

2017-09-29 30页 doc 78KB 6阅读




米洛的维纳斯副页米洛的维纳斯副页 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 米洛的维纳斯 教学目标: 1、能力训练点:培养“研究探讨、深入领会”的阅读习惯。 2、美育渗透点:领会“以无胜有、以少胜多”的艺术原则。 教学方法:课堂以学生讨论、释疑为主。 教学设计: 1、查阅资料,了解有关维纳斯的神话传说及“断臂维纳斯”雕像的特征,把握维纳斯雕塑的形体美~ 2、通读全文,了解大意,并在文中划出疑难语句,把握维纳斯雕塑的艺术的美~ 3、拓展阅读,感受残缺的生活美。 课时安排:预习一课时,讲读一课时。 ...
米洛的维纳斯副页 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课 附 注 米洛的维纳斯 教学目标: 1、能力训练点:培养“研究探讨、深入领会”的阅读习惯。 2、美育渗透点:领会“以无胜有、以少胜多”的艺术原则。 教学方法:课堂以学生讨论、释疑为主。 教学设计: 1、查阅资料,了解有关维纳斯的神话传说及“断臂维纳斯”雕像的特征,把握维纳斯雕塑的形体美~ 2、通读全文,了解大意,并在文中划出疑难语句,把握维纳斯雕塑的艺术的美~ 3、拓展阅读,感受残缺的生活美。 课时安排:预习一课时,讲读一课时。 教 学 过 程 一、背景知识简介 1、雕塑艺术的特点 雕塑是运用了塑性、可雕性的物质材料,通过雕、刻、铸、焊等手段反映社会生活,表达审美理想的具有实体的造型艺术。种类很多,按所用材料有石雕、木雕、泥塑等。按形态有圆雕、浮雕、透雕,按安放位置分为城市雕塑,园林雕塑,纪念雕塑等。 2、米洛的维纳斯的发现 《米洛斯的阿芙洛蒂忒》俗称《米洛斯的维纳斯》、《断臂的维纳斯》、《维纳斯像》等,大理石雕像, 高204厘米。 在希腊化时期,表现女性人体美的雕塑日渐增多,对爱与美之神阿芙洛蒂忒,也就是维纳斯的歌颂更是层出不穷,其中最为著名雕像的就是这尊《米洛斯的阿芙洛蒂忒》,并已经成为赞颂女性人体美的代名词。 1820年2月,在爱琴海的米罗斯岛上,一个农夫在一座古墓旁整地时挖掘到一尊女性雕像。她分成上、下两截,并与刻着名字的台座、拿着苹果的手腕以及其它断片等等一道,散落在附近的田地下。已懂得这是值钱的东西的农夫,立刻将它们埋原,并了在岛上的法国领事。领事稍付定金,即通知当时设在君士坦丁堡的法国大使。几乎与此同时,在爱琴海搞测量的一位法国海军士官,名叫鸠尔?丢孟?都尔维尔对此表示了更大的关注。这是一位希腊艺术的爱好者,当他看过这些雕像的块片以后,认为它们是一个整体,并第一个断定这就是维纳斯的雕像。于是立刻告诉农夫,法国决定把她买下,要他不必再到处声张了。随即赶到君士坦丁堡,向大使命陈详情,促使大使下了决心并派专人前去交易。不料岛上的长老出于本岛的利益而中途插手,开会议决命农夫将雕像卖给在土耳其任职的一位希腊大官,当法国人赶到岛上时已经是雕像装船 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 的关头了。见此情景,他们几乎要动武,命令法国船舰随时准备行动。顿时,爱琴海上战云密布。恰巧,一场暴风而解了围。它推迟了土耳其船只的起航,为法国使者争得了斡旋的时机,他们软硬兼施,把雕像终于转到了法国船上。后来又给岛上赠送金钱,从而取得了岛上放弃雕像的誓约。雕像顺利运抵巴黎,由于种种政治、人事方面的原因,一直推至 1821年3月2日,国王路易十八才正式接受献礼。从这一天开始,她便成为法国国家财产。当时的登记名称是“在希腊群岛中的米罗所发现的维纳斯像”,并被陈列于罗浮宫特辟的专门展室中。 法国获得这尊雕像时,全国一片沸腾,人们视之为国宝,并被尊称为卢浮宫的镇馆之宝。她一直为世界上所有热爱艺术和美的人们所景仰,他们都以能亲眼目睹这尊古希腊最伟大的艺术奇迹为人生一大幸事。 3、关于维纳斯的文化背景 维纳斯是罗马神话中的爱与美神,也是象征丰饶多产的女神。古希腊神话中称为阿佛洛狄忒。传说她在大海的泡沫中诞生,在三位时光女神和三位美惠女神的陪伴下,来到奥林匹斯山,众神被其美丽容貌所吸引,纷纷向她求爱。宙斯在遭其拒绝后,遂把她嫁给了丑陋而瘸腿的火神赫斐斯塔司,但她却爱上了战神阿瑞斯,并生下小爱神厄洛斯。