

2018-10-25 13页 doc 38KB 15阅读




宝宝脾气不好该怎么办宝宝脾气不好该怎么办 宝宝脾气暴躁怎么办, 宝宝爱发脾气是缺乏耐心的体现,而宝宝的耐心并非与生俱来。婴儿没有多少耐心,这不仅正常,而且对他们的生存来说十分必要。因为没有耐心,他才能及时向父母传达自己的信息,解决自己的各种需求。只有在理解了因果关系之后,宝宝才能学会忍耐,而因果思维依赖于宝宝掌握时间与秩序之间的关系。对婴儿来说,忍耐也许仅仅意味着等待2-3分钟,如果2-3分钟后他的需要还不能得到满足,他的哭声就会越来越大。从儿童发展的角度看,婴儿期各种需要得不到满足可能给宝宝带来很多不良情绪,导致宝宝变得脾气暴躁。 到了2...
宝宝脾气不好该怎么办 宝宝脾气暴躁怎么办, 宝宝爱发脾气是缺乏耐心的体现,而宝宝的耐心并非与生俱来。婴儿没有多少耐心,这不仅正常,而且对他们的生存来说十分必要。因为没有耐心,他才能及时向父母传达自己的信息,解决自己的各种需求。只有在理解了因果关系之后,宝宝才能学会忍耐,而因果思维依赖于宝宝掌握时间与秩序之间的关系。对婴儿来说,忍耐也许仅仅意味着等待2-3分钟,如果2-3分钟后他的需要还不能得到满足,他的哭声就会越来越大。从儿童发展的角度看,婴儿期各种需要得不到满足可能给宝宝带来很多不良情绪,导致宝宝变得脾气暴躁。 到了2岁左右,宝宝开始逐步意识到自己的需要和主张,进入第一个“反抗期”。这个阶段的宝宝汪汪让父母觉得特别有主意,好发脾气。如果父母能够认识到他需求自我权利的需要,根据特定的情况给予宝宝适当的自由,同时制定明确而合理的行为规则,那么宝宝的反抗期就会顺利度过,宝宝的自我意识与独立能力也能得到顺利发展,亲子关系因此进入新的格局。 宝宝脾气大,个性强,这既可能是他心里发展的阶段性特征,也可能是他先天的行为倾向,还可能是父母和宝宝互动不良的体现。主要起因于一下的原因: 1、宝宝属于胆汁质气质 有的宝宝由于先天神经系统的反应存在冲动、易激怒、活动水平高、不易转移等特点,因此也往往先得比别的宝宝更易发脾气。爱发脾气的宝宝可能属胆汁质气质,即神经系统兴奋性很高,很热情,态度比较直率,精力旺盛,但是也很容易泄气。这种气质类型的宝宝,在后天环境的影响下,如果收到良好的教育引导,会成为一个积极进取,开朗热情,蓬勃向上的人。如果引导不当,也可能发展成急躁任性、爱发脾气的人。 2、父母教养方式欠妥当 过分的溺爱也可能导致宝宝爱发脾气。比如,当宝宝偶然发脾气时,父母可能因为宝宝还小,发脾气的小模样很可爱而表现出某种欣赏态度,那么宝宝发脾气的行为不仅得不到遏制,反而会因此一天天的滋长,并形成恶性循环。一味地溺爱宝宝,无条件地满足他所有的要求(包括合理和不合理的要求),都会使宝宝形成“唯我独尊”,“我说了算”的心态。一旦某一次要求没有得到满足,宝宝就会大哭大闹,而父母则往往在疼爱宝宝的心情中败下阵来,并作出妥协让步,从而更加助长了宝宝发脾气的行为习惯。 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 3、父母和宝宝之间的互动出现问题 孩子“脾气坏”、难于控制也是父母与宝宝互动不良的表现。触摸、摆弄、甚至用嘴尝尝喜 欢的东西,这对于宝宝来说都是极为自然的行为,也是他们探索外部世界的主要方法之一。出于对宝宝安全、健康等方面的考虑,父母可能会对宝宝的这种自然探索行为进行限制,如果父母处理的方式不正确,就会引发父母与宝宝之间控制与反控制的矛盾,使宝宝的小脾气爆发出来。 4、父母的言行影响了宝宝 无论宝宝多小,他的心也会极为敏感。因此,父母的一言一行都会在宝宝内心留下非常深 刻的印象。模仿是宝宝的天性,而父母是宝宝的第一任老师,因此,父母的言语、举止、性情、脾气、动作等等都会对宝宝产生潜移默化的影响。 解决策略: 1、用冷处理调控宝宝的坏脾气 在保证安全的前提下,一旦宝宝发脾气,立刻撤回对他的所有注意,并将宝宝抱到一个单独的房间或安静无人的角落,在保证安全的前提下,让他独自哭闹或生气。在宝宝停止哭闹或生气之前,任何人都不要理睬他,同时还要避免跟他有任何目光和身体的接触。这种冷处理的方式可以让宝宝因为无趣而停止自己的行为。 