
缺口必胜 短线交易大师精准买卖点中的开盘缺口操作法

2017-12-21 27页 doc 399KB 27阅读




缺口必胜 短线交易大师精准买卖点中的开盘缺口操作法缺口必胜 短线交易大师精准买卖点中的开盘缺口操作法 缺口必胜 《短线交易大师:精准买卖点》中的开盘缺口操作法 作者:杰克?伯恩斯坦 我研究过许多种技术分析,也实际运用过好几种技术分析来操作期货,其中我最喜欢的,莫过于使用开盘缺口来研判进场时机。道理很简单,开盘缺口的运用,最不需要耗费心思。本章所讨论的开盘缺口操作法,指在开盘时或开盘一小时内进场或出场,而在止损点或当天收盘时平仓出场。首先,我们给开盘缺口一个明确的定义。 开盘缺口,指当日的开盘价高于前一天的最高价,或低于前一天的最低价。 譬如某项商品昨天的最高价是59.1...
缺口必胜 短线交易大师精准买卖点中的开盘缺口操作法
缺口必胜 短线交易大师精准买卖点中的开盘缺口操作法 缺口必胜 《短线交易大师:精准买卖点》中的开盘缺口操作法 作者:杰克?伯恩斯坦 我研究过许多种技术分析,也实际运用过好几种技术分析来操作期货,其中我最喜欢的,莫过于使用开盘缺口来研判进场时机。道理很简单,开盘缺口的运用,最不需要耗费心思。本章所讨论的开盘缺口操作法,指在开盘时或开盘一小时内进场或出场,而在止损点或当天收盘时平仓出场。首先,我们给开盘缺口一个明确的定义。 开盘缺口,指当日的开盘价高于前一天的最高价,或低于前一天的最低价。 譬如某项商品昨天的最高价是59.1美元,最低价是58.6美元。如果今天的开盘价高于59.1美元,就是一个向上跳空缺口;如果今天的开盘价低于58.6美元,就是一个向下跳空缺口。 对于开盘价的定义,向来有许多争议,我自己也有一套见解。如果读者在电脑显示屏幕上看即时报价,或从报纸上,杂志上阅读期货行情表,当可发现开盘价永远在栏位的最左端。栏位的顺序依序是开盘价、最高价、最低价、收盘价。有时候收盘价也称作清算价格。以当日冲销者的目的而言,我将开盘价定义为当天最先出现的价格。 也就是说,当天在电脑屏幕上最先闪现的价格,就是开盘价。这个定义,与期货交易所的定义有些出入。有些时候,交易所的开盘价是指价位区间,可能有两、三档,而我们所指的开盘价纯指最先闪现的价格。 图6,1及6,2即显示理想的开盘向上跳空缺口,及开盘向下跳空缺口。从图中,我们可以极其容易地根据我们的定义找出开盘价,而且可以客观并机械式地运用。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 图6,1 开盘向上跳空缺口,S&P 500指数期货。 此处有图 图6,2 开盘向下跳空缺口,S&P 500指数期货。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 操作原则 开盘缺口指标Gap Open Signals(GO) 通常,我使用两种开盘指标。第一种叫做开盘缺口指标gap open signal(GO),第二种叫做落后开盘缺口指标delayed gap open signal(DOG),两种指标都各有其买进和卖出的规范。 向下跳空缺口 当开盘价向下跳空开出时,极可能当天的底部就在附近,也就是买进或做多的信号。大部分的向下跳空缺口,都发生在利空消息发布之日,不论是国际性或国内的负面消息,导致投资人预期行情将下跌,因而在开盘时卖方的力道大于买方。以下是开盘向下跳空缺口的运用原则: 1. 当利空消息使开盘价向下跳空开出时,首先显示的是买进信号或进场做多的良机。 2. 当行情向下跳空开出,旋即反弹向上并穿越前一日的最低价,当日冲销者应该立刻进场 做多。 3. 这时的买单,应该以导价买单(buy stop order),或导限买单(buy-stop-limit order)的 型式下单。 4. 买单成交之后,必须马上设置止损单。止损单的价位可以是自己所能容忍的额度,或在 当日最低价的下几个档位。 5. 这两种止损单的设置,以自己所能容忍的额度为依据较佳。因为参考当日的最低价,极 可能在行情震荡中被洗掉。 