
我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white)

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我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white)我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white) 我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white) My skin is black. How do you get white? Patient sex: male patient age: 20 What can I do for you? I'm sorry. You are not allowed to answer your questio...
我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white)
我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white) 我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(My skin is black. How do you get white) My skin is black. How do you get white? Patient sex: male patient age: 20 What can I do for you? I'm sorry. You are not allowed to answer your questions. Return Questioner: langman1788 - 2008-05-19 02:00 Comment on the best answer and let the good doctor get your approval! The doctor answered that the color of the skin is an important sign of fitness. The black and white of the skin is related to melanin in the skin. And diet adjustment can reduce melanin synthesis, help black skin white. (1) eat less food rich in tyrosine. Because tyrosine is the base material of melanin. That is to say, melanin is changed from tyrosine to tyrosinase. If the intake of tyrosine is less, then the base material of the synthesis of melanin will be less, and the skin will be white. Therefore, should eat less rich in tyrosine foods, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and so on. (2) eat more foods rich in vitamin C. Chemical experiments have proved that a series of reactions of melanin formation are mostly oxidation reactions. But when vitamin C is added, the melanin formation can be blocked. Therefore, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as jujube, jujube, tomatoes, prickly pear, citrus, fresh green leafy vegetables. (3) pay attention to foods that are rich in vitamin E. Modern scientific research has shown that vitamin E is an antioxidant in the human body, especially fat antioxidants that inhibit the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and other unstable compounds. While the body of lipofuscin is unsaturated fatty acid peroxide. Vitamin E can inhibit the role of peroxide, so as to effectively resist the deposition of lipofuscin in the skin, keep skin white. At the same time, vitamin E also has anti-aging effect. Foods rich in vitamin E, cabbage, cauliflower, sesame oil, sesame, sunflower, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, etc.. Snow whitening enhancement program whitening is a matter of year, but always in the spring and summer each year, causing people's greatest interest and attention. As a result, various brands have been riveting this time, and strongly promote their whitening products and the latest whitening technology. This gives people more choices, but also Puzzles: who should we choose? In fact, whitening needs are also divided into different levels: uniform skin color, eliminate dark yellow, prevent tanning, fade stains...... Today, let us combine the various whitening technology, only for how to restore the skin fair white, to do some discussion. Why not white? Dark: Horny accumulation of the current domestic whitening products, also let the natural partial black skin white, so searching out "products" in order to white like Hsu, that really is a waste of effort. But no matter whether the skin is black or white, it may be unsatisfactory: it doesn't look beautiful! That's because - dark. Eliminates the dull skin, black bright, white bright, feel "white", will feel beautiful! Using skin care products to remove dark skin is very simple - exfoliation, and familiar terms. But this is only the surface, the best remedy for your skin to darken the reasons: lack of sleep, too tired, bad mood, will make the skin The new supersedes the old. which inhibited the slow, resulting in accumulation of old waste horny. Too much ultraviolet radiation and unprotected skin, quickly activate the self protection mechanism, the source to make horny thickening ability to resist ultraviolet invasion from the cutin to stop, is the fundamental way to eliminate dark. Huang: the accumulation of toxins are yellowish color, and lack of sleep, too tired, bad mood has great relationship -- no way, want to have snow ice muscle skin "should be" pampered". A yellowish complexion can also be associated with an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, excessive drinking, and a long, closed, lack of fresh air environment. Similarly, from the source of "anti vice", skin care products are not omnipotent, but leaving the skin care products is absolutely not - - anyway, can be a "surface" bright". Whitening products are not all yellow, yellow can not be all in the whitening series, which should pay attention to distinguish when choosing. Yellow, is a free radical at work when the skin self repair function of The new supersedes the old. slowed down, in the ultraviolet stimulation, free radicals will become rampant, causing the skin microcirculation impeded, cell oxygen deficiency, toxin accumulation, make skin yellowing. Therefore, the choice of skin care products should pay special attention to detoxification and antioxidant function. Black: melanin accumulation, ultraviolet