

2017-10-07 20页 doc 86KB 15阅读




当你迷茫的时候……当你迷茫的时候…… 当你对未来迷茫的时候,请打开这个锦囊~ 引导语:人生途中,有些是无法逃避的,比如命运;有些是无法更改的,比如情缘;有些是难以磨灭的,比如记忆;有些是难以搁置的,比如爱恋,与其被动地承受,不如勇敢地面对~ 1.哈佛有一个着名的理论:人的差别在于业余时间,而一个人的命运决定于晚上8点到10点之间。每晚抽出2个小时的时间用来阅读、进修、思考或参加有意的演讲、讨论,你会发现,你的人生正在发生改变,坚持数年之后,成功会向你招手。 2.无论你的收入是多少,记得分成五份进行规划投资:增加对身体的投资,让身体始终好...
当你迷茫的时候…… 当你对未来迷茫的时候,请打开这个锦囊~ 引导语:人生途中,有些是无法逃避的,比如命运;有些是无法更改的,比如情缘;有些是难以磨灭的,比如记忆;有些是难以搁置的,比如爱恋,与其被动地承受,不如勇敢地面对~ 1.哈佛有一个着名的理论:人的差别在于业余时间,而一个人的命运决定于晚上8点到10点之间。每晚抽出2个小时的时间用来阅读、进修、思考或参加有意的演讲、讨论,你会发现,你的人生正在发生改变,坚持数年之后,成功会向你招手。 2.无论你的收入是多少,记得分成五份进行规划投资:增加对身体的投资,让身体始终好用;增加对社交的投资,扩大你的人脉;增加对学习的投资,加强你的自信;增加对旅游的投资,扩大你的见闻;增加对未来的投资,增加你的收益。好好规划落实,你会发现你的人生逐步会有大量盈余。 3.过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了! 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过这一个,你才会遇到下一个。 4.被人误解的时候能微微的一笑,这是一种素养;受委屈的时候能坦然的一笑,这是一种大度;吃亏的时候能开心的一笑,这是一种豁达;无奈的时候能达观的一笑,这是一种境界;危难的时候能泰然一笑,这是一种大气;被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信;失恋的时候能轻轻的一笑,这是一种洒脱。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 5.人生途中,有些是无法逃避的,比如命运;有些是无法更改的,比如情缘;有些是难以磨灭的,比如记忆;有些是难以搁置的,比如爱恋,与其被动地承受,不如勇敢地面对;与其鸟宿檐下,不如击翅风雨;与其在沉默中孤寂,不如在抗争中爆发,路越艰,阻越大,险越多,只要走过去了,人生就会更精彩。 6.你改变不了环境,但你可以改变自己;你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度;你改变不了过去,但你可以改变现在;你不能控制他人,但你可以掌握自己;你不能预知明天,但你可以把握今天;你不可以样样顺利,但你可以事事尽心;你不能延伸生命的长度,但你可以决定生命的宽度。 7.魅力女人:1、善于发现生活里的美。2、养成看书的习惯。3、拥有品位。4、跟有思想的人交朋友。5、远离泡沫偶像剧。6、学会忍耐与宽容。7、培养健康的心态,重视自己的身体。8、离开任何一个男人,都会活得很好。9、有着理财的动机,学习投资经营。10、尊重感情,珍惜缘分。 8.愚人向远方寻找快乐,智者则在自己身旁培养快乐。生活里的每一个细节都蕴藏着快乐,只是在于你是否感受到了而已。快乐着的人,每一件事,每一个人身上,他都能发现能令自己欢悦的因素来,并让快乐扩张,鼓舞和影响了周围的人。 9.【给自己安慰的10句温馨话】1、最重要的是今天的心;2、别总是自己跟自己过不去;3、用心做自己该做的事;4、不要过于计较别人;5、每个人都有自己的活法;6、喜欢自己才会拥抱生活;7、不必一味讨好别人;8、木已成舟便要顺其自然;9、不妨暂时丢开烦心事;10、自己感觉幸福就是幸福。 10.没有永远的缘份,没有永远的生命,我们所能拥有的,可能只是平凡的一生。然而因为有你,生命便全然不同,不用誓言,不必承诺,我们只需依了爱缘,以目光为媒,印证三生石上的约定,便牵了手,不必紧握,却永不放松,以自己的爱的程式,去演绎一种精典的永恒。 11.我们之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。我们之所以会烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆里。我们之所以会痛苦,就是追求的太多。我们之所以不快乐,就是计较的太多,不是我们拥有的太少,而是我们计较的太多。 12.男人吸引女人的10个特质:1.真实 2.深刻 3.胸怀 4.敢为 5.风度 6.机灵 7.幽默 8.进取 9.浪漫 10.冒险.女人吸引男人的10个特点:1.