图6,3就是这种操作方式的最佳图示。图中显示,三月份的S&P 500指数期货昨天的最高价为410.00,最低价为408.00,收盘价为408.50。今天的开盘价为407.50,比昨天的收盘价低100点,比昨天的最低价还要低50点,操作原则一的进场做多信号就显示了。 这时,当日冲销者应设置408.10的导价买单或导限买单。也就是说当行情反弹,穿越昨天的最低价408.10两档时,你的多单就成交了,而且可以在当天收盘时获利了结出场。 这种操作技巧的技术面和心理面相当容易理解。如果行情跳空而下,大部分投资人都认为行情还会再跌,因而大举卖出,使行情雪上加霜。当卖方的力道枯竭,商品价格即不再下跌,如果买盘力道够强劲,行情将往上弹升,升逾昨日的最低价时,大部分投资人会反空为多,大举进场,将价格继续往上拉抬。这也是当日冲销者掌握一大段行情的最好时机。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 此处有图 图6,3 开盘向下跳空缺口所显示的买进信号。 当日冲销者依据开盘向下跳空缺口的操作原则,建立多头头寸后,必须马上设立止损单。止损单可以设立在当日最低点的下数档位置。譬如你的买进价位在401.10,当日的最低价在399,止损单应设在398.90。另一种设定止损价位的,则完全根据风险管理的原则。目前市场上大部分当日冲销者都把止损点设在买进价格的数档之下,我十分不赞同这种方法,尤其当操作的标的是外汇期货及S&P500指数期货,已建立的头寸很可能会在较巨幅的行情波动中被洗掉,失去获利的机会。然而大部分的当日冲销者资本都不雄厚,不容许将止损设在较远的距离。这种尴尬的抉择仿佛是一个铜板的两面,不能忍受相当额度的损失,就无法获取相当额度的利润。 向上跳空缺口 开盘价向上跳空开出,形成缺口,即是进场做空信号。操作的程序与向下跳空完全相反,图6,4即显示操作的方法。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 此处有图 图6,4 开盘向上跳空缺口所显示的卖出信号。 1. 当开盘价向上跳空开出,即显示应进场做空。 2. 当商品价格反转而下,穿逾前一日的最高价位时,即应进场做空。 3. 当日冲销的投资人应在这时候投递导价空单或导限空单。 4. 空头部为建立以后,马上设置止损单。 5. 止损单价位的决定,根据风险管理的规范较为合适。 如图6,4所示,美国长期公债期货前一日的最低价为10201,最高10214。今天的开盘价为10126,虽然是一个向上跳空缺口。当然,美国长期公债期货在美国境内的期货交易所休市后,仍在世界其它地区继续交易。但是我们使用开盘跳空缺口,并不考虑其他地区的交易价格,仅以美国地区前一日的最高价,最低价以及收盘价为准。如果读者想列入其它地区的交易价格,必须再多下功夫研究其间的关系。 图6,4当向上跳空缺口形成,当日冲销者必须在前一日最高价的下两档,即10212的价位设导价空单或导限空单。但是在这个例子里,由于芝加哥期货交易所CBO并不接受美国长期公债的导限空单,投资人只能用导价空单进场。当行情反转向下,到达前一日最高价低两档的价位时,你手上就握有了空头头寸,这时,你必须马上设置一张止损单。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 开盘向上跳空缺口的心理面和技术面,与开盘向下跳空缺口原理相同,只是解释的方向相反。当商品行情向上跳空开出,表示空头心生畏惧,纷纷回补,多头也奋勇抢进。当多头力道逐渐衰竭,价格向下滑落,穿越前一日的最高价,开盘时抢到高价的投资人开始认赔杀出,被洗掉的空头则向下压,再建立新的空头头寸。这两种力道联合起来,使价格大幅向下滑落。开盘向上跳空缺口的获利契机,即在于掌握这种盘势的大众心理。图6,8及6,11,即是开盘向上跳空缺口的示意图。 止损单的设置 通常,向上跳空缺口或向下跳空缺口的现象出现时,当日的行情都会有剧烈震荡。