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购买苹果5s手机注意事项购买苹果5s手机注意事项 楼主先说 目前出现的问题 网友反应如下: 1.指南针校准问题 2.水波纹问题 3.花屏问题 4.手机摇晃起来 有响声的问题 5.WIFI问题 6.电池续航问题 7.Touch ID 指纹问题 指南针问题 这个我们的展机目前大概会有-2?---6?左右不等的偏差 当然 也有正常的机器 但是俺们新疆地斜 所以一般我们会这么说 咸蛋建议你不要听信 商家所谓的 你用不着 之类的话语 这个功能会影响波及到比如赛车 神庙 和 全景相机 其中全景相机问题不明显 但是会有些 水波...
购买苹果5s手机注意事项 楼主先说 目前出现的问 网友反应如下: 1.指南针校准问题 2.水波纹问题 3.花屏问题 4.手机摇晃起来 有响声的问题 5.WIFI问题 6.电池续航问题 7.Touch ID 指纹问题 指南针问题 这个我们的展机目前大概会有-2?---6?左右不等的偏差 当然 也有正常的机器 但是俺们新疆地斜 所以一般我们会这么说 咸蛋你不要听信 商家所谓的 你用不着 之类的话语 这个功能会影响波及到比如赛车 神庙 和 全景相机 其中全景相机问题不明显 但是会有些 水波纹问题 所谓水波纹就是指 你的武神被你用手指轻压屏幕后会出现水波一样波纹或者出现竖条或者出现 颜色不一样 当然是轻压 这个问题 每个手机基本出现的不一样 这个问题是屏幕的硬件问题 the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 如果你中“奖”了。 建议到商家那里讨要说法 根据我工厂的朋友回答说 这是因为加工的时候 比较着急比较赶 所以会出现的问题 一般情况下 这种产品是不合格的 是不能够出购的~(出购的意思:货品出流水线销售) 通俗讲 这就是个残次品 如果是4S的话 这个就是不合格的东西 根本出不了流水线 就会被从新拆开 回到流水线 从新更换主屏 本帖为咸蛋手打 知识来源于我和在某代工场的胖墩 交流而来 转帖请注明~谢谢~ 花屏问题,基本上与水波纹所反映的问题差不多 不过就是会颜色不一样 出现这种问题的原因是 代工厂工人出货较急 所使用的电笔连线的时候 工人没有使用合格 的方法来操作 ,就会导致这种问题的发生 还有就是手机内排线铜片的问题,如果铜片接触不良 也会发生类似问题~ 本帖为咸蛋手打 知识来源于我和在某代工场工作的胖墩 交流而来 转帖请注明~谢谢~ 手机摇晃起来有响声 基本是开关按键 声音按键 在响 如果要测试的话 可以轻按固定住开关和声音的按键 再摇晃 基本就没有问题了 还有声音的话 建议你去售后询问 也有可能是送话器没有安装牢固 因为胖墩是上海某代工厂的小组长 干了3年多了 所以这些问题 不是瞎说 基本就是这样~~ WIFI速度慢 the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 或者链接不上WIFI 可能是WIIF模块没有合格 也可能是你的电脑路由器没有设置好 这个不属于售后的范围 所以以这种问题去售后 售后基本不会理你 除非是你的WIFI确实有问题 建议如果有此问题发生的小主人 可以把机器放到售后 让售后留着观察机器 电池问题基本上系统IOS问题 根据胖墩的说法, 苹果工厂会有一台机器专门测试电池 电池如果过关 会显示PASS 绿色灯 不过关的话 会显示NO PASS 红色灯 然后这些不过关的电池会被拿到另外一个机器那里 修复 如果修复的话 就是一种通过软件把电池强硬的修改成过关 然后,,,,你们懂的 好吧,就是会把实际不过关的电池变成过关的电池 节省成本 继续放到生产线去~~ 不过这种问题 属于售后修的范围内 他们会把你的机器拆开 从新放一块电池进去~~ 所以,小伙伴们 不要为这个问题而烦恼,记得在365天在保内更换哦~~ 指纹问题根据日本某维修公司说 可能无法更换指纹那个模块 第一 ,成本高 蓝宝石哦 第二,手指带汗 这个说法 基本扯淡,因为苹果说指纹模块是可以360?旋转都可以识别的 所以……不好使的朋友们 我再次恭喜你们中奖了 解决方法基本是到售后 the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 购买苹果手机第一个遇到的问题往往是版本挑选问题,买国行还是港行, 其实差别比较简单: 1,保修问题,国行的保修比较靠谱,你懂的,全国联保,港行以前只有北京上海修的方便,其他地区没有保障,但是现在也能全国联保了。 2,港行无线网络显示的是wifi 国行是无线局域网,这点其实可以忽略 3,是港行充电不能关机冲(除非冲了在关机) 国行可以关机冲,港行的电池冲了10秒就会自动开机的 4,最重要的一点也是往往被忽略的一点。港行过来就是香港行货,有可能是走私到内地的,所以运输过程中可能会有磕碰,如果选择港行,请瞪大眼睛仔细检查机身甚至原配件, 5,还有人说美版质量好。但是质量好是相对的东西,美版并不如人意,看是看个案。反向思维一下,美版就没有坏掉的机器么,满大街的国行都是修过的么, 6,识别方法比较简单,国内手机后盖是CCC认证,其他港版或者是美版是CE认证,看清就好,也可以通过:设置-通用-关于本机 可查看型号。最后两位CH为国行,ZP为港行。 指南针问题 这个目前来看大概会有-2?---6?左右不等的偏差,会影响到一些功能,比如赛车等游戏,但是其实你真的无法选择,专业的店员也没办法保证给你挑选出无偏差的,所以忽略掉吧。。 屏幕问题 the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 所有的手机不单是苹果,都会遇到屏幕问题,所以购买手机的时候要仔细查看,先看有没有坏点,就是突兀的白色或者黑色的点,,再用手机轻按屏幕后会出现水波一样波纹或者出现竖条或者出现颜色不一样。这里一点要细心一点,因为硬件问题会一直伴随着你! 按键是否牢固 也是所有手机都会遇到的问题,摇晃手机判断是否有响声,如果有,基本就是声音建和开关问题,可以轻按固定住开关和声音的按键再摇晃,如果还有问题,果断换一台! 【前言】 在论坛里看到不少锋友发帖说明刚才升级至iOS7,并且大部分都纷纷抱怨耗电量仍然恐怖。 今天小弟在这里总结分享一下自己的省电和普及, 希望各位朋友通过以下设置后能有更久的续航能力。刚才看到锋友说无用.....