

2018-01-08 16页 doc 51KB 22阅读




隔离开关、断路器、空开区别隔离开关、断路器、空开区别 隔离开关、断路器、空开这三个有什么区别啊 断路器高压断路器,和低压断路器 是一种电气保护装置,它的种类非常多 都有灭弧装置 空气开关的全称是空气式低压断路器 属于断路器的一种主要用于低压电路中, 因为它是通过空气作为介质进行灭弧 所以称为空气式低压断路器简称空气开关,我们平常家里的大楼里配电基本都是空气开关 隔离开关是一种高压开关电器主要用于高压电路中 它是一种没有灭弧装置的开关设备,主要用来断开无负荷电流的电路,隔离电源,在分闸状态时有明显的断开点,以保证其他电气设备的安全检修。在合闸...
隔离开关、断路器、空开区别 隔离开关、断路器、空开这三个有什么区别啊 断路器高压断路器,和低压断路器 是一种电气保护装置,它的种类非常多 都有灭弧装置 空气开关的全称是空气式低压断路器 属于断路器的一种主要用于低压电路中, 因为它是通过空气作为介质进行灭弧 所以称为空气式低压断路器简称空气开关,我们平常家里的大楼里配电基本都是空气开关 隔离开关是一种高压开关电器主要用于高压电路中 它是一种没有灭弧装置的开关设备,主要用来断开无负荷电流的电路,隔离电源,在分闸状态时有明显的断开点,以保证其他电气设备的安全检修。在合闸状态时能可靠地通过正常负荷电流及短路故障电流。因它没有专门的灭弧装置,不能切断负荷电流及短路电流。因此,隔离开关只能在电路已被断路器断开的情况下才能进行操作,严禁带负荷操作,以免造成严重的设备和人身事故。只有电压互感器、避雷器、励磁电流不超过2A的空载变压器,电流不超过5A的空载线路,才能用隔离开关进行直接操作。 电力应用中大多是用断路器和隔离开关联用,用断路器投、切负荷(故障)电流,用隔离开关形成明显断开点 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 首先说一下断路器和空开统称断路器 下面解释一下隔离开关和断路器的区别 1.隔离开关:类似闸刀开关,没有防止过流、短路功能,无灭弧装置;不能断开负荷电流和短路电流 2.断路器:具有过流、短路自动脱扣功能,带有消磁灭弧装置,可以用来接通、切断大电流; 隔离开关只起到隔离作用,后面的电路有故障了不能自动断开,但是在检修时可以手动断开电路,确保检修人员的人身安全 断路器不仅能起到隔离作用,可以保护后面的线路和设备,里面有热磁保护元器件,可以增加多种附件,可远程控制 空开一般是对断路器的俗称 隔离开关一般用在高压侧,起隔离电路作用,主要在检修安装给一个明显分隔点,一般与短路器配合使用; 断路器用在高压、低压,有保护作用,有些高压带灭弧功能; 空开低压侧居多,像一般家用开关、照明控制开关,也带有过流保护、漏电保护功能。 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 问 断路器、隔离开关、空气开关、熔断器、刀闸、漏电保护器 有什么区别 答 断路器用于接通和分断电路 能断开短路电流 作为短路保护和过载保护元件。断路器按其使用范围分为高压断路器和低压断路器 高低压界线划分比较模糊 一般将3kv以上的成为高压电器。低压断路器又称自动开关 它是一种既有手动开关作用 又能自动进行失压、欠压、过载、和短路保护的电器。它可用来分配电能 不频繁地启动异步电动机 对电源线路及电动机等实行保护 当它们发生严重的过载或者短路及欠压等故障时能自动切断电路 其功能相当于熔断器式开关与过欠热继电器等的组合。而且在分断故障电流后一般不需要变更零部件 一获得了广泛的应用。高压断路器(或称高压开关)是变电所主要的电力控制设备,具有灭弧特性,当系统正常运行时,它能切断和接通线路及各种电气设备的空载和负载电流;当系统发生故障时,它和继电保护配合,能迅速切断故障电流,以防止扩大事故范围.因此,高压断路器工作的好坏,直接影响到电力系统的安全运行 高压断路器种类很多 按其灭弧的不同 可分为 油断路器 多油断路器、少油断路器 、六氟化硫断路器 SF6断路器 、真空断路器、压缩空气断路器等。 隔离开关具有明显断开点 不能分断电流 作为检修时分断电路使用。 空气开关为断路器的一种 以空气作为绝缘介质的断路器。 熔断器为保护元件 当短路或超流熔断保丝产生断路保护 作为短路保护和过载保护元件 但熔断器一旦动作 就需要更换。 刀闸即隔离开关 有的配有简易的灭弧装置 可用于断开负荷电流。 漏电保护器为漏电保护元件。用于低压meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 通常为漏电保护断路器 即断路器加漏电保护元件 。 隔离开关和刀闸具有明显断开点 但不具备灭弧能力 不可以带负荷切送 无过载保护 断路器和空气开关一样具备灭弧能力 可以带负荷切送 具有过载保护等功能 但没有明显断开点 漏电保护器比断路器和空气开关又增加了漏电保护功能。 