
荷兰奶粉 原装进口 关于荷兰朵奶粉

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荷兰奶粉 原装进口 关于荷兰朵奶粉荷兰奶粉 原装进口 关于荷兰朵奶粉 ? 荷兰朵原装进口婴幼儿配方奶粉 一、关于荷兰朵制造商 生产企业简介: Hyproca乳品集团公司由几家荷兰奶制品著名企业组成,公司总部在乳品世界的核心国家 — 荷兰。该集团在乳制品行业拥有超过100年的历史,取得了很多光辉的成绩。Lypack公司是Hyproca乳品集团公司位于Lee-Uwarden 镇的在婴儿配方奶粉生产行业有着悠久历史的工厂。Lypack公司由Jan-Evert Scholten于1914年创立,当时名叫Lijempf(荷语:Leeuwarder IJs en...
荷兰奶粉 原装进口 关于荷兰朵奶粉
荷兰奶粉 原装进口 关于荷兰朵奶粉 ? 荷兰朵原装进口婴幼儿配方奶粉 一、关于荷兰朵制造商 生产企业简介: Hyproca乳品集团公司由几家荷兰奶制品著名企业组成,公司总部在乳品世界的核心国家 — 荷兰。该集团在乳制品行业拥有超过100年的历史,取得了很多光辉的成绩。Lypack公司是Hyproca乳品集团公司位于Lee-Uwarden 镇的在婴儿配方奶粉生产行业有着悠久历史的工厂。Lypack公司由Jan-Evert Scholten于1914年创立,当时名叫Lijempf(荷语:Leeuwarder IJs en MelkProductenFabriek )。公司于1938年开始致力于婴儿配方奶粉和保健品的生产。 Hollander(荷兰朵)婴幼儿配方奶粉的生产商是经荷兰乳品管理局批准的荷兰奶制品著名企业 Lypack.B.V在荷兰制造生产, 出厂产品经过严格检验,符合欧盟和中国政府控制标准。企业通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系,世界卫生组织药品生产质量管理规范(GMP),国际食品安全危害控制体系(HACCP),以及荷兰奶制品风险管理体系(RMP)等食品安全管理体系的认证。产品质量安全可靠,均获得荷enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 兰国家食品安全局颁发的产品出口、自由销售证书,Hollander奶粉出境安全卫生许可官方证书由荷兰王国农业自然及食品质量部食品与生产安全局出具。 Hollander(荷兰朵)婴幼儿配方奶粉通过荷兰乳品唯一权威管理机构COKZ对Hollander检测, Hollander荷兰朵奶粉符合荷兰政府的标准,放射活性符合国际公认标准,同时也符合中国的标准。 Lypack B.V 乳品公司是根据荷兰政府法律合法注册,地址在荷兰 Archimedesweg Lee-uwarden镇,奶粉生产过程依据荷兰卫生标准和欧盟法律条款ECN0853/2004,所有生产过程经过监督检查,符合标准,批准证书编号:Z0238,荷兰商务部 对Hollander奶粉出具原产地证明。 Hyproca乳品集团公司 网址:www.hyproca-dairy-group.com 生产企业:Lypack B.V.网址: www.lypack.com 关于荷兰朵其它网站: 网址1: hld.aitaocn.com 荷兰朵奶粉直销网站: 网站2:www.myfude.com 100%原装进口 国际化品质 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 二、荷兰朵产品特色 荷兰的乳业是世界之最~荷兰作为是全世界公认的优质奶源产地之一,被喻为“黄金奶带”“欧的菜篮子”之美誉,荷兰地处北纬40度左右,全境低于海平面,临近海洋受北大西洋湾流的影响,属于温带海洋性气候。得天独厚的气候及地理条件保障了优质的牧草和健康奶牛。 