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大喇叭运营方案1.jsp大喇叭运营方案1.jsp 农村信息播报网建设运营方案 甲 方:牡丹江市气象局 乙 方:牡丹江市邮政局 为了给牡丹江地区的农村用户提供更好的应用服务,甲乙双方本着平等合作、互利互惠、共同发展的原则,经过充分协商,就双方共同建设运营农村信息播报网的具体事宜达成如下方案: 一、合作基本条件: 1、工程建设:农村信息播报网的建设分为三个周期,分别是试点测试期、整体建设期和测试运行期。甲乙双方组织人员共同进行安装和调试设备。 项目建设的进度安排。按照“统一规划、分步实施、合力推进、保证实效”的原则,分三期实施。 ?试点安装...
大喇叭运营1.jsp 农村信息播报网建设运营方案 甲 方:牡丹江市气象局 乙 方:牡丹江市邮政局 为了给牡丹江地区的农村用户提供更好的应用服务,甲乙双方本着平等合作、互利互惠、共同发展的原则,经过充分协商,就双方共同建设运营农村信息播报网的具体事宜达成如下方案: 一、合作基本条件: 1、工程建设:农村信息播报网的建设分为三个周期,分别是试点测试期、整体建设期和测试运行期。甲乙双方组织人员共同进行安装和调试设备。 项目建设的进度安排。按照“统一规划、分步实施、合力推进、保证实效”的原则,分三期实施。 ?试点安装期:(2013.4)选取50个村,确定管理机制,安装新型专用设备。 ?试点测试期:(2013.5—2013.6)测试两个月,检验设备质量,反馈收听广播情况、对播放信息的要求、咨询、发布信息等。 ?整体建设期:(2013.7—2013.10)总结测试经验、建立村级管理员队伍、在剩余的八百多个村屯安装专用设备,建立覆盖全市所有行政村的互联网广播系统。 ?测试运行期:(2013.11—2014.10)注重信息的针对性和 适用性、完善村级信息员管理考核、奖惩机制,开发增值业务,维护信息播报网安全运行。 ?正常管理期:(2014年10月以后)定期召开会议总结经验,建立每月例会,及时通报情况,解决出现的问题。 2、工 期:甲乙双方按照上述建设进度安排按时保质保量建设好农村信息播报网。 3、项目建设:双方共同负责本项目在各村屯的设备安装、调试。同时负责对村屯相关人员的技术培训工作。甲方的技术人员在安装播报网设备时可以将专用设备与村里原有的远程教育网设备的电源、宽带网线、路由器等一起装在盒子里或者用胶带粘牢、固定好,同时制作一个宣传警示牌,上面写着:市委市政府专用设备,请不要乱动,违者必究。六个县的气象局和邮政局负责本项目在其管辖区域内的业务开展,每个县局再安排一名技术人员负责各村屯的设备安装调试。 4、设备保障:牡丹江市委组织部作为本项目的牵头单位负责为本项目的顺利实施提供组织保障,保障互联网络及设备的正常运转,在设备无技术故障的情况下保障在线正常播放率不得低于85%。 5、经营管理:甲乙双方在牡丹江地区范围内共同运营管理农村信息播报网。共同拥有本项目的广告经营权。经营管理的有效期为十年以上。 二、甲方的职责 1(甲方负责整个项目的管理协调工作,负责全部广播节目的制作发布。保证节目的正常播出并符合国家相关规定。甲方建立维持项 tion of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an erretric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparavolum ndard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in ametal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of stapure ge molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used:ith the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Lartent wPurity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consisparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the pre-Such as potassium hydrogen dihen how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. potassium acid t-l calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen diother words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. Generarmines, it actually is a titration process. In concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detesee Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipettne and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (inder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight licapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ethanol and ...A Large ther,ch as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ecaustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, su 4HF2),imes. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NHial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substant1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-eparation of 0.1mol • Lor. Pr-bellied tubes, only a tick-n accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pote is a2mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25-tick 目正常运作的管理发布平台。购买服务器和台式机若干台。租用联通公司的百兆独享宽带互联网接入线路。建设专业的录音间和广播室,配备高级广播设备,聘请编导制作两名、播音员两名、审核一名、技术两名。并组织培训有关工作人员。在发布平台上监控各村屯设备的运行情况,对不在线的村屯快速找出原因,及时通报乙方并协助乙方尽快解决。 2、甲方负责与市委组织部沟通。由市委组织部为本项目的顺利实施提供组织保障,保障网络及设备的正常运转,在设备无技术故障的情况下保障在线正常播放率不得低于85%。市委组织部负责在设备安装前组织各个区县、乡镇、村屯配合安装,并要求播报网的专用设备与组织部远程教育网设备的宽带、电源共享。全市农村党员干部现代远程教育管理员也是本项目的管理员,同步检查、考核与奖惩。并与各村屯约定因人为原因造成的设备损坏由村里进行赔偿。 3、甲方负责与市农委沟通。由市农委提供各类农业信息,包括各个涉农单位、农业企业、种植大户的有关信息。若有农业科普讲座等音视频信息,优先在播报网上发布。牡丹江农业信息网上的信息同步在播报网上发布。市农委设立关于本项目的咨询电话、与12316热线捆绑,安排农业专家及时在广播中解答农民提出的各类问题。并且为甲方开展安装调试做好前期准备工作,指导市县、乡镇等相关部门积极工作,在甲方分批安装设备之前以乡镇为单位填写安装申请单。市农委还指导县、乡、村管理属地范围内的村文化信息播报站工作,保障本项目网络及设备的正常运转。农委在各乡镇、村屯的技术人员 3 每天在节目播出时间收听节目,对效果不好或线路不通的村屯及时报送给甲方。 4、甲方负责与市应急办沟通,把本项目列入到牡丹江市突发公共事件应急发布系统中。同时由市应急办出面,协调工商、税务、计生委等与“三农”相关的单位,共同为广大农民提供各类信息服务。以充分发挥本项目的社会效益。 5(甲方负责录制播出各类音频信息,负责发布平台的日常维护。每天安排专人制作、播出各类广播节目。时间:早、中、晚各一小时,每小时广播节目中插播12分钟的广告,全天共36分钟广告。如果节目需要也可以延长时间。节目内容主要有以下四个方面: ?、市委组织部、宣传部、市应急办、市农委等单位提供的各类信息直接录音合成后播出。 ?、从报纸、网络上摘录的农业新闻、价格信息、供求信息、农业知识、党建信息、气象信息、相声、小品、评书、歌曲、农业气象科普讲座、健康知识等,经过编辑审核后录音合成播出。 ?、从电视上中国气象频道、央视农业频道上转录节目。 ?、从中央农村广播和其它农村广播、农村频道里转录节目。 6、甲方的技术人员每天在节目播出时监控播报网的运行情况,将不在线的村屯清单发送给乙方和组织部、农委。并协同查找原因。 三、乙方的职责 1、乙方负责在牡丹江地区经营本项目的所有广告业务。