后曾帮助特洛伊王子帕里斯拐走斯巴达国王墨涅拉俄的妻子、全希腊最美的女人海伦。引起希腊人远征特洛伊的十年战争。《米洛斯的维纳斯》是举世闻名的古希腊后期的雕塑杰作。 4、米洛斯的维纳斯的艺术魅力 从雕像被发现的第一天起,就被公认为是迄今为止希腊女性雕像中最美的一尊。多少年来,人们对她倾注了不计其数的赞美和歌颂。爱神的身材端庄秀丽,肌肤丰腴,美丽的椭圆型面庞,希腊式挺直的鼻梁,平坦的前额和丰满的下巴,平静的面容,流露出希腊雕塑艺术鼎盛时期沿袭下来的理想化传统。她那微微扭转的姿势,使半裸的身体构成了一个十分和谐而优美的螺旋型上升体态,富有音乐的韵律感,充满了巨大的魅力。作品中女神的腿被富有表现力的衣褶所覆盖,仅露出脚趾,显得厚重稳定,更衬托出了上身的秀美。她的表情和身姿是那样的庄严崇高而端庄,象一座纪念碑;她又是那样优美,流露出最抒情的女性柔美和妩媚。人们似乎可以感到,女神的心情非常平静,没有半点的娇艳和羞怯,只有纯洁与典雅。她的嘴角上略带笑容,却含而不露,给人以矜持而富有智慧的感觉。尤其令人惊奇的是她的双臂,虽然已经残断,但那雕刻得栩栩如生的身躯,仍然给人以浑然完美之感,以至于后世的雕刻家们在竞相制作复原双臂的复制品后,都为有一种画蛇添足感觉而叹息。正是这残缺的断臂似乎更能诱发出人们的美好想象,增强了人们的欣赏趣味。雕像没有追求纤小细腻,而是采用了简洁的艺术处理手法,体现了人体的青春、美和内心所蕴含的美德。整尊雕像无论从任何角度 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 欣赏,都能发现某种统一而独特的美。这种美不再是希腊大部分女性雕像中所表现的“感官美”,而是一种古典主义的理想美,充满了无限的诗意,在她面前,几乎一切人体艺术作品都显得黯然失色。 整个雕像的比例也是十分耐人寻味的。它接近于利西普斯所追求的那种人体美比例,而且,雕像的各部分比例几乎都蕴含着黄金分割的美学秘密。这正是古人对于人体美的赞颂和肯定,为后世的艺术树立了不朽的典范。 《米罗的维纳斯》由若干块断片经过精心的接合加工后而公诸于世。那个带铭文的台座和持苹果的手臂很快就被专家鉴定与雕像无关而被剔除了,从而推测在罗马时即已失去手臂。因此,雕像又同时以“断臂维纳斯”著称于世。于是,修复原作的双臂成了艺术家、历史家最神秘也最感兴趣的课题。归纳起来,当时最典型的几种是:左手持苹果、搁在台座上,右手挽住下滑的腰布;双手拿着胜利花圈;右手捧鸽子,左手持苹果,并放在台座上让它啄食;右手抓住将要滑落的腰布,左手握着一束头发,正待入浴;与战神站在一起,右手握着他的右腕,左手搭在他的肩上……但是,只要有一种方案出现,就会有一种反驳的道理。最终得出的结论,几乎是保持断臂反而是最完美的形象~除了双臂复原的争论以外,还有许多其他问题也引起人们的兴趣。譬如,她真是维纳斯吗,也许是大海女神、胜利女神,其次,作者是谁,制作年代、地点,等等一大堆问题挑起了大家的论战。最后,除了她是维纳斯,并创作于公元前二世纪末这个看法比较统一以外,其余的只好作为一系列悬案留待后人去考究了。 作为审美观照,当人们站在这个精美的雕像面前的时候,一个裸体的女性,她丰满而圣洁,柔媚而单纯,优雅而高贵,这就足够人们为之倾倒的了。在这洁白的大理石里面,是少女的青春,是生命的跃动。人们从这里发现了自己,自己的生命,自己的创造潜能;感受到了人类生生不息的原动力……这是一种极大的满足,最深的启示,这也是人体的魅力之所在~人体,它本身就蕴藏着无穷无尽的变化,孕含着微妙多姿的美。希腊民族得天独厚,最深刻地理解和最完整地把握了人体这个小宇宙,并发掘出人类纯粹的知性结构,再通过自然的真实外貌,去表现一种更高的境界。他们把情与理、美与真探合在一起,在神的庇护下追求着自由生活的真谛与乐趣,在理性的指导下,赤裸裸地展现人自身。黑格尔就曾经高度赞扬希腊人能够完美地把神的普遍性和理想性与神的个性结合在一起。尤其赞赏阿佛洛耿忒的裸体表现,他说,“她是纯美的女神”,“把她雕成裸体是有正当理由的:因为她所要表现的主要是由精神加以节制和提高的感性美及其胜利,一般是秀雅,温柔和爱的魔力。”对于《米罗的维纳斯》,谁也不可能、也没有必要从她赤裸袒裎的身上去归纳出一个具体的主题。