温柔 2.知性 3.直性 4.涵养 5.朦胧 6.小动作 7.勤于家事 8.肤白 9.性感着装 10.香氛 13.真正的爱,是接受,不是忍受;是支持,不是支配;是慰问,不是质问;真正的爱,要道谢也要道歉。要体贴,也要体谅。要认错,也好改错;真正的爱,不是彼此凝视,而是共同沿着同一方向望去。其实,爱不是寻找一个完美的人。而是,要学会用完美的眼光,欣赏一个并不完美的人。 14.身边总有些人,你看见他整天都开心,率真得像个小孩,人人都羡慕他;其pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 实,你哪里知道:前一秒人后还伤心地流着泪的他,后一秒人前即刻洋溢灿烂笑容。他们其实没有能力独处,夜深人静时,总坐在窗前对着夜空冥想失意的苦楚。他们就像向日葵,向着太阳的正面永远明媚鲜亮,在照不到的背面却将悲伤深藏。 15.生命中,有些人来了又去,有些人去而复返,有些人近在咫尺,有些人远在天涯,有些人擦身而过,有些人一路同行。或许在某两条路的尽头相遇,结伴同行了一段路程,又在下一个分岔路口道别。无论如何,终免不了曲终人散的伤感。远在天涯的朋友:或许已是遥远得无法问候,但还是谢谢您曾经的结伴同行。 16.爱情很简单,因为每个人都会说:“我爱你,会为你付出一切~”,爱情很难,因为没有多少人做到了他的承诺。 如果真心爱一个人,不承诺也会去爱;如果不爱一个人,曾经承诺也会背叛。 17.【你最后悔什么】某书对全国60岁以上的老人抽样调查:第一名:75%的人后悔年轻时努力不够,导致一事无成。第二名:70%的人后悔在年轻的时候选错了职业。第三名:62%的人后悔对子女教育不当。第四名:57%的人后悔没有好好珍惜自己的伴侣。第五名:49%的人后悔没有善待自己的身体。 18.【做人十心机】1.做人不能太单纯,适度伪装自己。2.凡事留余地,要留退路。3.话不说绝,口无遮拦难成大事。4.成熟而不世故。5.心态好,想得开活得不累。6.懂方圆之道:没事不惹事,来事不怕事。7.不可少二礼:礼仪与礼物。8.人在江湖飘,防挨朋友刀。9.偶尔“势利眼”寻可靠伙伴。10.放下面子来做人。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 19.人生旅途中,总有人不断地走来,有人不断地离去。当新的名字变成老的名字,当老的名字渐渐模糊,又是一个故事的结束和另一个故事的开始。在不断的相遇和错开中,终于明白:身边的人只能陪着自己走过或近或远的一程,而不能伴自己一生;陪伴一生的是自己的名字和那些或清晰或模糊的名字所带来的感动。 20.从现在开始,聪明一点,不要问别人想不想你,爱不爱你,若是要想你或者爱你自然会对你说,但是从你的嘴里说出来,别人会很骄傲和不在乎你。再也不要太在意一些人,太在乎一些事,顺其自然以最佳心态面对,因为这个世界就是这样:往往在最在乎的事物面前,我们最没有价值。 21.一个人的成就,不是以金钱衡量,而是一生中,你善待过多少人,有多少人怀念你。生意人的账簿,记录收入与支出,两数相减,便是盈利。人生的账簿,记录爱与被爱,两数相加,就是成就。 22.发怒,是用别人的错误惩罚自己;烦恼,是用自己的过失折磨自己;后悔,是用无奈的往事摧残自己;忧虑,是用虚拟的风险惊吓自己;孤独,是用自制的牢房禁锢自己;自卑,是用别人的长处抵毁自己。摒弃这些,你就会轻松许多~ 23.她说,幸福就是找到了一个令她想为他拼命减肥的人,而那人却总是拍拍她的头说,再吃一点,别饿着了。 24.【16条处世秘笈】1.实干但不蛮干;2.果断但不独断;3.大胆但不大意;4.理智但不弱智;5.敢言但不妄言;6.信心但不贪心;7.守信但不守旧;8.个性但不任性;9.坦荡但不放荡;10.理想但不空想;11.浪漫但不散漫;12.平凡但不平庸;13.风趣但不风骚;14.谦让但不迁就;15.虚心但不虚荣;16.顽强但不顽固。 25.【受益一生的好习惯】1.不要轻易剥夺别人的希望;2.不要指望生活会是完全公平的;3.生气的时候不要作出什么决定;4.保守秘密;5. 定期存钱;6.及时承认自己的错误;7.用你希望别人对待你的方式去对待别人;8.凡事先作,尽量将目标视觉化;9.写下来,不要太依靠脑袋记忆;10.每天提前15分钟上班。 26.【人生中十种无能为力的事】1、倒向你的墙。2、离你而去的人。3、流逝的时间。4、没有选择的出身。5、莫名其妙的孤独。6、无可奈何的遗忘。7、永远的过去。8、别人的嘲笑。9、不可避免的死亡。10、不可救药的喜欢。 27.【聪明女孩的表现】1、遇到不想回答的问题,直视对方的眼睛,微笑、沉默。2、走路抬头挺胸,遇见不想招呼的人,点头微笑,径直走过。3、和对自己有恶意的人绝交。人有绝交,才有至交。4、有人试图和你无理取闹,安静的看着他,说:祝你好心情,然后离开。5、爱笑的女孩子,运气不会太差。 28.爱,绝不是缺了就找,更不是累了就换。