

2017-12-29 50页 doc 1MB 13阅读




在拍人物全身照或大半身照时在拍人物全身照或大半身照时 在拍人物全身照或大半身照时,被摄者的姿势及造型十分重要。要使被摄者的姿势优美,须掌握下面几个要诀: 1(头部和身体忌成一条直线。两者如成直线,难免有呆板之感。因此,当身体正面朝向镜头时,头部应该稍微向左或向右转一些,照片就会显得优雅而生动;同样道理,当被摄者眼睛正视镜头时,让身体转成一定的角度,会使画面显得有生气和动势,并能增加立体感。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type...
在拍人物全身照或大半身照时 在拍人物全身照或大半身照时,被摄者的姿势及造型十分重要。要使被摄者的姿势优美,须掌握下面几个要诀: 1(头部和身体忌成一条直线。两者如成直线,难免有呆板之感。因此,当身体正面朝向镜头时,头部应该稍微向左或向右转一些,照片就会显得优雅而生动;同样道理,当被摄者眼睛正视镜头时,让身体转成一定的角度,会使画面显得有生气和动势,并能增加立体感。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 相机和头要呈斜向下45度角,不能呈90度角。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is (成功的拍摄角度:相机和头呈斜向下45度角) (失败拍摄角度:头部和相机呈90度角) 2(双臂和双腿忌平行。无论被摄者是持坐姿或站姿,千万不要让其双臂或双腿呈平行状,因为这样会让人有僵硬、机械之感。妥当的做法可以是一直一曲或两者构成一定的角度。这样,就能既造成动感,姿势又富于变化。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 3(尽量让体形曲线分明。对于女性被摄者来说,现其富于魅力的曲线是很有必要的。通常的做法是让人物的一条腿实际上支撑全身的重量,另一条腿稍微抬高些并靠着那一条站立的腿,臂部要转过去,以显示其最窄的一面,胸部则通过腰部的弯曲,尽量地显示其高耸和丰腴感。同时,人物的一只手可摆在臀部,以便给画面提供必要的宽度. terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 4(坐姿忌陷。表现被摄者坐姿时,不要让其像平常一样将整个身体坐进椅子。如果这样,她的大腿会呈休息的状态,以至于腿上端多脂肪的部分隆起,使大腿显得很粗笨。正确做法是让其将身体向前移,靠近椅边坐着,并保持挺胸收腹,这样可避免肩垂肚凸现象。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is (镜头宜远不宜近。一般来说,拍人物照,距离远些总比近些好。 5 因为当镜头(尤其是短焦距的镜头)离被摄者很近时,会出现畸变现象。因此,摄影时应选择合适焦距的镜头,并让镜头与人物保持一定的距离。根据实践我们得知若使用镜头拍人物头像,最佳距离在2—2.5米之间;拍胸像则在2.5—3米之间;拍全身像,以4—6米之间为宜。此外,让被摄者的手和脚紧靠着身体,有助于避免畸形现象的发生,而一旦当它们离身体前后半米以上,就会显得比例失调,手、脚会变得过大或过小。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 二、站姿、坐姿要点 站姿篇 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 初级站姿:S型站立是摆POSE的秘诀 这是一个不需要借助任何道具完成的动作,最直接地展现你的优美曲线。 动作要领:面对镜头,肩部、腰部、髋部三者呈现S形弯曲,收腹,双手自由摆放,展现曲线的美感。 手的姿势可以随意变化,但是重点要展现出S型。要拧巴,要纠结,但是面部表情可不要纠结。 中级站姿:回眸一笑的魅惑 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 侧身可以彰显优美的线条、香肩和美丽的面庞。 动作要领:身体侧面对着镜头,挺胸收腹翘臀,回头微笑。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 高级站姿:秀出你的活力 在前面两种站姿的基础上增加一点“小动作”,姿势可以随意,只要舒展洒脱,就能秀出你的活力。 动作要领:姿势和动作不要“轴对称”,身体还是尽量呈现S形,追求平衡中的舒展,然后向镜头微笑吧~让摄影师配合你,多拍几组,自由发挥,你会越来越有感觉的。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 坐姿篇 坐在地上,玩的就是潇洒 没有椅子,那就干脆潇洒地坐在地上,显出一份野性、一份率真。 动作要领:背靠支撑物(可以是墙壁、树木等),一条腿弯曲,一条腿伸直,头侧向镜头,一定要保持潇洒和自信。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 坐在墙边、椅上也精彩 只要你善于把握,街边的矮墙、长椅都可以成为你的舞台。 动作要领:尽量靠外坐一点,避免因为肌肉挤压而显得腿粗。一腿弯曲,一腿伸直,自然放松。这点很重要,大家要多留意那些杂志里面的模特怎么摆POSE的,很多显瘦的窍门都在里面。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 试试坐在楼梯上 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 坐在楼梯上,利用层次丰富且规律的背景,增强立体感,凸显模特优美的造型和性感的身材。 