追问 为什么有了断路器还要隔离开关 隔离开关就是提供明显可见的端口 断路器没有吗 答 高压断路器和隔离开关他们的作用不一样 前者能带负荷操作 具有保护能力 后者不能带负荷操作 无保护能力 相同情况下前者价格往往是后者的5倍以上 在有一些场所中 只要具有隔离电源的情况下 我为什么要选贵的呢 还有再说明一点 高压断路器中如果是移开式断路器在退到试验位置或拉到外面时也能够有明显的隔离断口。 断路器有灭弧装置 你见过灭弧装置暴露在空气中的吗 所以说说断路器没有明显可见的断 断路器 空气开关 隔离开关 对低压电器来说,空气开关就是断路器,可切断短路电流.高压空气开关则另当别论.隔离开关就是刀闸,不能带负荷拉闸.& S# s, o. 断路器高压断路器 和低压断路器 是一种电气保护装置 它的种类非常多 都有灭弧装置# 空气开关的全称是空气式低压断路器 属于断路器的一种主要用于低压电路中 因为它是通过空气作为介质进行灭弧 所以称为空气式低压断路器简称空气开关 我们平常家里的大楼里配电基本都是空气开关 隔离开关是meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 一种高压开关电器主要用于高压电路中9 {6 j: U* ~ h' d' ]3 K 它是一种没有灭弧装置的开关设备 主要用来断开无负荷电流的电路 隔离电源 在分闸状态时有明显的断开点 以保证其他电气设备的安全检修。在合闸状态时能可靠地通过正常负荷电流及短路故障电流。因它没有专门的灭弧装置 不能切断负荷电流及短路电流。因此 隔离开关只能在电路已被断路器断开的情况下才能进行操作 严禁带负荷操作 以免造成严重的设备和人身事故。只有电压互感器、避雷器、励磁电流不超过2A的空载变压器 电流不超过5A的空载线路 才能用隔离开关进行直接操作。 继电器与接触器的区别 电磁式的继电器和接触器 它们的工作原理应该说是一样的。有时就是同一个器件 用在这个电路作为接触器 用到另外一个电路又作为继电器使用。如何区别呢 区别的方法就是看它们具体的用途了。 继电器的主要作用则是起信号检测、传递、变换或处理用的 它通断的电路电流通常较小 即一般用在控制电路 与“主电路”对比 。 接触器主要作用是用来接通或断开主电路的。所谓主电路是指一个电路工作与否是由该电路是否接通为标志。主电路概念与控制电路相对应。一般主电路通过的电流比控制电路大。因此 就如一楼的朋友说的 容量大的接触器一般都带有灭弧罩 因为大电流断开会产生电弧 不采用灭弧罩灭弧 将烧坏触头 。 如果某个主电路工作电流较小 这时完全可以采用通常作为继电器用的电器来作为通断主电路的器件。即将继电器作为接触器使用。但若某个主电路工作电流非常大 以至于使用通断主电路的接触器容量非常大 要meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 使这样的接触器工作的电流也非常大 也就是说它的控制电路中流过的电流非常大 用普通的继电器难以通断其控制电路。这时 可以选择某个原来作为接触器使用的电器来作为该控制电路的通断用 这个接触器在这个场合的作用就是继电器 接触器主要是用于一次回路的 可以通过较大的电流 可达几百到一千多A 继电器是用于二次回路的只能通过小电流 几A到十几A 实现各种控制功能 继电器的触点较多 种类也很多 有时间继电器 交流继电器 电磁式继电器等分类很细 主要用于二次保护用接触器电流较大 一次为铁磁线圈和主触头。在继电器的触点容量满足不了要求时 也可以用接触器代替。当接触器的辅助触点不够用时可加一继电器作辅助触点来实现各种控制。 设计不一样 样子一看就看出来了 一个就是是为直接控制电器设备强调大电流通短可靠性触电不烧结 一个是为了控制继电器或其他辅助设备 灯光阀体之类的 强调功能性 原理是一样的 设计理念不一样 就如同电力电缆和信号电缆 你就是用同轴接个灯炮也能亮 只要耐压够 其本身也可以供电 如共电式的电视系统 你用小线径电力电缆做控制电缆也可以 没甚么分别 但是但从使用领域和设计方向上完全是不同的 根本就是两种东西。两个圈 只有一小部分交集。 继电器一般触点容量为5A 当然也有特殊的 这样触头可以增加数量和其它功能 时间、电流、电压等 使得联锁控制要求能够达到。继电器由于容量小 接触器线圈容量也小 处于主令控制元件和接触器之间便于使用。接触器主要用于主回路控制使用设备 所以电流从几安培至meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 数千安培电流。增加了灭弧装置 并且根据使用情况有交流接触器和直流接触器。使用灭弧罩是灭弧装置的一种方法 接触器每组触点独有一个腔体 对灭弧有很大的好处 独立的腔体也是一种灭弧装置 而继电器一般是多组触点共用一个腔体 所以灭弧性能不好 在交流电路中不能承受大电流。