找一个能一起吃苦的,而不是一起享受的;找一个能一起承担的,而不是一起逃避的;找一个能对你负责的,而不是对爱情负责的。爱不是一个人的事,而是两个人的努力,两个人的奋斗,两个人的pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 共同创造。 29.当我们戴久了面具,等摘下面具时却发现;其实我们的脸早就跟面具一样了。 30.生命中有一些人与我们擦肩了,却来不及遇见;遇见了,却来不及相识;相识了,却来不及熟悉;熟悉了,却还是要说再见。对自己好点,因为一辈子不长;对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能遇见。 31.一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。 32.生命将给予你的,必然全给你,不必等待,无需远行。你必须爱自己、爱生活、爱一切。你不是超人,你会累,你会痛,你会哭,你会难过,你会无助,你会无力。可你要理解这样的自己。不要太过苛求,更不能轻易妥协。努力一些,让思想和血液流动得更快一些,有计划、有步骤地去做自己,活出自己的本色。 33.谁曾从谁的青春里走过,留下了笑靥; 谁曾在谁的花季里停留,温暖了想念; 谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。 青春的寂寞是生命的点缀;没有寂寞的青春是悲哀的; 然而寂寞的青春不是没有幸福,而是我们不懂幸福。 34.有一种借口叫年轻,可以不珍惜时光,不珍惜爱,不珍惜一切来之不易的东西。有一种感情叫错过,错过爱,错过可以相守的人,错过一段刻骨铭心的情。有一种寂寞叫想念,想念一个人,一段往事,一场相遇。 35.有些心事只能自言自语,有些秘密只能讲给朋友,有些痛苦只能默默承受,自己还是要靠自己拯救。真正的痛苦,没有人能与你分担,你只能把它从一个肩头,换到你的另一个肩头。 36.我们都不是很完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。在孤独的时候,给自己安慰;在寂寞的时候,给自己温暖。学会独立,告别依赖,对软弱的自己说再见。生活不是只有温暖,人生的路不会永远平坦,但只要你对自己有信心,知道自己的价值,懂的珍惜自己,世界的一切不完美,你都可以坦然面对 37.一封写给自己的信:“亲爱的自己,不要抓住回忆不放,断了线的风筝,只能让它飞,放过它,更是放过自己; 亲爱的自己,你必须找到除了爱情之外,能够使你用双脚坚强站在大地上的东西; 亲爱的自己,你要自信甚至是自恋一点,时刻提醒自己我值得拥有最好的一切。” 38.从正面看,是伟大的神(God);从反面看,是卑鄙小人(dog)。其实,人们所犯的罪恶(evil),反过来,正是为了活着(live)。”————换个角度很多事情便不一样。 39.每个人这辈子,心中都有过这幺一个特别的朋友,很矛盾的行为。一开始你不甘心只做朋友的,时间久了,突然发现这样最好。你宁愿这样关心她,总好过你pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 们在一起而有天会分手。你宁愿做她的朋友,彼此不会吃醋,才可以真的无所不谈。这种友谊不低于爱情,这样的关系俗称:知已。 40.一辈子想活得开心点,请放下这8样:1、放下压力。2、放下烦恼。3、放下自卑。4、放下懒惰。5、放下消极。6、放下抱怨。7、放下犹豫。8、放下狭隘。——【人生需要放下的8样东西】 41.1、有三种东西必须培养:理性、谦让和好学 2、有三种东西必须控制:情绪、语气和行为 3、有三种东西必须思考:生命、死亡和永恒 4、有三种东西必须摒弃:罪恶、贪婪和背叛 5、有三种东西必须避免:懒惰、野蛮和嘲讽 6、有三种东西必须挽救:圣洁、和平和快乐 7、有三种东西必须尊敬:坚毅、自尊和仁慈。 42.人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站口,没有一个人可以至始至终陪着你走完,你会看到来来往往、上上下下的人。如果幸运,会有人陪你走过一段,当这个人要下车的时候,即使不舍,也该心存感激,然后挥手道别,因为,说不定下一站会有另外一个人会陪你走的更远。 43.做一个坚强的女子,坦然面对,勇敢体会,酸甜苦辣,各种滋味, 忘记消逝的人和事。不能拥有的,懂得放弃,不能碰触的,学会雪藏。与其沉溺过往,不如沐浴晴朗,扔掉悲伤和孤寂,摆脱无助和漠然,不再害怕未知,不必盲目迷茫。 44.【写给自己的5句话】1,再难也要坚持。2,再好也要淡泊。3,再差也要自信。4,再多也要节省。5,再冷也要热情。 45.【学会给自己提醒】1.无论什么时候,做什么事情,要换位思考 2.收敛自己的脾气,偶尔要刻意沉默,因为冲动会做下让自己无法挽回的事情 3.活得轻松,任何事都作一个最好的打算和最坏的打算 4.注意自己的修养,你就是孩子的第一位老师 5.