大降低了书籍的成本造价,加速了文化教育的社会化和平民化进程因此,一位西方哲人曾说过:“造纸一事,尤为重要,即谓欧洲文艺复兴之得力于纸亦不为过”。我为您自豪。 1887年,中葡签署《友好通商条约》,在明代中叶以“晾晒货物”为名获准在澳门居留的葡萄牙人从此强据了“莲花宝地”澳门。 1895年,中日签署《马关条约》,“东海的一串珍珠”宝岛? 宝岛台湾割让日本,与她同时被割让的还有渤海湾畔的“孪生兄弟”旅顺和大连。 1898年,中英签署订租威海卫专条,“防海的健将”威海卫租借英consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 国25年。 1899年,中法签署广州湾租借专条,“神州后门上的一把铁锁”广州湾被租让给法国。 1842年8月,清政府签署了中国近代史上第一份不平等条约——中英《南京条约》。您的儿女没别人抢走,我为您不平和哭泣。 民族抗日英雄杨靖宇曾担任“南满抗日联军”司令,从1934年一直到1940年沙场献身为止。在艰苦征战的六年中,他身先士卒地在白山黑水、林海雪原里打击日寇。面对敌人的重兵围剿,杨靖宇率部顽强战斗,使敌人坐卧不安,惶惶不可终日。日酋对他又怕又恨,调集重兵围困。有人劝杨靖宇投降,他斩钉截铁地说:“不,我有我的信念。”最后,弹尽粮绝,杨靖宇在打完最后一颗子弹后壮烈牺牲。敌人残忍地用刺刀剖开他的肚子,杨靖宇肚里没有一粒米,有的只是树皮、草根和棉絮 。我为您欢笑,因为中华儿女早拼命的保护您。 祖国,我想对您说,身为“中国人”是我们的骄傲,担任起中国的重担也就在于我们身上。放心,相信祖国的明天将会飞起来,将会翱翔于世界的上空。 祝您 繁荣富强,经济发达 ! 你的儿女:赵鑫 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 让真爱洒满人间 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生耿璐涵 全世界的人们: 大家好~ 人成功要有爱心,爱心是成功的源泉。没有爱心,你再聪明也根本不会成功。有人曾经说过一句话,为中华之崛起而读书,这个人就是我们敬爱的周恩来周总理。少年富则国富,少年强则国强。这句话是我想到了一个故事。 以前奥林匹克运动会只有白人参加,没有黑人。在一次奥林匹克运动会上,有一个黑人的队伍也前来比赛,可白人们不同意,他们都用异样的眼光看着黑人的队伍,并说:“黑人有什么资格跟我们比赛。”在无奈下,只好让那个黑人的队伍选一名代表参加一个项目。通过讨论,他们选了了一个又黑又瘦的人参加了比赛,那个人选的项目是马拉松。比赛开始了,他一开始就把那些白人甩在了后面,因为他为这次比赛准备了五年。那些白人都很奇怪,怎么一个黑人怎么跑得这么快呢,就在快要到终点的时候,有人丢了一个塑料瓶,砸到了他的脚上。年轻人摔倒在地。他头也摔破了,肩膀和腿都破了,他抬头向上看,一个个人从他身边跑过去,他爬起来,艰难的向前跑着。眼看着冠军、亚军、季军已将产生了,但是,有人说:“颁奖礼推后几分钟,还有一名选手没有到达终点。”那个年轻人摇摇晃晃走向了终点,倒在了地上,手里紧紧握着那根绳子,说:“我伟大母亲,我到达终点了~”这一句话让我热泪盈眶。只要心中有祖国,那么你就会坚持到底。 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 一身朴素的衣装,映射出您品格的高贵~一道慈祥的目光,点燃我心中的理想~一支短短的粉笔,写下了您上名的篇章~一方三尺宽的讲台,耕耘着您毕生的希望,终身学习,不断提高,您说,要不这样,就会下岗,亲爱的老师,您的努力我们知道,在我们心中,您用不下岗。我衷心的感谢你呀~老师~是,用辛勤的汗水,哺育了我们这些刚破土的嫩苗。您像一个辛勤的园丁,细心的照顾我们健康的成长。 父母给了我们宝贵的生命,辛辛苦苦把我们养大,我们更应该好好孝顺他们吗,让他们安享晚年吗,快快乐乐的。父母为我们日夜操劳。刚我看到父母头上那根根白发,我的眼角湿润了。从那刻起,我决定,不再让父母为我日夜操劳,我要懂事,帮助父母干家务,让他们有一个温暖的家。 愿我们的爱洒遍人间~ 吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生:耿璐涵 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 老师、最美 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚庄小学六年级学生:于展 敬爱的老师: 你好~ 俗话说得好“你能为别人鼓掌,明天就会有人为你鼓掌~”如果一个人没有爱心、责任,都成不了大气,没有爱心责任的人,就是一个冷血无情的人。 爱老师,老师是天,在学校我们是老师的孩子,我们应该尊敬老师,不应该给老师随便起外号。我们不应该在被老师批评之后对老师指指点点。我们两三万的时间有4/1是在学校,老师的陪伴下成长的,如果没有老师对我们严厉的教导,教学也不会有明天的我们,老师就像妈妈一样关爱着我们,比如张老师虽然他平时对我们很严厉,但是他是想让我们有一个好成绩,其实老师们并不是我们想象的那么坏,虽然他偶尔打一些笨学生,但是他想让那些人长点记性。而我们的尹老师,我们的数学老师,同时她也担当着我们的班主任,在我们班就属尹老师最累,他管好我们这个活泼可爱的大家庭,如果我们这个大家庭有高兴的事,老是和我们一起高兴,有不开心的事尹老师也会将他转化成喜事,尹老师,我们班最疲劳的妈妈,我想告诉你“我爱你,谢谢您,是您让我懂得了知识,是您交给我们团结友爱”老师我想再说最后一句:“老师,我要走了,我们这个大家庭的每一个人都要为自己以后的前程奔波了,可是我好舍不得您,舍不得张老师,舍不得所有的花草树木,更舍不得我们consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 这个大家庭,老师我真的不想走,不想离开您,我决定以后一定会常常 来看看我的母校,我的老师——您~” 我以后要好好学习来报答您,我一定会在新的一天里好好学习,再 剩下的几天里我一定不会让所有老师失望。 