“低压接触器”对灭弧装置而言没有任何意义 AC24V/20A的交流接触器和AC380/20A的交流接触器 灭弧装置是一样的 即使是AC24V/5A的中间继电器也是有灭弧装置的 因为它每组触点拥有一个独立的腔体。接触器有灭弧装置可以分断较大的电流.一般指10A以上.。 继电器和断路器的区别 1、继电器属于二次设备 有中间继电器、电压继电器、电流继电器、时间继电器等 用于信号采样、转接、控制、保护等 属于低压设备 触头容量均较小 一般为5A。 断路器属于一次设备 有空气断路器、油断路器、真空断路器、SF6断路器等 它直接工作在一次电源线上 用于负载的分、合 控制 电源的作用 根据型号不同 工作电压及触头容量也不同 2、继电器是用小电流控制大电流 通常用在控制电路里。 熔断器是以自身的破坏来避免电路受损 用在保护电路里。 断路器就是空开类的开关 控制电路通断的。 继电器是用二次控制电路里。 熔断器是用在保护电路里。 断路器就是控制电路通断的。 3、继电器是把小电流或小电压放大。也是扩大二次接线的路数 熔断器是防止线路和电器设备短路造成更大损失的保护装置 断路器作用除于熔断器相同外可启动和停止电器设备并可免去换熔丝的麻烦 4、熔断器 有高低压之分 可切断短路电流。用于保护在电路发生短路meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 故障时对电源和用电设备的破坏。不能反复使用 断路器 有高低压之分 可切断短路电流。用于保护着电路发生短路故障时对电源和用电设备的破坏。可以反复使用。 继电器 只有低压和弱电电路使用。用于控制回路中 对电路实现控制和保护功能。通常是用小功率驱动大功率。可实现不同电压等级的电路元器件之间的控制。按照其功能有可分为 电压继电器、电流继电器、功率继电器、时间继电器、热继电器、电流电压继电器等等 空气开关和断路器 【空气开关】是一种只要有短路现象,开关形成回路就会跳闸的开关。 当线路发生短路或严重过载电流时 短路电流超过瞬时脱扣整定电流值 电磁脱扣器产生足够大的吸力 将衔铁吸合并撞击杠杆 使搭钩绕转轴座向上转动与锁扣脱开 锁扣在反力弹簧的作用下将三副主触头分断 切断电源。 当线路发生一般性过载时 过载电流虽不能使电磁脱扣器动作 但能使热元件产生一定热量 促使双金属片受热向上弯曲 推动杠杆使搭钩与锁扣脱开 将主触头分断 切断电源。 因为绝缘方式有很多 有油开关 真空开关和其它惰性气体 六氟化硫气体 的开关。空气开关就是使用空气灭弧的开关 所以叫做空气开关。利用了空气来熄灭开关过程中产生的电弧。所以叫空气开关。 【断路器】 具有过流、短路自动脱扣功能 带有消磁灭弧装置 可以用来接通、切断大电流 空气开关 断路器的一种 它的灭弧装置暴露在空气中 在空气介质环境中就可以完成消除电弧 这类电器一般多用于低压回路。 三相电 U、V、W称为三相 相与相之间的电压是线电压 电压为380V 相与中性meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 线之间称为相电压 电压是220V。 三相电的颜色 A相为黄色 B相为绿色 C相为红色 目前有以下几种叫法 A,B,C,L1,L2,L3,U,V,W 顺序都是一样 的 区别 1,三相电源与单相电源的区别 发电机发出的电源都是三相的 三相电源的每一相与其中性点都可以构成一个单相回路为用户提供电力能源。注意在这里交流回路中不能称做正极或负极 应该叫线端 民用电中称火线 和中性线 民用电中称零线 。 2,按照规定 380伏 三相 的民用电源的中性点是不应该在进户端接地的 在变压器端接地 这个接地是考虑到不能因悬浮点位造成高于电源电压的点位 用户端的接地与变压器端的接地在大地中是存在一定的电阻的 供电方式是一根火线和一根零线 中性点引出线 构成回路 在单相三芯的电源插孔中还接有一根接地线。这是考虑到漏电保护器功能的实现 漏电保护器的工作原理是 如果有人体触摸到电源的线端即火线 或电器设备内部漏电 这时电流从火线通过人体或电器设备外壳流入大地 而不流经零线 火线和零线的电流就会不相等 漏电保护器检测到这部分电流差别后立刻跳闸保护人身和电器的安全 一般这个差流选择在几十毫安 如果 把电源的中性点直接接地 这在民用电施工中是不允许的 漏电保护器就失去了作用 不能保护人身和电器设备的短路了。 三相短路容量 欲求三相短路容量 先求此点的短路电流值 再根据S=根号3*U线*I短路电流就可以了。 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects
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