她把自然、生命,她把真、善、美都 第layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving su 3 页 stainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 集中于一身。她不愧为古代希腊雕刻的一个典型代表,不愧为女性美的最高体现。她超越了空间和时间,直至今日还表现出那种秀雅、温柔和爱的扭力。 “米罗的维纳斯”以其独特的艺术魅力而使之成为家喻户晓的爱与美的女神的雕像。但她并不是唯一的,她只是古代希腊众多的阿佛洛狄忒雕像中的一个罢了。从创作时间上说,她已经是希腊化时期的作品,在这以前就有不少佳作出现了,在这以后也仍有所见。现在,可以再回到古典希腊时代,从最早出现的阿佛洛狄忒雕像开始,并把她们放在当时的历史背景中加以对比,从而了解她们与整个社会发展变化的关系( 5、罗浮宫 ——站在罗浮宫面前,华人一定倍感亲切,因为里面注入了一个中华之子的心血和智慧。 在巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸,矗立着被称为“万宝之宫”的,当今世界上最大的美术博物馆——罗浮宫。罗浮宫的前身是一座建于13世纪初的城堡。1546年,为了建立一座文艺复兴式的宫殿,法兰西斯一世下令拆除了原来的建筑,破土重建,完成了宫殿的两翼和滨河画廊。1564年,杜伊勒利宫开始兴建,一直进行到17世纪初。罗浮宫和杜伊勒利宫之间由塞纳河沿岸建成的大画廊连接起来,形成了皇家住宅群。1682年,路易十四决定把皇宫迁至凡尔赛宫后,罗浮宫一度为当时的艺术家们分占。1793年,改为博物馆。现在的罗浮宫包括博物馆和法国财政部。 罗浮宫占地面积为19.8公顷,建筑物占地面积4.8公顷,全长680米。它收藏的艺术品达40万件,囊括了法国及欧洲各个时代各个美术流派的代表作和艺术珍品,其中米洛斯的维纳斯、胜利女神、达-芬奇的蒙娜丽莎被称为罗浮宫三宝。 1989年3月,罗浮宫在耗资8500万美金,费时6年的整修后,以崭新的面貌重新向世人展示其风采。罗浮宫扩建部分,由著名建筑师贝聿铭设计。扩建部分的入口放在罗浮宫的拿破仑正庭的中央,入口设计成边长35米,高21.6米的玻璃金字塔。金字塔形体简单突出,玻璃清明透亮,可以通过玻璃的自然折光对罗浮宫全貌一览无余。法国总统密特朗亲自主持了玻璃金字塔的启用仪式。 二、写作训练--小作文:围绕维纳斯雕像,采用描写、说明或议论的文法写一则小作文。 三、课文学习的导入 人们常说:“天有不测风雨,人有旦夕祸福。”其实,对于艺术品来说,它们的命运也是如此。就在半个多月前,这座走过了1500多个春秋的、为人类所共有的艺术珍品——巴米扬大佛——在塔利班的炮声中轰然倒下,从我们的视野中永远地消失了~ 前一段时间,新闻联播报道了四川乐山大佛的一些消息,我们看见, layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 它的庞大的身躯上已经爬满了青苔和其他腐蚀物,面目已经模糊。还有就是这座维纳斯雕像 。 历史是无情的,战争的炮火是无情的,大自然的风雨雷电是无情的。但这世界毕竟还有许多热爱生命、热爱艺术的人们,于是人们一方面加强保护,一方面对已遭毁坏的艺术品加紧修复。 这其中就有许多人一直试图为维纳斯的断臂复原,要为她重新安上那残缺的双臂。然而,一百多年来,却始终没有一个复原的方案能得到绝大多数人的满意。 甚至许多人对复原都执强烈的反对意见。我们今天所要学习的这篇文章作为一篇文艺评论,就很鲜明地展示了的作者对这种意见的见解。 四、文学常识 清冈卓行,日本诗人,小说家。生于中国大连。毕业于东京大学。1964年起在法政大学任教。曾在《今日》、《鳄鱼》、《现代批评》杂志上发表过诗作和评论。受超现实主义的影响。诗集《冰凝的火焰》(1959)、《日常》(1962)通过戏谑的自我韬晦来体现批评的精神。还有诗集《四季写生》(1965)、评论集《废墟中捡到的镜子》(1960)、《生的变化》(1960)、《手的变幻》(1966)等。《手的变幻》通过人手的表情,从美术、文学、音乐、电影、摄影等多个方面进行独特的评论。1969年起开始创作小说,作品《早晨的悲哀》(1969)、《淡绿色的季节》等。