爱父母吧~他们给了你生命,同时也是爱你爱得最无私的人~ 46.对过去恋恋不舍的人,成就不了未来。这个世界上唯一不会变的,就是这个世界随时都在变。你必须相信时间的力量,所以,请尽快从过去中走出来,释怀过去,总结过去,而不是一天到晚地琢磨着回到过去。过去的种种,对现在的你已经毫无意义,仰一仰你的头,看看前面崎岖的路,好好地接着前进吧。 47.当人的情绪处于低潮时,对任何事情都提不起兴趣,要学会转移注意力。有些事情既然已经成为事实,就尝试着去接受,去面对。一个人不可能改变世界,世界也不会因你而改变,所能做的,就是适应世界,不钻牛角尖,不要和别人攀比。你的生活,应该有你自己的精彩。 48.生命中终将会错过一些人,我们应该感谢那些错过的人,他们让我们明白了幸福的珍贵。不要相信该是自己的终该是自己的,不去争取不去把握的话,永远都不会有机会。缘分是什么,缘分就是给了你一次遇到的机会,幸福全靠去争取。 49.【幸福】1.幸福就是早晨醒来一看表,竟然还能再睡半个小时。2.幸福就是pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 你去上自习,发现自己想见的那个人也在这间教室里。3.幸福就是整理衣服时,在去年的衣服里翻出好几十块钱。4.幸福就是开心的听完一首歌,看完一场电影。5.幸福就是登录微博意外发现你一直苦苦寻觅的人。 50.【微博经典语录】1、心灵有家生命才有路。2、漂泊不等于自由。3、创伤是成熟的捷径。4、漂泊不定的灵魂最需要热量。5、人在孤独时最能找到真实的自己。6、弱即是强,退就是进。7、深水缓流,浅水急瀑。8、柔弱有时是一种适宜的生存法则。9、生活简单就迷人,人心简单就幸福。10、学会简单其实不简单。 51.【年轻的我们应该懂得】1.成功的人不是赢在起点,而是赢在转折点。2.人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。3.人生就八个字,喜怒哀乐忧愁烦恼,八个字喜和乐只占两个,看透就好了。4.少年的时光就是晃,用大把时间彷徨,只用几个瞬间来成长。5.蓝天下便是阳光;艰苦后便是甘甜;失败了就当;成功时便是灿烂。 52.【有助你成功的15个特点】1.面带微笑;2.气质纯朴;3.不随便向朋友借钱;4.背后说别人好话;5.听到某人说别人坏话时只微笑;6.过去的事不全让人知道;7.尊敬不喜欢你的人;9.对事无情,对人有情;10.多做;11.为别人喝彩;12.知道感恩;13.学会聆听;14.说话常用“我们”开头。15.相信自己。 53.【一生中不可错过的十种贵人】1、愿意无条件力挺你的人;2、愿意唠叨你的人;3、愿意和你分担分享的人;4、教导及提拔你的人;5、愿意欣赏你的长处的人;6、愿成为你的榜样的人;7、愿意遵守承诺的人; 8、愿意不放弃而相信你的人;9、愿意生你气的人;10、愿意为你的人。你遇见了几种, 54.一些事情,当我们年轻的时候,无法懂得。当我们懂得的时候,已不再年轻。世上有些东西可以弥补,有些东西永无弥补。 爱怕沉默。太多的人,以为爱到深处是无言。其实,爱是很难描述的一种情感,需要详尽的表达和传递。 55.再烦,也别忘要微笑。再急,也要注意自己语气 。再苦,也别忘坚持下去。在忙,也要记得吃饭。 再累,也要爱多自己一点。 56.把自己当自己。此语最为重要。人生最大的敌人,不是别人,而是自己,战胜了自己,便攻无不克、战无不胜。把自己当自己,就是要求自己不要和自己过不去,别为一个小小的职位、一份微薄的报酬,甚至是他人一些闲言碎语,一个不屑的眼神而怒发冲冠,要以平静淡泊的心态去面对种种荣辱得失和情仇恩怨。 57.不要认为后面还有更好的,因为现在拥有的就是最好的;不要认为还年轻可以晚些结婚,爱情是不等年龄的;不要因为距离太远而放弃,爱情是可以和你一起坐火车的;不要因为对方不富裕而放弃,只要不是无能的人,彼此鼓励可以让你们富足的;不要因为外人反对而放弃,幸福是靠自己内心来感受的。 58.不是流泪就能挽回失去的东西,所以不要轻易哭泣;不是伤心就一定低头,所以不要吝啬微笑;不是你认为可以给予就给予,所以不要轻易许诺;不是你一事pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run 无成,所以不要总是悲观地以为自己不行;不是只有你一个人在努力。所以不要轻易言弃。 59.着急不过人等人,难受不过人想人,温暖不过人帮人,感动不过人疼人,残酷不过人害人,阴险不过人算人,郁闷不过人气人,耻辱不过人戏人,为难不过人求人,生气不过人比人,和谐不过人让人,幸福不过人爱人~ 60.爱一个人,不是一定要天长地久的厮守。爱的方式有很多种,不一定拥有才是幸福,有些爱,只适合深深地藏在心里,说出来就是错,有些人只适合远远地看着,走过了,就会失去,他已经走了,就不要再去纠缠,爱要爱得投入,放要放得干脆。 61.生活有时会逼迫你,不得不交出权力,不得不放走机遇,甚至不得不抛下爱情,你不可能什么都得到,生活中应该学会放弃,就像清理电脑中的文件一样。