力争在整个系统全部运营一年后,每年的广告毛收入达到一百五十万元以 tion of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an erretric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparavolum ndard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in ametal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of stapure ge molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used:ith the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Lartent wPurity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consisparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the pre-Such as potassium hydrogen dihen how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. potassium acid t-l calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen diother words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. Generarmines, it actually is a titration process. In concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detesee Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipettne and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (inder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight licapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ethanol and ...A Large ther,ch as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ecaustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, su 4HF2),imes. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NHial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substant1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-eparation of 0.1mol • Lor. Pr-bellied tubes, only a tick-n accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pote is a4mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25-tick 上。 2、乙方配合甲方做好各村屯设备的日常维修工作。在本项目日常运营中若甲方发现某个村屯的设备不能正常播出,除宽带欠费外,甲方立即通知乙方相关单位。由乙方安排对应的投递员到该村屯查看实际情况,简单故障当场处理(如拔电源拔网线等),复杂故障则由邮递员把专用设备运送到临近乡镇甲乙双方指定的维修点,修好后再由该邮递员把设备送回到村里安装上。邮递员每取送一次设备可以获得50元报酬,而每个县、乡镇的指定维修点每成功修理一次可以获得20元的报酬。 4、乙方负责与工商局沟通,由工商局广告科来审核本项目的所有广告业务的合法性。 四、其他方面 1、专用设备的性能、质量方面的问题,由甲方与生产厂家沟通解决。在设备保修期内出现质量问题由厂家免费维修,没有维修价值的设备由厂家及时免费更换。若过了保修期,厂家可提供维修更换,但费用从5%的日常维护维修费中支出。而由于人为原因造成的设备损坏由所在村屯进行赔偿。 2、由生产厂家负责培训甲乙双方有关人员具体安装调试及设备的日常维修维护。 3、项目整体建设完成并成功运营一年后,由于是公益性服务项目,每年拿出纯利润的50%用于解决部分在线率较高的村屯农村远程教育终端站点的网费和管理员补贴:根据当年的收入情况,每年解决 5 村站点网费的金额由甲方和市委组织部协商。对于设备管理好、全年在线率超过95%的村屯解决500元网费;对于设备管理较好、全年在线率超过90%的村屯解决300元网费;对于设备管理一般、全年在线率超过85%的村屯解决100元网费;对于设备管理不好、全年在线率低于85%的村屯不给解决网费。将来根据运营收益情况,再逐步解决这部分在线率较高的村屯活动室的冬季取暖费用。 纯利润的另外50%由乙方负责支配,用于“金喇叭远程教育播报平台”的运营管理费用以及固定资产的折旧、各种税费、制作播出各类节目、平台软硬件维护、宽带租金、相关设备的维修维护以及升级改造等相关费用。 4、本项目在各村屯的每年维修维护费用全部由甲乙方在收入分配中解决,但每次维修设备都必须得到甲方的许可,同时由甲方进行登记备案。 五、未来发展: 1、甲方将此项目加入到牡丹江市政府应急指挥系统中,发布气象灾害预警信息、地质灾害预警信息、CO中毒、防火防盗等紧急信息。同时建立基于互联网广播的应急通讯和农业指挥系统,实现分组分时播出和“一对一”、“一对多”的现场语音直播等多种播出形式。 2、由市委组织部向省委组织部申请全省推广,若则可全省推广。让党的声音响彻龙江大地。 eparation of 0.1mol • Lor. Prtion of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an erretric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparavolum ndard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in ametal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of stapure ge molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used:ith the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Lartent wPurity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consisparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the pre-Such as potassium hydrogen dihen how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. potassium acid t-l calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen diother words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. Generarmines, it actually is a titration process. In concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called detesee Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipettne and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (inder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight licapacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cyl-ethanol and ...A Large ther,ch as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ecaustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, su 4HF2),imes. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NHial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 tssary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substant1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not nece-mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25-tick-bellied tubes, only a tick-n accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pote is a6 甲方(盖章): 代表人: 签订日期: 年 月 日 乙方(盖章): 代表人: 签订日期: 年 月 日 7
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