小说大都取材于自身的体验,富于抒情性和音乐感。1969年获得芥川奖。 五、课文阅读(听录音,选学生朗读) 六、整体把握-------分析提炼课文的中心句和关键句(师生讨论) 本文是一篇文艺批评。学习本文,要在初步了解课文内容的基础上,对关键词句仔细揣摩,领会其内涵.本文以米洛斯出土的维纳斯引出话题,首先详细描述了维纳斯因失去双臂而产生的无穷魅力,进而否定了复原维纳斯的种种方案,最后作者通过比较分析为何失去双臂比失去其它部位更有魅力。 从内容结构上讲,本文从文艺鉴赏的角度深入浅出地阐明了米洛斯的维纳斯雕塑之所以有如此魅力的原因。因此,本文的中心论点应该是“她为了如此秀丽迷人,必须失去双臂”。 文章第一部分从正面来阐述作者的观点,重要的语句有,“这是一次从特殊转向普遍的毫不矫揉造作的飞跃”,“这是一次借舍弃部分来获取完整的偶然追求”,“是向着无比神妙的整体美的奋然一跃”,形象地突现了“断臂美神”的艺术震撼。 文章第二部分从反面来阐述作者的观点,重要的语句是:“人们对丧失了的东西已经有过一次发自内心的感动之后,恐怕再也不会被以前的、尚未丧失的往昔所打动了吧。” 第layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving su 5 页 stainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 文章第三部分从侧面来阐述作者的观点,重要的语句是:“除了两条胳膊之外,其他任何部位都丧失不得”,“它是人同世界、同他人或者同自己千变万化交涉的手段”,“米洛斯的维纳斯正是丢失了她的双臂,才奏响了追求可能存在的无数双手的梦幻曲”。 七、文句、文段分析 1、如果有一万个观众,就会有一万个不同的维纳斯。于是在这场争论中,有一部分人根本就反对为维纳斯复原的做法。本文的作者、日本作家清冈卓行就是其中的一位代表。他们认为,对维纳斯而言,无情的历史,偶然的毁坏,恰恰成全了维纳斯,使她成为了人类艺术宝库中不可多得的珍品。这是一个很大胆、很特别的观点。作者这个看法的建立基础是什么,作者在文中对这个观点的完整表述是怎样的,看完第五段,然后再看第一、二段,找到答案。 2、“她为了如此的秀丽迷人,必须失去双臂。”这是作者的根本思想,也是本文的中心。这句话有什么深意, 3、课文其实就是紧紧围绕着这两个问题展开的,除了我们已经看过的一、二、五段外,三、四段是在谈论第一个问题的,六、七段则是谈论第二个问题。下面请同学们默读这四个段落快速找出你认为与这些问题有关的语句。 解说:一篇文章中的关键语句总是有表征可寻的。 从内容上看,要抓住能提示文章题意、主旨的语句,抓住每一个段落中那些有概括段意作用的语句。 从表达上看,要注意文章中那些直接抒情或间接抒情的语句,注意那些发表议论的语句,例如,以“可见”“因此”“所以”“由此可见”等作为语文标志的表示推断的语句等。 从结构上看,要注意领起后文或收束前文的语句,表示承前、启后、过渡的语句,有重要指示代词的语句,位于全文或全段开头、结尾处的语句,等等。 从修辞上看,要注意那些运用了比喻、反问、排比、象征等手法的语句,以及语意比较含蓄的语句等。 4、:对于艺术创作而言,“形体的残缺”不等于艺术的残缺,有时恰恰相反,形体的残缺会铸就“艺术的完整”;艺术创作贵在给人留下想象的空间,在艺术创作中舍去一些东西,但能让欣赏者得到更广阔的想象空间,让一件艺术品获得更久远的生命力。这也是就是艺术上“以无胜有、以少胜多”的原则。我们不要忽视的艺术法则。 八、深化理解-----维纳斯雕像具有的美是否来自于偶然, 维纳斯雕像因断臂具有3种神秘韵味的确是出予偶然,但这里面却包含着必然因素。她的残缺使她与众不同,留给了人们发挥想象力和创造力的余地,于是许许多多的人千方百计地提供复原方案。然而,我们不得不承认,这座爱与美的女神的确雕得栩栩如生,无懈可击。那安祥 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 自信的眼神和稍露微笑的嘴唇给人以矜持、智慧的感觉,那丰腴饱满的身躯充满了青春的健美和活力,体现了内在的教养和美德。艺术作品的美不仅在形式,更重要的是作品的性格即靠外部的表现形式,展示内在的灵魂思想和情感。