radiation, is the activation of melanin, pigment deposition caused the most important reason. The formation of stains, is derived from the basal layer (between the stratum corneum and dermis) melanin deposition, and then rose to the surface of the skin; and uneven skin color, dark, dirty, or look a little flower, is the melanin deposition in the epidermis. More oily skin, pores, more oil, and more likely to absorb ultraviolet light, melanin will be around the wall around the accumulation of the pores, Make pores look dark, more obvious; the overall skin color is often too dark. So, to dilute the stain, blocking the source of melanin must penetrate into the skin basal layer with whitening essence can; and to restore white, uniform color, with strong function, the main effect on the epidermal layer whitening lotion / cream, can also receive the effect. Did you find out? A common enemy that causes dark, yellow, and black skin is ultraviolet light. Therefore, in order to obtain "snow muscle, ice skin", we must first "block" UV - --- full spectrum sunscreen, sunscreen every day! Cleaning, exfoliating, accumulation in the whitening series, often a number of products contain exfoliation effect, but the most important thing is in the cleaning products. Do not count on Whitening Cleansing Milk, whitening make-up water will make the skin fair, and then the whitening ingredients will soon be washed off the water, the content is too small, it is impossible to play whitening effect. But they remove the old skin surface of the role of waste keratin, but not ambiguous. So, if your skin is not dark, or thinner skin, more sensitive, there is no need, nor should you use exfoliating facial cleanser and make-up water every day. If you need to choose horniness, care for weeks (or with gentle exfoliating exfoliating products), such as FANCL water infiltration mask, Clinique exfoliators skin mask, Biotherm intelligent whitening blemish mask, or regular exfoliating only when needed. If you have strong skin ", but also prone to accumulation of keratin, with exfoliating whitening whitening lotion, Cleansing Cream is a good choice, to strengthen water, can also be after whitening lotion, moisturizing liquid or moisturizing beauty liquid plus moisturizing better. At the same time Cleansing Cream whitening in the selection, we should also pay attention to their skin, past only containing a series of whitening Cleansing Cream, and this year the Clinique series, AUPRES excel white space whitening series, different cleaning needs of dry to partial oil skin do fine, use up more security. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whitening whitening essence mildly strengthen strengthen the program if you want to improve the whitening effect, or you are very dry skin, then you can add a whitening essence, whitening cream with moisturizing cream or use. This year the most stressed the blemish whitening essence, in order to "intensive blemish" or "instant effect quickly bright white", some whitening essence in acidic ingredients and exfoliating ingredients, some of the skin is not so safe; if the cause of sensitive, but will cause pigmentation. So, if only for the pursuit of the skin white uniform, without blemish, choose mild and safe Whitening Essence: FANCL whitening essence, DHC whitening lotion, LAMER whitening essence, Liz - Arden Bai Jinghua, SOFINA liquid silk light whitening cream, BOBBIBROWN bright Yan whitening essence, are with stable vitamin C derivatives and plant extracts as the main ingredients, and can inhibit the reduction of melanin, and not "stripping" black pigment, and has antioxidant effect can neutralize free radicals, sensitive skin can also be safe to use. Cream, whitening, moisturizing, we have said, all lotion / cream, in the final analysis, are moisturizing cream. Therefore, when we choose whitening milk / cream, we must not ignore the moisture content of the product --- if you can not let the skin in a moist moisturizing state, not only will whitening effect discounts, but also side effects on the skin. The whitening products are mainly designed for the spring and summer of the skin, the skin is easy to take the oil phase and sweat, so whitening lotion / cream is often too dry. Nowadays, many brands pay more and more attention to the importance of moisturizing and the annual demand for whitening, and the moisture retention of products has been greatly strengthened. As long as it is not very dry skin, bright white silk Liz - Arden series, CLARINS series, Estee Lauder whitening lock Yan cyber white crystal series, Clinique excel white series, SK- II Series whitening cream, to meet the basic needs of moisture. At the same time these series also have strong antioxidant properties, "anti black" at the same time, but also "anti vice."". Among them, SK- II whitening Revitalizing Cream contains wisdom light induced vitamin capsules, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the vitamin C and vitamin E will gradually "slow release", can make the activity to maintain more durable. Many whitening Day Cream / creams have also added sun protection to provide the most basic UV protection for "lazy" people who do not have sun protection habits. But if you are not lazy, as they can be the night cream - such as CLARINS repairing Whitening Night Cream, AUPRES