

2018-08-24 12页 doc 36KB 28阅读




成都社保医保制度成都社保医保制度 关于印发成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹 基金结算管理暂行办法的通知 成劳社发〔2009〕118号 各区(市)县劳动和社会保障(人事和劳动社会保障)局、财政局: 现将《成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹基金结算管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。 成都市劳动和社会保障局 成都市财政局 二OO九年六月十五日 成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹 基金结算管理暂行办法 根据《成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险办法》(政府令第154号)和市政府《成都市完善社会保险市级统筹实施办法的通知》(成府发[20...
成都社保医保 关于印发成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹 基金结算管理暂行的通知 成劳社发〔2009〕118号 各区(市)县劳动和社会保障(人事和劳动社会保障)局、财政局: 现将《成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹基金结算管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。 成都市劳动和社会保障局 成都市财政局 二OO九年六月十五日 成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险市级统筹 基金结算管理暂行办法 根据《成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险办法》(政府令第154号)和市政府《成都市完善社会保险市级统筹实施办法的通知》(成府发[2007]40号文)的规定,成都市城镇职工基本医疗保险基金实行市级统筹,制定以下管理暂行办法: 一、基金预算 基金预算编制。每年初,市社保局、市医保局根据当年城镇职工基本医疗保险扩面、征收和清欠目标任务,结合上年度城镇职工基本医疗保险基金会计决算情况,综合考虑当年增减变化因素,编制全市城镇职工基本医疗保险基金年度收支预算,经市劳动保障局、市财政局审核后报市政府批准执行。 二、市级统筹基金征收、支付管理 城镇职工基本医疗保险费,由市和区(市)县社保经办机构分级征收,并逐步过渡到市级统一征收。城镇职工基本医疗保险待遇支付实行市和各区(市)县医保经办机构分级支付方式,并逐步过渡到市级统一支付。 (一)市级统筹基金征收 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 市和区(市)县社保经办机构根据市政府下达的城镇职工基本基金征收年度目标任务,编制城镇职工基本医疗保险基金征收计划,并组织基金征收工作,征收的城镇职工基本医疗保险基金存入同级社保经办机构社会保险基金收入户。 区(市)县社保经办机构每月5日前将上月征收的城镇职工基本医疗保险基金填制《成都市市级统筹社会保险基金解缴清单》(见附件1),全额划转到市级社会保险基金收入户,市社保局分别在每月15日和30日前将征收的基本医疗保险基金全额划转成都市财政局社会保障基金财政专户。 (二)市级统筹基金划拨 市级统筹基金对基本医疗保险待遇支付实行按季结算,年终清算的结算方式。市本级和区(市)县医保经办机构应在每季初,根据上季度的支出情况,编制下季度的《成都市市级统筹城镇职工基本医疗保险待遇支付计划结算》(见附件2),在5日前报市医保局审核后,由市医保局编制《成都市市级统筹城镇职工基本医疗保险待遇支付计划结算汇总表》(附件3)后交市社保局。市社保局在季末20日前,向市财政局申请用款。市财政局审核后,将资金划拨到市社保局医疗保险基金支出户,市社保局、市医保局根据审核后的支出计划,将资金拨付到区(市)县医疗保险基金支出户。