荷兰生态牧场中生长的黑麦草,含奶牛所需的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、钙、磷、胡萝卜素等多种营养成分,造就了荷兰奶源中含有与生俱来的维生素B2、B12、肉碱、胆碱等天然营养素。 荷兰是畜牧业大国,百年来经营农场经营积累了丰富的经验,作为欧洲发达国家,把先进的科学技术引进到农场经营管理中。荷兰奶源地严格的饲养规定和真空生产流程,真正实现了“天然无污染”的要求,也保证了奶源的健康与无污染。 荷兰原装进口Hollander(荷兰朵)系列奶粉参照联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)食品法典委员会(CAC)标准/荷兰食品安全国家标准,选用优质的原料奶粉,针对中国宝宝各年龄段发育所需营养精心配制而成,粉质细腻、口感清淡香醇;严格按照国际先进的生产工艺流程,采用全封闭净化和自动化生产,确保质量安全。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 荷兰朵原料奶的监控是由荷兰乳酪局和半政府性质的第三方检测机构全权负责的完善的监管方法和措施,确保成品的奶源的质量安全,天然纯净的荷兰奶源及卓越的奶粉生产技术是其品质的强大保证。 荷兰朵?奶粉均由荷兰原罐原装进口~原产地荷兰~产品包括: 荷兰朵牛奶粉 1段婴儿配方牛奶粉:适合0-6个月的宝宝,完全模拟母乳特别添加乳铁蛋白的婴儿配方奶粉,其蛋白质构成更接近母乳,使营养更全面更易吸收,并富含宝宝生长必备的DHA和AA等各种矿物质和维生素,符合这个年龄段宝宝生长发育的需要。规格:900g/罐 2段较大婴儿配方牛奶粉:适合6-12个月的宝宝,宝宝生长必备的各种矿物质和维生素成分更高,并特别添加了5种核苷酸,有效提高宝宝免疫力,增强抗病能力,因为宝宝6个月大时对营养需求增加,该段配方奶粉非常适合这个阶段宝宝的发enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 展。规格:900g/罐 3段幼儿配方牛奶粉:适合1-3岁的宝宝,该阶段是成长宝宝,均衡的饮食与营养是关键。该段以乳铁蛋白为主要蛋白质来源的婴儿配方奶粉,富含宝宝成长必备的各种矿物质和维生素,添加了低聚半乳糖(GOS),优化宝宝胃肠内环境,并继续支持他们的自然免疫系统,以满足1-3岁宝宝成长所需。规格:900g/罐 荷兰朵羊奶粉 A段婴儿配方羊奶粉:适合0—6个月的宝宝,采用100%荷兰精纯山羊乳,不含牛奶蛋白,先进的微囊包埋技术,溶解性好,无膳味,口感细腻纯粹,依据母乳成分配比,较牛乳致敏蛋白更少,更易消化吸收,少过敏,富含多聚果糖及益生元组合,调节肠胃,防止便秘和上火,是宝宝强壮不虚胖。规格:900g/罐 B段婴儿配方羊奶粉:适合6—36个月的宝宝,富含比例平衡的多种维生素,特别添加了5种核苷酸以满足6个月以上宝宝发育的营养需求,预防腹泻,采用先进的微囊包埋技术,溶解性好,无膳味,口感细腻纯粹,富含多聚果糖及益生元组合,调节肠胃,防止便秘和上火,宝宝强壮不虚胖。规格:900g/罐 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 三、荷兰朵奶粉经典配方、工艺解析 『安全营养配方』 Hollander(荷兰朵)婴幼儿配方奶粉是以母乳营养为黄金标准,全面满足宝宝均衡营养为最高目标,由国际资深婴童营养专家经科学分析、缜密计算,提供比例合理的精细化营养组合。其营养配方使用的原料都是经过数十年临床安全验证,并且通过了荷兰和澳大利亚食品安全局风险安全评估(Risk-based Safety Assessment ),符合荷兰和澳大利亚联合食品标准(Food Standards Australia New Zealand),获得允许在婴幼儿配方奶粉等食品中添加的原料。 