这件作品并非因偶然机遇使她具有了与众不同的魅力,而是长期积聚的美在这一刻突然暴发,从而使她周身布满了灵气和活力。 九、写作指要-----读后感 1、残缺之美 有时候,我甚至相信:只有残缺的东西才是美丽的。 我看着断树残桩,枯枝败叶;看着旧寺的斑钟颓墙;我看着深深庭院里的一蓑积草;看着一个沉默 老人走街串巷拾破烂;看着一个有缺口的酒瓶,或一只被踩扁了的易拉罐在地上默默地滚动又停止。每当我看到这一切,我总是很专注地凝视他们,直到把他们望到很远很远的境界中去。 我不知道这些为什么,但我确确实实地相信,这一切更为真实,更为深刻,虽然是那样的平常、那么落魄,甚至有些狼狈。 他们或许是从光艳十足无可挑剔的颠峰,骤然落地,或是慢慢落下,慢慢沉淀,慢慢变形,然后走进我的视野,走到辉煌不再的今天。 我不知道他们曾经怎样的美丽过,所以我无法说出他们的美丽。也因此,我沉沉地沉醉于这种不可捉摸、不可溯源的美丽之中,挖掘着他们绚丽的往昔。将这两种状态拉至眼前,不禁黯然泪下。这不可解释的一切蕴含着多少难以诉说的悲欢离合,蕴含着多少沧桑,世事中永恒的感伤和无限的苍凉啊~ 残缺的事物就这样印满了重重叠叠的生命的影迹,那么沉厚,却又那么美丽。 我看着单恋者在心爱人的新婚之夜执花立在雨中,看着喜悦满足的人忽然沮丧失落,失宠明星凄然一笑,官场失意者独品清茶,韶华已逝者对镜愁思;我听着苍颜白发的老人忆起发黄的青春,冷峻孤傲者忏悔错过的爱情,英雄暮年时痛诉孤独落寞。哪怕我对眼前的人一无所知,我也一定会相信:“这些曾经美好,现在依然美好的灵魂,在经历辛酸与苦难以及难以触怀的人事和情绪后,将会在生命中刻下最深的记忆。” 真正经历伤痛的人,才算出真正活过。黛玉的美在于她没没能实现的刻骨铭心的爱情,三毛的美在于她历尽沧桑后即一刹那的明彻与超脱,梵高的美在于用金黄的刀子让他在光明中不停感到巨痛,贝多芬的美则是在失聪后用黑白键撞击出生命的悲壮文章。如果说生活中的残缺让平凡者泄漏出生命的光点,那么这些优秀的灵魄则如银色的礼花,开满了我们头顶的天空,让人雀跃与敬仰。 这些悲哀而持久的美丽,直接触动了我心灵中最柔软的部分,让我随他 第layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving su 7 页 stainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 们流泪,欢笑或沉默——那是一种多么让人心悸的快感啊~ 没有多少人知道这种残缺之美是种怎样别致的幸福和快乐,也没有多少人知道这种残缺的美是如何细细密密地布满我们门前的田野和草场,如同今夜细细密密的月光。 是谁说过,一朵花的美丽在于她的绽放,而绽放的花正是花心的残破啊~ 简评:本文用细腻、优美而富有哲理性的语言表达了对生活的感悟。真正的生活并不完美,而正视它,勇敢地去面对他,努力寻找生活的美,才是健康的生活态度。这样人们在世间所做的一切才是自助而不是自欺。我们要面地现实,而不应逃避。我们知道一切事情的改变都是正常的,而许许多多是人力不能改变的,那么就找一点最优最美的东西吧,努力把他们挑出来,写下来,留到记忆里。这样就算是世间的事物都改变了,那些东西无法精确地描绘出来,但也会留下一种永远的美丽、永远的希望。 2、由维纳斯的断臂想到的 美丽总能引起人们的思考与议论,我尽管不是什么大师,无法真正从美学的角度来鉴赏米洛斯的维纳斯,但出于对美丽的一种本能的欣赏,却使我的想象超出了维纳斯本身的含义,尽管只是一些个人粗鄙的观点。 面对那尊播散着和谐的塑像,我实在说不清她的美丽、她的艺术价值所在,尽管我能感受到她的美丽,一种勾起心灵深处的无法描绘的美感,为她所拥有的那份神秘庄重而心动。但我说不清这种感觉是因为她的美丽细致的雕刻,还是因为她那残缺的双臂。 也许,维纳斯的美真正是因为她失去了双臂,人们总将她的残缺视为梦幻的起点,试图从她的残缺中寻找无穷无尽的想象。多年来,尽管有无数的方案要修复那双断臂,却一直没有实施,因为人们割舍不下这份特殊的美,残缺的美。 无独有偶,罗丹有一部伟大的作品\"巴尔扎克\"也是一具残缺的塑像--罗丹在完成这尊塑像时,叫了几个学生来一起欣赏。雕像的造型很别致:巴尔扎克披着睡衣,双手叠合在胸前,昂着硕大的脑袋,两眼注视着前方。