
北京车最便宜买车 外地上牌

2017-09-01 20页 doc 59KB 16阅读




北京车最便宜买车 外地上牌北京车最便宜买车 外地上牌 京车最便宜,北京购车外地上牌可行性报告 京车最便宜,北京购车外地上牌可行性报告 (转载) 也适用于其他地区异地购车参考 在捷达的生产地,也就是长春地区的报价为什么要比北京地区的捷达报价贵出7000元,既然北京地区的车价很便宜,那么外地用户能不能进京购车,然后回所在地上牌,对于北京车价为何低于全国平均水平以及异地购车的可行性和所需手续,在下文笔者将作详细解答。 北京车价当属全国最低, 对于北京的车价是不是全国最低这一问题,笔者下面为大家先列举两款车型的报价情况:以07款福克斯1.8MT为例...
北京车最便宜买车 外地上牌
北京车最便宜买车 外地上牌 京车最便宜,北京购车外地上牌可行性报告 京车最便宜,北京购车外地上牌可行性报告 (转载) 也适用于其他地区异地购车参考 在捷达的生产地,也就是长春地区的报价为什么要比北京地区的捷达报价贵出7000元,既然北京地区的车价很便宜,那么外地用户能不能进京购车,然后回所在地上牌,对于北京车价为何低于全国平均水平以及异地购车的可行性和所需手续,在下文笔者将作详细解答。 北京车价当属全国最低, 对于北京的车价是不是全国最低这一问题,笔者下面为大家先列举两款车型的报价情况:以07款福克斯1.8MT为例,厂家公开指导价为12.38万元,但北京地区报价仅为10.58万元,前后相差1.8万元;而以凯旋2.0精英型MT为例,厂家公开指导价为16.38万元,但北京地区报价仅为13.98万元,前后相差2.4万元。虽然经销商报价与实际提车成交价还有一定出入,但光是在报价这一项上,北京地区所销售各款车型价格均要比国内其他城市低。如果实际购车时再和经销商搞搞价,那在北京地区买车确实要比其他城市article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 省不少钱。 那有网友会问,除北京外,在车辆生产地买车会是否会便宜些呢,答案非也。本田雅阁的生产地在广州,但以07款雅阁2.4精典版为例,这款车在广州和深圳地区的报价均为23.98万元,而北京地区报价则为19.88万元,差价高达4.1万元。与雅阁同样在广州生产的丰田凯美瑞240V,该车在广州地区的报价为25.18万元,而北京地区报价为25.08万元,北京的价格比原产地还便宜1000元,并且现车可提不用排队。另外在本田CIVIC的生产地,武汉地区的CIVIC1.8EXIMT车型报价为14.78万元,而北京地区报价仅为12.43万元,两地差价达2.35万元。 除以上列举的几款车型外,目前在北京地区销售的上千款车型中,平均比起其他城市的价格少则便宜几千元,多则能便宜数万元。而据有关媒体统计的数据表明,目前北京地区的车价整体上要比全国平均低5%左右。这个差距还是比较悬殊的,那么为什么北京地区的车价就能比其他城市低5%左右呢,笔者认为造成北京车价低的主要原因有以下三点: article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 1(区域差异和市场规模的不同 探寻北京车价低的原因,笔者觉得最根本的一点还是地区差异造就市场规模大小的问题。因为根据中国汽车工业协会统计数据表明,在今年上半年中,全国汽车总销量为473.38万辆,而北京地区的销量就达20.98万辆,占全国总销量的4.8%。除销量外,北京机动车保有量几乎占到全国的10%左右,在这里有丰富的**采购资源和大量个人用户。而厂家对北京市场也是相当重视,不仅4S店的规模比较大而且在数量上远比其他城市多。以北京现代为例,在其他城市的4S店(特约销售服务店)数量一般也就是3-5家左右,而北京地区4S店数量就高达16家之多,少一些的像广州本田在北京的4S店数量也达到了10家。正是由于市场消化能力非常旺盛,再加上众多经销商之间的相互竞争,因此北京车价低于其他城市并不足以为奇。 2(4S店与2级经销商的不同 另外对于北京地区车价低的问题,还有一点,也是很容易让大家发生误会的地方。那就是不少消费者会拿着4S店的价格去和2级经销商报价做对比,单方article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 面理解为北京的车价就是便宜,其实这是个错误观点。按从属关系来分,厂家一般会下设若干4S专营店,4S店再下设若干2级经销商。由于厂家对4S店都有专门的销售政策,因此4S店一般在报价上都按指导价走,只有购车意向确定后才谈具体成交价。但是2级经销商就不同了,由于不受厂家限制,为了提高销量吸引客户,因此2级经销商的报价往往都会低于4S店。 其实在2级经销商处买车和在4S店之间并没有多大区别,除了都是相同厂家生产外,一些2级经销商的车就是从4S店提过来然后再转手卖给消费者的。这样做的目的还是为了帮助4S店拉销量,4S店由于要遵守厂家销售政策,不能以低价格扰乱市场。但是为了提高总销量和返点,很多4S店进车后便由2级经销商向外分流,而且报价听起来也比4S店要诱人。