Hollander婴幼儿奶粉比例合理、科学安全、易于吸收,不含任何激素或转基因。天然的均衡营养让宝宝健康更聪明~ 均衡营养——补充宝宝成长的其它必备营养物质 ?钙 增加骨骼密度,促进牙齿和骨骼生长发育 ?铁 可预防缺铁性贫血,提高免疫力,促进生长发育 ?锌 是人体生长发育必需元素,增进宝宝食欲 ?维生素A 提高视敏度,保持肌肤健康活力 ?维生素C 增强免疫力,促进铁的吸收 ?维生素D 提高人体对钙、磷的吸收,促进生长 ?黄金组合维生素 全面补充营养,满足宝宝成长需求,提高免疫力,为宝宝均衡优质营养,带给宝宝全方位的保护。 『经典配方,呵护健康』 全面呵护 促进智力发育,宝宝聪明伶俐;提高免疫力,宝宝健康不生病;调节肠胃功能,吸收好不便秘。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 结构合理 荷兰朵奶粉乳清蛋白比例为60:40(和母乳相同),DHA与AA的比例为1:2,亚麻酸ALA与亚油酸的比例为10:1,钙磷比例为2:1,从而使50多种营养成分和配比更接近母乳,为宝宝提供妈妈般的呵护。 不含蔗糖 荷兰朵的所有系列均不含蔗糖,结合特效多聚果糖配方,能有效减少细菌在牙齿上附着的几率,全面防止龋齿.同时可以防止儿童养成太爱食糖的坏习惯,保证孩子健康。 宝宝爱吃不挑食 荷兰朵奶粉由于采取了微囊包埋特种技术,没有腥味,没有特殊怪味,口感较好,各种年龄阶段的儿童均爱食用。 『高标准的原料 产品质量的基础』 ?奶源 荷兰朵奶粉全系列采用国际公认优质的荷兰奶源,纯正的荷兰原产奶源。 ?AA(花生四烯酸) 使用高山被孢霉真菌(Alpina mortiella)的特种菌种,经人工培养,采用生物技术提取,因其纯度高、质量好、利吸收和安全可靠,成为目前世界上最好的AA制取方法之一。 ?多聚果糖 采用高品质荷兰生产的Frutafit HD(30100)。 ?各种维生素矿物质等原料 均由欧盟现代化制造企业,依据欧盟的质量标准生产,从而保证荷兰朵奶粉中所有成分的高品质,在保证安全的同时有效提高宝宝对各种营养成份的吸收率和利用率。 『先进技术 产品质量的保证』 世界先进的现代化设备:荷兰朵在通过国际良好生产规范认证、食品安全保证体系认证的,现代流水线生产,采用电脑自动称重混合设备,使用金属捕手、分子筛以及X射线扫描系统对生产的全过程进行监控,确保产品质量。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 微囊包埋技术:荷兰朵采用目前国际先进的微囊包埋技术将DHA、AA等成分包裹在5-250微米的细小胶囊中,从而起到:1.抗氧化,保护有效成份,提高保质期品质的作用.2.减少胃酸的破坏,增加营养成份的利用度,最大限度的发挥营养成份的作用.3.除腥去异味,改善奶粉的口感,使宝宝更喜欢。 氮气置换技术:荷兰朵奶粉不锈钢桶在洁净气流下灌装,并用氮气置换不锈钢桶。 内的氧气.这一高科技工艺,有效防止了营养成份的氧化和降解,确保在36个月保质期内如新出厂一样的品质。 技术优势:采用国际先进的生产工艺流程,巴氏杀菌、低温喷雾干燥技术加工,全封闭净化和自动化生产,从而确保产品的营养健康和安全。 『荷兰权威营养专家--营养全面均衡』 提升智力益智升级组合 ? DHA,AA 有助提高婴儿视敏度和促进脑部发育。 ? 亚麻酸及亚油酸 是宝宝脑部发育必需的长链多不饱和脂肪酸,能在人体内转enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 化为DHA和AA,从而保证脑部发育所需营养的足量供给。 ? 胆碱 促进宝宝记忆力发育,有效提高大脑记忆力功能保持大脑活力。 ? 牛磺酸 帮助脑部、视网膜发育。 独特的营养免疫系统添加有以下免疫物质 ? 