人生,就是一步一步走,一点一点扔,走出来的是路,扔掉的是包袱。这样,路就会越走越长,心就会越走越静。 62.【没有爱,你注定挤不进他的生命】当他不爱你的时候,请不要在他面前流泪,不要在生病的时候告诉他,他无法给予你关怀和照顾,至多只是同情一下而已。请骄傲的你,不要放弃本来属于你的骄傲,只是要记得,他失去的是一个爱他的人,而你失去了一个不爱你的人,却得到一个重新生活,重新去爱的机会~ 编后语:你要理解这样的自己。不要太过苛求,更不能轻易妥协。努力一些,让思想和血液流动得更快一些,有计划、有步骤地去做自己,活出自己的本色。 pump running States real-time automatic monitoring and advanced system of energy-saving control, distributed computer control system the system, consists of field sensors and actuators, direct digital control (DDC), communication network, the Central operator station consists of four parts. Building control room located in the medical synthesis building first floor, combined with the fire services communication centre, which consists of Central station, devices such as printers, UPS power. Clean air conditioning for the normal operation of the unit in order to ensure that the operating room, surgical equipment in four layers laminated construction equipment management system monitoring station. Building equipment monitoring system (BAS) of main monitoring content frozen water system monitoring: refrigerator of Kai stopped control; steam pressure detection; according to buildings by needed cold load automatically adjustment cold water unit of run Taiwan number; electric butterfly valve, and cooling pump, and cooling tower, and frozen pump and the cold water unit of order Kai stopped control; according to cooling water of temperature automatically Kai stopped cooling tower fan and the control cooling water for backwater duct bypass valve of open degrees; frozen water of load regulation; expansion tank level control; cooling water frequency fill pump monitored,. (This system by frozen station manufacturers completed frozen water system of monitoring, set a frozen station points station, points station host through communications conversion unit put about data to building equipment management system host) clean air conditioning unit monitoring (four control): Unit sent wind machine of Kai/stopped control, and monitored fault, and run
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