所以当我们用4S店的价格去和2级经销商的价格做比较时,差距肯定会非常大。所以当您若有想法去北京买车时,在询问车价前最好先问清楚对方经销商属于是什么资质,是4S店还是2级经销商。 3(厂家政策的不同 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 除了以上两点因素外,还有一个导致北京车价比全国低的原因是厂家政策。刚在上文笔者提到,北京的经销商不仅数量众多,而且规模也比其他城市的经销 商要大。由于北京市场的特殊性,因此一些厂家就会在政策上比较照顾北京地区的经销商,比如更低的进车价格或更高的返点等。此外大家应该还听说过“买断”或“包销”这种车辆销售模式。车商的资金实力越雄厚,买断或包销的车越多,所能自行掌控优惠空间就越大。而在北京,流动资金在亿元以上的车商比比皆是。正是因为这种情况的存在,所以同一款车型在北京地区的售价比其他城市低非常正常。 消费者能否异地跨区买车, 既然北京地区的车价在全国最低,那作为消费者而言,买东西也就想图个便宜实惠,况且这汽车又不是小件物品,如果去北京买车能省下个万八千的,又何乐不为,所以探讨完北京车价低的问题所在后,接下来便是很多网友非常关心的话题,到底能不能去北京买车,而在北京买车过程中又都可能会遇到哪些问题,下面笔者便用问答形式来做以解释。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect Q:外地人能不能去北京买车,有无限制, A:外地人当然能去北京买车,因为根据我国颁布的《消费者权益保护法》第二章第9条明文规定:“消费者享有自主选择商品或者服务的权利。消费者有权自主选择提供商品或者服务的经营者,自主选择商品品种或者服务方式,自主决定购买或者不购买任何一种商品、接受或者不接受任何一项服务。消费者在自主选择商品或者服务时,有权进行比较、鉴别和挑选。”也就是说消费者想去哪儿买车,买什么品牌的车,并不受任何限制或约束,主动权完全掌握在自己手里。 但是由于一些客观因素的存在,不少厂商为保全自身利益,维护销售渠道稳定,是严格禁止车辆跨区销售的。因为北京的车价受市场和政策影响关系,比别的城市便宜是事实,如果各地的消费者都跑到北京买车,那其它地区经销商的正常销售必然会受到影响。所以针对北京地区的4S店经销商,厂家是不允许把车卖给外地客户的。如发现有违规销售行为,都要处以重罚。所以除了极个别的4S店私底下在暗箱操作外,大多数4S店并不敢越雷池半步把车卖给外地客户。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 不过北京地区的4S店并不会因为客户说话口音,来判断你是不是从外地跑到北京买车的,因为只要通过是否上京牌或者身份证就能确定你的购买目的。假如你到北京买车,不让4S店帮你代办京牌,并且你身份证的所在地也不在北京,那4S店肯定是不会把车卖给你的. 除了去北京地区的一些品牌4S店买车外,我们还有没有别的渠道,不受任何限制的去买便宜的车子,答案是有的,比如在北京亚运村汽车交易市场(下简称“北亚车市”)或是北京周遍一些非独立品牌4S店性质的汽车经销商。这些经销商针对外地客户到北京来买车并没有任何限制。不上北京牌可以,没有北京身份证或暂住证也没问题,甚至很多经销商在网上直接就打出广告称可以针对全国销售。只要你带上足够的钱,选好车交完钱后就能提车走人,而且像发票和合格证这类随车手续也都能同时给你。笔者从北亚车市网站公布的数据了解到,目前在北亚车市内,卖给外地客户的车辆已占到了北亚车市总销量的15%左右。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 为了近一步证实外地人去北京买车的可行性,笔者以一名普通消费者的身份咨询了两家北京地区的汽车经销商: 笔者首先联系的是一家北京地区经营东风日产品牌的经销商,笔者在未表明身份前咨询了,,款骐达1.6GMT的购买价格。这款车的指导价为11.98万元,该经销商表示目前这款车可以优惠2.4万元,实际提车价为9.58万元。在这个基础上还送贴膜、地胶、脚垫等装潢。同样是骐达1.6GMT,在笔者所在城市济南的4S店最高只能优惠到,.7万元,提车价为11.28万元,而且在此优惠幅度下什么都不送的。这样比较一下,到北京提车能节省17000元。 但当笔者提出自己不是北京人,想在北京提车后回自己所在地上牌。经销商则表示,需要在9.58万元的提车价上加2000元。当笔者问为什么要加这2000元时,该经销商倒也爽快的解释,如在北京提车上北京牌和买保险的话,他们多少还能赚点钱。如果要按9.58万元的价格卖给笔者,笔者又不上北京牌,他们就亏本了。所以必须在原优惠价的基础上加2000元,就能提车。不过即使把这2000元加上,骐达1.6GMT在北京地区的提车价也比笔者所在地便宜15000元。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 当笔者问到如在北京买车回所在地后,以后保养维修是不是会有麻烦。经销商表示,在他们公司买车,会提供正规发票等一系列手续。