

2017-09-02 1页 doc 11KB 12阅读




一个英文实习合同,不太明白,请帮忙翻译一个英文实习合同,不太明白,请帮忙翻译 The Trainee shall not be remunerated but may receive gratuities. If the duration of the Placement exceeds three consecutive month, the Trainee should receive compensation to defray costs incurred in the execution of the Placement. The amount of ...
一个英文实习合同,不太明白,请帮忙 The Trainee shall not be remunerated but may receive gratuities. If the duration of the Placement exceeds three consecutive month, the Trainee should receive compensation to defray costs incurred in the execution of the Placement. The amount of this compensation is set at JPY 70,000 per month. The terms of payment are as follows: Advance payment in cash every month If the trainee receives fringe benefits or benefits in kind (e.g. free meals, etc.), the corresponding amount should be added to the monthly compensation. Details of fringe benefits and benefits in kind: accommodation and utility expenses (gas, water, electricity, the Internet, mobile phone (basic fee only)) Travelling and living expenses incurred by the Trainee on official business at the Company’s request, as well as any training costs pertaining to the Placement shall be incurred by the Company in accordance with the Company’s normal practice and terms.人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能 复返。
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