

2018-02-09 12页 doc 36KB 33阅读




家具ERP管理软件流程简介家具ERP管理软件流程简介 广州尚夏网络科技有限公司家具ERP流程介绍 1 业务员 1.1 订单正常处理 1) 系统自动下载买家已成功付款的订单,状态为未处理。 2) 客服根据会员信息查询自己需处理的订单,锁定订单,然后进行信息确认。主要是:商品信息,业务员,预计发货日期,物流公司。运费支付类型为到付时,选择运费类型为到付,并输入到付金额(必填项) 3) 将特殊要求信息(如:发货到楼下)填入卖家备注,此信息会在发货单中打印(客户可见)。 4) 订单客审之后需要修改订单信息或订单商品信息需要去订单变更做变跟单提交审...
家具ERP管理软件流程简介 广州尚夏网络科技有限公司家具ERP流程介绍 1 业务员 1.1 订单正常处理 1) 系统自动下载买家已成功付款的订单,状态为未处理。 2) 客服根据会员信息查询自己需处理的订单,锁定订单,然后进行信息确认。主要是:商品信息,业务员,预计发货日期,物流公司。运费支付类型为到付时,选择运费类型为到付,并输入到付金额(必填项) 3) 将特殊要求信息(如:发货到楼下)填入卖家备注,此信息会在发货单中打印(客户可见)。 4) 订单客审之后需要修改订单信息或订单商品信息需要去订单变更做变跟单提交审核来修改订单信息。 1.2 订单特殊情况处理 1.2.1 增减货物 1) 如若订单审核之后需更改商品信息,首先复制此订单的系统编码(如:LS1111230000045)再打开订单管理——订单变更新增一个变更单,点击订单编号右边筛选按钮进去 粘贴后点击刷新找到需要变更的订单(必须是客服审核且未打印发货单的状态才能找到此订单) 2) a.新增商品 选择增加明细界面,点击增加明细按钮,选择需要新增的商品信息,确定添加 b.取消商品 选择取消明细界面,点击增加明细按钮,选择需要新增的商品信息,确定添加 c.基本信息修改 比如修改地址或者修改电话等订单信息,修改完之后确定保存 d做废 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 如果客人需要整单取消就直接吧作废勾上确定即可 提交给售后 3) 提交后售后人员确认审核,售后审核后,销售订单的商品明细和订单信息会根据变更的内容做相应增加/删除的改变 1.2.2 合并订单 1) 同一客户购买了2笔订单,订单下载下来后需要合并,合并订单需满足的条件是收货人,会员名称,收货地址,电话,店铺都完全一样才能合并,合并操作:选中需合并的订单,点击合并按钮。提示合并成功就OK了如若失败会有提示原因 1.2.3 订单关联 同一客户拍了两单(客人要求一起发货)已经货审了一单,这时需要合并,为了占用库存的可用数我们就可以用到关联。关联后的效果是关联的订单财审的时候 必须2个一起审核,发货也必须一起发货。 1.2.4 转补款单 1)后面拍的补款单需要和主单一起发货直接选中补款单点击转为补款单 可以通过一些条件找到主单再确定。 1.3 手动新增订单 此钮用于非淘宝渠道的订单如银行转账或现金支付,如果要查单可以去订单中心查找订单中心会记录所有的单据和和处理状态 2 2.1 手动新增采购 打开采购管理——采购订单——新增一张采购单添加需要采购的商品直接下单采购 输入你需要采购的商品编码确定后在途数会增加。 2.2 根据订单生成采购 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 2.2.1 生成采购单 打开采购管理——采购订单——点击“采购订单”按钮会自动生成一张采购单,此单是根据已客审后未生成采购订单的销售订单生成 2.2.2 确定采购单 确认生成后会形成一张采购单点击“修改”输入你实际需要采购的数量 2.3 打印采购单 打印采购单时,根据采购商品的供应商不同,每个供应商打印一份采购单 2.4 取消采购 1) 采购人员点击“获取”会生成一张取消采购单,取消单明细是根据变更单的取消明细而来,根据你的实际情况修改取消采购单(与厂家联系是否可以取消采购),输入需要取消采购的数量 确定取消数量点击“确定”这时需采购数减少点击“提交”按钮对应此商品的采购订单数量减少同时在途数也减少。 2.5 入库 商品到达仓库时,入库人员做入库处理打开采购管理——入库单——输入外部单号(来货单上面的单号)选择供应商以、仓库、入库类型,输入所入库的商品 输入完毕后确定“上传”到财务,等待财务确定审核后增加库存数。 