2、引导宝宝逐步发展行为控制能力 父母首先要为自己设定一个控制宝宝行为的范围,既避免放任自流,也要避免控制过多、过频,适当给予宝宝决定自己行为的机会。父母可以给宝宝的日常行为制定一些明确、合理的规则,当宝宝能较好的遵守规则时要及时表扬和鼓励宝宝,而当宝宝出现消极行为时可采取处理或适当处罚的方法让他明白自己的错误。父母还可根据宝宝的情况制定每日活动计划。为他提供足够的认知、社会性想、刺激与活动的机会,减少宝宝违反规则或与父母发生冲突的机会,避免亲子消极互动的重复模式对宝宝产生不良影响。 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 3、控制自身情绪,给宝宝正面影响 如果父母本身脾气比较暴躁,那就应该在宝宝面前尽力控制自己的暴躁情绪,避免当着宝宝的面大声争论或争吵,尽量以良好的行为方式给予宝宝一些正面的影响。另外,父母对宝宝的态度要保持一致,当宝宝发脾气时,父母本身不要失去控制而与宝宝对着发脾气。 4、给予宝宝足够的安全感 父母平时要多关心宝宝,经常用抚摸、亲吻、微笑等来安慰宝宝,给予宝宝足够的安全感。一旦宝宝明白父母对他的爱十分深厚,他就不会因为失去安全感而变得脾气暴躁,行为不可控制。 5、帮助宝宝理解时间,学会等待 等宝宝稍微长大,能正确理解父母意图后,可以给他提供一些具体的线索,帮助他理解时间的概念,这样他就不会因为自己的要求没有及时得到满足而动怒。比如,对宝宝说:“我们看完这本,然后就去玩滑梯。”这样宝宝就有了判断时间的,而不是依赖那些抽象难懂的几点钟来判断时间。 6、不要变相地助长宝宝的坏脾气 当宝宝发脾气时,父母切忌反复用“别发脾气行吗,”“我们好好说,好不好,”等请求式的语言来哀求宝宝。更不能为了及时制止宝宝发脾气的行为许下不合理的承诺。这些做法可能在短时间内缩短宝宝不愉快的时间,但是同时也错误的强化了宝宝通过发脾气控制成人的行为倾向。父母对宝宝发脾气行为的调控应该按照宝宝身心发展的水平提出要求,既不能因为要求过高而引发亲子冲突,也不能为了避免冲突而一味地迁就宝宝。教育宝宝一定要坚持固有的原则,即便宝宝不停地哭闹、在地上打滚或者抓挠大人,父母也要硬下心来坚持到底,对宝宝发脾气的行为不予理睬,等宝宝情绪平静下来后,再给他将道理。坚持几次,宝宝就会聪明地意识到发脾气确实毫无用处。 7、转移宝宝注意力 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 当小宝宝发脾气的时候,因为他还不懂道理,因此,父母可以尝试用各种方法转移宝宝注意力,比如给宝宝新鲜的玩具、用品,和宝宝一道做些小游戏(蒙上脸藏猫猫等),当宝宝像小老虎一样吼叫时,妈妈可以学猫咪(或其他)叫,不仅可以吸引宝宝的注意,还能使宝宝多学一些本领。还可以将宝宝抱到另外一个环境,变化的环境可以有效地吸引宝宝注意力,让他从恶劣没得情绪里挣扎出来。 8、柔滑宝宝性格 个别宝宝属于天生的“怪脾气”,性格生来就比较火爆。对这类宝宝,父母平时可以故意用较慢的速度和他说话,经常哼些缓慢柔美的曲调给他听,以达到柔化宝宝性格的目的。需要注意的是,无论如何父母都不能以急对急,火上浇油。这样不仅于事无补,反而会导致宝宝的脾气越来越坏。 9、分清原因区别对待宝宝的坏脾气 宝宝发脾气的原因可能很多,有的时候可能因为宝宝身体原因,比如宝宝总是在饭后或是从睡梦中惊醒而哭闹、发脾气,那说明宝宝可能存在健康方面的原因,应该尽早带宝宝去看医生确诊。 暴躁行为一:喜欢打人 心理:这是孩子成长中的必经阶段,通常在两岁左右开始出现。但是,虽然这是正常现象,我们却不能忽视他们在这种行为中表现出来的攻击性和侵略性。我们应该告诉孩子打人是不对的,并且帮助他学会如何控制自己的情绪。 不当处理:为了当即制止他的打人行为,我经常对他说:“如果你再打小朋友,我们现在就走,不让你在这儿玩了!”但是后来我发现,类似的话就相当于告诉他下一次遇上麻烦的时候还是可以这样做。因为在孩子听来,我好像再说:“继续吧,直到你被妈妈带走为止”,但这并不是我想要的结果。 更好的处理办法:首先,决不让孩子逃脱打人应该受到的惩罚。