一个学生指着雕像的双手说:\"老师,这手像极了~我从来也没见过雕的这么完美的手呢。\"然而,这句赞美的话使罗丹皱起了眉头,他沉思了一会,突然举起一把斧头,将那双\"完美的手\"砍了下来,学生们都疑惑不解。但罗丹却神色严峻的说道:\"这双手太突出了。既然这双手已经有了自己的生命,那就不再属于这个雕像的整体了。你们一定要记住,一件真正完美的艺术品,是没有任何一部分比整体更重要的!\" 罗丹的伟大在于他勇于创新,敢于挑战世人对于美的共识,尽管在当时没有人承认欣赏这部残缺了的艺术品,他却能够坚持残缺的美丽与和 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 谐。罗丹断言:\"我的雕像终将立于不败之地。\"他的预言应验了,\"巴尔扎克\"真的成为了举世闻名的艺术珍品。 毫无疑问如果当初罗丹为了完整而保留了这对双手,\"巴尔扎克\"依然是美的,但却远远比不上残缺所表现出的毅然与和谐。\"巴尔扎克\"的残缺是人为的,相比较而言维纳斯便是天作之合了。她偶然的残缺给她带来了更大的妩媚与想象空间。假使维纳斯是在完整无缺的情况下运到卢浮宫,人们也同样会称赞她的美丽与古典高雅。然而又有谁会在面对她的完整时,能预见到她失去双臂的美丽而突发奇想要砍掉她的双臂以追求现在所谓的神秘呢,如果她是完整的,人们欣赏她,却不会去想她的残缺是什么模样,米罗斯的维纳斯也就会与其他的维纳斯塑像一起作为世界古代艺术而保留着。但她的缺陷反而引起人们对其完整与美的讨论,人们对美的新的了解赋予她时代的气息,她便不仅仅是一件古代雕塑,而在某种程度上代表着现代的美学观念。 其实,\"巴尔扎克\"与米洛斯的维纳斯是两个不同的艺术形象,尽管他们有着的共同点在于他们都是残缺的,他们都以其独特的残缺吸引着人类。残缺所造成的效果却是不同的,我们既不能将维纳斯断臂的神秘用以评价巴尔扎克雕像,也不能将巴尔扎克的大胆创新来套用在维纳斯的身上。他们的残缺都恰到好处的烘托了作品的形象。 那么究竟要不要修复维纳斯的那残缺的双臂呢,这是一个很难回答的问题。也许修复之后维纳斯的美不会亚于现在,但那绝不是同样的美,也就是说,我们势必要为了一种美而放弃另一种完全不同的美。我个人认为最好是保持原状,不要刻意去修复她,为了完整而完整。因为维纳斯的美就在于她的独一无二,她有残缺却又自然而和谐,但如果我们把所有的塑像,只要与人物有关,都毫不例外的有意或无意的去掉其一两只手臂,你能说它们都是美丽的吗,也许你更多的会感到反胃,而不是神秘。在现实生活中就更不会有人效仿维纳斯的神秘而自断手臂,抑或嫌自己的某个部位太完美,而学习罗丹的创新,这无疑是傻子行径,因为艺术毕竟是艺术。 维纳斯毕竟是美丽的,而人们所有的想象与议论在她的神秘上又人为地制造了一个光环。与其费尽心思的想要诠释出她的美丽,倒不如静下心来,仔细地品味一番,因为你无论如何都不可能彻底的了解她的神秘与美丽。 3、 21世纪祈盼之寻找米洛斯的维纳斯的手臂 在巴黎的罗浮宫里,静静的站着一位美人,它并没有达?芬奇的蒙娜丽莎那神秘莫测的笑容,也没有世界顶级模特魔鬼般的身材,但是,这尊雕塑却有着它特殊的艺术魅力——这个女人半裸着全身,面容俊美,身材匀称,衣衫滑落至髋部,但双臂残缺,但仍展示出女性特有的曲线美,显得端庄而妩媚。 第layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving su 9 页 stainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 据说这座大理石雕像是在米洛斯岛发现的,她没有双臂,她是一个残缺的“人”。这尊雕像可能在它的作者手中算是一件得意之作——她的秀容,丰腴的前胸延伸致腹部的曲线,她的背脊,还有她那现在我们看不见也想象不出的手臂,无不展示着维纳斯的高贵典雅丰满诱人的调和。不知道是岁月的流失或者是一次意外使她残缺了双臂。“塞翁失马,安知非福”,她获得了更多的东西。她给了后人许多许多的想象空间,让人们继续欣赏着她的捉摸不透的、残缺的美丽。 残缺的更能体现一种美,这是一种整体与局部的美。人类喜欢追求完美,追求整体的协调统一,追求局部的细腻完美。