乳铁蛋白 是母乳中唯一具有直接杀灭细菌和病毒的多功能活性蛋白,具有广谱抗菌、抗毒素感染作用,能调节体内铁的平衡,调节骨髓细胞成长,增强免疫功能,提高机体抗病能力,在宝宝生病的时候能同多种抗生素及抗真菌制剂协同作用,更有效的治疗疾病,并保护宝宝身体机能不受损害。 ? 乳清蛋白 被称为蛋白之王,是母乳中的最主要蛋白质,其具有营养价值高、易消化吸收、含有多种活性成分等特点,能增强宝宝的细胞免疫功能,更好地抵御细菌和病毒的侵害,并能促进脑发育,改善宝宝睡眠。 ? 酪蛋白 是母乳中的主要蛋白质,其促进常量元素与微量元素高效吸收的功能特性使其具有“矿物质载体”的美誉,其氨基酸的组成适合于婴幼儿的需要,促进宝宝免疫系统发育,让宝宝未来拥有好体质。 ? 硒(具有免疫功能元素) 被科学家称之为人体微量元素的抗癌之王,是人体多种酶的活动中心,在人体中发挥重要作用.其具有抗氧化,解毒排毒、保护肝脏、增强机体免疫力抵御疾病的效果。 ? 5种核苷酸 由于宝宝在出生6个月后,自母体获得的免疫保护会逐渐消失,荷兰朵特别为6个月以上的宝宝添加了5中核苷酸成分。 核苷酸 是可被宝宝直接吸收利用的免疫元素,有利于维持免疫系统及胃肠道的正常功能,有效提高宝宝的免疫力,增强抗病能力,防止感冒、腹泻等疾病发生等多种功效,帮助宝宝建立完善的免疫系统。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 消化吸收营养(特效双益系统) ? 益生菌(双歧杆菌) 抑制致病性大肠杆菌的生长繁殖,保护宝宝肠道健康,减少肠道疾病的发生,提高消化和吸收能力。 ? 益生元组合 低聚乳糖和多聚果糖优化配比,能促进宝宝肠道内双歧杆菌的增殖,加快胃肠的蠕动,帮助消化和吸收。 ? 乳清蛋白 是母乳中重要的蛋白之一,其氨基酸结构合理,能提高蛋白质的生物利用率,有利于调节婴儿睡眠,情绪和食欲,促进婴儿大脑发育。 独有添加多聚果糖 多聚果糖 被称为益生元,属纯天然水溶性膳食纤维,是功能食品配料一族的新贵。 2008年6月,欧盟和美国提出婴儿营养建议:婴儿每日宜摄入5克左右的多聚果糖.Hollander荷兰朵对奶粉进行营养优化创新,独有添加多聚果糖,并率先通过欧盟婴儿营养食品标准认证,同时获得中国权威机构批准。 加倍吸收营养好 多聚果糖 能大大提高钙.镁.锌.铁等矿物质的吸收,增加自体维生素的合成量.医学研究证明:多聚果糖能显著提高人体对矿物质,蛋白质等营养成份的吸收率20%。 宝宝健康不虚胖 预防婴儿虚胖,使宝宝强壮而不肥胖。 多聚果糖 能抑制有害菌生长,减少病源菌及腐败菌数量,增强抗病能力,提高婴儿免疫力。 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 『源于荷兰 营养中国』 荷兰朵婴儿配方奶粉,源于著名的荷兰乳牛故乡,是荷兰皇家百年乳品专业公司 LYPACK B.V 之杰作. LYPACK B.V 创建于1914年,至今已有近百年的历史,是欧洲三大著名乳制品生产企业之一。 『50多种营养 模拟母乳』 母乳是宝宝最好的食物,最容易被消化吸收,为宝宝提供免疫保护、智能发育所需的珍贵营养. 荷兰朵奶粉全面模拟母乳营养,结合近百年的生产销售经验,采用LYPACK B.V. 公司众多科学家出来的经典配方,让宝宝的消化吸收、免疫保护、益智营养需求得到全面的满足,高品质的原料,严谨的生产检测工艺,荷兰朵让宝宝聪明健康迎接更美好的未来。 Hollander(荷兰朵)山东市场部 TEL:400 699 4060 『荷兰奶粉 荷兰朵直销网』 www.myfude.com enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection
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