有经验的当日冲销者,都希望能在震荡行情中尽量多赚,因此,逐步提高止损点就成为相当重要的操作方法了。 , 当开盘跳空缺口形成,且你已建立头寸之后,一旦所建立的头寸已达获利阶段,必须马 上在手续费加上一点点利润的价位,设置止损单。如果行情反向转动,止损单可以保护 几乎所有的当日冲销者,都自有一套订定止损单的方法。我建议投资人自己你的利润。 在事先拟订订价的程序,以S&P 500指数期货为例,150点或750美元的间距,是个相 当理想的价位。 , 一次购买多个头寸的方式,也是增加获利的另一种方法。假设我们在开盘跳空缺口形成 时,建立两个头寸或双数头寸,并分成两部分操作。如果盘中价位未触及止损单的价位, 则在临收盘前获利了结。根据我的经验,多个头寸的操作方式,是最理想的获利方法。 , 跟踪止损的方法,或许对波段操作的投资人不很合适,对当日冲销者却是一项锐利的操 作工具。因为当日冲销者的交易时间有一定限制,必须在当天出场,而波段操作者运用 这种方式,常会因价格盘滞不动而不知如何是好。运用开盘跳空缺口建立头寸后,当日 冲销者可以依据前半小时或前一小时的价位,设立止损单。如果你买入多头头寸,行情 也往上攀升,就可以将止损单设在前半小时或前一小时的最低价。如果你握有空头头寸, 可以将止损单设在前半小时或前一小时的最高价位。止损单设置之后,必须每半小时或 每一小时改变一次止损价格,以保持最高获利,且在行情反转时保证已有的利润。 , 根据前三条K线图的最高或最低价来设置止损单,也是不错的方法。譬如,你在开盘跳 空缺口显示后,建立多头头寸,就可以用前三个5分钟K线图的最低价,设置止损单。 如果前三个5分钟的最低价分别是34.50、34.20、33.97,就在33.97的低两档价位,设 置止损单。如果你握有的是空头头寸,则必须在前三个5分钟的最高价位上两档,设置 止损。 以上所说的设置止损单,并非实际下单动作,而是自己在心中预设的出场价位。否则你和你的经纪人,都会因为不断地改价而疯狂。 落后开盘缺口指标Delayed Gap Open Signals (DGO) 有时候,开盘缺口与前一日的价格落差很大,商品价格必须往上冲一段,才能达到前一日的最低价;或往下滑落一大段,才能到达前一日的最高价。我们先前所介绍的开盘跳空指标法,就显得无用武之地。因此,我特别出一套落后开盘跳空缺口指标法,针对在开盘跳空缺口形成后,却在一小时内未能达到我们先前所设定的进场点,而仍有机会可以进场。图6,5就是这种操作方法的示意图。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 图6,5 落后开盘向下跳空缺口买进信号示意。 落后开盘向下跳空缺口 1. 当商品价格开盘形成向下跳空缺口,按照先前所途述的GO操作法,在前一日最低价的 上两档,设置导价买单。 2. 如果经过一个小时,商品价格仍无法穿越前一日最低价,先前所设置的多头买单仍无法 成交。如果这时商品的价位,比开盘价高两档以上,可以马上进场做多。 3. 如果开盘后一小时,先前按照GO操作法所设置的买单尚未成交,且市价仍低于开盘价, 则可在高于开盘价两档的价位,设置导价买单。一旦商品价格上升到高于开盘价两档的 价位,买单就成交了。先前我们按照GO操作法所设置的买单不必取消,一旦价格持续 往上窜升,你就可以握有两个多头头寸。图6,6就是这种操作方式的示意图。 图6,6 落后开盘向下跳空缺口的实际例子。 落后开盘向上跳空缺口 1. 当开盘形成向上跳空缺口,我们先按照GO操作法,在前一日最高价的下两档处设置导 价空单。 2. 开盘一小时后,如果先前设置的导价空单仍未成交,且当时的市价低于开盘价,必须马rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 上进场建立空头头寸。 3. 如果当时的市价仍高于开盘价,可在开盘价的下两档价位,再设置导价空单。先前按照 GO操作法所设置的空单,不必取消。 图6,7及图6,8,即是落后开盘向上跳空缺口的操作图示。投资人必须谨记,DGO只能在开盘后一小时运用。 