只要自己所在地有东风日产4S店,就能享受正规的保养和维修。 接着,笔者再拿目前很火的08款凯美瑞做个例子。以笔者所在地济南为例,08款凯美瑞200E车型是没有任何优惠的,提车价即是指导价,19.78万元一分都不少。而且最要命的是,经销商手中根本没有现车。本地经销商告诉笔者,凯美瑞200E要预订购买,并且订期已排到,月份。因为笔者知道凯美瑞一直都有暗中加价提车的情况,所以便悄悄的问,自己愿意多花钱在他们店搞些装潢,看能不能插队提前拿车。本地经销商表示,由于200E的订单少,所以就算加钱也不能保证提前拿车。 随后笔者联系了北京地区的一家凯美瑞经销商,该经销商的凯美瑞200E报价直接为19.58万,比指导价低2000元,并且是现车销售。当笔者还没来及表示自己是外地客户时,经销商却先主动交代,19.58万的价格是上北京牌的价格,如果自己提车回去挂牌,必须再加5000元装潢。但是保证一手交钱一手交车,不用排队,而且车辆手续齐全。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 当笔者试图与北京这家经销商搞搞价,想把这5000元装潢砍掉点时。经销商又表示,在他们店也能让笔者买到平价的200E,即以19.78万的指导价提车。但这种车不是北京本地4S店的车,而是从北京周遍地区,如石家庄等地调配过来的车,并且在交车当天不能办完所有手续。但客户交完款可以先提车回家,然后等3-5个工作日,经销商再把合格证或发票等手续邮寄给客户。 虽然这样比直接提北京当地的凯美瑞200E现车可少花5000元,但经销商也很直接的告诉笔者,这些车由于是外地调配来的,可能要下地跑一些路,不是绝对意义上的0公里新车。而他们店里的凯美瑞200E现车,是从厂家直接拿板车拉来的新车,基本没下过路。该经销商给笔者建议,如果给自己买车,建议就多花5000元做个装潢,提新车图个放心。不过就算多花这5000元做装潢,笔者认为也不是很过分,因此在笔者所在地,就是加钱都提不到凯美瑞200E的现车。 Q:到北京买车,能回所在地办牌吗, A:既然我们以及确定,外地人是可以到北京买车的。那下来的问题就是,在北京买了车,能不能回article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 所在地上牌呢,很早之前有一种说法是,到北京买车先上北京牌,然后再转籍过户到所在地。这个虽有它的可行性,但绝对是个笨办法。 因为笔者专门就“在外地买车后,回所在地挂牌”这个问题咨询了本地的车管所部门。车管所的工作人员表示,目前我国对新车挂牌手续的规定是,只要车辆具备正规的发票,合格证,购置税(附加费)和强制险(交强险)这四样基本手续,就能办理挂牌。而笔者称自己购车所开据的发票是北京的,像这种情况能否上牌,车管所工作人员随即表示,只要到本市车辆购置税征稽所交上税,然后拿完税证明就能办理牌照了。虽然汽车厂家禁止和反对跨区销售,但管理部门并不会进行干涉,只要所购车辆手续合法齐全,就能顺利办理各项业务。 看来到北京买车然后回家挂牌都没什么问题。但是对挂牌前所要缴纳的购置税,笔者还要补充一点。目前国内大多数地区的车辆购置税计算标准是按(应纳税额,计税价格×税率)和(计税价格,关税完税价格,关税,消费税)来执行的,前者针对国产车后者针对进口车。但有个别城市的征稽所是按照发票价来计算购置税的,假如发票上的车价和厂家提供给征稽所的光盘价相差比较大,那征稽所会根据厂家提供的article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 光盘指导价而不是实际开票价来计算购置税,所以到北京买车的朋友在开发票时特别要留心一下。 Q:不想买2级的车,在北京4S店能买到车吗, A:在非4S店资质的经销商处买车,比如2级经销商处,基本不需要什么额外的手续,只要带上钱和身份证就行,因为车商要根据身份证上的名字开发票。但有些朋友怕在非4S店买的车不保险,或不愿意接受2级经销商的一些附加条件,所以仍想坚持在北京的4S店买车。这也可以,但过程稍微有些麻烦。具体的操作办法是先跟4S讲好车价,然后找一位北京户籍的朋友,用他的身份证来购车(因为刚才讲过,很多北京的4S店不针对非本地用户售车)。而且要跟4S提前讲明,不要他们代办上牌。提车之后把合格证,发票等全套手续带齐,便开车回所在地了。 由于当时购车发票上填的并不是自己名字,所以这时还得再借用北京朋友的身份证。在所在地用这个身份证先办张暂住证,然后再拿身份证及暂住证去办理车辆的购置税和挂牌等业务。当车辆成功挂上所在地牌照后,便可以去当地车管所办理转户,将车辆从原朋友名下转到自己名下即可(过户费约为几百元,视地区不同而有差异,大家可咨询所在地车管所)这article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 是笔者目前所了解到的,唯一能从北京4S店顺利买车并回本地上牌的办法。 但是有些品牌的4S店在遇到要求自己挂牌的客户时,会先扣下车辆的免费首保卡,然后要求客户回来用车辆挂牌后的北京行驶证来换,目的还是为了杜绝外地客户跨区买车。