年终,区(市)县社保、医保经办机构向市社保局、市医保局报送《成都市市级统筹城镇职工基本医疗保险待遇支付年终清算表》(附件4)进行清算。 (三)医疗待遇结算 基本医疗保险待遇的结算,在全市医疗保险管理信息系统未全面升级前,暂由市和各区(市)县医保经办机构按现行方式进行结算,即参保人员在定点医疗机构发生的符合统筹基金支付的医疗费用,由个人与定点医疗机构结算,定点医疗机构再向医保经办机构申请结算;个人垫支的医疗费用,由个人到参保关系所在的医保经办机构进行结算。个人账户金由定点医疗机构和定点零售药店向相应的医保经办机构申请结算。 全市医疗保险管理信息系统全面升级后,基本医疗保险待遇按以下方式进行结算: 1.统筹基金结算。参保人员在成都市范围内的定点医疗机构发生的符合统筹基金支付范围的医疗费用,应先与定点医疗机构结算,再由定点医疗机构向相应的医保经办机构申请结算,其中:三级定点医疗机构由市医保局负责结算;其余定点医疗机构按属地原则,由所在区(市)县医保经办机构负责结算。 发生的成都市范围以外或个人垫支的医疗费用,由参保关系所在的医疗保险经办机构负责结算。 2.个人账户结算。个人账户实行定点医疗机构和定点零售药店先行记账,再行结算的支付方式。参保人员在定点医疗机构和定点零售药店发生的属于个人账户金支付的医疗费用,由定点医疗机构和定点零售药店向相应的医保经办机构申请结算,其to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 中:五城区及高新区范围内的定点零售药店和三级定点医疗机构由市医保局负责结算,其余的定点医疗机构和定点零售药店按属地原则,由所在区(市)县医保经办机构负责结算。 各级医保经办机构应严格按照相关规定做好基本医疗保险医疗费的审核和结算工作,确保基本医疗保险待遇及时结算和支付。 三、积累基金和超收基金的使用和管理 (一)积累基金的使用和管理 市级统筹前区(市)县积累的城镇职工基本医疗保险基金结存余额,自市级统筹之日起归属市级统筹基金,暂留存区(市)县按“统一管理,分账核算”的方式代为管理,由所在区(市)县纳入市财政2007年批复认定的“社会保障积累基金财政专户”使用和管理。 1、每年1季度,市社保局对上年度区(市)县基金征收、扩面、清欠等目标考核指标进行审核,市医保局对上年度区(市)县按参保人参保关系所属支付结算的基本医疗保险待遇进行审核,由市社保局进行结算汇总后,报市劳动保障局、市财政局。 2、市劳动保障局、市财政局对相关考核指标审定后,确认、核定区(市)县当期医疗统筹基金出现的收支缺口金额以及市和区(市)县承担的比例。 (1)医疗个人账户基金当期出现的收支缺口,由区(市)县积累基金中的个人账户基金全额弥补。 (2)当期完成基金征收任务但医疗统筹基金收支出现缺口的,由市级统筹基金(统筹基金部分)和区(市)县留存积累基金(统筹基金部分)各承担50%,;留存积累基金(统筹基金部分)不足弥补缺口部分,由市级统筹基金全额承担。 (3)当期未完成基金征收任务、医疗统筹基金收支出现缺口的,由区(市)县留存积累基金(统筹基金部分)承担60%,同级政府承担40%;留存积累基金(统筹基金部分)不足弥补收支缺口部分,由市级统筹基金(统筹基金部分)和区(市)县政府各承担50%。 未按规定弥补缺口资金的,由市财政通过财政预算扣收。 (4)当期没有完成基金征收任务,但医疗统筹基金收支无缺口的,给予目标减分或通报批评。 3、市社保局、市医保局根据市劳动保障局、市财政局审批确认、核定的区(市)县当期医疗统筹基金收支缺口金额以及市和区(市)县承担的比例进行结算。 4、区(市)县留存的积累基金对当期统筹基金收支缺口的弥补,应根据市劳动保障to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 局、市财政局联合下文确定的金额,通过市财政局批复认定区(市)县开设的“社会保障积累基金财政专户”向“成都市社会保障基金财政专户”划转资金。 市级统筹基金对当年医疗统筹基金收支缺口的弥补,根据市劳动保障局、市财政局联合下文确定的金额,通过“成都市社会保障基金财政专户” 向市财政局批复认定区(市)县开设的“社会保障积累基金财政专户” 划转资金。 (二)超收基金的使用和管理 区(市)县完成当期基金征收目标任务并超收,医疗统筹基金收支无缺口的,其超收基金(统筹基金部分)的30%返区(市)县,作为留存积累基金。 