动作要领:两腿分别放在两级台阶上,头部微倾,双手自由摆放,注视镜头。摄影师可使用广角贴近或俯视拍照。 三、四痛要诀 教MM摆姿势 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 扶腮,v手势,回眸一笑的姿势已经out了,当今流行的时尚poss是什么呢,当红名模春晓总结为四痛:头痛,腰痛,腿痛,脚痛~当然四痛纯属开玩笑,但大量的图片看下来,根据这四痛大摆时尚造型的片子还真不少~说明也是有一定道理的,记住这四个要诀,下次实在想不出来怎么摆动作时不妨拿出来试试,至少这几年,四痛要诀还是大有市场的~下面让我们一起一边欣赏图片,一边探讨每一痛的动作要点吧~ 1.头痛 头痛,手位于头部四周的造型,手势上下摆放避免呆板,身体尽量的扭动开来带动整体的线条,此类动作比较适合抑郁的主拍摄。不想听不想看不想想,说不清是任性还是说现在女性的压力真的很大~这类片子全身比较难以把握好,建议拍摄大头,只求表情到位,动态突出。 头疼分为: 后头痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 额头痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 右头疼 左头痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 两边头痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 牙痛(也应该属于头痛类吧) 手撑下巴牙疼,最宜表现少女的天真和纯洁! terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 右牙痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 左牙痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 两边牙痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 下巴痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 2.腰痛 腰痛,拍摄中最为常见的动作,手位于腰部,也是身体胯部左右前后任意摆动,怎么展示出线条动感就怎么摆,肩膀的配合是重点,要尽量往前送,与腰身拉后产生前后距离,利于立体感的塑造,上身的丰满与下身的腿部直线产生反差效果,这类姿势比较容易塑造出模特高傲的气质。 说起腰痛用的人较少,一般拍摄全身照较适宜,对MT的要求较高,一般专业MT推荐使用!家中LD,准LP或GF不建议使用,因为POSE较累人,摆得不好和没摆差不多,一个不小心闪了,那不说当场BS。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 两边都痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 痛得倒向一边 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 3.腿痛 腿痛,将手扶于大腿上,跨腿张嘴表现出春晓狂野的一面,画面非常的具有张力 而这类动作也适用于静止的场景,手扶于大腿,身体自然的形成一道弧线,脸可以配合着镜头摆动,丰满了画面,再者将腿抬高,手轻撘于大腿之上,整体造型比较稳重,大有王者的气息~ terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 大腿痛,MT正面的造型很有视觉冲击力! terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 膝盖痛 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 小腿痛(一般痛在中间比较好看!) terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 4.脚痛 脚痛,模特一般坐着,双手扶住脚部,突出脚和脸,这类动作容易显示出模特楚楚可人的一面,像受伤的小鸟一样惹人怜爱。适用于糖水片。 terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 结束语: 外拍之中,或者给自己的女朋友,老婆或者女秘拍照片的时候,您不宜用那种 奇怪的广角或者低角度了,您的任务是把她们拍成淑女或者白领丽人,简而言之漂亮就是了。所以,先把思想端正了,然后把相机端正了~ terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is 四、前些年流行的美姿技巧(值得借鉴) (如果觉得字小看不清,可点击图片看大图) terminal block wiring shall not be more than 2 cores on each side, for plug-type terminals, different sections in two wires which are connected to the same terminals. Line core and the terminals must be securely fixed, wiring should contact is
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