对于这种可能出现的情况,尽量在提车前坚持不让4S扣掉首保卡。如果实在没办法被扣掉,那也无妨,最多就是自己花点钱做首保而已,损失并不会太大。 Q:在北京买了车,以后的维修保养怎么办, A:有些网友担心到北京买车后,在所在地没办法享受原厂的质保。按照我国汽车三包条例和各个汽车厂家的质保政策,只要是通过正规渠道购买手续齐全的车辆就能享受相应的保修服务。比如两年或5万公里的质保期,比如第一次5000公里或7000公里的免费首保。总是无论在那里买车,只要所在地有该汽车品牌的4S店或特约维修站,就能享受到厂家相关的质保服务。 如果车子在保期内出现了要索赔的故障或是进行例行保养,只要去当地该品牌的4S店然后出示保养手册即可,甚至连购车发票都无需出示。假如在保养article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect 或索赔过程中遭到4S店故意刁难,你可以拨打厂家的投诉电话来进行举报投诉。当然,如因车辆自身出现严重故障或安全隐患所引起的需要退换车的情况,这时就必须得回车辆购买地了。当然,这种情况发生的几率很小,所以大家到北京车买车后,大可放心的在本地做保养和维修。 Q:到北京买车和在本地买车哪个划算, A:当一些朋友看到北京的车价比较低,就盲目的认为到北京买车一定比在当地买车划算。对于这个问题,笔者认为要和所购车型的优惠情况联系在一起,并且自己所在地离北京远近,交通是否便利也都是必须考虑的因素。 对于优惠情况来说,如果你选中的车在所在地的优惠幅度与北京地区相差只有几千元的话,那笔者不建议去北京提车。因为这样不仅省不下多少钱,而且还得浪费时间和精力。此外,如果所在地离北京比较远,并且没有好的高速路线,那笔者也建议你打消去北京买车的念头。虽然北京的车价比其他地区便宜,但单程去北京的交通费,回程的路桥费和油费,还有住宿费等等,这些成本都是需要计算到你的购车成本里的。 article, protect buildings, all construction order of virtue. 2 check the weekly on the construction site of the project of the system civilization construction of a comprehensive examination, conducted once a month check up, check the content for the implementation of the civilized construction in construction site, check the company "civilization ... Section III of rainy season, high temperatures and seasonal construction technology measures of construction project in rainy season have a lot of work during construction, construction of temporary power, welder and equipment for moisture-proof shower as the main control objectives, to develop effective measures to ensure the normal construction. (1) the project from a technical, quality, safety, materials, machinery and equipment, civilized construction and so on provide powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the construction of the rainy season. (2) before the rainy season for parts involved in projects to develop effective management measures, ensure quality during the rainy season. (3) before entering the rainy season, project quality and safety of construction workers and special technology gives the low-down, the employees concerned, and disclosure to the construction team. (4) good weather records and actively collect
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