注意:如选择采购入库,则会改变入库商品对应采购单的入库数量,并减少在途数,如 商品入库,则不改变采购单状态及在途数。 3 跟单 3.1 货审 1) 打开订单管理——跟单部,订单状态为“未处理”状态,这时跟单员对此订单进行货审。 货审时候观察订单最右边的货审状态“可货审”表示此单里面的商品有现货“不可货审”表示仓库暂时没现货。选中订单后订单下面会显示出此单里面客人Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 所购买的商品明细以及对应的商品库存 注意: 库存占有先后顺序是按照承诺发货时间来排序,比如一款商品同时两个人购买但是只有一件可用数那么这件商品属于谁,这时就看承诺发货时间哪个单时间早此单的 状态就为可货审状态,如果特殊情况承诺发货时间迟的那单需要先发的话也可以选择此单先点“审核”一样可以审核过先占掉这个可用数,确定无误后点击“审核” 按钮此单操作完成。 2) 打印发货单:订单货审完毕流转到财务部门财务员审核完会流转到仓储部的订单打印这时确保仓库货物齐全可选中此单点击“发货单”选择打印机进行打单操作 3.2 发货 1) 完单后此单会流转到跟单部的可发货界面(货物送到物流公司取回底单立即录入系统)这时开始录入物流单信息,还有核对包件数量和系统是否一样,输入物流成本,输入完毕选中此单点击“发货”录入信息 确定信息无误后点击“发货”按钮提示发货完成此单操作完结状态为已发货状态。 4 售后 4.1 全单取消 1) 务员通知售后人员核对是否取消确定后信息传达给采购,采购问工厂货物是否在生产是的话就直接通知业务员和客户沟通,没有生产则售后反审核,业务员作废该订单 4.2 增减商品 1) 售订单审核后需要修改商品明细,业务员会做好变更单提交到售后,售后人员进行处理,当售后审核后此销售订单商品明细才正式修正 确定好信息售后审核此订单完结。 5 财务 5.1 订单处理 1) 审:当货审后流转到财务部页面状态为“未处理”状态,财务人员核对订单的商品总金额和客人支付的总金额确认无误够进行审核 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 5.2 入库单审核 1) 采购员录好入库单提交后,财务人员需对此单进行确认审核后库存才正式加入到系统。 6 仓库 6.1 库存查看 1) 开库存管理——库存查询——输入需要查询商品的编号——刷新。 库存数:仓库实际的数量。 订单数:客服审核未发货的数量。 已货审数:跟单货审后未发货的数量。 可用数:库存数减去已货审的数量。 已打印数:已经打印商品没发货的数量。 在途数:已经采未入库的数量。 残损数:以残损的数量不能正常销售(需做调整单调整)。 借出数:借出的数量扣减的是可用数(比如影棚需要拍照需要借出,需做借出单)。 售出数:已经卖出的数量(以发货为准)。 6.2 借出单管理 1) 借出:打开库存管理——借出单管理——新增——提交——打印 首先新增一张借出单选择好出库仓库以及借出公司,选择好需要借出的商品做好单之后提交掉此单再审核,如果可用数不足则会给予提示,可用数足够提交后会在库存表的借出数显示出来借出数量,做好单提交后打印出拣货。 2) 归还:归还货物时候选择以前借出的借出单点击修改进去选择归还的商品录入归还的数量 录入完归还数点击添加然后确定这时库存表归还数减少库存数增加,归还完成之后次借出单的状态会对应的改变 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 6.3 库存移动 1) 打开库存管理——库存移动——新增——审核。 此功能主要用于仓库之间库存的调拨,首先新增一张库存移动单,添加选择移出仓库和移入仓库,选择转移商品录入产品数量 做好库存移动单之后审核后生效,出仓库存减少入仓库存增加。 6.4 库存调整和库存盘点 1) 打开库存管理——库存调整——新增——提交 此功能主要用于系统库存与仓库实际库存不符做调整,新增一张调整单选择调整仓库以及需要调整的产品再录入调整后库存确定,提交后生效。 2) 打开库存管理——库存盘点——完成盘点——同步库存 次操作主要用于月盘或者年盘(盘点时间由公司实际情况而定),新增盘点单选中盘点仓库和盘点类型做好单之后保存完成盘点,再同步库存同步之后库存发生变动。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and
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