愿天下教师永远年轻、健康~ 槐荫区吴家堡镇六年级学生:于展 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 让真爱洒满人间 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生:张乐鑫 全世界的人们: 你们好~ 在周四的一个下午,我们学校举办了一次“让真爱洒满人间大型感恩活动”,令我受益匪浅。 这位王老师一出场,我们立刻就安静下来了,他给我们讲:每个人都要有一颗宽容理解的心。要热爱祖国,还要热爱我们的人民教师,更要爱我们的父母。为中华之崛起而读书。这是周恩来总理的年少志向,为了这个志向,周总理努力学习,最终实现了这个理想,把我们的国家变得更加强大。从前,人们都歧视黑人,不让他们参加各种比赛,在运动会上,只让黑人参加一项比赛,最终选出了一位马拉松运动员,他一上场,人们就像他投向了歧视的目光,枪声响了,比赛开始了,黑人远远地将对手抛在了后面。在最后一个弯道的时候,一个瓶子砸向了他,他倒在了地上。后面的选手都追上了他,他刚站起来,就倒在了地上,他踉踉跄跄的向终点跑去,但是他的臂膀流血了,他又摔倒在地,直到再也爬不起来了为止,他用指甲抠者地面走,拖出了一条二百米的血路。最后终于到了终点。他大声地喊着:“祖国母亲啊,我到终点了~”这是一种爱国的表现~ 王老师又讲感恩老师,并告诉我们在5.12大地震的时候,哪里的老师都用自己的臂膀挡住了变形的门,让孩子们逃出了教师,自己却被压在了倒塌的房子里。老师把生的希望留给我们,却把死的痛苦留给自己,这是多么伟大的人民教师啊~我们感动的流泪了,从这时起,我们consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 的泪珠就不听话的掉了下来,我们与老师们互相拥抱,我们都掉下了我们真诚的眼泪~ 讲到感恩父母的时候,我们的心狠狠得跳动了。一位砍柴的男子,不幸掉入了悬崖,男子的妻子相伴随她的丈夫一同去死,但他又想到了自己腹中的孩子,因为这是他们爱情的结晶,一定要把他生下来,培养成才,好对得起他死去的丈夫。他为了他孩子捡破烂,最后供出了一名“清华研究生”~ 我从心里想:我一定要好好学习,长大后好报效祖国,为报答老师,报答父母而奋斗~而努力~ 老师啊,爸爸妈妈啊,您们的教诲是我一生的精神财富~ 老师啊,爸爸妈妈啊。我永远感谢您~ 祝我们的人类世界: 充满温暖充满爱~ 人类中的一员:张乐鑫 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 真爱洒满人间 槐荫区吴家堡镇楚家庄小学六年级学生 李环宇 全世界的人们 : 你们好~ 今天下午一点半,我们学校举行了“‘让真爱洒满人间’感恩演讲”活动。这次演讲让我感受很深。 今天为我们演讲的是青年演讲家王老师,王老师身穿一身白色西服,显得特别严肃。这次演讲的主要,我还记忆犹新:王老师 给我们演讲分三个话题,第一个话题——爱祖国。王老师给我们讲了一个黑人国家队首次参加运动会的故事,这个故事告诉我,无论是名人,普通人代表的都是国家的形象。只有祖国强大了,我们才会被尊重~第二个话题——爱老师。王老师给我们讲了一个老师的从教经历,这个老师叫李靖,三十八岁时因病住院;为了不让孩子们浪费钱,放弃了治疗,决定回山区学校上完她人生中的最后一堂课,李老师在黑板上写了九个大字“为中华之崛起而读书”,这引领孩子们学习的九个大字。王老师还讲了一个五十二岁的女教师,在车祸发生的瞬间推出六名学生,自己却被撞出了二十五米之远。这两个故事让我想到了一句话:爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是神!老师就是我心中的另一位妈妈,永远不变别的神!第三个话题——爱父母。王老师给大家讲了一位清华博士和慈母之间的故事,这个故事让我深受启发,我一定要好好珍惜我的严父慈母~ 我们全体师生,几乎是流着泪听完演讲的。老天爷好像也被王老师的演讲感动了,哗,哗,哗的下起了雨。我想:我永远也不会忘记自己consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of 当时心里的感想,那种感觉是无法用语言表达的;只有顺着脸颊流淌的 泪水说明一切。 爱是感动、爱是一笔巨大的存款,只要人人献出自己的爱,世界将 变得更加美好。 祝愿我们的爱洒满人间~ 人类家庭中的一员:李环宇 2012.3 consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspection Commission of the deployment and requirements, adhere to the County and the County discipline Inspection Commission report implementation of clean two responsibilities. 2. clear a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty. Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful attention to supervision, implementation of the special inspection and the system of democratic appraisal of
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