然而,局部总是间接地影响着整体的表现,局部的美衬托着整体的美。 人们构思,那手臂到底是什么样子的呢,她是不是拿着一件武器,或着正拿着一个苹果,或者在众人中,她的左手搭放在她的恋人肩头,讲述着一段浪漫的爱情故事,我们渴望重新的塑造她的手臂,我们要找回米洛斯的维纳斯的手臂。或者,我们找到了两只拿着武器的手臂,我们将他们重新安放在她的身上,站远一点。我们清楚地看到她的眼睛里饱含着对敌人的仇视,嘴部微微的笑容似乎正在嘲笑着敌人,半裸的身体似乎告诉敌人她愿意放弃一切保住祖国~多么伟大的爱国精神,由于有了那两只拿着武器的手臂而展露得淋漓尽致。或许,我们运气好些,她的左手正拿着一个苹果。我们可以预见,她那时显得很温馨,眼睛似乎告诉我们她对生活的渴望而隐隐的笑容似乎又体现着她对生活的满足。婀娜的半裸的身体展示着那一份女子特有的线条美。可以想象,那时候,她的祖国一定是安定繁荣的。 再者,我们可能真的发现了她的左手搭放在恋人肩头,那将无声的展示着一段动人浪漫的爱情故事,她的眼神,将变得无法揣测,她的笑容,可能比蒙娜丽莎的笑容更神秘,那婀娜的体态不知道吸引了多少英俊潇洒的男子的追求。 更糟糕一些,我们根本没有找到她的手臂,或者作者根本就没有完成这手臂就去世了,或者……我们将继续欣赏这难得的艺术美,我们也将继续寻找着维纳斯的手臂。 4、写作训练 米洛斯的维纳斯断了的两只胳臂原来是什么姿势,请你发挥想像,写一段描述性的文字。 (解说:这个练习不是考据,而是想像。因此,天马行空,写出你独有的创造力来。读一些古希腊或者罗马神话,让想象符合传说中的某些情节,这很好。不拘泥于神话传说,把维纳斯放进现实生活甚至神奇未来,也不错。) 例文一:爱与美的女神,,维纳斯 维纳斯是罗马神话中爱和美的女神,在希腊神话中, 她叫阿芙洛蒂特,是希腊人最崇拜和最喜爱的女神之一。 layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of 课 时 授 课 计 划 副 页 年 月 日 教学过程及授课内容 附 注 《米洛斯的阿芙洛蒂特》(因在希腊的米洛斯岛上出土,故得此名)被誉为是美的化身。因它出土时手臂便残缺,所以又名断臂维纳斯。 断臂维纳斯是用两块大理石合雕而成的,接缝处巧妙地安排在身躯裸露部分与裹巾的交界处。美神那端庄的身材,丰腆的肌肤,典雅的脸庞,娟美的笑容,微微扭曲、转折 有致的体态,给人无比和谐的美感。她的面部具有希腊美女的典型特征:笔直的鼻梁、椭圆的面孔、丰满的下巴和波 状的发鬃。她那优美、典雅的身姿和表情,表现了纯洁和坦荡的内涵;那安详、亲切的微笑,令人深深地感受到人类高贵的尊严。 例文二:爱与美的女神,,维纳斯 阿芙洛蒂特,这个裸的女性,没有丝毫柔媚与矫情,她是那么的大方, 雄伟;沉静中带有一种坦荡而又自尊的神情,在她身上永远找不到故意取逗、装腔作势和盛气凌人的俗态。她把亲切和喜悦无私地献给每一位欣赏 着你走向真、善、美的境界。 这座雕像那断失的两只胳膊是什么样子呢?这给人们 留下了无限想象的余地:是拿着苹果,拈着橄榄枝,还是扶着战盾?也许是拉着裹在下身的披巾?许多艺术家曾煞费苦心地为她复原双臂,但都无济于事。断臂却诱发出人们美好的想象,更人们则欣赏趣味,这座雕像以其“残缺美”形成特殊的魅力,成了女性美丽永恒的象征。 例文三: 雕像的面世,引起了社会的震动。首先是她的艺术魅力使观赏者无不为之陶醉。女神的面部表现出古典希借女性的典型特征:椭圆形的脸,笔直的高鼻梁,窄而平的前额,略微鼓起的嘴角和丰满的下巴,显露出一种端庄、妇静而又凝重的表情。体形健壮而修长,直立而多变。她脸部朝向左方,身体保持正面,但下肢又转向右方。加上重心落在左腿上,使整个身躯充满了起伏转折、强弱交替、形影错落的节奏感。尤其外轮廓的曲线变化,更加强调了女神婀娜妩媚的体态的优美感。整座雕像既稳定而又略显倾斜,并且具备了多维的欣赏效果,无论观者站在哪一个方位都能得到一种美的享受。也许,从雕像的完整性来说,遗憾的是失去了双臂。不过,也正因为如此,作品的出土才引起了另一场风波,那就是对女神动作的考证热。 第layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving su 11 页 stainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urban space layout and guide the evacuation, optimizing the structure and other aspects also play an important role in its role as the scale becomes more important. Rail transit on land development and stimulation is achieved through its good accessibility, under the dual role of mechanisms in land and planning, transport accessibility high land along the rail transit development and high strength, promotion of urban morphology and land use patterns to adjust accordingly. 1, and Copenhagen 1947, Copenhagen refers to shaped planning introduced, requirements land development along narrow of finger corridor concentrated, refers to shaped planning guide big Copenhagen area along track traffic line clear defined of corridor for Metro development, through track traffic and city development of integration, will along development concentrated in track station around a km around, around track site land implementation integrated intensive development, and provides good of non-mobile of way received connection facilities, Ensure that a larger proportion of the region's residents commute using mass transit. Figure 5.1-3 Copenhagen Metro City Development 2, Tokyo 5.1-4 Tokyo Metro to guide regional development (left: 1950, right: 2000) formation is the mass transit system of the city of Tokyo, which have been developed under the guidance of. Eastern suburbs ... Established to track traffic based on the network-city, using rail-oriented intensive development mode has been recognized in many cities. Created the urban structure of the node, forming the urban rail transit-dependent and lifestyle, as well as mass transit systems provide adequate passenger protection. 5.1.3 to guide the healthy development of
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