Whitening Night activating liquid / milk / cream, Laneige whitening cream, sooner or later; in the daytime, full spectrum sunscreen with a high index, not only can get protection more comprehensive, but also conducive to fill the sun. Mask deep whitening repair to achieve better whitening effect, especially if you do not use whitening essence, then use the whitening (detoxifying) mask is very necessary. Because the mask often contains a high concentration of whitening (detoxifying) essence, the mask's osmotic pressure is also more conducive to the efficacy of the ingredients are deeply absorbed by the skin. After applying the mask, you can immediately get a clear whitening effect. The continuous and regular use of the mask will make this instant effect last. Any mask have effect - mask deep cleansing, skin and air temporal isolation, skin temperature, and with the accelerated The new supersedes the old. mask, wash or remove deep dirt, skin and metabolites with you. Therefore, any whitening mask can "remove dark."". But if it is relatively thin, sensitive skin, also should avoid the use of salicylic acid that "to remove aging skin contains melanin" (actually exfoliation) or by tearing off the way the old cutin "whitening mask, that may be too" stimulus ". And if we want to strengthen the "anti" effect, you can choose to use the Estee Lauder cyber white crystal mask, Biotherm oxygen purifying mask, effectively eliminate skin toxin. If the whitening mask and cleansing, detoxification mask 2~3 times a week alternating use, it will be more fully whitening, brighten the complexion. Kiwi, strawberry, sesame, kelp, sweet potato, not only whitening, but also help to lose weight?! Carrots, tomatoes and contains a variety of vegetables in red, yellow and orange pigment variety, such as carotenoids, can inhibit the formation of melanin, its effect is far higher than that of lipid whitening cosmetic use -- Xiong Guogan (two of benzene glycosides of glucose). Carotenoids, such as pigments, are absorbed by the intestines and are delivered to the skin, so regular use of vegetable juice keeps the skin white. In addition, because melanin is the root cause of freckles, so vegetable juice can also prevent the occurrence of freckles. In addition, excellent cheese can also improve the skin. 1. broccoli - it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotene. It increases your skin's ability to resist damage and helps maintain skin elasticity. 2. carrot carrot helps to maintain the normal function of the skin cell tissue, reduce skin wrinkles, and keep the skin moist and delicate. 3., milk - is the favorite food in the evening, can improve the skin cell activity, delaying the aging of the skin, strengthening the skin tension, and elimination of small wrinkles and other effects. 4. soybean - rich in vitamin E, can not only destroy the chemical activity of free radicals, inhibit skin aging, but also prevent pigmentation. 5. kiwi - rich in vitamin C, can interfere with melanin production, and help to remove freckles on the skin. 6. tomatoes, which contain lycopene, help smooth out wrinkles and make your skin soft and smooth. Often eat tomatoes are not prone to dark circles, and not easily sunburn. 7. honey - contains a large number of amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body. It is often eaten to make the skin rosy, tender and lustrous. 8. skin - rich in collagen and elastin, which causes the cell to become plump, reduce wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. Salmon 9. fatty acid which can eliminate a destructive factor in the skin collagen and moisturizing bio active substances, to prevent wrinkles, avoid the skin becomes rough. 10. kelp - it is rich in minerals, often eat, can regulate the blood pH, to prevent the skin, Chinese medicine believes that people must begin from the food, conditioning the body, the discharge of toxins. To clear the skin of yellow gas, black gas, it will have a healthy, whitening, nourishing skin color. Amaranth goes to the chin, black India, amaranth, go to the surface of melanin and acne efficacy. Help because of amaranth excretion, dispelling dampness, expelling pus can go to skin Chuangdu, especially to intestinal damp. Add garlic to amaranth and a half hours into the pot soup to drink, can make the skin more smooth. Amaranth is mild in nature and can be drunk every day. Lotus Lily porridge Kin Lung skin whitening skin - a short duration of time. To color, white and red, we must first strengthen the function of the lung, long-term consumption of lotus seeds, Lily porridge can achieve such effect. As for the lotus seed, lily of the weight, but with personal preferences. Study on sesame paste whitening known as dress Yang Baoling (Pauline) have always been a habit of daily drinking milk, milk white skin slippery Pauline admitted that indeed can promote the growth of skin cells, make the skin slippery. But she also said the black sesame paste utility more than milk, eat more skin slippery, less wrinkles, and make skin ruddy and white. But a bowl of sesame paste almost half a bowl of plain white rice with high heat, eat it three times a week. Sesame paste has accelerated effect can make the skin more The new supersedes the old., ruddy and slippery tomatoes
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