图6,7 落后开盘向上跳空缺口卖出信号示意。 图6,8 落后开盘向上跳空缺口的实例。 注意事项 我曾经提及,开盘跳空缺口是我最喜欢使用的当日冲销指标。因为开盘跳空缺口形成后,当日几乎都会有大行情。当然,这项操作法必须运用于平时波动性良好的商品,才能获得相当利润。通常S&P 500、外汇、债券、原油以及贵重金属,都适于运用这项指标。当然,商品在前此的波动性和流动性是我们必须考虑的因素之一。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 图6,9开盘跳空缺口的实例,糖。 图6,10 开盘跳空缺口的实例,羊毛。 图6,11 开盘跳空缺口的实例,燃料油。S,卖 B,买 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 图6,12 开盘跳空缺口的实例,瑞士法郎。S,卖 B,买 按照以往的经验,突发性的重要新闻,或政府公布的统计数字,往往会造成开盘跳空缺口,且在当日形成大幅震荡的行情。此外,开盘缺口发生前的盘势,也是运用这项指标的重要考量因素。如果某项商品已历经一段时间的空头走势,又碰到利空袭击,开盘跳空而下,就是建立多头头寸的好时机。相反地,某项商品已走了一大段多头、又碰到利多消息,开盘跳空而上,也是空头获利的良好契机。 开盘跳空缺口操作法,如果能与当日心理指标daily sentiment index (DSI)合并使用,效果更好。 磨练经验 开盘跳空缺口以及落后开盘跳空缺口的操作方法,既容易理解,运用起来也很方便,不过经验仍然很重要。运用这两种操作方法以前,务必仔细地,研究、分析拟交易的商品,起码也要细心地读它的图表,才能得心应手地操作。 许多读者想知道,开盘跳空缺口是否适于波段操作者运用。当日冲销者想明白这个问题,基本上已违反了自己操作的原则。当日冲销者所能考虑的只是今天,想以今天的盘势来考虑或预测明天的盘势,根本不恰当。 我们所讨论的开盘跳空缺口,与明日的行情以及日后的走势,完全无关。所以,当日冲销者切莫因今日运用开盘跳空缺口赚到一大段,就想留仓过夜。当日冲销所运用的原则是,只要市场一收盘就结束了,明天的交易是个全新的开始,完全与今天的头寸无关。 缺口的大小 有些开盘跳空缺口的距离很大,有些只有两、三档。根据我的观察,缺口愈大,指标的精确度愈高。至于价格穿越前一日高价或低价的档数,两档最好,一档则较容易失误。当然,每一种商品都有其价格的波动特性,读者可以自己研究出运用的细节。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 踏实筑梦 有许多交易程序的设计人,宣称只要投资人使用他们设计的交易程序,就可稳赚不赔。事实上,没有任何一套操作方法可以一成不变地一直运用,而还能创造财富。当日冲销者不论是运用开盘跳空缺口或其它方法,都是师傅领进门,修行在个人,个人的技巧才是最重要的。平时一点一滴的尝试和努力,才是致富的泉源。 首先,你必须确认开盘跳空缺口操作法的威力,然后照章实施。不幸地,许多投资人总等到大势已明,才疾呼:“当时我应该进场„„”事实上,你操作的次数愈多,技术愈纯熟,获利的机会就愈大。 一旦你熟悉这项技巧,往往一个合约就能赚进数百美元。有了信心之后,一次建立数个头寸,按照我们先前所介绍的分成两部分操作,当可更灵活运用,创造更多财富。 下单技巧 有些投资人不喜欢使用导价买单或导价空单进场,更不喜欢使用他们来设置止损单,总认为市价单会买或卖到不好的价线。当然,以市价敲单偶而会发生意想不到的成交价格,但是几率不大,尤其是成交量丰沛的商品。如果读者确实不喜欢用导价单,也可以用导限买单或导限空单,但是这种单子不保证能够一定成交。倘使行情如我们所预期,却因为使用导限单而无法建立头寸或止损,岂不可惜。 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes
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