如果您觉得无用的话那没必要看下去了 高手勿喷 觉得对于大家有帮助的请转发下——威锋有你更精彩~ the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 1.关闭[后台应用程序刷新] 进入设置 > 通用 > 后台应用程序刷新 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: iOS 7的后台应用程序自动刷新开启以后系统会在Wi-Fi或者蜂窝网络开启时自动刷新后台内容或者是使用定位服务。 我觉得这个非常耗电,强烈建议关闭。 2.关闭[AirDrop] 打开控制中>点击AirDrop图标>停用 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: iOS 7当中的AirDrop功能可以和附近的朋友分享图片、视频 但是在你不用的时候最好将它关闭,不然它会一直搜索附近兼容的设备,从而导致耗电。 3.开启[减少动态效果] 设置 > 通用 > 辅助功能 > 减少动态效果 将其开启 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: iOS7新增了有趣的视差效果,当你移动设备时,**纸会略微偏移以制造出3D的效果。但这可能也会对续航造成影响,耗电量也是相当恐怖的。 4.关闭[邮件推送] 可以进入设置 > 邮件、通讯录、日历 > 获取新数据 关闭推送 并且在下面的获取项 选择手动 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 通过手动方式来获取最新邮件,可以避免系统自动后台获取从而达到省电目的。 5.关闭[自动亮度调节] 和 [合理设置屏幕亮度] 设置 > **纸与亮度 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 关闭自动亮度调节功能可以屏蔽系统根据当前外界环境亮度来反复调节你的屏幕亮度,从而达到省电目的,当然合理的手动设置你屏幕亮度是省电的关键所在~ 6.关闭[通知中心不必要的应用推送] 设置 > 通知中心 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 应用推送开启了以后一旦有新的消息和内容时不时就会给你进行推送 从而造成严重耗电,合理的管理和设置你的应用推送关闭不必要的应用进行推送是非常有帮助的。 可以看到我这里只设置了邮件的推送,其余应用我都关闭了, 大家可以根据自己的情况来进行设置。 7.关闭[定位服务] 和 [合理设置定位服务的应用] 设置 > 隐私 > 定位服务 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 定位服务绝对是耗电强劲,所以你应该确保你不使用定位服务的时候要关闭它。 当你需要定位服务的时候你开启了以后,也应关闭那些你不需要定位的应用。 8.关闭[系统功能的定位服务] 设置 > 隐私 > 打开定位服务 > 拉到最下面 > 系统服务 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 系统功能定位服务也是不可小看的耗电,大家可以看到我关闭了一些, 你们可以按照你们的个人习惯来进行关闭。 9.关闭[后台正在运行的应用] 双击Home键 > 对着应用预览图标做向上滑动动作来关闭不需要的应用 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: iOS7有了新后台多任务功能和预览是非常方便的,关闭后台应用也变得更加容易。当你的系统同时运行很多应用的时候,如果你不将一些暂时不需要的应用关闭,耗电量可想而知~ 10.关闭[Siri] 设置 > 通用 > Siri 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: Siri....我无力吐槽,小伙伴们都关闭它吧。 想要找乐子或者想要调戏它的时候可以开起来。 11.关闭[蓝牙] 底部向上滑动动作呼出 控制中心 > 关闭蓝牙 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 这个不多说,在你不需要蓝牙的时候,请关闭它。 12.关闭[ Wi-Fi和 蜂窝移动网络] 设置 > Wi-Fi 设置 > 蜂窝移动网络 设置图片: the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 说明: 当你不需要网络的时候,请关闭Wi-Fi或者蜂窝移动网络。 这样可以彻底屏蔽系统根据信号强度来和服务器之间进行的网络数据交换。 从而达到节电目的。 当然也有很多朋友提到直接开启飞行模式更加彻底,这个我个人很赞同, 但是出于避免开启飞行模式后导致的接不到朋友的电话等等原因, 我个人还是推崇关闭Wi-Fi和蜂窝移动网络这个方案。 总结: 以上方法只是最大化续航能力, 养成良好的充电习惯和手机使用习惯最大化电池寿命才是王道。 不整夜开机充电等等。 希望此帖对各位锋友有帮助,也希望大家可以一起来补充好的省电方法。挺晚了,祝各位锋友休息好,人the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang 手一台土豪金,你懂的~ 我个人一般不用手机玩游戏 经常看看新闻 上上QQ 听听音乐 一般可以保证1天半左右充一次电 the South. KMT District Deputy head Zhou Zhenlong familiar with Shen Wenqian father, one day in March 1941, Zhou Zhenlong Shen Wenqian father reveal the wind: "' Wang ' couple is a bit suspicious, to catch up and ask. "Shen Wenqian was informed by the father of this intelligence and immediately reported to the Chinese Communist Party Secretary Han chang
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