1、每年一季度,市社保局对上一年区(市)县扩面、基金征收、清欠等目标考核指标进行审核、汇总,报市劳动保障局、市财政局。 2、市劳动保障局、市财政局对相关指标审定后,确认、核定区(市)县当期超收基金(统筹基金部分)金额。 3、市社保局根据市劳动保障局、市财政局审批、核定的区(市)县当期超收基金(统筹基金部分)金额,按超收部分的30%返区(市)县留存。 4、当期基金超收的返还留存,根据市劳动保障局、市财政局联合下文确定的金额,通过“成都市社会保障基金财政专户”向市财政局批复认定区(市)县开设的“社会保障积累基金财政专户”划转资金。 四、基金管理和会计核算 各级社保经办机构负责城镇职工基本医疗保险基金的管理和会计核算工作。 (一) 收入户、支出户管理。 区(市)县社保经办机构应按照《社会保险基金财务制度》的规定,管理和使用城镇职工基本医疗保险基金收入户和支出户。应将城镇职工基本医疗保险基金的所有收入纳入已在国有商业银行开设的五险合一收入账户统一管理和核算;支出户应与五险合一收入账户在同一国有商业银行设立。 收入户的主要用途。暂存经办机构征收的社会保险费收入,暂存该账户的利息收入、支出退回款项及其他收入等。收入户除向市社保局划转基金外,不得发生其他支付业务,收入户年末无余额。 支出户的主要用途。接收市级基金支出户拨入的基金,暂存该账户的利息收入和银行代发失败退回款项。支出户除接收市级基金支出户拨付的基金、该账户的利息收入和银行代发失败退回款项外,不得发生其他收入业务。 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, (二)积累基金账户管理 1、区(市)县财政部门和社保经办机构应将统筹前经市财政局、市社保局和市医保局核定的城镇职工基本医疗保险基金结存余额全额划转原已开设的“社会保障积累基金财政专户”,并在“社会保障积累基金财政专户”下按险种设立“城镇职工基本医疗保险基金专账”,实行专账核算、分别计息。 2、纳入“社会保障积累基金财政专户”的城镇职工基本医疗保险基金,各区(市)县财政部门只能办理账户“一对一”的资金划转业务,即只能将“社会保障积累基金财政专户”资金划转到成都市财政局社会保障基金财政专户。同时应依据成都市财政局的资金划转文件或资金划转通知单,办理资金划转业务。 3、区(市)县财政部门应按照银行相关规定,结算“积累基金财政专户”下城镇职工基本医疗保险基金资金活期、定期存款利息。对活期存款部分,应按照《关于社会保险费征缴有关问题的通知》(川劳险[1999]53号)文件规定,结算利息;对定期存款部分,除按照银行相关规定外,还应依据“成都市各区(市)县积累基金财政专户定期存款核准单”,办理“城镇职工基本医疗保险基金”资金定期存款业务。 (三)社保、医保经办机构、财政部门和开户银行之间要建立经常性的对账制度,定期对社会保险基金收支情况进行核对,发现问题及时处理。 市劳动保障局、市财政局抽调专人定期或不定期对区(市)县基本医疗保险基金收入、支出、管理和划转等情况进行检查,防止基金被挤占、截留、挪用等情况的发生。 (四)建立市级统筹基金支付备用金 为确保基本医疗保险待遇的支付,市社保局、市医保局根据区(市)县上年度基本医疗保险基金会计决算报表中的基本医疗保险基金支出数据,按月平均支付额3个月的核定基本医疗保险备用金,报经市劳动保障局、市财政局审批后,从区(市)县历年积累的基金(统筹基金部分)结余中划转到同级基本医疗保险基金支出户。 (五)基金会计核算 基本医疗保险基金市级统筹后,市本级与区(市)县社保经办机构仍然实行分级核算,核算按照《四川省社会保险基金会计核算办法》(川财会发[1999]58号)执行。区(市)县社保经办机构上划的基金和市上下拨的基金,通过“下级上解收入”、“上级下拨收入”、“上解上级支出”、“下拨下级支出”科目核算。 区(市)县社保经办机构向市上上划基金收入时,借记“上解上级支出”贷记“收入户存款”。收到市上划拨的基金时,借记“支出户存款”,贷记“上级下拨收入”。 本通知从二OO九年七月一日起执行。 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought,
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