当他打小伙伴或者是打我的时候,我马上就把他拉开,并且告诉他:“不许打人!打人很疼!”然后重申关于不许打人的规则,并且带他离开当时的情境。比如说,如果我们会马上离开活动场,或者把孩子从这个房间领进另一个房间——也许是走廊。重要的是,打人的事件到这里并没有结束。如果他是为了争抢一个玩具而打小朋友,我就会把那个玩具还给对方。让孩子明白,打人并不能实现目的。如果他希望玩小朋友的玩具的话,最好通过平和的表达方式。 暴躁行为二:哭哭啼啼 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 心理分析:孩子之所以哭哭啼啼,因为这一招确实奏效。因为每个父母都会对孩子的啼哭很紧张,所以孩子也就越发善于使用这个独门武器——在他们需要的时候,通过啼哭来引起我们的注意。 不当处理:当孩子以普通的音量、平和的方式表示意愿的时候,如果我当时很忙、很累,或者必须处理其他更着急的事情,我通常就当听不见或者索性拒绝他。但是那样做的后果,基本都是他接下来的大声啼哭。于是,我只能暂停所有的事情,去看看他到底怎么了。 更好的处理办法:简单地告诉你的孩子:“我不听哭声。如果你好好说话,我可以考虑满足你的要求。”我这样说,也会真的按照自己说的,好好去听孩子的需求,然后再好好考虑一下同意或者拒绝他的理由。如果确实应该拒绝,我还会简要地告诉他为什么,这样既能让他明白原因,也让他感觉到大人没有应付他。那样,虽然他还是会不高兴,但是至少不会再啼哭了。 暴躁行为三:发脾气 心理分析:两三岁的小孩子很难用语言表达他们的不满,所以当他们感觉到愤怒、恐惧或者有什么令他不满意的时候,他们就会通过愤怒、喊叫或者其他的过激行为表达自己的感受。等到再长大一些,到了四五岁,孩子们就通常是有所图谋地使用发脾气这个手段了,当他们的某种愿望得不到满足的时候,发脾气是表达不满的最淋漓尽致的方式。当然,在孩子累或饿到极点的时候,他们也会借题发挥地闹一闹。 不当处理:每到这种情况发生的时候,我经常一下子就被孩子激怒。于是我可能会回馈给他同样的喊叫、推搡,甚至把他夹在胳膊下面狠狠地在他屁股上打几巴掌。现在看来,越到这种剑拔弩张的时候,我的反应越应该相反——尽最大可能保持平静和常态。因为事实是如果在他发脾气的时候我也跟着大声吼叫,等于就是在手把手地教给他这种不好的行为。所以到了后来,我基本能够要求自己发现情绪有些失控的时候,就让自己深呼吸,默默数数,要求自己冷静下来。 更好的处理办法:当孩子死活不愿意做某件事,或者是因为被我拒绝而显得十分沮丧的时候,我总是尝试着带上一些感情跟他说话。比如说他因为我不允The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 许他在饭前吃曲奇而暴跳如雷的时候,我会耐心等待他安静下来,然后温和地对他说:“妈妈知道你特别想吃,也知道你现在很不高兴。但是因为我们马上就要吃饭了,我曾经说过,饭前半小时之内不可以吃点心。其实妈妈已经在饭后准备了好吃的蛋挞,如果你好好吃饭的话,到时候就能多吃一个。”我发现,这是一种能够控制情绪的说话方式. 采用适当的教育方法 一、移情教育。所谓的移情教育就是设身处地地为别人着想。日常生活中,爸爸妈妈要做好典范作用,为孩子树立良好的榜样。比如让宝宝体验小朋友拿到最小苹果时的心情。移情教育能让宝宝在与同伴的交往中变得更友好,更谦让。 二、阳性强化法。阳性强化法认为在一种行为之后马上给予奖赏强化,这种行为就会增强。当孩子关心别人做出谦让的时候,家长要及时给予表扬,认同宝宝的表现。采取多赞扬的方法,让他体验其中的快乐。 三、消退法。消退法是对某些强化不良行为的因素予以消除,以达到减少不良行为的发生。当爸爸妈妈发现宝宝脾气暴躁时,要多和幼儿园的老师沟通,以便找出宝宝叛逆举动的原因,尽早消除。对宝宝的不良行为要及时提出批评,并可以采取措施,教育宝宝学会如何处理矛盾的方法。 用冷处理让宝宝学会自我控制 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this
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